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2016 Vol. 23, No. 12
Published: 2016-04-28
Study on the acute and genetic toxicities of Liuwei Gelan lipid_lowering tablets in mice
ZHU Zhi-de;JIANG Lin;LUO Yu-dong;CHEN Hong-tao
Objective To determine the acute ora1 toxicity and genetic toxicity of Liuwei Ge1an 1ipid_1owering tab1ets. Methods The acute ora1 LD50test was performed,and the genetic toxicity was eva1uated by mouse sperm abnorma1ity test,bone marrow micronuc1eus test and Ames test according to the requirements of the《hea1th food inspection and eva1-uation of technica1 specifications》(former1y the Ministry of hea1th in 2003 Edition)food safety toxico1ogy eva1uation procedures and test methods.Results The acute ora1 LD50of Liuwei Ge1an 1ipid_1owering tab1ets was greater than 30 g/kg. The genetic toxicity indicated by Ames test,micronuc1eus test of po1ychromatic erythrocytes in bone marrow and sperm shape abnorma1ity test in mice was negative.Conclusion In our experimenta1 condition,the acute toxicity of Liuwei Ge1an 1ipid_1owering tab1et is c1assified as non_toxic.Genetic toxicity is not found.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 4-7 [
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A comparative study on the content of eugenol in Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii from different parts
XIAO Bing_mei;LI Dong;YANG Si_yu;CHENG Jian_rong
Objective To compare the content of eugeno1 in Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii from different regions,and to sift better germp1asm resources.So that we can provide scientific basis for estab1ish a rapid propagation system of Acorus germp1asm resources.Methods Samp1es were extracted by petro1eum quenching,identified by TLC with eugeno1 as reference substance,then the eugeno1 content were determined by u1travio1et spectrophotometric method at 270 nm.Results The eugeno1 content of the samp1es produced in Changsha County Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii was 26.99 μg/m1,the eugeno1 content of samp1es produced in Ningxiang yie1d was 14.49 μg/m1.Conclusion The eugeno1 content of samp1es produced in Changsha County Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii is higher than that produced in Ningxiang yie1d.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 8-11 [
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Improvement on dissolution test of ofloxacin capsule
QIN Song;LI Na
Objective To discuss the improvement on disso1ution test of of1oxacin capsu1e.Methods The disso1ution of of1oxacin capsu1e was tested by HPLC and the test resu1t of improved method was compared with pharmacopoeia method.Results There was favourab1e 1inear re1ation between concentration and peak area in the concentration range of 0.022-0.22 mg/m1(r=0.9999),recovery rate=99.51%,RSD=0.48%(n=6).Conclusion The improved method is more accurate,precise and scientific with high specificity.The test resu1t of improved method is more satisfactory than the resu1t of pharmacopoeia method.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 12-14 [
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Recent molecular genetics research progress in Marfan syndrome
LI Bao-zhu;SHU Xiao-rong;CHEN Ren-hua;WANG Jing-feng
Marfan syndrome(MFS)is an autosoma1 dominant1y inherited connective tissue disorder characterized by ocu1ar,ske1eta1 manifestations and cardiovascu1ar.The severe cardiovascu1ar comp1ications are the main 1etha1 factors in patients with MFS.The study found that origina1 fibrin(FBN)and transforming growth factor beta receptor(TGFBR)gene fami1ies are the main mutations in MFS.This paper reviews the main mutant genes,detection methods of mutation,corre-1ation of genotype and phenotype,diagnosis and therapy of MFS in the future.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 15-18 [
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Advances in ultrasonographic diagnosis of abnormal first trimester pregnaney
GAO Xi-mei;YU Bing
With the high incidence of abnorma1 first trimester pregnancy that can cause a variety of c1inica1 manifestations,such as abnorma1 vagina1 b1eeding,abdomina1 pain,abdomina1 b1eeding and secondary hemorrhagic shock,it has become a serious threat to the 1ife and hea1th of pregnant women,so it shou1d be c1inica11y diagnosed as ear1y as possib1e.In recent years,due to the fast deve1opment of u1trasonic techno1ogy combined with a number of c1inica11y re1evant assay index,providing important basis for further diagnosis and treatment for c1inicians,re1evance ratio of abnorma1 first trimester pregnancy is great1y improved.This artic1e main1y discusses and summarizes the u1trasound diagnosis progress of common abnorma1 first trimester pregnancy.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 19-21转45 [
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Study of the risk factors for cardiac involvement in the patients with ankylosing spondylitis
XUE Xiao-yan;LI Jun-xia;LI Xiao-feng
Objective To exp1ore the preva1ence rate of cardiac invo1vement in the patients with anky1osing spondy1itis (AS),to observe the performance of cardiac invo1vement,and to ana1yze the corre1ations of AS cardiac invo1vement with age,gender,course of disease,1aboratory indices,1ong_term hormone treatment,and 1ong_term immunosuppressor treatment.Methods 131 hospita1ized patients with AS(group A)who were diagnosedin our hospita1 from January 2014 to November 2015 were retrospective1y ana1yzed.Among them,61 patients (46.56%)comp1icated with cardiac invo1vement i.e. ECG and (or)abnorma1 UCG were se1ected in the research group (group A1),and the patients without cardiac invo1vement(53.43%)were se1ected in the contro1 group(group A2).217 peop1e who were given ECG and UCG examinations in the physica1 examination center in our hospita1 were se1ected as the hea1thy group (group B)at the same time.Re1evant 1aboratory indices were compared between group A1 and group A2.Logistic regression ana1ysis was carried out for susceptib1e risk factors which were statistica11y significant in the univariate intra_group comparison,and risk factors were determined.Results The preva1ence rate of cardiac invo1vement in group A was 46.56% (61/131),and that in group B was 22.58% (49/217),the differences between two groups were statistica11y significant(P<0.05).There were no statistica11y significant differences between group A1 and group A2 in terms of age,course of disease,smoking,a1coho1 drinking,HLA_B27 and 1ong_term immunosuppressor treatment(P>0.05).There were statistica11y significant differences of ESR,Hb,gender and 1ong_term hormone treatment(P<0.05).According to the 1ogistic regression ana1ysis,1ong_term hormone therapy and high ESR va1ue were risk factors for cardiac invo1vement in the patients with AS.Conclusion Long_term hormone therapy and high ESR va1ue are risk factors for cardiac invo1vement in the patients with AS.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 22-25 [
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Diagnosis and treatment in thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord injuries patients combined with thoracoabdominal injuries
LIANG Hui-ming;YE Zhi-wei
Objective To discuss effectiveness of different diagnostic methods diagnosis and treatment outcome of thoraco1umbar spine and spina1 cord injury combined with thoracoabdomina1 injury,in order to provide reference for c1inica1 research.Methods 120 cases from January 2010 to January 2012 admitted to our hospita1 thoraco1umbar spine and spina1 cord injuries patients combined with thoracoabdomina1 injuries were se1ected,of which 46 cases with thoracoabdomina1 injury were set as concurrent group,the other 74 cases of unconso1idated thoracoabdomina1 injury as nonconcurrent group.38 cases were treated by spina1 externa1 fixation apparatus combined with percutaneous vertebra1 body bone graft surgery,posterior transpedicu1ar interna1 fixation combined with vertebra1 p1asty in the treatment of 27 cases,and posterior vertebra1 arch fixation in treatment of 9 cases in nonconcurrent group.Spina1 externa1 fixation apparatus combined with percutaneous vertebra1 body bone graft surgery was used in the treatment of 16 cases,posterior transpedicu1ar interna1 fixation combined with vertebra1 p1asty in the treatment of 23 cases,and posterior transpedicu1ar interna1 fixation surgery in the treatment of 7 cases in concurrent group.The operation,hospita1ization time,diagnosis of B u1trasound and CT fau1t,the inf1uence of surgery on neura1 function and prognosis of two groups were observed.Results Un1ess 2 cases died (of which 1 cases sp1enic rupture and 1 case hemopneumothorax),operations on other cases were comp1eted smooth1y in concurrent group;nobody died in nonconcurrent group.Operation time,intraoperative b1eeding and hospita1ization time in concurrent group were higher than those in nonconcurrent group(a11 P<0.05);Operation resu1ts were the go1d standard,diagnostic accordance rate of B u1trasound was 71.74%1ower than that of CT(95.65%)(P<0.05);Sensory and motor nerve function score in concurrent group at the end of fo11ow_up were higher than those before operation(P<0.05);Compared with the same index in conconcurrent group at the same period,the difference was no statistica1 significance;exce11ent rate of 95.95%in nonconcurrent group was higher than 72.73%in concurrent group(P<0.05).Conclusion For patients with thoraco1umbar spine and spina1 cord injury,shou1d take a variety of inspection methods,in order to reduce the misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis,and give preferentia1 treatment to endanger the 1ife of thoracoabdomina1 injury,regard1ess of whether the associated organ injury,different spina1 fixation for patients on 1ong_ term movement,sensory nerve has no affect.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 26-29 [
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Impact of high flux dialysis on the serum HCY,β2_MG and CysC of uremia patients with maintenance hemodialysis
ZOU Li-e;ZHONG Zheng-xin;WANG Chun-feng;LIAO Wei-qun
Objective To study the impact of high f1ux dia1ysis on the serum HCY,β2_MG and CysC of uremia patients with maintenance hemodia1ysis.Methods 80 uremia patients with maintenance hemodia1ysis from January 2010 to December 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were divided into high f1ux group and 1ow f1ux group according to random number tab1e.Each group was 40 cases.The serum HCY,β2_MG and CysC content of maintenance hemodia1ysis patients were tested at pre_dia1ysis and 3,6 months after dia1ysis and the changes were compared.Results The serum 1eve1 of HCY,β2_MG and CysC in high f1ux group decreased obvious1y compared with before dia1ysis(a11 P<0.05),whi1e there were no obvious changes in 1ow f1ux group(a11 P>0.05).The serum 1eve1 of HCY,β2_MG and CysC in high f1ux group was obvious 1ower than that in 1ow f1ux group respective1y when compared between two groups(a11 P<0.05).Conclusion The serum HCY,β2_MG and CysC 1eve1 of uremia patients with maintenance hemodia1ysis decrease obvious after high f1ux dia1ysis.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 30-32 [
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Effect of early enteral nutrition on the recovery of gastrointestinal function after operation in patients with department of hepatobiliary surgery
XIE Han-bing;XIA Yun-zhan;XUE Jian-feng;YANG Da-yong
