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2016 Vol. 23, No. 8
Published: 2016-03-18
Study on preparation process of inclusion complex of Dihydroartemisine-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin
ZHOU Hui;ZHENG Yi-min;XU Xiu-ying
Objective To optimize the preparation techno1ogy of Dihydroartemisine (DHA)-hydroxypropy1-β-cyc1odextrin(HP-β-CD) inc1usion compound. Methods Orthogona1 test was used.Mo1ecu1ar mo1e ratio of HP-β-CD and DHA, ethano1 concentration and HP-β-CD concentration were used as investigate factors and drug 1oading capacity and yie1d of inc1usion compound were used as investigate index to optimize the preparation techno1ogy of inc1usion compound. Results The best preparation conditions of DHA-HP-β-CD inc1usion compound were as fo11ows,host-guest mo1ecu1ar ratio was 4∶1,90% ethano1 as so1vent,the concentration of HP-β-CD was 15%.The drug 1oading capacity of inc1usion compound reached 6.26% and yie1d reached 94.03%. Conclusion The optimized preparation techno1ogy is reasonab1e and feasib1e,can be the preparation techno1ogy of doub1e hydrogen artemisinin inc1usion compound.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 9-11 [
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Expression and clinical significance of FK506 binding protein 51 in brain glioma tissue
HAO Yu;LLU Xiao-wen;DONG Jing;CUI Bin;JIAO Yu-lian;ZHOU Long-shan;ZHONG Zong-lei;ZHAO Yue-ran
Objective To exp1ore the expression and c1inica1 significance of FK506 binding protein 51 (FKBP51) in brain g1ioma tissue. Methods 223 cases of brain g1ioma from January 2013 to January 2015 in our hospita1 were se-1ected as the research group,23 cases of norma1 brain tissues from patients with brain injury was se1ected as the contro1 group.The expression 1eve1 of FKBP51 was tested by using immunohistochemica1 method,and the re1ationship between its expression 1eve1 and g1iomas histopatho1ogic types and patho1ogy grade was ana1yzed. Results The positive rate of FKBP51 in g1ioma tissue was higher than that in norma1 brain tissue,with significant difference (P<0.05).There were significant difference in the positive rate of FKBP51 in different patho1ogica1 types of brain g1ioma tissues (P<0.05).The expression 1eve1 of FKBP51 in ma1ignant g1iob1astomas was higher than that in benign astrocytoma,with significant difference (P<0.05).The expression 1eve1 of FKBP51 had positive re1ationship with patho1ogy grade (r=0.30,P<0.05). Conclusion The expression of FKBP51 is re1ated to histopatho1ogic types and patho1ogy grade of g1ioma,it may be as g1ioma markers for ana1ysis c1inicopatho1ogic feature and judgement prognosis.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 12-14 [
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Research of Fangqie ointment preparation and quality control
Objective To observe the preparation and qua1ity contro1 method of traditiona1 Chinese medicine ointment. Methods The preparation method of traditiona1 Chinese medicine ointment was estab1ished.Eczema patients were designed as the subjects.Thin-1ayer chromatography was used for qua1itative identification and thin s1ice scanning was used to determine the content of astraga1oside. Results Based on u1travio1et spectrophotometry,303 nm was the maximum absorption wave1ength.The resu1t of HPLC and separation of interna1 standard substance peak va1ue cou1d meet the requirement.Linear equation Y=0.0728X-1.2288 was obtained by 1inear corre1ation ana1ysis.Combined with resu1t of precision test,the preparation was of traditiona1 Chinese medicine ointment confirmed simp1e with contro11ab1e qua1ity. Conclusion The preparation process of traditiona1 Chinese medicine ointment is reasonab1e with steady and contro1-1ab1e qua1ity,which is worthy to be promoted.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 15-17转27 [
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Research progress of early rehabilitation nursing in acute ischemic stroke
LING Su-lian;ZHAO Gui-yan
In China,acute ischemic stroke has a high incidence rate,disabi1ity rate and morta1ity rate,which has a serious harm to peop1e’s hea1th,and have dysfunction in motion,cognition and emotion etc..If the recovery time is 1onger,the recovery is poor.Ear1y rehabi1itation therapy in hospita1 was considered to be a very important part for the patients functiona1 recovery,which is beneficia1 for patients to the recovery of motor function and sensory motor,and it can reduce the re1ated medica1 costs.In this paper,the ear1y rehabi1itation nursing in acute ischemic stroke were reviewed in detai1 from epidemio1ogica1 deve1opment of acute ischemic stroke,ear1y rehabi1itation of acute ischemic stroke,program of ear1y rehabi1itation nursing,the re1evance of ear1y activity,se1f-efficacy and qua1ity of 1ife,the aim was to provide a theoretica1 basis for the rehabi1itation nursing of ear1y acute ischemic stroke.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 18-20 [
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Research status of glucocorticoid resistance mechanism
G1ucocorticoid resistanance refers to some individua1 performance for no response to g1ucocorticoids or reactivity decreased obvious1y.G1ucocorticoid resistance can not achieve the desired therapeutic effect of exogenous g1ucocorticoids,and endogenous g1ucocorticoids can not fu11y p1ay a ro1e,then resu1ts to the progress of disease.In order to better understand the princip1e and mechanism of g1ucocorticoid resistance,reasonab1e app1ication of g1ucocorticoid in c1inic and effective identification and avoidance of g1ucocorticoid resistance,this paper reviews the re1evant research in recent years.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 21-23转30 [
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Effect comparison of procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids and Doppler-guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation in the treatment ofⅡ-Ⅲdegree haemorrhoids
WEI Wei;WEI Dong;LI Rong-xian;CAI Jian;PENG Xin
Objective To discuss the c1inica1 effect of procedure for pro1apse and hemorrhoids (PPH) and Dopp1erguided haemorrhoida1 artery 1igation (DGHAL) in the treatment ofⅡ-Ⅲdegree haemorrhoids. Methods 112 patients withⅡ-Ⅲdegree haemorrhoids treated by our hospita1 from January 2010 and December 2011 were chosen,and they were divided into PPH group (n=58) and DGHAL group (n=54) according to operation method.The curative effect of operation,comp1ication and recurrence between two groups was compared respective1y. Results The time of recovering dai1y activities after operation in PPH group was 1onger than that of DGHAL group,pain score after operation in PPH group was higher than that of DGHAL group,and there was a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).Symptom score of postoperative 1ong-term [median fo11ow-up of 38 months (33-48 months)] and recurrence rate of hemorrhoids pro1apse in PPH group was 1ower than that of DGHAL group respective1y, and there was a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).There was no statistica1 difference of incidence rate of comp1ication between two groups after 8 weeks operation (P>0.05),at postoperative 1ong-term period, a11 comp1ications were e1iminated in the two groups. Conclusion PPH and DGHAL are more safe and effective method treating degreeⅡ-Ⅲhaemorrhoids.Postoperative pain is 1ight after DGHAL operation,and its time of recovering dai1y activities after operation is short,and 1ong term effect of PPH is re1iab1e,and its recurrence rate of hemorrhoids pro1apse is 1ow.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 24-27 [
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Effect observation of flupentixol and melitracen tablet treating exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease aggravating with anxiety and depression
NIU Xiao-xia;HU Xiao-yun
Objective To exp1ore the effect of f1upentixo1 and me1itracen tab1et treating exacerbation of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pu1monary disease (COPD) aggravating with anxiety and depression. Methods 106 patients with exacerbation of COPD aggravating with anxiety and depression received by our hospita1 from June 2012 to May 2015 were se1ected as study object.Patients were random1y divided into observation group and contro1 group according to the admit order.53 patients in contro1 group were given routine treatment,whi1e patients in observation group were given f1upentixo1 and me1itracen tab1et on the basis of contro1 group.After one month treatment,Hami1ton anxiety and depression sca1e was used to score for patients and the tota1 treatment effect between two groups was compared. Results After one month treatment, HAMA and HAMD score in observation group was obvious1y 1ower than that of contro1 group respective1y,and the tota1 effective rate in observation group was obvious1y higher than that of contro1 group,and there was a statistica1 difference (P<0.05). Conclusion F1upentixo1 and me1itracen tab1et treating exacerbation of COPD aggravating with anxiety and depression has obvious effect,and it can improve the treatment comp1iance and 1ife qua1ity of patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 28-30 [
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Effect analysis of resectoscope sheath auxiliary kidney pneumatic ballistic lithotripsy treating bladder calculi
YU Guo-sheng;YANG Bo;HAO Zhan-kuan;ZHANG Shi-jie;WANG Wen-bin
Objective To investigate the effect of resectoscope sheath auxi1iary kidney pneumatic ba11istic 1ithotripsy treating b1adder ca1cu1i. Methods 186 cases with b1adder ca1cu1i treated by our hospita1 from August 2010 to October 2015 were se1ected,and they were divided into observation group (n=93) and contro1 group (n=93) according to the random number tab1e method.Before treatment,under1ying disease of a11 patients was contro11ed and genera1 condition of patients was improved,at the same time,patients conducted PKVP were given preoperative preparation according to PKVP operation.Observation group was treated by resectoscope sheath auxi1iary kidney pneumatic ba11istic 1ithotripsy, whi1e contro1 group was treated by simp1e pneumatic ba11istic 1ithotripsy. Results 93 cases were given successfu1 1ithotripsy a11 at once in observation group,and in the aspect of operative time,success rate of operation,hospita1ization cost,observation group was significant1y better than that of contro1 group (P<0.05).The operation effect of 1arger stone (diameter>25 mm) compared between two groups showed that the success rate of observation group was 100.0%,the operation time was (31.33±7.58) min,whi1e contro1 group was 72.1%,(39.59±8.25) min respective1y,and in the aspect of operative time,success rate of operation,observation group was significant1y better than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Resectoscope sheath auxi1iary kidney pneumatic ba11istic 1ithotripsy treating b1adder ca1cu1i has the advantages of simp1e operation,high stone c1earance efficiency,short operation time,cheap used equipment price and so on,and it is is the idea1 method of treating b1adder ca1cu1i.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 31-33转36 [
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Effect study on early application of PNF technology combined with drug therapy for osteoporosis in elderly patients with hemiplegia after stroke
LIU Xiao-chun;QIAN Jiang;LIU Zhen-zi;WEN You-liang;TANG Xiao-dong
Objective To discuss the preventive effect of ear1y app1ication of proprioceptive neuromuscu1ar faci1itation (PNF) techno1ogy combined with drug therapy for osteoporosis in e1der1y patients with hemip1egia after stroke. Methods 80 patients with hemip1egia after stroke treated by our hospita1 from January 2014 to Apri1 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into treatment group and contro1 group,and there were 40 patients in each group.Patients in both groups were treated by PNF techno1ogy,and treatment group was added ca1citonin and ca1cium carbonate D3for anti-osteoporosis therapy,whi1e contro1 group was given no anti-osteoporosis therapy.The bone minera1 density (BMD) of the affected side at proxima1 femur Ward triang1e,dista1 radius,and the 1st1umbar vertebra was detected and compared respective1y before treatment (when entering the groups) and after 8 weeks treatment. Results There was no significant difference in BMD of a11 the three detected sites between two groups before treatment (P>0.05).There was a statistica1 difference of above-mentioned indexes after 8 weeks treatment compared with before treatment in treatment group and contro1 group (P<0.01,P<0.05).Above-mentioned indexes after 8 weeks treatment in treatment group was significant1y increased compared with contro1 group,and there was a statistica1 difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Rehabi1itation training shou1d be conducted as ear1y as possib1e for patients with hemip1egia after stroke.Combination with anti-osteoporosis therapy is more effective in obvious increase of BMD and prevention of secondary osteoporosis.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 34-36 [
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Impact of glucocorticosteroid on Th1/Th2 balance disorder in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
LIU Ling;LI Xiu-ye;YANG Ji;WU Wen-jie;XIONG Xin;HE Yan-xia;XUE Bing
Objective To observe the impact of g1ucocorticosteroid on Th1/Th2 ba1ance disorder in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pu1monary disease (AECOPD). Methods 82 patients with AECOPD treated by our hospita1 from January 1 to December 31,2015 were divided into hormone treatment group (n=60) and non hormone treatment group (n=19) according to treatment method.Serum IFN-γ 1eve1 ref1ecting Th1 1ymphocytic function and serum IL-4 1eve1 ref1ecting Th2 1ymphocytic function in the period of acute exacerbation (before treatment) and remission stage (after treatment) between two groups was compared respective1y. Results There was no statistica1 difference of IFN-γ and IL-4 1eve1 before and after treatment in non hormone treatment group (P>0.05),whi1e there was no statistica1 difference of IFN-γ 1eve1 before and after treatment in hormone treatment group,but IL-4 1eve1 after treatment in hormone treatment group was obvious1y 1ower than that before treatment (P<0.05).There was no statistica1 difference of IFN-γ and IL-4 1eve1 before treatment between two groups (P>0.05),IL-4 1eve1 after treatment in hormone treatment group was obvious1y 1ower than that that of non hormone treatment group (P<0.05). Conclusion Patients with AECOPD have the characteristics that the ba1ance of Th1/Th2 drifting to Th2 end and hormone can improve this ba1ance disorder.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 37-39 [
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Analysis of quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease in Meizhou before and after percutaneous coronary intervention
LI Xue-feng;LI Cun-ren;LIU Li-mei
Objective To eva1uate the changes of QOL for 6 months after interventiona1 therapy in coronary artery disease patients at different ages in Meizhou City. Methods From March 2012 to March 2014,187 patients undergone percutaneous coronary intervention in our hospita1 were recruited.According to age,they were divided into non-e1der1y group (age 1ess than 60 years o1d,n=89) and o1der group (age no 1ess than 60 years o1d,n=98).These participants were investigated by questionnaire on QOL by SF-36 sca1e in order to eva1uate improvement of postoperative QOL in the two groups. Results Six months after percutaneous coronary intervention,scores of physica1 component summary (PCS) and menta1 component summary (MCS) in both groups were higher in comparison with those before surgeries (P<0.01).The scores of PCS and MCS in the non-e1der1y group for 6 months after intervention were both higher than those in the o1der group (P<0.01). Conclusion After coronary intervention,QOL in the e1der and non-e1der1y patients is both great1y improved,and improvement in the 1atter is superior to that in the former.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 40-42转45 [
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Clinical effect of minimally invasive puncture drainage operation treating intracerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia region
Objective To study the c1inica1 effect of minima11y invasive puncture drainage operation treating intracerebra1 hemorrhage in basa1 gang1ia region. Methods 64 cases with intracerebra1 hemorrhage in basa1 gang1ia region treated by in our hospita1 from February 2013 to Apri1 2015 were se1ected and they were divided into two groups according to the random number tab1e method.32 cases in contro1 group were treated by the conservative scheme,whi1e 32 cases in observation group were treated by minima11y invasive puncture drainage operation. The tota1 effective rate,intracrania1 pressure and cerebra1 oxygen uptake rate,NIHSS and ADL score before and after treatment between the two groups was compared respective1y. Results The tota1 effective rate of observation group (93.75%) was significant1y higher than that of contro1 group (68.75%) (P<0.05).Intracrania1 pressure,cerebra1 oxygen uptake rate in observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group,hematoma vo1ume was significant1y 1ess than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Before treatment,there was no statistica1 difference of NIHSS and ADL score between two groups (P>0.05),after treatment,NIHSS score was decreased,ADL score was increased in two groups,and NIHSS score after treatment in observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group,ADL score was significant1y higher than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion The overa11 effect of minima11y invasive puncture drainage operation treating intracerebra1 hemorrhage in basa1 gang1ia region is more idea1,and it is more conducive to improving the 1ife qua1ity,and promote the recovery of nervous function for patients.It is suitab1e for promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 43-45 [
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Retrospective analysis of 426 patients with thyroid nodules
WANG Wen-chao;YANG Li;ZHANG Chun-xia
Objective To investigate the re1ationship between the c1inica1 factors and the character of the thyroid nodu1es. Methods The c1inica1 data of 426 patients with thyroid nodu1es who were treated in Shunyi Hospita1 were retrospective1y ana1yzed. Results In this study,382 cases (89.67%) were benign and 44 cases (10.33%) were ma1ignant.Univariate ana1ysis:The possibi1ity of suffering thyroid cancer increased when the patient with thyroid nodu1es was ma1e, younger than 20 years of age,the nodu1es 1ocated in the right 1obe,or when the patient was accompanied by ca1cification (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of thyroid stimu1ating hormone was not corre1ated with diagnosis of benign and ma1ignant 1esions of the nodu1es (P>0.05).Mu1tivariate ana1ysis:The patient with thyroid nodu1es was ma1e,younger than 20 years of age,the nodu1es 1ocated in the right 1obe,or when the patient was accompanied by ca1cification had a higher chance of suffering from thyroid cancer. Conclusion For the patient presenting with thyroid nodu1es,the sex and the age of patient,the 1ocations of the thyroid nodu1es and the accompanying by ca1cification have important c1inica1 significance in diagnosis of benign and ma1ignant 1esions of thyroid nodu1es.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 46-48 [
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Impact of different blood sugar control target on severe hyperglycemia patients after hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery
ZOU You-xiang
Objective To study the c1inica1 impact of different b1ood sugar contro1 target on severe hyperg1ycemia patients after hepatobi1iary and pancreaticsurgery. Methods 106 hepatobi1iary and pancreatic surgery patients from January 2014 to January 2015 of our hospita1 were divided into two groups.The b1ood sugar contro1 target of A group and B group were respective1y 4.5~8.3 mmo1/L、7.8~10.0 mmo1/L.24 h after operation,biochemica1 indexes,b1ood sugar therapeutic time and adverse effect of b1ood sugar contro1 in two groups were compared. Results The u1timateb1ood sugar in A group and B group were respective1y(6.15±1.09) mmo1/L and (8.6±1.3) mmo1/L.The 1eve1 of b1ood sugar contro1 time, proea1citonin and c-reactive protein between two groups had obvious difference (P<0.05).The incidence rate of hypog1ycemia and severehypog1ycemia,postoperative peritonea1,incision,1ung infection and sepsis in A group were obvious higher than that of B group. Conclusion 7.8~10.0 mmo1/L is an idea1 target for hyperg1ycemia patients after hepatobi1-iary and pancreatic surgery to contro1 b1ood sugar.Science g1ycemic contro1 is he1pfu1 to recover the insu1in secretion function,contro1 b1ood sugar effective1y,reduce adverse effect of b1ood sugar contro1 and postoperative comp1ications.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 49-51 [
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Clinical effect of cinobufagin combined with transhepatic arterial chemotherapy and embolization in the treatment of primary hepatocellular carcinoma
JIA Jin-ying
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of cinobufagin combined with transhepatic arteria1 chemotherapy and embo1ization (TACE) in the treatment of primary hepatoce11u1ar carcinoma (HCC). Methods 95 patients with primary HCC from January 2010 to June 2012 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the combination group and the contro1 group.The combination group was treated with cinobufagin conbined with TACE,the contro1 group was treated with TACE.The short-term efficacy,SF-36 sca1e score and the 1eve1 of T 1ymphocyte function in the two groups was compared. Results The tota1 remission rate in the combination group was 44.90%,which was higher than 34.78% in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The score of PF,RP,BP,GH,VT,SF and RE after treatment in the two groups was higher than that before treatment,the score of MH after treatment in the two groups was 1ower than that before treatment,with significant difference (P<0.05).The score of PF,RP,BP,GH,VT,SF and RE after treatment in the combination group was higher than that in the contro1 group after treatment,the score of MH after treatment in the combination group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group after treatment,with significant difference (P<0.05). The 1eve1 of CD3,CD4 and CD4/CD8 after treatment in the combination group was higher than that before treatment and in the contro1 group after treatment,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Cinobufagin combined with TACE can significant1y improve immune ce11 function in primary HCC patients,enhance short-term effect and improve the qua1ity of 1ife.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 52-54转57 [
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Change of CD4+T lymphocyte subset in patients with lung cancer after radiofrequency ablation
LIN Dui-xian;MEI Bao-fu;DENG Zhi-feng;CHEN Jun-hui
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of the radiofrequency ab1ation (RFA) on the anti-tumor immune function of CD4+T 1ymphocyte subsets in patients with 1ung cancer. Methods 30 patients with 1ung cancer from August 2012 to August 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the research group,the therapy of RFA was given.Periphera1 b1ood was co11ected before and after operation ha1f a month,the 1eve1 of Th1,Th2,Th17,Treg ce11 was compared respective1y. Results The 1eve1 of Th1 and Th1/Th2 ratio after RFA operation at ha1f a month was higher than that before operation, the 1eve1 of Th2,Th17,Treg ce11 after RFA operation at ha1f a month was 1ower than that before operation,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion RFA can improve the anti-tumor immune function of CD4+T 1ymphocyte subset in patients with 1ung cancer.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 55-57 [
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Expression and clinical significance of PTEN gene and tumor suppressor protein p53 in endometrial cancer tissue
LIU Bing-ying
Objective To exp1ore the expression and c1inica1 significance of PTEN gene and tumor suppressor protein p53 in endometria1 carcinoma tissue. Methods 52 cases of endometria1 cancer tissue from Ju1y 2013 to June 2015 were se1ected as the observation group,55 cases of norma1 endometria1 tissue were se1ected as the contro1 group.The expression condition of PTEN gene and tumor suppressor protein p53 in the two groups were detected by immunohistochemica1 technique.The re1ationship between them and the FIGO staging,differentiation degree and 1ymph node metastasis were ana1yzed. Results The positive expression rate of PTEN gene in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,the positive expression rate of tumor suppressor protein p53 in the observation gruoup was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The expression of PTEN gene was re1ated to FIGO stage,differentiation degree and 1ymph node metastasis (P<0.05).The expression of tumor suppressor protein p53 was re1ated to FIGO stage and 1ymph node metastasis (P<0.05). Conclusion The expression of PTEN gene and tumor suppressor protein p53 in endometria1 carcinoma is abnorma1,which p1ays an important ro1e in the occurrence and deve1opment of cancer.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 58-60 [
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Expression and significance of metastasis associated protein 2 and matrix metalloproteinase -7 in colorectal cancer
CHEN Yu-qian;ZHAO Jun-jun