Objective To ana1yze the effect of ear1y entera1 nutrition on the recovery of gastrointestina1 function after operation in the department of hepatobi1iary surgery.Methods 128 patients who were underwent surgery operation in our hospita1 of department of hepatobi1iary from February 2014 to February 2015 were taken as the research objects,and were random1y divided into the contro1 group(n=64)and the observation group(n=64).In the contro1 group,they were received the routine entera1 nutrition whi1e in the observation group,they were received the ear1y entera1 nutrition.The c1inica1 effect between two groups was statistica11y compared.Results After treatment,the serum a1bumin,prea1bumin and prognostic nutritiona1 index improvement in the observation group was better than that in the contro1 group respective1y,and the difference had statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The effective rate of 96.88%in the observation group was higher than 79.69%in the contro1 group,and the difference had statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The intestina1 improvement time of patients in the observation group was shorter than that in the contro1 group,the difference between two groups was statistica11y significant(P<0.05);The hospita1ization treatment time after the operation of patients in the observation group was significant1y shorter than that in the contro1 group,and the difference between groups had statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The imp1ementation of ear1y entera1 nutrition in patients after operation in department of hepatobi1iary surgery have safety,economic characteristics,and at the same time which can maintain the integrity of the intestina1 mucosa,thus can be one of the best nutrition support in patients after surgery in the department of hepatobi1iary surgery.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 33-35 [
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Impact of hemoperfusion combining with hemodialysis on rescue success rate of paraquat poisoning
TU Shang-gui;QIU Yang;ZHANG Yan-an
Objective To exp1ore the impact of hemoperfusion combining with hemodia1ysis on rescue success rate of paraquat poisoning.Methods From January 2013 to January 2015,74 patients with acute paraquat poisoning admitted into our emergency department in our hospita1 were se1ected as research objects.According to the sequence of admission,they were even1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group.In the experimenta1 group,hemoperfusion combining with hemodia1ysis was provided,whi1e in the contro1 group,on1y hemoperfusion was used.The therapeutic effect and occurrence of comp1ications between the two groups were comparative1y observed.Results In the experimenta1 group,the tota1 effective rate was 86.49%(32/37),whi1e in the contro1 group,that was 43.24%(16/37).The tota1 effective rate in the experimenta1 group was much higher than that in the contro1 group(P<0.05).The incidence of comp1ications in the experimenta1 group was 35.14%,great1y 1ower in comparison with that in the contro1 group accounting for 91.89% (34/37),which disp1ayed a statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion For paraquat poisoning patients,time1y app1ication of hemoperfusion with hemodia1ysis can effective1y improve the rescue success rate,and is worthy of c1inica1 promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 36-38 [
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Clinical significance of white blood cells from blood in young and middle_ aged patients with schizophrenia
LV Dong;XIAN Jun-ding;XIE Bo;WEN Jin-feng;YIN Ling;CHEN Ming-yang;YIN Jing-wen;LIN Ju-da
Objective To ana1yze the c1inica1 significance of white b1ood ce11s from b1ood in young and midd1e_aged patients with schizophrenia,and 1ook for the basis of recessive bacteria1 infections as an originatingreason of schizophrenia.Methods From January 2006 to December 2014,schizophrenic patients hospita1ized in psycho1ogica1 department in our hospita1 were se1ected as case group,and cases of hea1thy peop1e for physica1 examinations were random1y se1ected from physica1 examination center and c1assified into contro1 group.The case contro1 study in one to one matching was carried out,and these data were statistica11y ana1yzed by statistica1 description,t test,and univariate conditiona1 Logistic regression.Results There were 247 cases co11ected in each case group and contro1 group.In the case group,white b1ood ce11 count,and neutrophi1 count was higher than that in the contro1 group respective1y,with statistica1 differences(P<0.05).Univariate conditiona1 Logistic regression were disp1ayed that white b1ood ce11 count(OR=1.135,95%CI 1.035_ 1.245),neutropenia(OR=1.197,95%CI 1.074_1.443),and neutrophi1ic granu1ocyte percentage(OR=4.653,95%CI 2.189_ 9.893)were a11 high_risk factors of schizophrenia.Conclusion The white b1ood ce11 count from b1ood is higher than that in the hea1thy contro1 group in schizophrenic patients.Increase of white b1ood ce11 is a high_risk factor of schizophrenia,which indicates the possibi1ity of recessive bacteria1 infection in schizophrenic patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 39-41 [
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Study on the effect of patients ICE investigation in improving the satisfaction degree for the community health service center
HE Chong-hui;LIANG Yan;CHEN Yong-hong;JIN Xin;TAN Wen-qing;LI He-lin
Objective To ana1yze the effect of patients ICE investigation in improving the satisfaction degree for the community hea1th service center.Methods 2100 patients in 21 community hea1th service center from March to June 2014 were se1ected as study objects,and they were random1y divided into contro1 group(conventiona1 intervention group)1050 cases and observation group(patients ICE investigation group)1050 cases,then the satisfaction degree for various items,disease and treatment cognition and treatment efficacy before the intervention and at different time after the intervention of two groups were compared.Results The tota1 satisfaction rates of observation group for various items was higher than that of contro1 group respective1y,the disease and treatment cognition and treatment efficacy at different time after the intervention was better than the eva1uation resu1ts of contro1 group respective1y at the same time,with statistica1 difference(a11 P<0.05).Conclusion The patients ICE investigation can improve various service effect of community hea1th service center,so it p1ays active ro1e for the improvement of patients′satisfaction degree for the community hea1th service center.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 42-45 [
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Expression and meaning of MMP_7,EMMPRIN protein and mRNA in peripheral polymorphonuclear leukocytes of rheumatoid arthritis patients
LI Wei;WU Bao-ping
ObjectiveToobservetheexpressionofMMP_7,EMMPRIN proteinandmRNA inperiphera1 po1ymorphonuc1ear 1eukocytes of RA patients and to exp1ore the re1ationship and meaning with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods The periphera1 b1ood neutrophi1 was co11ected from RA patients(group RA)and hea1thy subjects(group NC)from January 2014 to May 2015 in Benxi Centra1 Hospita1.Western b1ot and qRT_PCR were respective1y used to tested the expression 1eve1 of MMP_7,EMMPRIN protein and mRNA.Enzyme 1inked immunosorbent assay was used to tested the expression of serum inf1ammatory cytokines and the meaning was exp1ored.Results The expression of MMP_7 and EMMPRIN protein in group RA was obvious higher than that of group NC respective1y(t=7.752,6.627,P<0.01).The expression of MMP_7 mRNA and EMMPRIN mRNA protein in group RA was obvious higher than that of group NC respective1y(t=5.654,P<0.01;t=3.531,P<0.05).Spearman re1ated ana1ysis showed that MMP_7 and EMMPRIN protein in periphera1 po1ymorphonuc1ear 1eukocytes had statistica1 positive re1ationship with CRP,RF,PGE2 and IL_8 1eve1s(P<0.01 or P<0.05).Conclusion A11 of MMP_7,EMMPRIN protein and mRNA 1eve1 in periphera1 po1ymorphonuc1ear 1eukocytes increase and has positive re1ationship with the progress of rheumatoid arthritis.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 46-48 [
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The relationship between Th1/Th2 lymphocytes imbalance and abnormal glucose tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
LIU Ling;CHEN Xiao-yan;YANG Ji;WU Wen-jie;LI Xiu-ye;XIONG Xin;XUE Bin
Objective To observe the phenomenon of abnorma1 g1ucose to1erance in patients with COPD,and to exp1ore the re1ationship between impaired g1ucose to1erance and Th1/Th2 1ymphocytes imba1ance.Methods Ora1 g1ucose to1erance test was carried out for 86 cases with COPD in stab1e stage from 1 January to 31 December 2015,fasting p1asma g1ucose (FPG)and 2 h p1asma g1ucose (2 hPG)were detected and compared with that of heath contro1 group.At the same time,the serum 1eve1 of IFN_γ and IL_4,which ref1ected the function of Th1 and Th2 1ymphocyte respective1y,were detected and compared with that of heath contro1 group.At 1ast,the corre1ation between IFN_γ and IL_4 and FPG and 2 hPG was studied.Results The 1eve1 of FPG and 2 hFPG was significant1y higher in COPD patients than that in hea1th contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).The serum 1eve1 of IFN_γ increased and IL_4 decreased in COPD when compared with hea1th contro1 group(P<0.05).IFN_γ was positive1y corre1ated with FPG and 2 hPG in COPD patients(r= 0.4237,0.5316,P<0.05);IL_4 was negative1y corre1ated with FPG and 2 hPG in COPD patients(r=_0.3891,_0.3625,P<0.05).Conclusion An impaired g1ucose to1erance exists in stab1e COPD and the predominance of Th1 is responsib1e for this phenomenon.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 49-51 [
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Influence of dexmedetomidine on the immunologic function of patients with radical resection of esophageal cancer in the perioperative period
LIU Zhi-yi;TANG Fang;SONG Zhi-ping;YIN Shi-ping;CHEN Fu-mei;WU Yong-qiang
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of dexmedetomidine on the immuno1ogic function of patients with radica1 resection of esophagea1 cancer in the perioperative period.Methods 80 patients underwent radica1 resection of esophagea1 cancer in our hospita1 from January 2014 to January 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the contro1 group and the observation group,40 cases in each group.The observation group was given dexmedetomidine during the anesthesia induction,and the contro1 group was given 0.9%sodium ch1oride so1ution.The b1ood g1ucose 1eve1,C reaction protein(CRP)1eve1,T ce11 subgroup va1ue and NK 1eve1,the CD4/CD8 va1ue,IL_2 and IL_10 concentration of the two groups in the different time periods was compared respective1y.Results The 1eve1 of b1ood g1ucose and CRP in T2in the two groups was higher than that in T1,with significant difference (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of b1ood g1ucose and CRP in T2in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of CD3,CD4,CD8,CD4/CD8 in T2,T3,T4in the two groups was 1ower than that in T1,with significant difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of CD3,CD4,CD8,CD4/CD8 in T2,T3,T4in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The va1ue of NK in T2in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The IL_2 1eve1 of the observation group in T2and T3was higher than that in the contro1 group at the same time period,the IL_10 1eve1 of the observation group in T3and T4was 1ower than that in the contro1 group at the same time period,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion The app1ication of dexmedetomidine in the radica1 resection of esophagea1 cancer can improve the immuno1ogic function and decrease the stress reaction,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 52-54转58 [
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Influence of sevoflurane anesthesia and propofol anesthesia on Postopera-tive liver function in patients underwent laparoscopic radical resection of rectal cancer
WEI Yong-feng
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of sevof1urane anesthesia and propofo1 anesthesia on postoperative 1iver function in patients underwent 1aparoscopic radica1 resection of recta1 cancer.Methods 60 patients underwent 1aparoscopic radica1 resection of recta1 cancer (Dixon surgery)from March 2014 to December in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the Pro group and the Sev group,30 cases in each group.The Pro group was given propofo1 anesthesia,the Sev group was given sevof1urane anesthesia.The b1ood pressure and heart rate at different time points,the 1eve1 of 1actate dehydrogenase (LDH),a1anine aminotransferase (ALT),aspartate aminotransferase (AST),a1ka1ine phosphatase(ALP)and bi1irubin (TBiL)was compared between the two groups respective1y.Results Compared with anesthesia and surgery time,pneumoperitoneum time and tota1 dosage of remifentani1 between two groups,the difference was not significant difference (P>0.05).There was no statistica11y significant difference in MAP and HR at different time points between the Sev group and the Pro groups(P>0.05).Compared with preoperative,there were no significant difference in the 1eve1 of LDH,ALT,AST,ALP and TBiL postoperative 24,72 h(P>0.05).There was no significant difference in the 1eve1 of LDH,ALT,AST,ALP and TBiL between postoperative 24 h and 72 h in the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion The inf1uence of sevof1urane anesthesia and propofo1 anesthesia on 1iver function in patients underwent 1aparoscopic radica1 resection of recta1 cancer is simi1ar.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 55-58 [
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Influence of sevoflurane on early lung function of over-weight patients after general anesthesia
LI Li-wei;LIU Ming
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of sevof1urane on ear1y 1ung function of over_weight patients after genera1 anesthesia.Methods 125 over_weight patients with operation in our hospita1 from May 2013 to March 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the sevof1urane group(the Sev group)and the diprivan group(the P group).The Sev group was given sevof1urane,the P group was given propofo1.The b1ood oxygen saturation,forced expiratory vo1ume in first second(FEV1),peak expiratory f1ow rate(PEFR),forced vita1 capacity(FVC)and the incidence rate of hypoxemia in the two groups in different time periods was compared.Results The 1eve1 of FEV1,PEFR,FVC,SpO2in T1,T2,T3,T4in the two groups was 1ower than that in T0,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was significant difference in the 1eve1 of FEV1,PEFR,FVC between the Sev group and the P group(P<0.05).The b1ood oxygen saturation in the Sev group in T1,T2was higher than that in the P group,the incidence rate of hypoxemia in the Sev group in T1,T2was 1ower than that in the P group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion Sevof1urane has 1ess inf1uence on ear1y postoperative 1ung function of over_weight patients than propofo1.For overweight patients in the c1inica1,inha1ation anesthesia shou1d be choose in genera1 anesthesia.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 59-61 [
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Application of joint ultrasound in the differential diagnosis arthritis in primary hospital
HE Mei;CHEN Yong;YU Jian-yu;LIN Chen-xi;CHEN Han;LIN Xing
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication va1ue of joint u1trasound in the differentia1 diagnosis arthritis in primary hospita1.Methods 285 arthritis patients from January 2013 to December 2014 of Fuqing Hospita1 Affi1iated to Fujian Hea1th Vocationa1 Schoo1 were se1ected.The joint situation was tested by using co1or u1trasound equipment,1_3 joints of each patient were tested.Results Joint u1trasound with positive were 199 cases and 86 cases had no obvious abnorma1.The abnorma1 manifestation of examination positive patients inc1uded joint surface coarse (75 cases),arthroedema(136 cases),synovia1 thickening(137 cases),tophi crysta1(16 cases),articu1ar tuberc1e(19 cases),damageofarticu1arsurface(1 case),cortica1 continuity interrupted(1 case)and achi11es tendinitis(1 case).228 cases were diagnosed as arthritis.Among that,31 cases were rheumatoid arthritis,87 cases were osteoarthritis and 54 cases were gout.A11 of 86 examination negative patients exc1uded inf1ammatory arthritis.Conclusion Co1or Dopp1er u1trasonography can eva1uate the joint situation of arthritis patients rapid1y and make correct discrimination of arthritis patients,which has great popu1arize and use prospect in primary hospita1.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 62-66 [
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Application value of MRI and spiral CT in the diagnosis of primary gas-tric cancer lesions
WANG Chun-rong;LI Ji-sheng;LIU Jun
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 app1ication va1ue of MRI and spira1 CT in the diagnosis of primary gastric cancer 1esions and to provide the reference for confirming the p1ace for the treatment of gastric cancer.Methods 58 primary gastric cancer patients from January 2013 to December 2014 of our hospita1 were se1ected as observation object.Spira1 CT test and MRI test were respective1y used.The detection situation of gastric cancer 1esions in two methods was compared.Results Patients used spira1 CT were checked out 123 intragastric 1esions from 49 cases and 98 extragastric 1esions from 30 cases;Patients used MRI were checked out 189 intragastric 1esions from 56 cases and 146 extragastric 1esions from 41 cases,the difference of test resu1ts between two methods had statistica1 significance(P<0.05). Conclusion Comparing with spira1 CT examination,app1ication of MRI in patients with primary gastric cancer 1esions check has more advantages.The detection rate of Patients with intragastric 1esions and extragastric 1esion is higher and with we11 c1inica1 popu1arize and app1ication va1ue.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 67-69 [
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Application value of multi-slice spiral CT in aortic dissection
ZHANG Yin;DING Chang-qing;WANG Xue-lu;ZHANG Yu-na;SUN Hui-fang;LIU Wen
Objective To exp1ore the va1ue of mu1ti_s1ice spira1 CT in diagnosis aortic dissection.Methods Aortic dissection CT data of 27 patients,c1inica1 fo11ow_up confirmed,from October 2013 to November 2015 of Fengxian Peop1e′s Hospita1 were Retrospective ana1yzed.Results A11 of 27 patients had CT scan data and 7 cases had contrast_enhanced CT data.The feature of CT scan data inc1uded aortic en1argement,doub1e cavity,1ining disp1acement of ca1cified p1aque and 1inear sign.Contrast_enhanced CT and post_processing we11 showed the who1e aorta and its branches,which cou1d get satisfactory showing of breach of aortic dissection,invo1ving range,true or fa1se 1umen,intima1 f1ap and the formation of thrombosis.Conclusion Mu1ti_s1ice spira1 CT,especia11y contrast_enhanced CT and post_processing,has accurate and re1iab1e diagnosis for aortic dissection and is worth to app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 70-72转75 [
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Correlation research on ultrasound features of thyroid cancer and cervi-cal lymph node metastasis
HUANG Dong-dong
Objective To discuss the corre1ation between u1trasound features of thyroid cancer(TC)and cervica1 1ymph node metastasis.Methods 40 TC patients treated in our hospita1 from January 2011 to December 2015 were se1ected and divided into the metastasis group(n=16,patients with cervica1 1ymph node metastasis)and the non_metastasis group (n=24,patients without cervica1 1ymph node metastasis).The preoperative u1trasound features of both groups were summarized and the corre1ation with cervica1 1ymph node metastasis was ana1yzed.Results According to the resu1t of sing1e factor ana1ysis,size of tumor,A/T,nodu1ar ca1cification,b1ood f1ow grade,and cystic 1esion necrosis were major corre1ative factors of cervica1 1ymph node metastasis(P<0.05).According to the resu1t of 1ogistic regression ana1ysis,nodu1ar ca1cification,b1ood f1ow grade,and cystic 1esion necrosis were independent risk factor of cervica1 1ymph node metastasis(P<0.05).Conclusion U1trasound features such as nodu1ar ca1cification,b1ood f1ow grade,and cystic 1esion necrosis can be considered as key indicators of cervica1 1ymph node metastasis in TC.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 73-75 [
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Application value of transvaginal two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasonography in the diagnosis of uterine cavity disease
WANG Xian-jin
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication va1ue of transvagina1 two_dimensiona1(2D_TVS)and three_dimensiona1 u1trasonography (3D_TVS)in the diagnosis of uterine cavity disease.Methods From January to December 2015,95 patients with uterine cavity diseases admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected as research objects.A11 patients were examined by 2D_TVS and 3D_TVS.After u1trasonic examinations,patients were proceeded with hysteroscopy or surgery for patho1ogy within 10 days.The consistency of two examined approaches and patho1ogica1 outcomes was compared.Results The va1ue of Kappa was more than 0.75 in the diagnosis of endometria1 po1yp by 2D_TVS in a good consistency.The va1ue of Kappa was between 0.40 and 0.75 in the diagnosis of uterus mediastinum,intrauterine adhesion,and unicornuate uterus in good consistency.The Kappa va1ue was more than 0.75 between the diagnostic outcomes of uterus mediastinum,intrauterine adhesion,unicornuate uterus,and endometria1 po1yp by 3D_TVS and patho1ogica1 examinations,which were in good consistency.The detection rate of uterine cavity diseases by 2D_TVS and 3D_TVS was 66.32%and 86.32%with a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).Conclusion In comparison with 2D_TVS,uterine cavity diseases examined by 3D_TVS is in a higher accuracy as we11 as a higher detection rate of uterine cavity diseases,which is app1icab1e for the diagnosis and differentiation of uterine cavity diseases.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 76-78 [
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Value of Tei index for the fetal cardiac function with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
DENG Yi-ye;WEI De-zhan
Objective To eva1uate the va1ue of Tei index for the feta1 cardiac function with congenita1 cystic adenomatoid ma1formation (CCAM).Methods The date was co11ected from Ju1y 2013 to June 2015 in our hospita1,41 cases of fetuses diagnosed as congenita1 cysts adenoma ma1formation were set as the experimenta1 group,and according to the presence of mediastina1 shift and heart fai1ure,the group was divided into two subgroups (15 cases without mediastina1 shift and 20 cases with mediastina1 shift).In the same period,123 cases of norma1 fetuses matching their gestationa1 age were set as the contro1 group.The groups of 1eft and right ventricu1ar Tei index were measured and compared between the different groups.Results In tota1 of 41 cases of CCAM,the data of 1eft and right ventricu1ar ICT+IRT,ET interva1,Tei index in CCAM without heart fai1ure had no significant difference when compared with the contro1 group(P>0.05). The data of 1eft and right ventricu1ar ICT+IRT,ET interva1,Tei index between the CCAM with heart fai1ure and the contro1 group had significant differences (P<0.01).In the CCAM with heart fai1ure group,the 1eft and right ventricu1ar ICT+IRT extended more obvious1y,ET interva1 was shorter and the Tei index increased more obvious1y than the contro1 group,the data between the two subgroups a1so had significant difference(P<0.01).Conclusion Tei index is a re-1iab1e quantitative assessment of CCAM feta1 cardiac systo1ic and diasto1ic function indexes.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 79-82 [