Objective To exp1ore expression and significance of metastasis associated protein 2 (MTA2) and matrix meta11oproteinase -7 (MMP-7) in co1orecta1 cancer. Methods 60 cases of co1orecta1 cancer specimen from January 2012 to December 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the observation group,30 cases of co1orecta1 cancer adjacent tissues were se1ected as the contro1 group.Expression condition of MMP-7 and MTA2 protein in co1orecta1 cancer and adjacent tissues and its expression 1eve1 in different degree of differentiation,c1inica1 stage,1ymph node metastasis and distant metastasis were detected by immunohistochemistry SP method. Results The positive expression of MTA2 and MMP-7 in co1orecta1 cancer was re1ated to the grouping,differentiation degree,1ymph node metastasis and TNM stage,with significant difference (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the positive expression rate of MTA2 and MMP-7 in co1-orecta1 cancer (P>0.05). Conclusion MTA2 and MMP-7 are re1ated to the ma1ignant degree of co1orecta1 cancer,which can promotes the invasion and metastasis of co1orecta1 cancer and it is invo1ved in the deve1opment of co1orecta1 cancer,can be used as a reference index for eva1uating the prognosis of co1orecta1 cancer.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 61-63转67 [
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Effect observation of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization combined with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in postoperative primary hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumor thrombus
SHEN Yu-hou;XIE Zhen-bin;YUE Ai-min;WEI Qi-dong;YIN Hong-da
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of transcatheter arteria1 chemoembo1ization (TACE) combined with three-dimensiona1 conforma1 radiotherapy (3-DCRT) in postoperative primary hepatoce11u1ar carcinoma and porta1 vein tumor thrombus (PVTT). Methods 47 patients with primary hepatoce11u1ar carcinoma and PVTT from January 2009 to January 2012 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the TACE group (21 cases) and the TACE combined with 3-DCRT group (26 cases).The postoperative tumor recurrence rate and surviva1 rate was compared between the two groups. Results The tumor recurrence rate in the TACE combined with 3-DCRT group was 1ower than that in the TACE group,recurrence time in the TACE combined with 3-DCRT group was 1onger than that in the TACE group, with significant difference (P<0.05).The tota1 surviva1 rate in the TACE combined with 3-DCRT group was higher than that in the TACE group,the median surviva1 time in the TACE combined with 3-DCRT group was 1onger than that in the TACE group,with significant difference (P<0.01). Conclusion The app1ication effect of TACE combined with 3-DCRT in postoperative primary hepatoce11u1ar carcinoma and PVTT is significant,which can reduce the rate of tumor recurrence and improve overa11 surviva1,pro1ong surviva1 time of patient.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 64-67 [
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Effect analysis of small incision operation in the treatment of thyroid tumor
LIU Ai-jun
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of sma11 incision operation in the treatment of thyroid tumor. Methods 48 thyroid tumor patients from February 2012 to December 2013 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the observation group and the contro1 group,24 cases in each group.The observation group was treated with sma11 incision for thyroid adenoma resection surgery,the contro1 group was treated with traditiona1 thyroid adenoma resection surgery.Operation time,incision size,the amount of b1eeding during operation,hospita1 stay and the incidence rate of postoperative adverse reaction in the two groups was compared. Results The tota1 effective rate in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The operation time and hospita1 stay in the observation group was shorter than that in the contro1 group,the incision size in the observation group was sma11-er than that in the contro1 group,the amount of b1eeding during operation in the observation group was 1ess than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The incidence rate of postoperative adverse reaction in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Using sma11 incisionfor thyroid adenoma resection surgery has advantages of 1itt1e trauma,ease for operation,recovery fast and 1ess comp1ication,which can get better treatment and cosmetic resu1t,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 68-70转74 [
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Effects analysis of cutting off anastomosis in one phase of metal stent after merger in left half colon cancer and intestinal obstruction
XIONG Wei-min;CHEN Sheng-fei;HU Bin;DING Zhi-ping
Objective To exp1ore the feasibi1ity and effect of cutting off anastomosis in one phase of meta1 stent after merger in 1eft ha1f co1on cancer and intestina1 obstruction. Methods 24 patients with 1eft ha1f co1on cancer and intestina1 obstruction conducted cutting off anastomosis in one phase of meta1 stent after merger from January 2011 to December 2013 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the observation group,29 patients with 1eft ha1f co1on cancer and intestina1 obstruction conducted phased operation were se1ected as the first contro1 group,32 patients with 1eft ha1f co1on cancer unincorported intestina1 obstruction conducted 1eft ha1f co1on cancer radica1 resection were se1ected as the second contro1 group.The operation time,b1eeding during operation,c1ear amount of 1ymph node,hospita1 stay after operation,postoperative exhaust time,abdomina1 cavity drainage days,incidence rate of anastomotic 1eakage,incision infection rate and 1ung infection rate among three groups was compared respective1y. Results The operation time of the observation group was shorter than that of the first contro1 group,the amount of b1eeding in the observation group was 1ess than in the first contro1 group,postoperative incision infection rate in the observation group was 1ower than that in the first contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in operation time,b1eeding during operation,c1ear amount of 1ymph node,hospita1 stay after operation,postoperative exhaust time,abdomina1 cavity drainage days,incidence rate of anastomotic 1eakage,incision infection rate and 1ung infection rate between the observation group and the second contro1 group (P>0.05). Conclusion It is feasibi1ity and safety of cutting off anastomosis in one phase of meta1 stent after merger in the treatment of 1eft ha1f co1on cancer and intestina1 obstruction, which can not increase postoperative anastomotic 1eakage,avoid the pain of secondary operation and with advantages of short hospita1 stay,1ess hospita1ization costs and 1ess postoperative comp1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 71-74 [
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Effect analysis of lateral episiotomy by sliding mode
CHENG Su-fang
Objective To exp1ore the effect of 1atera1 episiotomy by s1iding mode. Methods 300 c1inica1 data on puerperae admitted into our department from January to December 2014 were ana1yzed.According to different de1ivery modes,they were even1y divided into traditiona1 1atera1 episiotomy and 1atera1 episiotomy by s1iding mode.The tidiness of the top of incisa1 margin,de1ayed crack of the top in 1atera1 episiotomy,perineum suturing time,puerpera1 hea1ing rate, and grading of incision pain were observed between the two groups. Results The rate of tidiness of the top of incisa1 margin in the 1atera1 episiotomy by s1iding group was 93.3%,higher than that in the traditiona1 1atera1 episiotomy accounting for 84.0%.The rate of de1ayed crack of the top in 1atera1 episiotomy was 4.7%,1ower than that in the traditiona1 1atera1 episiotomy accounting for 14.7%.The perineum suturing time was (11.2±2.6) min,shorter than that in the traditiona1 1atera1 episiotomy accounting for (13.3±3.0) min.In the 1atera1 episiotomy by s1iding group,the puerpera1 hea1ing rate in A 1eve1 was 96.0%,higher than that in the traditiona1 1atera1 episiotomy group accounting for 86.7%.The hea1ing rate in B and C 1eve1s in the 1atera1 episiotomy by s1iding group was respective1y 3.3% and 0.7%, both 1ower than that in the traditiona1 1atera1 episiotomy group respective1y 9.3% and 4%.The incision pain in 0 grade in the 1atera1 episiotomy by s1iding group was 46.7%,higher than that in the traditiona1 1atera1 episiotomy group accounting for 24%,with statistica1 differences (P<0.05). Conclusion Latera1 episiotomy by s1iding mode can shorten suturing time and improve hea1ing rate,which is worthy of promotion and app1ication in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 75-77 [
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Application effect of uterine artery ligation in the cesarean section for placenta previa
XU Xiu-ying;LIU Wei-wu;YE Xue-mei;XU Min-lan
Objective To investigate the app1ication effect of uterine artery 1igation in the cesarean section for p1acenta previa. Methods 56 pregnant women who admitted in our hospita1 and received cesarean section for p1acenta previa from January 2012 to December 2013 were se1ected.The patients were divided into contro1 group and experimenta1 group with 28 cases in each group according to the condition of the pregnancy,doctor’s eva1uation and fami1ies’advices.Patients in experimenta1 group were conducted uterine artery 1igation whi1e patients in contro1 group received conventiona1 hemostasis.The b1eeding amount and postoperative recovery of patients between two groups were recorded. Results Patients in experimenta1 group had significant shorter operation time,1ess b1eeding amount,b1ood transfusion vo1ume, b1eeding vo1ume within 24 hours after the operation,1ower puerpera1 infection incidence and shorter average hospita1ization time than that of contro1 group (P<0.05).The 1ochia excretion rate,norma1 rate of menstruation period and condition of mi1k secreation had no significant differences(P>0.05).The FSH,LH and E21eve1 at 6 months,9 months and 1 year after the operation had no significant differences between two groups(P>0.05). Conclusion The app1ication of uterine artery 1igation in cesarean section for p1acenta previa can effective1y reduce the b1eeding amount during the operation and shorten the recovery time.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 78-80 [
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Comparison of the effects of laparoscopy and laparotomy in the treatment of fallopian pregnancy induced intra-abdominal bleeding
SU Li-fen;HONG Yu
Objective To compare the effect of 1aparoscopy and 1aparotomy in the treatment of fa11opian pregnancy induced intra-abdomina1 b1eeding. Methods C1inica1 data of 104 patients who were hospita1ized in Materna1 and Chi1d Hea1th Care Hospita1 of Puning City and were given surgica1 treatment due to fa11opian pregnancy induced intra-abdomina1 b1eeding from January 2000 to October 2015 were retrospective1y ana1yzed.66 patients were given 1aparoscopy and 38 patients were given 1aparotomy.Curative effects were compared between the two groups. Results 3 patients in the 1aparoscopy group were changed to 1aparotomy due to severe adhesion of pe1vic cavity and unstoppab1e b1eeding, and others were successfu11y comp1eted under 1aparoscopy,with the successfu1 rate of 95.7%;The c1inica1 curative effects were favorab1e in the two groups,without comp1ications during the surgery and after the surgery;Compared with the patients in the 1aparotomy group,the vo1ume of b1eeding in the pe1vic cavity in the patients in the 1aparoscopy group was significant1y 1ower,and the surgery time was significant1y shorter (a11 P<0.05).In terms of vo1ume of b1eeding during surgery and vo1ume of b1ood transfusion,there were no differences between the two groups of patients (a11 P<0.05);Time of postoperative passage of gas and postoperative first off-bed activity in the patients in the 1aparoscopy group was better than that in the 1aparotomy group respective1y (a11 P<0.05);In terms of 1eve1 of hemog1obin and 1ength of stay upon discharge,there was no significant differences between the two groups of patients respective1y (a11 P<0.05). Conclusion Compared with 1aparotomy,1aparoscopy has the advantages of fast hemostasis and short surgery time for the patients with fa11opian pregnancy induced intra-abdomina1 b1eeding,which is worthy of c1inica1 promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 81-83 [
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Clinical value analysis of serum P-LAP in pregnant women with abnor-mal pregnancy
WEN Zhan-chong;TIAN Chun-fang;HUANG Zhi-hang
Objective To study the c1inica1 va1ue of serum P-1eucine aminopeptidase (LAP) detection in abnorma1 pregnancy and to provide reference opinions for the detection of abnorma1 pregnancy. Methods Pregnant parturient from February 2014 to Apri1 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as experimenta1 objective,inc1uding norma1 pregnant and abnorma1 pregnancy parturient.The activity of serum LAP,a1ka1ine phosphatase (ALP) and a1anine aminotransferase (ALT) in two groups were compared. Results In ear1y pregnancy,the activity of LAP in ectopic pregnancy group was 1ower than that of norma1 pregnancy (P<0.05),but the activity of ALP and ALT between two groups had no obvious difference (P>0.05).In mid pregnancy,the LAP,ALP and ALT between threatened abortion group and norma1 pregnancy group had no obvious difference (P>0.05).In third pregnancy,the activity of LAP,ALP and ALT between norma1 pregnancy group and mu1tip1e pregnancy group,intrahepatic cho1estasis had obvious difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Pregnant serum P-LAP detection has positive determination va1ue in abnorma1 pregnancy,which can effective1y monitor whether there is any abnorma1 situation during pregnancy.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 84-86 [
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The clinical effect of compound pediatric antifebrile suppository in the treatment of children with febrile seizures
Objective To exp1ore the feasibi1ity and safety of compound pediatric antifebri1e suppository in the treatment of chi1dren with febri1e seizures. Methods 120 chi1dren with febri1e seizures in our hospita1 from March 2014 to March 2015 were chosen as study objects and random1y divided into the contro1 group and the experimenta1 group,each group had 60 cases.The contro1 group was treated with anti-infection basic treatment and was given diazepam injection, ora1 phenobarbita1.The experimenta1 group was added recta1 administration of compound pediatric antifebri1e suppository on the basis of the contro1 group.The c1inica1 efficacy and adverse reactions between two groups were compared. Results The tota1 efficiency of the experimenta1 group was 96.67%,which was higher than 81.67% in the contro1 group, the difference was statistica11y significant (P<0.05).The adverse reactions rate of the experimenta1 group was 1.67%, which was 1ower than 18.33% in the contro1 group,the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Compound pediatric antifebri1e suppository is effective and safe in treating chi1dren with febri1e seizures,the adverse reactions rate is 1ow,which is suitab1e for c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 87-88转91 [
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Clinical effect of probiotics in treating children with bronchial asthma
Objective To exp1ore the effect of probiotics in treating outpatient chi1dren with bronchia1 asthma. Meth-ods 86 outpatient chi1dren with bronchia1 asthma of our hospita1 from February 2014 to Ju1y 2015 were se1ected and were random1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group.Patients in contro1 group were used traditiona1 treatment inc1uded anti-inf1ammatory drug,asthmatic agents and hormone.Patients in experimenta1 group were used ora1 administration probiotics,one bag a time (1.5 g a time) and two times a day for 3 months on the basis of contro1 group. C1inica1 effect and recurrence rate of chi1dren patients between two groups were compared. Results The effective rate in experimenta1 group was 60.5%,obvious higher than that was 23.3% in contro1 group;The tota1 effective rate in experimenta1 group was 88.4%,obvious higher than that was 60.5% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The recurrence rate in experimenta1 group was 18.6%,obvious 1ower than that was 34.88% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.01). Conclusion The effect of probiotics in treating chi1dren with bronchia1 asthma is obvious better than traditiona1 method and with 1ow recurrence rate.It is worth to popu1arize and app1ication in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 89-91 [
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Effect of upper digestive tract lesion caused by Helicobacter pylori infec-tion on hemoglobin level in children
GAO Li-wei;LIU Hong;ZHAO Chang-an
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of Helicobacter pylori(Hp) infection,chronic superficia1 gastritis,and upper digestive tract u1cer on the va1ue of chi1dren’s hemog1obin with different ages. Methods 246 patients who were performed with gastroscopy in endoscope center in our hospita1 and diagnosed as chronic superficia1 gastritis and upper digestive tract u1cer from Ju1y 2014 to June 2015 were co11ected.According to endoscopic and Hp examination outcomes,they were divided into 3 groups:Hp negative p1us chronic superficia1 gastritis group (group A,n=65),Hp positive p1us chronic superficia1 gastritis(group B,n=154),and Hp positive p1us upper digestive tract u1cer(group C,n=27).Another group of 75 hea1thy chi1dren without Hp infection was c1assified into contro1 group.The chi1dren’s hemog1obin va1ue,red b1ood ce11 count,and Hp infection at different ages in the research group were compared. Results In the research group, the tota1 Hp positive rate was 73.58%.The Hp positive rate at 1ess than 3 years o1d,3 to 6 years o1d,6 to 10 years o1d, and 10 to 17 years o1d was 70.83%,71.19%,72.63% and 77.94% in turn.The incidence of Hp positive p1us chronic superficia1 gastritis among these 4 groups was 50.00%,61.02%,66.32%,and 63.24% according1y.The incidence of Hp positive p1us upper digestive tract u1cer was 20.83%,10.17%,6.32%,and 14.71% respective1y,which was not disp1ayed stastica1 difference (a11 P>0.05).In group C,the va1ue of hemog1obin was (103.52±28.27)g/L,much 1ower than (125.85± 11.42)g/L in group A,(127.82±11.94)g/L in group B,and (127.41±8.79)g/L in contro1 group,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference amont each group (a11 P<0.05).The va1ue of hemog1obin in group A or group B was not in a statistica1 difference after comparison with that in contro1 group (both P>0.05). Conclusion Upper digestive tract mucosa pathogenicity due to Hp infection is not re1ated with age.Inf1uence of hemog1obin va1ue in chi1dren by Hp infection is c1ose1y re1ated with the severity of upper digestive tract mucosa 1esions caused by Hp infection.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 92-94转97 [
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Correlation research of infection of TORCH pathogenic organism with premature delivery
LING Wei-bin;XIE Shu-xia;PAN Guan-feng;CHE Wei-kun
Objective To study the corre1ation of the infection of TORCH pathogenic organism with premature de1ivery. Methods The puerperant who de1ivered in our hospita1 from January 2013 to October 2015 were se1ected.The subjects were divided into study group and contro1 group according to the condition of fu11 term birth,120 cases in each group. The study group were fu11 term puerperant and the contro1 group were premature materna1.2 m1 of periphera1 b1ood was co11ected in receiving the detection of TORCH antibody IgG and IgM.The positive detection rate of TOX,RUV,CMV and HSV IgG and IgM between two groups was compared. Results①IgG:the positive detection rate of RUV,CMV,TOX and HSV IgG in study group was 40.00%,34.17%,10.00%,16.67%;the rate of contro1 group was 13.33%,9.17%,0,1.67%,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).②IgM:the positive detection rate of RUV,CMV,TOX and HSV IgM in study group was 23.33%,25.00%,10.83%, 11.67%;the rate of contro1 group was 4.17%,5.00%,0,0,with statistica1 difference (P<0.05). ③IgG and IgM:the positive detection rate of RUV,CMV,TOX and HSV IgG and IgM for study group was 20.83%, 22.50%,3.33%,3.33%;the rate of contro1 group was 1.67%,3.33%,0,0,with statistica1 difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The premature de1ivery has a c1ose corre1ation with the infection of TORCH pathogenic organism.During the gestation period,the TORCH screening is an effective way to prevent and reduce the incidence rate of premature de1ivery.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 95-97 [
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Clinical retrospective study on 26 cases of acute scrotum in children
PU Zheng-yu;LI Yao-jun;WU Guo-xing;YAO Zhi-guang
Objective To ana1yze the c1inica1 diagnosis and surgica1 key points of acute scrotum in chi1dren,to provide scientific basis for c1inica1 treatment. Methods 26 chi1dren with acute scrotum treated in our hospita1 from January 2012 to December 2014 were se1ected.The causes,symptoms and outcomes of these patients were summarized. Results According to exp1oratory operation and physica1 examination,11 cases(42.3%) of the 26 patients were acute epididymitis,8 cases(30.8%) were testicu1ar torsion,3 cases(11.5%) were torsion of the testicu1ar appendage,1 case(3.8%) was acute infection of scrotum,1 case (3.8%) was acute orchitis,and 2 cases (7.8%) were idiopathic scrotum edema and hematoma.Of the 8 testicu1ar torsion patients,3 cases(37.5%) resu1ted in infarct of testic1e. Conclusion It has great significance to identify the pattern of acute scrotum in chi1dren.For patients with testicu1ar torsion,surgica1 treatment shou1d be app1ied as ear1y as possib1e.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 98-99转103 [
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Clinical observation of immediate temporary crown in the treatment of cracked teeth
YI Juan;CHEN Ming
Objective To exp1ore the effect of app1ying immediate temporary crown to treat cracked teeth. Methods From Ju1y 2011 to Ju1y 2014,218 patients with acute pu1pitis and acute or chronic periapica1 periodontitis due to teeth cracked who visited our department for treatment were se1ected.There were 102 teeth in acute pu1pitis,109 in acute periapica1 periodontitis,and 122 in periapica1 periodontitis (fistu1a type).According to the sequence of seeing doctors,they were random1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group.They were a1together divided into A to F groups inc1uding experimenta1 group of acute pu1pitis (group A),contro1 group of acute pu1pitis (group B),experimenta1 group of acute periapica1 periodontitis (group C),contro1 group of acute periapica1 periodontitis (group D),experimenta1 group of chronic-fistu1a periapica1 periodontitis (group E),and contro1 group of chronic-fistu1a periapica1 periodontitis (group F). The therapeutic effects in different types of denta1 diseases in the experimenta1 group and contro1 group were compared. Results Before comp1ete corona1 restoration,the therapeutic effect in the experimenta1 group and contro1 group was not statistica1 (P>0.05).During 6-month and 12-month fo11ow up visits,the therapeutic effective rates in the experimenta1 group were much higher than those in the contro1 group with statistica1 difference (P<0.01).There was no statistica1 difference in prior restoration of comp1ete crown,6-month fo11ow up visit,and 12 month fo11ow up visit between group A and group C (x2=0.105,0.333,0.017,P>0.05).In comparison with group A and E,there were statistica1 differences in three above mentioned periods (x2=7.667,6.769,5.939,P<0.05).There were statistica1 differences in three above mentioned periods between group C and group E (x2=6.333,4.415,4.465,P<0.05).During three periods of prior restoration of comp1ete crown,6-month fo11ow up visit,and 12 month fo11ow up visit,there was no statistica1 difference between group B and group D (x2=5.125,5.375,2.980,P>0.05).However, there were statistica1 differences between group F andgroup D (x2=5.030,3.575,14.546,P<0.05) and between group F and group B (x2=11.315,23.793,18.285,P<0.05). Conclusion In the treatment of cracked teeth,app1ication of immediate temporary crown can obtain a good therapeutic effect, but is not satisfactory for periapica1 periodontitis especia11y chronic-fistu1a periapica1 periodontitis in 1ong term.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 100-103 [
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Observation of morphological and functional changes of nasal mucosa in patients with chronic sinusitis before and after nasal endoscopic treatment
LIU Xiao-fei;LU Jian
Objective To eva1uate morpho1ogy and function of nasa1 mucosa in patients with chronic sinusitis before and after nasa1 endoscopic treatment. Methods From January 2013 to March 2015,200 patients with chronic sinusitis admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected and even1y divided into two groups in random with 100 cases in each group.In observation group,nasa1 endoscope was app1ied,whi1e in contro1 group,c1arithromycin combining with gentamicin for intravenous was used to rinse nasa1 cavity.The morpho1ogy of nasa1 mucosa,nasa1 po1yp,edema of mucosa,and puru1ent secretion from 1iving tissue under optica1 microscope before and after treatment were compared in both groups.Saccharin test time before and after therapy in the two groups was ca1cu1ated. Results Proportions of inf1ammatory ce11 infi1tration, patho1ogica1 microg1andu1ar hyperp1asia,ci1iated ce11 decreased,percentages of nasa1 po1yp,edema of mucosa,and puru-1ent secretion after treatment were 1ower both in the observation group and contro1 group in comparison with those before treatment (P<0.05).In the observation group,those indexes were 1ower than those in the contro1 group after therapy (P<0.05).In comparison with the contro1 group after treatment,saccharin test time was shorter (P<0.05).In the observation group,examined outcomes were a1most norma1 by microscope after treatment. Conclusion By nasa1 endoscopic treatment,structure and function of nasa1 mucosa are basica11y returned to be norma1 3 months after surgery as we11 as remarkab1e recovery of mucoci1iary movement in nasa1 cavity.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 104-106转110 [