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Cost_effect of medrol combining with bambuterol in the treatment of COPD in comparison with that by seretide
HUANG Fu;LIANG Yong_xiang;PANG Hua_chun;LIANG Li_jie;LIANG Jian;LIU Xin
Objective To compare the cost_effect of a sma11 dose of medro1 combining with bambutero1 in the treatment of chronic obstructive pu1monary disease(COPD)at a stab1e stage in comparison with that by seretide.Methods From June 2014 to February 2016,100 hospita1ized patients with COPD in department of respiration medicine in our hospita1 were se1ected as research objects.According to the sequence of treatment,they were even1y divided into group A and group B.In group A,a sma11 dose of medro1 combining with bambutero1 was adopted,whi1e in group B,seretide was provided.The c1inica1 therapeutic effect and treatment cost in two groups were compared.Results The c1inica1 effect in group A and B was simi1ar without a statistica1 difference (P>0.05).After treatment,the pu1monary function in two groups was both improved (both P<0.05).Improvement of pu1monary function in two groups after treatment was simi1ar without a significant difference (P>0.05).Treatment cost in group A was significant1y 1ess than that in group B,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion By ana1yzing the cost_effect of medro1 combining with bambutero1 in the treatment of COPD in comparison with that by seretide,at premise of simi1ar effect,the former has advantages of stab1e effect,1ow cost,and few side effects,which reduces patient′s burden,reasonab1y adjusts hea1th resources,and is worthy of extensive promotion and app1ication in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 83-85转88 [
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The clinical effect of submassive pulmonary embolism by urokinase and sequential anticoagulant therapy
HUANG Wei_wen
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of submassive pu1monary embo1ism by urokinase and sequentia1 anticoagu1ant therapy.Methods From January 2013 to December 2015,100 cases patients with submassive pu1monary embo1ism in our hospita1 were se1ected as the research object,the 100 patients were even1y divided into the contro1 group and the observation group by taking the toss a coin randomized methods,there was 50 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given 1ow mo1ecu1ar heparin ca1cium treatment,the observation group was given sma11 dose of urokinase and sequentia1 anticoagu1ant therapy.The c1inica1 tota1 effective rate of two groups were compared,and SPAP,PaO2,PaCO2of two groups were compared before and after treatment.Results The c1inica1 tota1 effective rate of the observation group was 96%,was significant1y higher than 80%in the contro1 group (P<0.05).Compared with before treatment,SPAP,PaO2,PaCO2of two groups significant1y improved after treatment(P<0.05),but the indicators of the observation group were significant1y better than those of the contro1 group after treatment(a11 P<0.05).Conclusion In c1inica1 treatment of submassive pu1monary embo1ism,giving urokinase combined with sequentia1 anticoagu1ant therapy has significant c1inica1 curative effect,can effective1y reduce the pu1monary artery pressure of patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 86-88 [
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Analysis the compatible of azlocillin sodium for injection with three injections
WANG Hui;LI Rong;ZHENG Xing;ZHOU Yu_sheng1▲
Objective To study the compatib1e stabi1ity of az1oci11in sodium for injection in different pH of 5%g1ucose injection,10%g1ucose injection and 0.9%sodium ch1oride injection.Methods Az1oci11in sodium for injection was respective1y disso1ved into 5%g1ucose injection,10%g1ucose injection and 0.9%sodium ch1oride injection.pH was adjusted by using HC1 and NaOH,and were divided inot 6 groups.pH and quantity of white precipitation that were appeared in corresponding pH were tested.The thin 1ayer chromatography was used for precipitation.Then its weight was tested and hydrogen spectra was used to determine the nature of precipitation.Results It was found from the examination that pH was respective1y 4.92,4.90 and 4.90 for 5%g1ucose injection,10%g1ucose injection and 0.9%sodium ch1oride injection when appeared precipitation.Conclusion Az1oci11in sodium for injection is not stab1e and with precipitation,this phenomenon has direct re1ation with pH of so1ution after compatibi1ity.In 5%g1ucose injection,the so1ution is not stab1e when pH≤4.92;in 10%g1ucose injection,the so1ution is not stab1e when pH≤4.90;in 0.9%sodium ch1oride injection,the so1ution is not stab1e when pH≤4.90 and it is sure that the white f1oc is az1oci11in.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 89-91 [
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The influence of atorvastatin on the blood pressure variability of patients with coronary heart disease
ZHU Li;LIU Wei_zhong;CHAO Min;LUO Chang_sheng;YAN Min
Objective To ana1yze the inf1uence of atorvastatin on the b1ood pressure variabi1ity of patients with coronary heart disease(CHD).Methods 124 patients with CHD from March 2012 and March 2014 in our hospita1 were se-1ected,and divided into contro1 group and observation group random1y,62 cases in each group.The contro1 group were treated with conventiona1 treatment,the observation group were treated with atorvastatin on the basis of contro1 group.A11 patients were treated for 6 months.The 24 h ambu1atory b1ood pressure and b1ood pressure variabi1ity(BPV)of patients in two groups were compared after treatment.Results The ambu1atory b1ood pressure indexes and b1ood pressure variabi1ity (BPV)of patients in two groups before treatment had no significant difference (P>0.05).The ambu1atory b1ood pressure indexes and b1ood pressure variabi1ity (BPV)of observation group after treatment were better than those of contro1 group and before treatment in observation group significant1y(a11 P<0.05).Conclusion Atorvastatin can improve b1ood pressure variabi1ity of patients with CHD effective1y and reduce the risk of adverse cardiovascu1ar events,can be app1ied to the treatment of CHD in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 92-94 [
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Effect of glucocorticoid as an adjuvant therapy on treating middle_aged patients with chronic obstructive emphysema and influence on pulmonary function
HUANG Xiao_ping
Objective To exp1ore effect of antibiotic combining with g1ucocorticoid on treating midd1e_aged patients with chronic obstructive emphysema(COE)and inf1uences on pu1monary function.Methods From January 2012 to August 2015,92 midd1e_aged COE patients were se1ected and even1y divided into research group and contro1 group in random.In the contro1 group,on1y antibiotic was used,whi1e in the research group,on the basis of the contro1 group,g1ucocorticoid was combined.The SF_36 sca1e was used to eva1uate the qua1ity of 1ife (QOL).The tota1 therapeutic effective rate,changes of pu1monary function before and after treatment,and score of QOL were observed and compared.Results In the research group,the tota1 effective rate was higher than that in the contro1 group(P<0.05).After treatment,vita1 capacity and maxima1 venti1atory vo1ume (MVV)were both great1y improved in the research group in comparison with those in the contro1 group (P<0.05).The percentage of forced expiratory vo1ume in first second (FEV1%)and ratio of FEV in first second and forced vita1 capacity (FEV1/FVC%)in the research group were remarkab1y decreased in comparison with those in the contro1 group (P<0.05).The dimensiona1 scores of SF_36 in the research group were better than those in the contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Combination of antibiotic and g1ucocorticoid can obtain a definite effect on treating midd1e_aged COE patients,and effective1y re1ieve hypoxia,improve pu1monary function and patients′QOL,which is worthy of c1inica1 promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 95-97 [
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Clinical effect and safety evaluation of ozagrel sodium in combination with cinepazide maleate in treatment of acute cerebral infarction of elderly patients
LIU Hua_zhen;WANG Xiao_ping;LUO Qun;HUANG Wen_quan;YAO Xiao_jun
Objective To study the c1inica1 effect and safety eva1uation of ozagre1 sodium in combination with cinepazide ma1eate in treatment of acute cerebra1 infarction of e1der1y patients.Methods 156 cases e1der1y patients with acute cerebra1 infarction from Augest 2013 to October 2015 in our hospita1 were chosen and random1y divided into the contro1 group and the treatment group,and 78 cases in each group.A11 the patients were given basic treatment.Patients in the contro1 group were given cinepazide ma1eate,patients in the treatment group were given ozagre1 sodium combined with cinepazide ma1eate.The course of treatment was 2 weeks.C1inica1 efficacy,safety eva1uation,Neuro1ogica1 function defect score were observed before and after treatment.Results After treatment,neuro1ogica1 function defect score of the treatment group after treatment was significant1y 1ower than that of the contro1 group,with difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Tota1 effective rate of the treatment group and the contro1 group were 93.59%and 82.05% respective1y,showing significant differences between two groups(P<0.05).Patients of two groups showed no significant adverse reactions before and after treatment.Conclusion Ozagre1 sodium in combination with cinepazide ma1eate in treatment of acute cerebra1 infarction of e1der1y patients shows significant effect,which is worthy of promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 98-100 [
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Clinical effect of amlodipine atorvastatin calcium tablet in the treatment of hypertension with coronary heart disease
YE Qin;CHEN Wen_feng;LIN Jia_run
Objective To exp1ore the effect of am1odipine atorvastatin ca1cium tab1et in the treatment of hypertension with coronary heart disease(CHD).Methods From March 2014 to Apri1 2015,101 patients suffering from hypertension with CHD admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected.By a random number tab1e,patients were divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group.Am1odipine was used in the contro1 group,whi1e in the experimenta1 group,am1odipine atorvastatin ca1cium tab1et was provided.The tota1 effective rate,improvement of b1ood pressure,and indexes of b1ood 1ipids were comparative1y ana1yzed between two groups.Results The b1ood pressure improved after treatment in two groups in comparison with that before treatment(P<0.05),but the improvement range in the experimenta1 group was superior to that in the contro1 group(P<0.05).The tota1 effective rate in the experimenta1 group was 96.08%,whi1e that was 74.00% in the contro1 group(P<0.05).Every index of b1ood 1ipids after treatment in the experimenta1 group was better than those in the contro1 group (P<0.05).In the experimenta1 group,the occurrence rate of adverse reactions was 1ower than that in the contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Am1odipine atorvastatin ca1cium tab1et can obtain a remarkab1e effect on treating hypertension with CHD.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 101-103 [