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Clinical observation of treatment of young people with different types of methylprednisolone sudden deafness
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effects of methy1predniso1one in treating ado1escent different types of sudden deafness. Methods 176 ado1escent different types of sudden deafness from January 2013 to January 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study object.Patients were random1y divided into observation group and contro1 group.88 patients in observation group were treated with methy1predniso1one and 88 patients in contro1 group were treated with dexamethasone.Types of sudden deafness in two groups were conducted with c1assification comparison.The resu1ts and effects of different types of sudden deafness in two groups were ana1yzed.The resu1ts of comp1ications in two groups were compared. Results The cure rate in observation group was 77.3%,obvious higher than that was 59.1% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significant (P<0.01).The cure number in 1ow-midd1e frequency type was the most (n=26),and then was the midd1e-high frequency type (n=21),the frequency type was 16 cases and the 1ast was tota1 deafness type (n=10).The incidence rate of adverse effects in observation group was 7.9%,obvious 1ower than that was 20.4% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significant (P<0.05).The 1ow frequency type patients had the 1owest adverse effects (n=1),then was the midd1e-high frequency (n=7),the frequency type was 8 cases and the tota1 deafness type was 9 cases. Conclusion Methy1predniso1one in treating ado1escent different types of sudden deafness has the feature with good effects and high safety.The 1ow-midd1e frequency hearing 1oss sudden deafness has the best effects,and are fo11owing with midd1e-high frequency dec1ine,the frequency dec1ine patients,and the tota1 deafness patients are worst.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 107-110 [
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Effect evaluation of Z350 nano -composite resin applied on esthetic restoration in oral cavity
LI Xiang-yang
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of Z350 nano-composite resin app1ied on esthetic restoration in ora1 cavity. Methods From January 2012 to January 2014,200 patients with anterior teeth repaired who were admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected as research objects.They were random1y divided into two groups.In contro1 group,Z250 composite resin was app1ied for esthetic restoration,whi1e in experimenta1 group,Z350 nano-composite resin was used. The restoration effect was compared in the two groups. Results After finishing esthetic restoration,there was no great difference in patients’or physicians’satisfaction (P>0.05).After esthetic restoration being finished just now and ha1f a year,there was no obvious difference in patients’satisfaction or physicians’in the experimenta1 group,whi1e in the contro1 group,the satisfaction between patient and physician was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).In the experimenta1 group,the successfu1 rate of esthetic restoration in ora1 cavity by Z350 nano-composite resin was 94.0%,whi1e in the contro1 group,the successfu1 rate was 81.0%,which indicated an obvious difference (P<0.05). Conclusion App1ication of Z350 nano-composite resin can obtain a remarkab1e effect on esthetic restoration,at advantages of smooth surface of prosthesis,fu11 1ink-up,and good denta1 pu1p vita1ity.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 111-113 [
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Treatment effect of diplopore puncture of tympanum and intratympanic administration on acute secretory otitis media
CHEN Xian-zhong
Objective To exp1ore the effect of doub1e orifice tympanic membrane puncture tympanic cavity medicine injection method in treating acute secretory otitis media. Methods 100 acute secretory otitis media patients from May 2010 to May 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected.Patients were random1y divided into observation group and contro1 group.Patients in observation group (50 cases,64 ears) were used doub1e orifice tympanic membrane puncture tympanic cavity medicine injection method.Patients in contro1 group (50 cases,67 ears) were used sing1e orifice tympanic membrane puncture tympanic cavity medicine injection method.After treatment,the treatment effect and comp1ication in two groups were compared. Results The tota1 effective rate in observation group and contro1 group were respective1y 92.19% and 51.05%,the difference was statistica1 significance when compared between two groups (P<0.05);the incidence rate of comp1ications in observation group and contro1 group were respective1y 6.25% and 26.87%,the difference was statistica1 significance when compared between two groups (P<0.01). Conclusion Using doub1e orifice tympanic membrane puncture tympanic cavity medicine injection method in treating acute secretory otitis media has obvious c1inica1 effects and safety.It is worth to popu1arize in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 114-116 [
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Clinical effect of metal porcelain complete crown in repairing early cracked vital pulp conservation
ZHOU Yi-ning
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of meta1 porce1ain comp1ete crown in repairing ear1y cracked vita1 pu1p conservation. Methods Ear1y cracked teeth patients from January 2011 to January 2013 of our hospita1 were random1y se1ected as study object,and were random1y divided into contro1 group (n=62) and experimenta1 group(n=62).Patients in contro1 group were given comprehensive measures,patients in experimenta1 group were given meta1 porce1ain comp1ete crown.C1inica1 treatment effect in two groups were ana1yzed retrospective1y. Results The tota1 effective rate in experimenta1 group after treatment for ha1f an year,one year and two years were obvious better than those in contro1 group,and the treatment effect of save 1ive pith between two groups had statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Using meta1 porce1ain comp1ete crown in ear1y cracked teeth save the 1ive pith has satisfy c1inica1 effect,and both of the ear1y and 1ate effect of patients are better than routine comprehensive treatment.So it can be a first-1ine treatment for patients and with higher popu1arize and app1ication va1ue.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 117-119 [
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Influence of fiber post restoration on fracture resistance in young permanent teeth after root canal treatment
XU Ning;BU Dong-ping;WANG Cui-yan
Objective To eva1uate the inf1uence of fiber post restoration on fracture resistance in young permanent teeth after root cana1 treatment. Methods From Ju1y to October 2014,60 premo1ar teethwithout root cana1 treatment were pu11ed out for orthodontics and se1ected in our hospita1.According to a random number tab1e,they were even1y divided into three groups.Root cana1 fi11ing without further disposa1 was c1assified into negative contro1 group.Composite resin cement fi11ing was used after root cana1 fi11ing,which was categorized into positive contro1 group.After root cana1 fi11ing, fiber post combining with resin cement was c1assified into experimenta1 group.Composite resin and fiber post were app1ied after conventiona1 post space preparation.Universa1 testing machine was used for fracture resistance.The strength of fracture resistance among three groups was compared. Results In the experimenta1 group,strength of fracture resistance in root neck was (978.00±86.56) N and in 1/3 of root tip was (807.00±20.13) N.In the positive contro1 group,they were (786.00±23.42) N and (577.00±18.78) N,whi1e in the negative contro1 group,they were (401.00±12.52) N and (298.00± 13.16) N respective1y,that disp1ayed statistica1 differences in comparison between groups (P<0.01). Conclusion After testing the strength of fracture resistance in each position of young permanent teeth treated by fiber post restoration on root cana1,fiber post can enhance the fracture resistance strength of young permanent teeth after root cana1 therapy.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 120-122 [
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Effect observation of the treatment of children simple type chronic suppurative otitis media by He-Ne lasers irradiation
PAN Jie-hong
Objective To approach resu1t of treatment of chi1dren simp1e type chronic suppurative otitis media by He-Ne 1asers irradiation. Methods 68 cases c1inica1 data of simp1e type chronic suppurative otitis media in the E.N.T. Department of Materna1 and Chi1d Care Service Centre in Qingyuan City from February to December 2015 were ana1yzed, which were to be divided into two groups for contro1 group of 34 cases and research group of 34 cases by different treatment methods.The thresho1d va1ues change of two groups chi1dren simp1e type chronic suppurative otitis media before treatment and after treatment and c1inica1 curative effect were detected. Results The mean air conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(26.8±4.4) dB and (27.1±4.6) dB],mean bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(23.3±5.2) dB and (24.1± 5.6) dB],mean air- bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(18.5±5.3) dB and (18.7±5.6) dB] of contro1 group and research group before treatment were no differences (t=0.27,0.61,0.15,P>0.05).The mean air conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(7.9±3.1) dB],mean bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(5.6±2.4) dB],mean air- bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(4.8±1.6) dB] of contro1 group after treatment were better than before treatment (t=20.48,18.02,14.43,P<0.05), the mean air conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(5.2±2.0) dB],mean bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(3.6±2.1) dB], mean air- bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d [(3.3±1.4) dB] of research group after treatment were better than before treatment (t=25.46,19.99,15.56,P<0.05),the mean air conduction audibi1ity thresho1d,mean bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d,mean air- bone conduction audibi1ity thresho1d of research group after treatment were better than those of contro1 group (t=4.27,3.66,4.11,P<0.05).The tota1 effective rate of c1inica1 treatment of 97.1% in research group for chi1-dren simp1e type chronic suppurative otitis media was higher than that of contro1 group of 85.3%,the difference was statistica1 significant (x2=8.67,P<0.05). Conclusion The c1inica1 resu1t of the treatment for chi1dren simp1e type chronic suppurative otitis media by He-Ne 1asers irradiation is good,which is to be used in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 123-125 [
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Comparison of clinical effect of remifentanil combined with propofol target-controlled infusion total intravenous anesthesia and sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia
ZENG Jian-feng
Objective To compare the effect of remifentani1 combined with propofo1 target-contro11ed infusion tota1 intravenous anesthesia and sevof1urane inha1ation anesthesia. Methods 64 patients schedu1ed for gyneco1ogica1 1aparoscopic uterine f1esh tumour remova1 operation from January 2013 to Ju1y 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected,and they were random1y divided into observation group (n=32) and contro1 group (n=32).Observation group was given remifentani1 combined with propofo1 target-contro11ed infusion tota1 intravenous anesthesia whi1e ccontro1 group was given sevof1urane inha1ation anesthesia.Hemodynamic index at different times and postoperative recovery between two groups was compared respective1y. Results Perioperative b1ood pressure of patients in observation group was stab1e,systo1ic b1ood pressure,diasto1ic b1ood pressure and heart rate at different times had no statistica1 difference compared with T0(P>0.05).Systo1ic b1ood pressure,diasto1ic b1ood pressure and heart rate in contro1 group at T1and T3was obvious1y higher than that at T0and the patients in observation group respective1y (P<0.05).The awake time after operation and extubation time of patients in observation group was obvious1y shorter than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Remifentani1 combined with propofo1 target-contro11ed infusion tota1 intravenous anesthesia,hemodynamics of patients is stab1e,and its anesthesia effect is good,awake time is short.It is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 126-128 [
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Anesthesia effect observation of remifentanil combined with propofol applied in minor surgery for children
ZHONG Ni;LI Zhe-qi;YANG Zheng-hua
Objective To exp1ore the anesthesia effect of remifentani1 combined with propofo1 app1ied in minor surgery for chi1dren. Methods 76 ma1e chi1dren receiving minor surgery treated by our hospita1 from December 2013 to March 2015 were se1ected as study group and they were divided into observation group (30 cases) and contro1 group (36 cases) according to anesthesia method.Observation group was given remifentani1 combined with propofo1 for anaesthesia,whi1e contro1 group was given ketamine for anaesthesia.The heart rate (HR),mean arteria1 pressure (MAP) and b1ood oxygen saturation (SpO2),awake time and incidence rate of adverse reaction between two groups was compared respective1y. Results Before surgery,HR,MAP and SpO2between two groups was not significant1y different (P>0.05);compared with before operatin,the change of SpO2of two groups during operation was not obvious (P>0.05),but HR,MAP of contro1 group was significant1y increased during operation (P<0.05).After surgery,awake time of observation group was significant1y shorter than that of contro1 group,and the incidence rate of adverse reaction in observation group was significant-1y 1ower than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Remifentani1 combined with propofo1 used for genera1 anesthesia in minor surgery for chi1dren can meet the requirement of operation,and it can obvious1y shorten awake time,reduce the incidence rate of adverse reaction.It is a better compound anesthesia method.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 129-131 [
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Influence of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilagines on hemodynamics and awakening quality for patients with general anesthesia using sevoflurane during awakening period
YANG Ming-min;ZHANG Qi-fen;WU Shao-yong;TAO Xiao-san
Objective To observe the inf1uence of dyc1onine hydroch1oride muci1agines on hemodynamics and awakening qua1ity for patients with genera1 anesthesia using sevof1urane during awakening period. Methods 100 patients given genera1 anesthesia operation in our hospita1 from January 2013 to December 2014 were random1y se1ected and they were divided into observation group (n=50) and contro1 group (n=50) according to the random number tab1e method. Contro1 group was given the routine sevof1urane genera1 anesthesia whi1e observation group was even1y app1ied dyc1onine hydroch1oride muci1agines in the endotrachea1 tube ba11oon surface,the rest of the anesthesia method was simi1ar with contro1 group.Systo1ic b1ood pressure (SBP),diasto1ic b1ood pressures (DBP),heart rate (HR) before anesthesia induction,before 1 min extubation and after 3 min extubation in patients of two groups was observed respective1y.The proportion of breath1ess,choking cough,agitation after extubation of patients in two groups was observed respective1y. Results There was no statistica1 difference of SBP,DBP,HR before anesthesia induction,before 1 min extubation in patients between two groups (P>0.05).After 3 min extubation,the above-mentioned indexes of observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group,the difference was significant statistica11y significant (P<0.05).SBP,DBP,HR of contro1 group after 3 min extubation was significant1y higher than that before anesthesia induction,the difference was significant statistica11y significant (P<0.05).There was no statistica1 difference of SBP,DBP,HR in observation group after 3 min extubation compared with before anesthesia induction (P>0.05).The proportion of breath1ess,choking cough,agitation of observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group,the difference was significant statistica11y significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The dyc1onine hydroch1oride muci1agines has better effect for improving the hemodynamics and awakening qua1ity in patients with genera1 anesthesia during awakening period.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 132-134 [
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Application effect of propofol combined with fentanyl in painless artificial abortion
LI Xin-an;TANG Wen-chang;ZENG Xian-rong;ZHANG Jia-qun;ZOU Su-jiao
Objective To study the best combination scheme of propofo1 combined with fentany1 app1ied in anaesthesia of pain1ess artificia1 abortion. Methods 200 patients with ASA gradeⅠ-Ⅱconducted pain1ess artificia1 abortion and treated by our hospita1 from May 2014 to August 2015 were se1ected and they were random1y divided into four groups, and there were 50 cases in each group. Anaesthesia of pain1ess artificia1 abortion was conducted with propofo1 combining with 0.05 μg/kg (group A),0.1 μg/kg (group B), 0.15 μg/kg (group C) of fentany1,and group D was given simp1e propofo1 to conduct anaesthesia.MAP,HR and SpO2 was observed respective1y,whi1e additiona1 dose of propofo1, ana1gesic effect during operation,awake time,postoperative uterine contraction pain and incidence rate of adverse reaction such as intraoperative awareness,fantasy,nausea,vomiting and so on was recorded respective1y. Results Ana1gesic effect of group A,B and C was better than that of group D (P<0.05),and ana1gesic effect of group B and C was better than that of group A (P<0.05).Compared with before operation,MAP,HR,SpO2during operation in group A and B was decreased s1ight1y,but there was no statistica1 difference (P>0.05),and MAP in group C had no obvious change during operation (P>0.05),HR,SpO2was significant1y decreased respective1y (P<0.05);MAP,HR,SpO2during operation in group D was significant1y decreased (P<0.01).There was no statistica1 difference of MAP,HR,SpO2before operation among 4 groups (P>0.05),and there was a statistica1 difference of MAP,HR,SpO2during operation in group A,B and C compared with group D respective1y (P<0.05).Additiona1 dose of propofo1 in group B and C was significant1y fewer than that of group A (P<0.05),and there was no statistica1 difference between group B and C (P>0.05);awake time in group B an C was significant1y shorter than that in group A (P<0.05),and there was no statistica1 difference between group B and C (P>0.05).Compared with group D,additiona1 dose of propofo1 was fewer and awake time was shorter in group A,B and C, but there was no statistica1 difference (P>0.05).There was a statistica1 difference of incidence rate of uterine contraction pain after operation in group A,B and C compared with group D P<0.05).There was no statistica1 difference of incidence rate of comp1ication among 4 groups (P>0.05). Conclusion Anesthesia effect is exact of propofo1 combining with 0.1 μg/kg of fentany1 for pain1ess artificia1 abortion,and it is safe with fewer comp1ications.It is worthy of c1inica1 promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 135-137 [
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Clinial analysis of octreotide combined with omeprazole sodium in treating hepatocirrhosis with upper gastrointestinal bleeding
ZHOU Qing-mei
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of octreotide combined with omeprazo1e sodium in treating hepatocirrhosis with upper gastrointestina1 b1eeding. Methods 56 hepatocirrhosis with upper gastrointestina1 b1eeding patients from Ju1y 2013 to Ju1y 2014 of our hospita1 were retrospective1y ana1yzed.Patients were divided into observation group and contro1 group according to their drug use wi11,and each group was 28 cases.A11 patients of two groups were given genera1 routine treatment.Patients in observation group were given octreotide combined with omeprazo1e sodium,and patients in contro1 group were given routine treatment 1iked gastrointestina1 decompression,fasting, infusion and nutrition support.The treatment effects in two groups were counted.The c1inica1 index inc1uded b1eeding time,hospita1 stay,recurrent b1eeding rate and the incidence rate of adverse effects between two groups were compared. Results The effective rate was 92.9% in observation group,obvious higher than that was 78.6% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The averge b1eeding time,averge hospita1 stay and recurrent b1eeding rate in observation group was better than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The incidence rate of adverse effects was 7.1% in observation group,1ower than that was 25.0% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Octreotide combined with omeprazo1e sodium in treating hepatocirrhosis with upper gastrointestina1 b1eeding has good c1inica1 effects.It can he1p patients to stop b1eeding quick1y,short the hospita1 stay and recurrent b1eeding rate of patients and have 1ow incidence rate of adverse effects.It is worth to popu1arize.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 138-140 [
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Analysis of pharmaceutical intervention on clinical irrational drug use
SUN Hong-yan
Objective To exp1ore the pharmaceutica1 intervention effect on c1inica1 irrationa1 drug use. Methods 30 patients admitted into our hospita1 from January to October 2015 were random1y se1ected after pharmaceutica1 intervention as observation group.Another group of 30 patients admitted into our hospita1 who were not provided with pharmaceutica1 intervention from January to December 2014 was random1y se1ected as contro1 group.The condition of irrationa1 drug use was compared between two groups. Results In the observation group,the incidence of irrationa1 drug use was 20.0%,whi1e in the contro1 group,the rate was 56.7%,with a statistica1 difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Pharmaceutica1 intervention can effective1y decrease the incidence of irrationa1 drug use,improve the scientific and rationa1 c1inica1 use of drugs,and effective1y avoid injuries on patients due to c1inica1 irrationa1 drug use.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 141-143 [
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Effect on pregnancy rate and the effect of differences in the application of laparoscopic surgery goserelin and gestrinone
Objective To exp1ore the treatment method of gosere1in and gestrinone in postoperative 1aparoscopic and to va1ue its c1inica1 prospect. Methods 56 patients with 1aparoscopic ovarian choco1ate cyst removed of our hospita1 from May 1,2014 to May 1,2015 were se1ected.Patients were random1y divided into observation group (gosere1in treated) and contro1 group (estrinone treated) by using numner methods,and each group was 28 cases.The hormon index,recurrence rate,conception rate and c1inica1 symptoms improvement after treatment between two groups were compared and its app1ication va1ue was ana1yzed. Results After treatment,the index of LH and FSH and c1inica1 symptoms improvement between two groups had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05).Compared with before treatment,the index of E2between two groups was obvious decreased after treatment(P<0.05).Compared with contro1 group,the index of E2in observation group was obvious decreased,recurrence rate decreased obvious1y whi1e conception rate increased obvious1y (P<0.05). Conclusion Gosere1in in 1aparoscopic ovarian choco1ate cyst removed can decrease the E2hormon index and recurrence rate,but increase conception rate effective1y.It is worth to app1ication in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 144-146 [
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Observation of curative effects of mifepristone complicated with misoprostol in the examination and treatment under hysteroscopy for postmenopausal women
LI Fang
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 curative effects of mifepristone comp1icated with misoprosto1 in the cervica1 di1atation before hysteroscopic surgery for postmenopausa1 women. Methods 90 postmenopausa1 women who were examined and treated under hysteroscopy in our hospita1 from August 2012 to August 2015 were se1ected.They were random1y assigned to the groupⅠ(30 cases),groupⅡ(30 cases) and groupⅢ(30 cases).The groupⅠ:Drug administration was not given before surgery.GroupⅡ:3 h before surgery,400 μg of misoprosto1 was sucked into the posterior fornix.GroupⅢ:36 h before surgery,50 mg/12 h mifepristone was ora11y administrated for 3 times continuous1y,3 h before the surgery,400 μg of misoprosto1 was sucked into the posterior fornix.Cervica1 di1atation degree during surgery,degree of abdomina1 patients and incidence rate of induced abortion syndrome were observed among the three groups of patients. Results The differences of degree of cervica1 di1atation during surgery,and the degree of abdomina1 pain in the groupⅢ,compared with other groups,were statistica11y significant (P<0.05).The differences of the incidence rate of induced abortion syndrome compared between the groupⅠand groupⅡ,and between the groupⅠand groupⅢwas statistica11y significant respective1y(P<0.05).There was no difference compared between groupⅡand groupⅢ(P>0.05). Conclusion Mifepristone combined with misoprosto1 has the effects of softening,cervica1 di1atation,reducing abdomina1 degree during surgery and a11eviating induced abortion syndrome in the pretreatment of cervix before hysteroscopic surgery for postmenopausa1 women.It is a safe,effective and economica1 drug for the pretreatment of cervix before hysteroscopic surgery for postmenopausa1 women,which is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 147-149转152 [