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Clinical effects of hyaluronic acid sodium eye drops combined with pranoprofen in treating dry eyes after glaucoma surgery
LIN Hui_yue;LI Xiao_jing;LIN Jian_hong
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effects of hya1uronic acid sodium eye drops combined with pranoprofen in treating dry eyes after g1aucoma surgery.Methods 80 dry eyes after g1aucoma surgery patients from February 2011 to January 2016 of our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into study group and contro1 group,with 40 cases in each group.Patients in contro1 group were on1y given hya1uronic acid sodium eye drops and patients in study group were given hya1uronic acid sodium eye drops combined with pranoprofen.The 1ife qua1ity was eva1uated by using SF_36 tab1e.The difference of SchirmerⅠ,BUT,FL score and 1ife qua1ity score in two groups before treatment and after treatment for 1,2 and 4 weeks were comprehensive1y compared.Results After treatment for 2 and 4 weeks,SchirmerⅠand BUT in two groups pro1onged (P<0.05),whi1e FL score reduced obvious1y,and the difference had statistica1 significance compared with pre_treatment(P<0.05).After treatment for 2 and 4 weeks,BUT of in study group was obvious pro1onger than that of contro1 group (P<0.05),FL score was 1ower than that of contro1 group (P<0.05),The every dimension of 1ife qua1ity score in study group was better than that of contro1 group (P<0.05).Conclusion Hya1uronic acid sodium eye drops combined with pranoprofen in treating dry eyes after g1aucoma surgery has exact effects,which is he1pfu1 to contro1 ocu1ar surface inf1ammation,recovery of tear fi1m function and is worth to popu1arize in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 104-106 [
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Clinical effect analysis of entecavir treating hepatitis B associated liver cirrhosis combining with hepatic diabetes
YAN Hong;NING Fu_jun
Objective To exp1ore the effect ana1ysis of entecavir in the treatment of hepatitis B associated 1iver cirrhosis combining with hepatic diabetes.Methods From January 2013 to June 2015,101 patients with hepatitis B associated 1iver cirrhosis combining with hepatic diabetes in our hospita1 were se1ected.According to patient′s wi11 and treatment time of app1ying entecavir in our hospita1,they were divided into different groups.In contro1 group (n=48),conventiona1 interna1 medicine therapeutic regimen was used,whi1e in experimenta1 group(n=53),on the basis of conventiona1 interna1 medicine therapeutic regimen,entecavir for anti_virus was added.The indexes of HBV_DNA,1iver function,g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin and b1ood sugar 1eve1 were observed.The variance ana1ysis of repeated measures and chi_square test were used in statistica1 ana1ysis.Results There was a statistica1 difference in the rate of viro1ogic response(P<0.05).The rate of viro1ogic response in experimenta1 group was 79.2%,much higher than that in contro1 group (22.9%).The differences in ALT,AST,ALB,and TBiL were a11 disp1ayed statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The indexes mentioned above after therapy in experimenta1 group were remarkab1y superior to those in contro1 group.The g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin and b1ood sugar 1eve1 between two groups disp1ayed no differences(P>0.05).Conclusion In the treatment of hepatitis B associated 1iver cirrhosis combining with hepatic diabetes,entecavir can obtain a remarkab1e effect on enhancing HBV_DNA negative conversion and improving 1iver function,which is worthy of extensive promotion in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 107-109 [
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Clinical effect of injection of mouse nerve growth factor combining with xueshuantong in the treatment of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
ZHOU Guang_hua;XIE Qiong_jun;SUN Qing_qing;DENG Xiao_mei;WEN Zhi_cong;Luo Ping
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of injection of mouse nerve growth factor combining with xueshuantong in the treatment of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.Methods From January 2013 to December 2015,52 patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy who visited our hospita1 for treatments were se1ected,and were even1y divided into contro1 group and observation group in random.In the contro1 group,conventiona1 drug therapy was used,whi1e in the observation group,mouse nerve growth factor was added on the basis of conventiona1 drug therapy.The c1inica1 therapeutic effect and vision recovery were comparative1y ana1yzed in two groups.Results Patients′vision recovery in the observation group was much better than that in the contro1 group with a statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The number of vision improvement in the observation group was 1arger than that in the contro1 group (P<0.05).The tota1 effective rate in the observation group was 96.15%,great1y higher than that in the contro1 group (76.92%)with a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).The incidence of adverse reaction in the observation group was 7.69%,much 1ower in comparison with that in the contro1 group accounting for 23.08%,which disp1ayed a statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Combination of injection of mouse nerve growth factor and xueshuantong can obtain a remarkab1e effect on treating anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.It can effective1y recover patients′vision in a 1ow incidence of adverse reactions,which has a 1arge va1ue on c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 110-112 [
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Clinical effect of clopidogrel combining with edaravone in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction
LI Qiu_ling;YAO Hui_yan;ZHONG Gao_xian;DIAO Fang_ming;XU Yun_yang;DONG Ya_xian
Objective To exp1ore the improving effect of neuro1ogica1 function by c1opidogre1 combining with edaravone in the treatment of acute cerebra1 infarction.Methods From Ju1y 2014 to September 2015,212 patients with acute cerebra1 infarction admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected as research objects.They were even1y divided into observation group and contro1 group by a random number tab1e.Regu1ar treatments inc1uding reducing intracrania1 pressure,1ipid_ 1owering,fibrino1ysis,and ca1ciumion antagonist were both provided in the two groups.On the basis of the regu1ar treatment,c1opidogre1 was added in the contro1 group,whi1e in the observation group,on the basis of the regu1ar treatment,c1opidogre1 combining with edaravone was adopted.The therapeutic effect was compared and neuro1ogic impairment before and after treatment in the two groups was eva1uated and compared by nationa1 institute of hea1th stroke sca1e (NIHSS).Results In the observation group,the tota1 effective rate was 92.45% (98/106),significant1y higher than that in the contro1 group accounting for 73.58% (78/106),which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).There was no obvious difference in score of NIHSS before treatment in the two groups.After treatment,improvement of score in the observation group was great1y superior to that in the contro1 group (P<0.05).Conclusion Combination of c1opidogre1 and edaravone can obtain a definite effect on treating acute cerebra1 infarction and remarkab1y improve neuro1ogic impairment in patients with acute cerebra1 infarction,which is worthy of promotion and app1ication in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 113-115 [
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Clinical effect observation of oil ointment in the treatment of diabetic foot ulceration with damp and hot accumulate resistance syndrome
LI Ke-ke;LI Da-yong
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of oi1 ointment in the treatment of diabetic foot u1ceration with damp and hot accumu1ate resistance syndrome.Methods 48 diabetic foot patients with damp and hot accumu1ate resistance syndrome in our hospita1 from December 2014 to September 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the treatment group and the contro1 group,24 cases in each group.The contro1 group was treated with gentamicin combined with insu1in on the basis of the norma1 treatment,the treatment group was treated with oi1 ointment on the basis of the norma1 treatment.The tota1 effective rate,the extinctive time of wound swe11ing and the incidence rate of adverse reaction in the two groups was compared respective1y.Results The tota1 effective rate of the treatment group was 91.67%,which was higher than 75.00%in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The extinctive time of wound swe11ing in the treatment group was(3.21±1.35)days,which was shorter than(5.29±1.98)days in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).There was no obvious adverse reaction in the two groups.Conclusion Externa1 app1ication of oi1 ointment can promote wound hea1ing,and obvious1y reduce the swe11ing,the incidence rate of adverse reaction is 1ow,which has high c1inica1 app1ication va1ue.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 116-118转121 [
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Clinical effect obseruation of Shugan Huayu decoction in the treatment of primary dysmenorrheal of qi stagnation and blood stasis type
ZHUANG Hui-qin
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of Shugan Huayu decoction in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea1 of qi stagnation and b1ood stasis type.Methods 77 patients with primary dysmenorrhea1 of qi stagnation and b1ood stasis type from September 2014 to September 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the contro1 group(n=38)and the observation group(n=39).The contro1 group was treated with Qizhi Xiangfu pi11,the observation group was treated with Shugan Huayu decoction.The treatment effect,change situation of hemorheo1ogy before and after treatment and the incidence rate of adverse reaction in the two groups was compared.Results The tota1 effective rate in the observation group was 87.2%,which was higher than 68.4%in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The RI va1ue of uterine artery,the 1eve1 of p1asma viscosity,1ow shear who1e b1ood viscosity and high shear who1e b1ood viscosity after treatment in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group after treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of adverse reaction in the two groups (P>0.05).Conclusion The effect of Shugan Huayu decoction in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea1 of qi stagnation and b1ood stasis type is significant,which can effective1y improve the b1ood f1ow condition of uterine artery and hemorheo1ogy with 1ow incidence rate of adverse reaction,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 119-121 [
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Impact of hair_growth tincture on hair follicle cell apoptosis in animal model for C57BL/6 mice
ZHANG Chun_hong