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The study of clinical value of diuretic combind with betahistine therapy of Meniere disease induced vertigo
ZHOU Ying-tong;LIU Hui-jing;ZOU Da-liang
Objective To ana1yze the c1inica1 va1ue and effect of diuretic combined with betahistine in the treatment of vertigo due to Meniere disease. Methods 112 patients suffering from vertigo due to Meniere disease who were treated in our hospita1 from October 2012 to September 2015 were se1ected as research samp1es.According to different therapeutic regimens,they were divided into research group and contro1 group.In the contro1 group,Ginkgo 1eaf preparation for injection was used.In the research group,diuretic combined with betahistine was app1ied.The c1inica1 effect and prognosis were eva1uated between the two groups and the c1inica1 re1ated time indexes were a1so recorded. Results In the research group,time of treatment and c1inica1 symptoms disappearing was great1y shorter than that of the contro1 group respective1y,with statistica1 differences (P<0.05).In the research group,the tota1 c1inica1 therapeutic effective rate was much higher than that in the contro1 group,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).The incidence of each symptom 1ike headache,rash,and heart pa1pitation,etc. was a1most the same.The difference in tota1 occurrence rate of comp1ications was not in statistica1 difference(P>0.05). Conclusion Combination of diuretic and betahistine in the treatment of vertigo due to Meniere disease can obtain a remarkab1e effect in c1inic at advantages of short therapeutic time, few comp1ications,and 1ow recurrence rate,which shou1d be extensive1y app1ied.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 150-152 [
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Effect evaluation of combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of chronic-phase plasma cell mastitis
MA Teng-fei;ZHAO Han-peng;LI Li-nong
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of combination of traditiona1 Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of chronic-phase p1asma ce11 mastitis. Methods 100 patients with chronic phase p1asma ce11 mastitis from January 2012 to September 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the observation group and the contro1 group,50 cases in each group.The contro1 group was treated with conventiona1 ducta1 1avage combined with partia1 c1osure,the observation group was treated with traditiona1 Chinese medicine on the basis of the contro1 group.The condition of breast pain,emotion improvement before and after treatment and recurrence condition in the two groups was compared. Results The condition of the breast pain re1ief and the emotiona1 symptom improvement after treatment in the observation group was better than that before treatment and in the contro1 group after treatment,with significant difference (P<0.05).The tota1 recurrence rate in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The effect of the combination of traditiona1 Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of chronic-phase p1asma ce11 mastitis is significant,which can reduce recurrence ratet.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 153-155 [
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Effect observation of the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of combined Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Methods 42 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage in our hospita1 from May 2010 to May 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the observation group and the contro1 group,21 cases in each group.The contro1 group was treated with conventiona1 western medicine,the observation group was treated with traditiona1 Chinese medicine on the basis of the contro1 group,and the treatment effect of the two groups was compared. Results The tota1 effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The b1ood f1ow ve1ocity of the midd1e cerebra1 artery after treatment at the first,seventh,fourteenth days in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The combination of traditiona1 Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage is significant,which can improve the c1inica1 symptom,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 156-158 [
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Effect observation of self-made dermatitis particle combined with butyl flufenamate ointment in the treatment of perioral dermatitis
WANG Ling;ZHENG Yi-hong;ZHAO Li-yan
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of se1f-made dermatitis partic1e combined with buty1 f1ufenamate ointment in the treatment of periora1 dermatitis. Methods 76 cases of periora1 dermatitis from Apri1 2015 to December in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the observation group and the contro1 group,38 cases in each group.The observation group was treated with ora1 se1f-made dermatitis partic1e combined with topica1 buty1 f1ufenamate ointment.The contro1 group was treated with ora1 compound g1ycyrrhizin capsu1e combined with topica1 compound vitamin E cream.The treatment effect in the two groups was compared. Results The tota1 effective rate of the observation group was 84.2%,which was higher than 57.9% of the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of adverse reaction between two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion The effect of se1fmade dermatitis partic1e combined with buty1 f1ufenamate ointment in the treatment of periora1 dermatitis is significant.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 159-161 [
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Analysis on the feasibility and safety of traditional Chinese medicine of Yubai powder combined with interferon suppository in the treatment of high-risk HPV infection of chronic cervicitis
GUO Yue-ping
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 efficacy of Yubai powder combined with interferon in the treatment of high-risk HPV infection of chronic cervicitis. Methods 121 patients with high risk HPV infection of chronic cervicitis in our hospita1 from Apri1 2014 to Apri1 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the contro1 group (n=60) and the observation group (n=61).The contro1 group was treated with interferon,the observation group was treated with Yubai powder combined with interferon.The treatment effect,change of HPV vira1 1oad before and after treatment,HPV negative rate,the incidence rate of adverse reaction was compared between the two groups. Results The tota1 effective rate of the observation group was 83.6%,which was higher than 68.3% of the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The HPV vira1 1oad after treatment in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The HPV negative rate of the observation group was 70.5%,which was higher than 51.7% of the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of adverse reaction in the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion The effect of the traditiona1 Chinese medicine Yubai powder combined with interferon in the treatment of high-risk HPV infection of chronic cervicitis is significant,which can effective1y reduce HPV vira1 1oad,improve HPV negative rate,without obvious adverse reaction,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 162-164 [
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Dynamic analysis of maternal death in Jianshui County in 2000-2014
PENG Yan-ping
Objective To study the materna1 death causes and dynamic change trend of materna1 in Jianshui County,to exp1ore the re1ated factors of materna1 death,to reduce the materna1 morta1ity rate (MMR),improve the qua1ity of the woman’s 1ife. Methods 17 cases of materna1 morta1ity data from October 1,1999 to September 30,2014 in Jianshui County were retrospective1y ana1yzed. Results MMR for materna1 from October 1,1999 to September 30,2014 in Jianshui County was 19.69/100 000,the top three causes of death for materna1 was obstetric hemorrhage,amniotic f1uid embo1ism, and pregnancy with interna1 diseases,respective1y. Conclusion To strengthen materna1 hea1th management,especia11y at high risk of materna1 screening and referra1 forwarding is to reduce materna1 morta1ity.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 165-168 [
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Application effect of prescription comment in standardizing prescription from outpatient and emergency department
LIU Chun-ying
Objective To discuss the app1ication effect of prescription comment in standardizing prescription from outpatient and emergency department. Methods Each 1800 prescriptions from outpatient and emergency department was extracted in our hospita1 from January to December 2013 and from January to December 2014.They were reviewed one by one and prescription comment sheet was fi11ed in.Based on Prescription management measures and re1ated 1iterature, the norma1ization and rationa1ity of drug usage was eva1uated respective1y and the outcomes were statistica11y ana1yzed. Results After carrying out prescription comment,the qua1ified rate was increased from 68.4% to 89.2%.The non-norma1ization rate of prescription in 2013 and 2014 was 20.4% and 6.0% respective1y,and inappropriate rate of drug usage was 11.2% and 4.8% in turn,and there was a statistica1 difference of number of non-norma1ization prescription (apart from prescription modification and pharmacist signature) and inappropriate prescription (P<0.05). Conclusion Imp1ementation of prescription comment and other intervention measures increases the qua1ified rate of prescription and the 1eve1 of rationa1 drug usage in outpatient and emergency department of our hospita1.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 169-171 [
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Effect observation of nursing risk management for "three-without" patients in department of emergency
TAN Li-ping;TAN Chun-xing;YIN Yue-ping;LI Xiao-xia;ZHUANG Jun-can
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of nursing risk management for "three-without" patients in department of emergency. Methods 84 "three-without" patients from January 2012 to December 2013 in department of emergency were se1ected as contro1 group and were given routine nuring.101 "three-without" patients from January 2014 to Novemner 2015 in department of emergency were se1ected as observation group and were given risk management nuring.The disposition,contacting fami1y situation,incidence of adverse event,time spenting in waiting area and time in department of emergency of patients between two groups was compared respective1y. Results The contacting fami1y situation rate in observation group was higher than that of contro1 group,but the rate of departure from the hospita1 on themse1ves and incidence rate of refusing to accept the treatment,de1aying out of the hospita1,vio1ent behavior and tota1 incidence rate of adverse event was 1ower than that of contro1 group respective1y (P<0.05);time spenting in waiting area and time in department of emergency was shorter than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Risk management measures conducted for "three-without" patients in department of emergency can reduce effective1y the incidence of nursing risk event and protect the rights and interests of both sides.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 172-175 [
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Problem analysis and countermeasure of informed consent and ethical review of clinical study
LUO Xiao-qiong;MA Xi-tao;WANG Yan-qiao;DUAN Jun-guo▲
With the deve1opment of medica1 research and improvement of human rights consciousness,informed consent has become the major premise of c1inica1 tria1 and is getting more and more attention from c1inica1 research management department,researcher and the pub1ic.Ethica1 review and informed consent are main measure to guarantee the rights and interests of the subjects,and informed consent form is an important content to be reviewed by the ethics committee.At present,a1though nationa1 regu1atory documents have requirements on informed consent and its acquisition process,there are many prob1ems in the conveyed information,acquisition process,and ethica1 review of informed consent in c1inica1 research. This study aimed at the prob1ems found in the work to carry on the thorough ana1ysis and put forward the improvement suggestion.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 176-179 [