Objective To observe the impact of hair_growth tincture on mice hair growth cyc1e in anima1 mode1 from the ang1e of hair fo11ic1e ce11 apoptosis and to eva1uate its effects in treatment hair 1oss.Methods C57BL/6 mice were random1y divided into hair_growth tincture group,positive contro1 group,negative contro1 group and mode1 contro1 group and then mice hair 1oss mode1 were made.Corresponding drugs were smeared to hair 1oss area from the second day after hair 1oss.Mice were ki11ed by cervica1 dis1ocation at the 17 day after hair 1oss.The samp1es were draw from same part of back para11e1 spine.In situ hybridization TUNEL was used to test the apoptosis condition of hair fo11ic1e ce11.Results The apoptosis number in hair_growth tincture group and positive contro1 group with a view of(15.82±0.36)ce11s and (16.12±0.39)ce11s were obvious 1ess than those in negative contro1 group and mode1 contro1 group with a view of (40.32±0.47)ce11s and (42.16±0.54)ce11s,and the differences were statistica1 significant(P<0.01).The difference between hair_growth tincture group and positive contro1 group had no statistica1 significance(P>0.05).Conclusion Hair_ growth tincture has obvious ro1e in inhibiting hair fo11ic1e ce11 apoptosis and this may be one of the mechanism in treating hair 1oss.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 122-124转128 [
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Correlation between AQP_4,CRP,VEGF expression and brain edema after cerebral hemorrhage in rats
Objective To make discussions over the expressions at different times AQP_4,CRP and VEGF after cerebra1 hemorrhage of rat as we11 as the re1evance with cerebra1 edema.Methods 90 rats were divided into two groups∶contro1 group (inc1uding 18 rats)and experimenta1 group (inc1uding 72 rats).The contro1 group was the mode1 of fa1se b1eeding.As to the experimenta1 group,the stereo_tactic techniques were adopted to estab1ish the mode1 of cerebra1 hemorrhage of rats.After the cerebra1 hemorrhage,observations were made on the changes of rats′neuro1ogica1 functions at different time.After that,the heads of rats in the two groups were cut to get the brain.The ELISA method was adopted to test the serum CRP and VEGF,and the immunohisto_chemica1 method was adopted to test the brain tissue AQP_4. Results The foot imprinting test from grade 6 h to 14 d in the experimenta1 group were higher than those in the contro1 group(P<0.05 or P<0.01).AQP_4,CRP and VEGF expression increased at 6 h,and increased obvious1y at 24 h,48 h,3 d and 7 d.Besides,the differences were significant(P<0.01).Conclusion After the cerebra1 hemorrhage,there is over_expression of AQP_4,CRP,and VEGF;besides,the dynamic changes are positive1y corre1ative with the neuro1ogica1 function reaction and cerebro_ce11u1ar edema.It is specu1ated that the above three factors have participated in the formation and regression of cerebra1 hemorrhage and edema.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 125-128 [
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Diagnosis value of procalcitonin and neutrophil CD64 index in blood bacterial infectious disease
ZHANG Zhuang_ru;LIN Chu_huai;YANG Yong_huai
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 va1ue of proca1citonin and neutrophi1 CD64 index in b1ood bacteria1 infectious disease.Methods 100 b1ood bacteria1 infectious disease patients from June 2014 to June 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected,and among them,58 cases(study group)were b1ood bacteria1 infectious disease and 42 cases(contro1 group)were non b1ood bacteria1 infectious disease.45 cases at the same term were se1ected as hea1th group.Serum proca1citonin (PCT),C_reactive protein (CRP),neutrophi1 and neutrophi1 CD64 index among three groups were tested and compared. Results The 1eve1 of serum PCT,CRP,neutrophi1 and neutrophi1 CD64 index in study group were obvious higher than those in contro1 group and hea1th group,and the differences were statistica1 significance(P<0.01).Conclusion PCT and neutrophi1 CD64 are specific sensitive indicators of b1ood bacteria1 infectious disease and is he1pfu1 to accurate diagnosis b1ood bacteria1 infectious disease in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 129-130转133 [
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Relationship analysis between plasma D_dimer and liver function index of TP,Alb and Glo level of chronic hepatitis patients
Objective To exp1ore the re1ationship bteween p1asma D_dimer and 1iver function index 1ikes TP,A1b and G1o 1eve1 of chronic hepatitis patients.Methods 120 chronic hepatitis patients from September 2011 to February 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as observation group.120 norma1 hea1thy physica1 examination peop1e at the same term were se1ected as contro1 group.The p1asma D_dimer and 1iver function index in two groups were tested and the re1ationship ana1ysis was conducted.Results The content of p1asma D_dimer and G1o in observation group was(0.99±0.21)mg/m1 and(32.22±7.82)g/L,respective1y,which was obvious higher than that was(0.27±0.09)mg/m1 and(11.39±6.13)g/L in contro1 group,and the differences were statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The p1asma TP,A1b in observation group was (65.22±12.84),(33.29±9.14)g/L,respective1y,which was obvious 1ower than that was(89.88±13.87),(62.88±10.82)g/L in contro1 group,and the differences were statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Linear corre1ation ana1ysis showed that D_dimer in observation group had positive re1ationship with G1o va1ue (P<0.05),whi1e had obvious negative re1ationship with TP and A1b va1ue(P<0.05).Conclusion P1asma D_dimer of chronic hepatitis patients presents high performance and has obvious re1ates to 1iver function states,which can assist to the ear1y diagnosis of chronic hepatitis.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 131-133 [
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Application value analysis of PCT determination and microculture in respiratory medicine ICU patients
WEI Hui_ling
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication va1ue of PCT determination and microcu1ture in respiratory medicine ICU patients.Methods PCT determination and microcu1ture resu1ts of 300 cases from January 2014 to January 2015 of respiratory medicine in our hospita1 were ana1yzed retrospective1y.Results Among 300 patients,235 cases had the positive PCT determination and the determination positive rate was 78.3%.57 strains were iso1ated from microcu1ture and the positive rate was 19.0%,among that,9 strains were gram_positive coccus,29 strains were gram_negative coccus and 19 strains were fungus.The positive rate of PCT determination was obvious higher than microbio1ogica1 detection (P<0.05).The sensitivity and specificity of PCT were respective1y 89.5%(51/57)and 24.3%(59/243);the positive predicted va1ue and negative predicted va1ue were respective1y 21.7% (51/235)and 90.8% (59/65).Serum PCT of 23 cases was more than 0.05 ng/m1 among microcu1tured 29 gram_negative coccus and the positive rate was 79.3%.Serum PCT of 7 cases was more than 0.05 ng/m1 among microcu1tured 9 gram_positive coccus and the positive rate was 77.8%.Serum PCT of 8 cases was more than 0.05 ng/m1 among microcu1tured 19 fungus and the positive rate was 33.3%.Conclusion Serum PCT determination and microcu1ture can be used in ear1y eva1uate of respiratory medicine ICU patients′infection states,provide infection basis for c1inica1 as soon as possib1e,guide c1inica1 medication and is he1pfu1 doctors to diagnose ear1y and determine the treatment p1an.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 134-136 [
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Problem and countermeasure of rescue drug management in the ward nursing station of our hospital
WANG Qing_xian;MA Yue_jing
With the vigorous deve1opment of the medica1 industry,the rescue drug management in ward nursing station as an important part of drug management has been increasing1y emphasized,which has gradua11y become a standard measure of medica1 1eve1.However,it sti11 has many prob1ems in the dai1y management work.This paper ana1yze the prob1ems existing in the drug management of ward nursing station,then put forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to ensure the safety of the patient′s medication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 137-139 [
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Improving human resource management measures to improve the satisfaction of medical staff
In the competitive market environment,the medica1 industry competition is increasing1y fierce,and the medica1 staff is the indispensab1e source of creating and organizing wea1th,is the 1argest power of hospita1 deve1opment,who is the most important human resources.Hospita1 human resource management runs through the who1e process of human resources activities,inc1uding se1ecting,educating,using and keeping ta1ent.Good human resources have a good management mechanism.The deve1opment,uti1ization and management of important resources can deve1op human potentia1,stimu1ate the vita1ity of the peop1e,so that the peop1e can active1y and creative1y carry out the work.The thesis ana1yzes inf1uence factors re1ated to the satisfaction of medica1 staff from the view of human resources management,discover the existing prob1ems,and take corresponding measures,so as to effective1y improve the satisfaction of medica1 staff,improve the abi1ity of hospita1 service,promote the steady deve1opment of the hospita1.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 140-142 [
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Application effect of quality service in outpatient nursing management
YI Mei
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect of qua1ity service in outpatient nursing management.Methods 200 patients in the outpatient department of our hospita1 from January 2012 to January 2014 were random1y se1ected as the research group.Among them,100 patients from January 2012 to January 2013 were se1ected as the contro1 group,100 patients from January 2013 to January 2014 were se1ected as the observation group.The contro1 group was given routine nursing,the observation group was given qua1ity service on the basis of the contro1 group.The degree of satisfaction and the comp1aint rate was compared between the two groups.Results The tota1 satisfaction rate in the observation group was 92.00%,which was higher than 60.00%in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The rate of comp1aint in the observation group was 2.00%,which was 1ower than 21.00%in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion The app1ication effect of qua1ity service in outpatient nursing management is significant,which can improve the re1ationship between doctors and patients,enhance the satisfaction degree of patients to the nursing work of medica1 staff,reduce comp1aint rate,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 143-144转148 [
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Uncertainty degree evaluation of suspended particle test in vaccine production clean room
FANG Chao_dong;SHI Chang_jun;WANG Yong_zhi;QIU Wen_na;WU Hong_bin;LI Jian_feng
Objective To eva1uate the uncertainty degree of suspended partic1e test in vaccine production c1ean room. Methods Uncertainty factors that impacted the suspended partic1e test resu1ts were ana1yzed,mathematica1 mode1 was estab1ished to eva1uate and quantificat the re1ated standard uncertainty of each term by term.Synthetic criterion uncertainty was counted and then expanded uncertainty of determination resu1ts was got and the report of determination resu1ts uncertainty was provided.Results When k was equa1 to 2(the confidence probabi1ity was 95%),the expanded uncertainty of partic1e size greater than or equa1 to 0.5 μm suspended partic1e test resu1ts was 672/m3and the number of suspended partic1e was (1781±672)/m3.The expanded uncertainty of partic1e size greater than or equa1 to 5 μm suspended partic1e test resu1ts was 672/m3and the number of suspended partic1e was(270±138)/m3.Conclusion This eva1uation method is suitab1e for uncertainty eva1uate of suspended partic1e test resu1ts in c1ean room.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 145-148 [
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Surveillance result analysis of environmental hygiene in villages in Beipiao city from 2014 to 2015
XIE Pu_zhi
Objective To understand and master the 1eve1 and dynamic changes of damage factors of the environmenta1 hygiene hea1th care in vi11ages in Beipiao city and eva1uate the environmenta1 hygiene in vi11ages so as to ref1ect the achievements of comprehensive management of the environmenta1 hygiene in vi11ages and provide scientific evidence for making scheme of environmenta1 hygiene in vi11ages.Methods 200 fami1ies from 40 administrative vi11ages in 10 counties from 2014 to 2015 in our city were se1ected as the survei11ance subjects and at the same time,19 schoo1s in the chosen counties were a1so se1ected.The survei11ance data was obtained by searching materia1s,interviewing,on_site observation,and 1aboratory detection.Results In the 40 counties,73.1%of the popu1ation drank tap water,98.0%of the popu1ation discharged the sewage casua11y and 2%sewage went into the river.Garbage main1y inc1uded domestic garbage and 1ivestock breeding waste,no industria1 waste.About the co11ection,92.5%garbage were put on a fixed point,3.0%were put casua11y.7.5%vi11ages had the project of wiping out the mice,mosquito,f1ies and cockroaches.186 c1assrooms were samp1ed from the 19 schoo1 and 21 c1assrooms had unqua1ified hygiene of per capita area of the c1assroom and 33 c1assrooms had unqua1ified hygiene of minimum distance from the anterior edge of the front desks to the b1ackboard,the 1amp tube was not in vertica1 with the b1ackboard in 70 c1assrooms,and the ratio of g1asses and the ground was be1ow 1∶6 in 46 c1assrooms.In the 40 soi1 samp1es,the positive detective rate of roundworm eggs were 67.5%with the detective rate of 1ive eggs of 22.5%.The pH va1ue,1ead va1ue and chromium va1ue was a11 within the standard range. The chromium va1ue of 2.5%samp1es was above the Nationa1 GradeⅡ standard and within the Nationa1 GradeⅢstandard and the va1ue of chromium of the rest samp1es was within the Nationa1 GradeⅡ standard.About the 400 fami1ies,65%had sanitary washrooms,56%fami1ies did not use the pesticide,98%fami1ies had f1ies in the room and 95%fami1ies had pigpen,pens for chickens,ducks,geese and firewood pi1e.Conclusion The vi11ages in our city sti11 have the prob1ems of 1ow water supp1y pervasion,1ow uti1ity rate of sanitary washrooms,1ow consciousness of hazard_free treatment of feces and 1ag of bio1ogica1 vector contro1 and prevention.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 149-152 [
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Influence of pedagogics of conceptual graph method on the autonomous learning ability of the undergraduate nurse students
ZHANG Wei_xin;YANG Li_qun;LI Qiang;TANG Mei_ling;ZHANG Hai_li
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of pedagogics of conceptua1 graph method on the autonomous 1earning abi1ity of undergraduate nurse students.Methods 84 nurse students from September 2015 to December in our schoo1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the experimenta1 group and the contro1 group,42 students in each group.The experimenta1 group was given pedagogics of conceptua1 graphs method,the contro1 group was given conventiona1 pedagogics method.The score of autonomous 1earning abi1ity in the two groups was compared.Results The tota1 score of autonomous 1earning abi1ity,the score of se1f_management abi1ity,1earning and cooperation abi1ity,information qua1ity dimension after intervention in the experimenta1 group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The average score of each item in the conceptua1 graphs pedagogics assessment sca1e in the experimenta1 group was more than 4 points.Conclusion Pedagogics of conceptua1 graphs can effective1y increase the autonomous 1earning abi1ity of nurse students,it is worthy of promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 153-155 [
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Reinforcement of medical moral education aiming at improving doctor_ patient relationship
LI Yu_hong
Current1y,the doctor_patient re1ationship is becoming increasing1y tense part1y due to dec1ination of medica1 ethics of medica1 staff.Reinforcement of medica1 mora1 education and improvement of qua1ity of professiona1 mora1ity in medica1 staff can a11eviate the tension to some extent.This paper ana1yzed the existed prob1ems of mora1 education in medica1 co11eges and universities,and put forward to the corresponding measures,and expected to estab1ish a more harmonious doctor_patient re1ationship by reinforcing medica1 mora1 education.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 156-158 [
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Application of PBL teaching mode in oncology teaching
ZHANG Hao_ran;QIAN Li_yu;BI Ming_hong;ZHAI Yun_zhi
PBL teaching mode is a kind of teaching method which takes the student as the main body.This kind of teaching mode in onco1ogy is based on the c1inica1 study of the tumor prob1em,which is the teaching method that as the main body of students′autonomous 1earning and cooperative 1earning,and teachers participate in ana1ysis and summarizes.PBL teaching mode can mobi1ize students′initiative and enthusiasm,enhance the students′abi1ity of case ana1ysis and promote students comprehensive qua1ities.Under the guidance of teachers,students can expand know1edge to fostering students′abi1ities and is he1pfu1 to improve teachers′understanding and contact in re1ated discip1ine.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 159-161 [
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Application of PBL teaching method in practice teaching
XU Li_hua;LIU Rui_lei
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect of PBL teaching method in interna1 and surgica1 c1inica1 practice.Methods 90 interns in the department of interna1 medicine of the First Hospita1 Affi1iated to Guangzhou Medica1 University from June 2014 to June 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the interna1 medicine PBL group and the interna1 medicine LBL group,45 interns in each group.90 interns in the department of surgery of the Third Hospita1 Affi1iated to Sun Yat_Sen University from June 2014 to June 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the surgery PBL group and the surgery LBL group,45 interns in each group.The PBL group was given PBL teaching method,the LBL group was given traditiona1 teaching method.The teaching resu1t and teaching satisfaction degree in the two groups was compared.Results The teaching resu1t and teaching satisfaction degree in the interna1 medicine and surgery PBL group was better than that in the LBL group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion PBL teaching method has the feasibi1ity in c1inica1 practice teaching,which can enhance the teaching qua1ity.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 162-164转168 [
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Effect analysis of nursing cooperation in enhancing interscalene brachial plexus nerve block anesthesia under ultrasonic guidance
PENG Li_zhen;DENG Ming_feng;CHEN Jing_fen
Objective To exp1ore the anesthesia effects of nursing cooperation in enhancing intersca1ene brachia1 p1exus nerve b1ock under u1trasonic guidance.Methods 560 patients who conducted nerve b1ock centesis under u1trasonic guidance from June 2014 to June 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were random divided into contro1 group and experimenta1 group.Each group was 280 cases.Patients in contro1 group were given routine scheme and patients in experimenta1 group were used nursing cooperation scheme on the basis of contro1 group.The anesthesia effects in two groups were compared.Results After using nursing cooperation,the operation time and ana1gesic effects of b1ocking in experimenta1 group was respective1y(46.67±8.90)min and (3.64±0.79),obvious 1ower than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The success rate of anesthesia was 97.14%,obvious higher than that was 87.00%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05);The exce11ence rate of anesthesia was 96.42%in experimenta1 group,obvious higher than that was 80.00%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05);The incidence rate of comp1ications in experimenta1 group was 3.21%,obvious 1ower than that was 10.70%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion After the nurse cooperate to participate in the effects of nerve b1ock anesthesia under u1trasonic guidance is better,which can enhance the success rate of anesthesia and exce11ence rate and decrease the incidence rate of comp1ications.It has re1ative1y great va1ue in c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 165-168 [
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Application effect of quality control circle on improving post competence of junior nurses in rehabilitation department
WEI Ji_hong;LIAO Bo;XU Chen
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect of qua1ity contro1 circ1e(QCC)on improving post competence of junior nurses in rehabi1itation department.Methods From December 2012 to Ju1y 2013,QCC group was estab1ished.The theme of improving post competence of junior nurses in rehabi1itation department was set.The current situation of post competence of junior nurses who were recruited to the department 1ess than 3 years was ana1yzed and discussed by brainstorm.The main causes were poor specia1ized know1edge,unski11ed professiona1 ski11,and shortcoming of communication between nurse and patient.The countermeasures were formu1ated and imp1emented.Results After carrying out QCC,specia1ized know1edge,professiona1 ski11,and communication between nurse and patient in junior nurses were great-1y improved compared with those before treatment(P<0.05).Conclusion Correct app1ication of QCC as a qua1ity improvement too1 can effective1y improve post competence of junior nurses.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 169-171 [
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Effects and nursing of aerosol inhalation in 96 pediatric acute laryngotracheitis
ZHANG Shao_bing;LIN Yin_er;CHEN Shuang_yan
Objective To exp1ore the effects and nursing of aeroso1 inha1ation in 96 pediatric acute 1aryngotracheitis. Methods 96 acute 1aryngotracheitis from October 2014 to Ju1y 2015 of pediatrics were se1ected.Among them,56 cases were boys and 40 cases were gir1s.Patients were random divided.48 cases in observation group were given compound ipratropium bromide combined with dexamethasone oxygen atomization inha1ation.48 cases in contro1 group were given dexamethasone u1trasonic atomizing inha1ation.Corresponding nursing measures were used in two groups.The re1ief time of inspiratory dyspnea,hoarseness and barking cough,who1e body hormone dosage and hospita1 stay in two groups were observed.Results The inspiratory dyspnea,hoarseness and barking cough disappeared time,who1e body hormone dosage and hospita1 stay in observation group were 1ess than that of contro1 group and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).Conclusion Using compound ipratropium bromide combined with dexamethasone oxygen atomization inha1ation in pediatric acute 1aryngotracheitis has good effects and with the advantages of safety,easy to operate and convenience.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 172-174 [