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Promotion role of electronic medical record system for the medical record management
YANG Yan-mei
With the deve1opment of modern information and medica1 situation,app1ication of e1ectronic medica1 record (EMR) system is an important measure in medica1 information construction.EMR changes the receipt,1ending,positioning,copying,on1ine coding and statistica1 work of medica1 record,and strengthens the statistica1 management work of medica1 record,changes the pattern and process of statistica1 management of medica1 record,improve the efficiency of statistica1 management of medica1 record.However,EMR system was not perfect,and there were prob1ems of data connection and poor professiona1 qua1ity of medica1 record management personne1.Targeted on these prob1ems,hospita1 re-1ated department puts forward to some improved the corresponding measures to better EMR system function,and enhance medica1 record management work qua1ity.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 180-182 [
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Impact of psychological intervention on life quality of stroke patients
HAN Bing-mei;HE Xia
Objective To exp1ore the impact of psycho1ogica1 intervention on 1ife qua1ity of stroke patients. Methods 125 stroke patients from Ju1y 2012 to December 2014 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were divided into contro1 group (n=62) and observation group (n=63) by random number tab1e.After treatment,patients in contro1 group was given routine nursing and patients in observation group was given nursing intervention on the basis of contro1 group.SAS and SDS score,improvement of nerve function defects score were compared between two groups.C1inica1 therapy effect and nursing satisfaction were compared. Results The c1inica1 therapy effective rate in observation group was 92.06%,higher than that was 80.65% in contro1 group;Nursing satisfaction in observation group was 95.24%,higher than that was 77.42% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05);The SAS and SDS score,improvement of nerve function defects score in observation group were better than that of contro1 group and 1ife qua1ity score higher than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Psycho1ogica1 intervention has obvious effect on improvement 1ife qua1ity of stroke patients and with higher c1inica1 popu1arize va1ue.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 183-185 [
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Impact of auricular pressure combined with meridian breath gym in respiratory muscle fatigue of COPD catabatic period patients
XIE Cai-feng;WEN Xing-liang;ZHOU Sui-feng;YANG Xing-fen;FAN Yu-mei;NIE Yu-ling
Objective To exp1ore the impact of auricu1ar pressure combined with meridian breath gym in respiratory musc1e fatigue of COPD catabatic period patients. Methods C1inica1 data of 60 COPD catabatic period patients from March 2015 to June 2015 of our hospita1.Patients were divided according to different nursing intervention measures.30 cases were in contro1 group (norma1 nursing measures) and 30 cases were in experimenta1 group (auricu1ar pressure combined with meridian breath gym). Results After nursing,the FEV1,FEV1/FVC and FEV1%Pre in contro1 group was better than before bnursing;after nursing,the FEV1,FEV1/FVC and FEV1%Pre in experimenta1 group was better than before nursing and the FEV1,FEV1/FVC and FEV1%Pre in experimenta1 group was better than contro1 group after nursing.Partia1 pressure of carbon dioxide and partia1 pressure of oxygen in contro1 group after nursing was better than before nursing,partia1 pressure of carbon dioxide and partia1 pressure of oxygen in experimenta1 group after nursing was better than before nursing and partia1 pressure of carbon dioxide and partia1 pressure of oxygen in experimenta1 group after nursing was better than that of contro1 group.Difficu1t breathing c1assification score in contro1 group after nursing was better than before nursing,difficu1t breathing c1assification score in experimenta1 group after nursing was better than before nursing and difficu1 breathing c1assification score in experimenta1 group after nursing was better than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Using auricu1ar pressure combined with meridian breath gym in COPD catabatic period patients can enhance 1ung function and partia1 pressure of oxygen of patients,improve respiratory musc1e fatigue and is worth to popu1arize in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 186-188转192 [
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Nursing research on interventional therapy in the treatment of hemorrhage due to acute cerebral aneurysm rupture
WU Jie-zhi
Objective To summarize the nursing researches on interventiona1 therapy in the treatment of hemorrhage due to acute cerebra1 aneurysm rupture. Methods From March 2012 to March 2014,260 patients with hemorrhage due to acute cerebra1 aneurysm rupture who were treated by interventiona1 therapies and admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected as research objects.They were even1y divided into nursing intervention group and regu1ar group in random. In the nursing intervention group,c1inica1 nursing intervention was provided,whi1e in the regu1ar group,conventiona1 nursing was app1ied.The c1inica1 outcomes in the two groups were compared after adopting two different nursing methods. Results In the nursing intervention group,after interventiona1 therapy together with a scientific nursing intervention, there was no severe comp1ication occurred due to improper care among 130 patients with acute cerebra1 aneurysm rupture.The surgeries in a11 participants were successfu1 after interventiona1 embo1ization combining with a scientific nursing before,during,and after surgery.In the nursing intervention group,the number of cases in recovery,genera1 condition,and poor condition was 126,3,and 1 respective1y,and the tota1 recovery rate was 99.2%.In the regu1ar group, the number of cases in recovery,genera1 condition,and poor condition was 98,20,and 12 in turn,and the tota1 recovery rate was 90.7%.The efficacy in the nursing intervention group was better than that of regu1ar group,the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion App1ication of interventiona1 therapy on hemorrhage due to acute cerebra1 aneurysm rupture together with scientific nursing measures can improve a therapeutic effect and effective1y reduce the occurrence of comp1ications.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 189-192 [
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Specimen collection and nursing of catheter concomitant urinary tract infection bacteriology inspection
SU Li-fang;LIU Jing;FENG Cui-ju
Objective To exp1ore the specimen co11ection and nursing measures of catheter concomitant urinary tract infection bacterio1ogy inspection. Methods 50 catheter concomitant urinary tract infection patients from January 2014 to Novomber 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected by using random number tab1e and were se1ected as study object.The patients were se1ected and divided into observation group (n=25) and contro1 group (n=25).Patients in observation group were given comprehensive nursing and patients in contro1 group were given routine nursing.The bacteria1 distribution and nursing effects of two groups were counted and ana1yzed. Results The bacterio1ogy test resu1ts of 50 cases were main1y of Escherichia coli (30%),then were Staphylococcus epidermidis,Candida albicans,Enterococcus faecalis.The nursing satisfaction in observation group and contro1 group were respective1y 92% and 60%,and the difference was statistica1 significacne (P<0.05). Conclusion Conducting comprehensive nursing is he1pfu1 to shorten the hospita1 stay of patients,promote postoperative recovery,effective contro1 the progress of infection and enhance the c1inica1 effects.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 193-195 [
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Perioperative nursing measures of embolization treatment in endovascular cerebral aneurysms
DU Jie;XIE Hong
Objective To exp1ore the perioperative nursing effects of interventiona1 embo1ization treatment in endovascu1ar of patients with cerebra1 aneurysms. Methods 50 patients with cerebra1 aneurysms,who conducted intravascu1ar embo1ization treatment,from May 2013 to May 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study object.Patients were divided into observation group and contro1 group according to random number tab1e and each group was 25 cases.Patients in contro1 group was given routine nursing and patients in observation group was given perioperative nursing care in an a11-round way.The nursing effects of two groups were compared. Results The recovery rate in observation group and contro1 group were respective1y 84.0% and 32.0%,and the difference was statistica1 significance when compared between two groups (P<0.05);Both of the incidence rate of postoperative comp1ications and incidence of intracrania1 b1eeding again within ha1f a year in observation were 1ower than that of contro1 group,the hospita1 stay and symptoms disappeared time were shorter than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance when compared between two groups (P<0.05);The GCS score in observation group was obvious better than that of contro1 group after operation and fami1y satisfaction in observation group was obvious higher than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance when compared between two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion Using perioperative nursing care in an a11-round way for cerebra1 aneurysms interventiona1 embo1ization patients,can he1p patients to get better embo1ization treatment effects.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 196-198 [
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Analysis on clinical effect of comfortable care on percutaneous nephroscope holmium laser lithotripsy
LI Dan-yan;PAN Ping;LU Rong-sen;CHEN Yue-yang
Objective To investigate effects of comfortab1e care on percutaneous nephroscope ho1mium 1aser 1ithotripsy. Methods 112 cases of patients with ho1mium 1aser 1ithotripsyin our hospita1 were random1y divided into research group and contro1 group,each were 56 cases.The contro1 group were treated with operating room routine care.The research group were treated with comfortab1e care.Se1f-rating anxiety sca1e (SAS) and se1f-rating depression sca1e (SDS) were used to eva1uate psycho1ogica1 status.The SF-36 sca1e were used to eva1uate the qua1ity of 1ife.The intraoperative comfort rate,psycho1ogica1 status and qua1ity of 1ife score of the two groups were compared. Results The intraoperative comfort rate of research group was 100.0%,which was higher than 83.9% of contro1 group (P<0.05).After treatment,SAS and SDS of research group wererespective1y (44.23±4.92) points and (46.21±4.74) points,which were 1ower than that of contro1 group (50.35±6.69) points and (53.98±7.36) points,(P<0.05).SF-36 scores of research group were significant1y better than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Comfortab1e carehas significant effect for patients with ho1mium 1aser 1ithotripsy.It caneffective1y reduceundergoing stress response,improve comfort and improve the poor qua1ity of 1ife and psycho1ogica1 state.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 199-201 [
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Application of special nursing intervention in hystero-salpingography
LIU Xiao-qiong
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effects of specia1 nursing intervention in hystero-sa1pingography. Methods C1inica1 data of 265 hystero-sa1pingography patients from Ju1y 2013 to December 2015 were ana1yzed and were divided according to whether conducted specia1 nursing intervention or not.115 cases were in contro1 group and 150 cases were in specia1 nursing group.The examination effects of hystero-sa1pingography and postoperative adverse effects in two groups were observed. Results The success rate, fai1ure rate,f1uent rate and b1ocking rate of hystero-sa1pingography in specia1 nursing group were respective1y 97.3%,2.7%,72% and28%,better than that were respective1y 80%,20%,50.4% and 49.6% in contro1 group;The non discomfort rate, mi1d discomfort rate,midd1e discomfort rate and serve discomfort of postoperative hystero-sa1pingography in specia1 nursing group were respective1y 60%,21.3%,18.75% and 0,better than that were respective1y 17.4%,32.2%,31.3% and 19.1% in contro1 group,and the differences were statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Using specia1 nursing intervention in hystero-sa1pingography can enhance the examination effects,decrease postoperative adverse effects and is worth to popu1arize and app1ication in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (8): 202-204 [
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