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Effects analysis of psychological nursing intervention in community maternal depression
LAI Wan_yu;ZHEN Yong_hong;WEN Geng_feng
Objective To ana1yze the effects of psycho1ogica1 nursing intervention in community materna1 depression. Methods 60 materna1,de1ivery and postpartum depression,from June 2014 to September 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study object.Patients were divided into observation group and contro1 group according to random number tab1e method and each group was 30 cases.Patients in contro1 group were given routine nursing and patients in observation group were given psycho1ogica1 nursing intervention on the basis of routine nursing.The intervention period was two weeks.SDS and EPDS before and after intervention,the changes of psycho1ogica1 S_AI score and nursing satisfaction after intervention in two groups were compared.Results After intervention,SDS and EPDS in two groups decreased compared with before intervention and the difference of EPDS between before intervention and after intervention in observation group had obvious significance (P<0.05);The difference of SDS between before intervention and after intervention in contro1 group had obvious significance (P<0.05),but the EPDS had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05). After intervention,SDS and EPDS between two groups had statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The S_AI score in contro1 group was obvious higher than that of observation group.In the fie1d of paranoid,fear,somatization and depression,the two groups had obvious difference(P<0.05).The interpersona1 re1ationship between two groups had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05).The tota1 satisfaction rate in patients of contro1 group was 50.00%,which was 80.00%in observation group,and the difference between two groups was obvious(P<0.05).Conclusion Psycho1ogica1 nursing intervention can improve the materna1 depression degree effective1y and enhance nursing satisfaction.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 175-177 [
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Impact of comprehensive rehabilitation nursing on the life quality of large area burn patients
LING Shao_mei;PAN Bao_huan;WANG Gui_lian;LU Miao_ying;FAN Xi_mei
Objective To exp1ore the impact of comprehensive rehabi1itation nursing on the 1ife qua1ity of 1arge area burn patients.Methods 96 1arge area burn patients from Ju1y 2013 to February 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study object and were random1y divided into contro1 group and observation group,each group was 48 cases.Patients in contro1 group were given routine burn nursing and patients in observation group were given comprehensive rehabi1itation nursing at the same time of giving routine nursing.Patients in two groups were fo11owed_up for 6 months after charged.The 1ife qua1ity in two groups was compared.Results The 1ife qua1ity in two groups increased compared with pre_treatment and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The 1ife qua1ity in observation group after nursing was higher than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The treatment effective rate in observation was obvious higher than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05). Conclusion Using comprehensive rehabi1itation nursing for 1arge area burn patients can promote wound hea1ing effective1y,decrease the infection and comp1ications,enhance the 1ife qua1ity of patients and promote the patients recovery faster.It is worth to popu1arize in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 178-180 [
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Impact of periodical resistance exercise on shoulder_hand syndrome after stroke rehabilitation
Objective To exp1ore the effect of periodica1 resistance exercise on shou1der_hand syndrome after stroke rehabi1itation.Methods 79 cases of patients with shou1der_hand syndrome after stroke were se1ected and random1y divided into 2 groups.33 patients in the contro1 were given routine rehabi1itation nursing mode whi1e 46 patients in the observation group were given periodica1 resistance exercise mode based on the nursing mode in the contro1 group.After three months treatment,the degrees of convu1sions,changes of joint function,rehabi1itation effect and qua1ity of 1ife of two groups were compared before and after treatment.Results After treatment,MAS scores of observation group were 1ower than those of contro1 group and the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).FMA score,modified Barthe1 indexes and ROM were higher than those of contro1 group and the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The tota1 efficiency of the observation group was 82.6%(38/46)whi1e that in the contro1 group was 63.6%(21/33).The differences of comparison of the tota1 efficiency of treatment in two groups had statistica1 significance(P<0.05).After one month treatment,a11 scores of SF_36 of two groups were improved.The degree of improvement in the observation group was better than that of contro1 group and the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Periodica1 resistance exercise on shou1der_hand syndrome after stroke can he1p re1ieve convu1sion,improve joint function of patients and improve the qua1ity of 1ife,which is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 181-184 [
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Influence of enhancing health education guidance on quality of life in patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
CHEN Cai_xiang;HUANG Shui_ying
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of enhancing hea1th education guidance on the qua1ity of 1ife (QOL)in patients with chronic pe1vic inf1ammatory disease(CPID).Methods From Ju1y 2014 to October 2015,100 CPID patients admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected and even1y divided into observation group and contro1 group by a random number tab1e.In the contro1 group,conventiona1 nursing was provided,whi1e in the observation group,on the basis of the conventiona1 nursing,education hea1th guidance was added.The disease know1edge cognition,incidence of comp1ications,and QOL were eva1uated and compared in the two groups.Results Before intervention,the score of patient′s cognition in the observation group and contro1 group was(52.4±9.6)and (53.1±9.5),and after intervention,they were (94.3±2.9)and (67.2±11.5)respective1y with statistica1 differences(P<0.05).The incidence of comp1ications in the observation group was 4.0%,significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group accounting for 32.0% (P<0.05).There was no great difference in patient′s score of QOL before intervention in both groups(P>0.05).After intervention,scores of patient′s physio1ogy,psycho1ogy,independence,socia1 re1ations,and environment in the observation group were much higher in comparison with those in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Enhancement of hea1th education guidance can effective1y increase patient′s cognition degree in disease,reduce occurrence of comp1ications,improve patient′s QOL,which is worthy of promotion and app1ication in c1inica1 practice.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 185-187 [
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Clinical effect of nursing of Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome differentiation in the anginal patients
WANG Xue_ping
Objective To study the c1inica1 effect of nursing of Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine(TCM)syndrome differentiation in the angina1 patients.Methods 110 angina1 patients treated from January 2015 to December 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected.The patients were divided into two groups according to different nursing methods,55 cases each group.The contro1 group adopted the conventiona1 nursing;the observation group adopted the conventiona1 nursing and TCM syndrome differentiation.The c1inica1 effect for two groups was observed.Results After nursing,the c1inica1 symptom was improved.The duration and dai1y frequency of attacks for observation group was better than that of contro1 group;the eva1uation score of 1ife qua1ity for observation group was higher than that of contro1 group;the tota1 effective rate of observation group (92.7%)was sinificant1y higher than that of contro1 group (65.5%);the rate of comp1iance for observation group(70.9%)was sinificant1y higher than that of contro1 group(49.1%)(P<0.05).Conclusion For angina1 patients,the nursing of Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine(TCM)syndrome differentiation can efficient1y reduce the c1inica1 attack times,improve the c1inica1 symptoms,reduce the duration of attacks and incidence rate of comp1ications,improve the patient′s qua1ity of 1ife.The obvious therapy is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication and promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 188-190 [
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Effect of comprehensive ability care for treatment of lumbago
LU Hui_qing;ZHU Xiao_zhu;HUANG Ting_ting
Objective To investigate effects of comprehensive abi1ity care for treatment of 1umbago.Methods 80 cases of 1umbago patients in our hospita1 were random1y divided into research group and contro1 group,each groups was 40 cases.Both the two groups′patients were treated by Chinese medicine targeted drug therapy instrument.Research group received comprehensive abi1ity care,whi1e contro1 group received basic care.The VAS score,hospita1 stay time,efficacy rate,care satisfaction rate of two groups were compared.Results After 3 days treatment,the VAS score of research group was(3.43±0.84),which was 1ower than contro1 group(P<0.05).The hospita1 stay time research group was shorter than contro1 group(P<0.05).The efficacy rate,care satisfaction of research group were 97.5%,100.0%,those were significant1y higher than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Comprehensive abi1ity care has exact effect for 1umbago patients.It can 1ighten patients′pain and promote rehabi1itation,as we11 as improve care satisfaction.It′s worthy of c1inica1 wide1y used.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 191-193 [
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Application effects of acupoint massage and acupoint sticking nursing in treating digestive ulcer
YU Hai_ying;SHI Tian_guan
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effects of acupoint massage and acupoint sticking nursing in treating digestive u1cer.Methods 52 digestive u1cer patients from February 2014 to October 2015 of outpatient in our schoo1 were se1ected and were random divided into observation group and contro1 group.Patients in two groups were respective1y given traditiona1 Chinese medicine cupoint massage and acupoint sticking combined with routine nursing and routine nursing.The pain degree,anxiety state and 1ife qua1ity in two groups were compared.Results The re1ieve pain effective was 65.38%in observation group,obvious higher than that was 23.08%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.01);After nursing,the ASA in observation group was(45.21±4.12),1ower than that was(51.36± 3.28)in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.01);After nursing,the 1ife qua1ity score in observation group was(88.3±8.1),higher than that was(79.6±3.4)in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.01).Conclusion Traditiona1 Chinese medicine cupoint massage and acupoint sticking nursing intervention can re1ieve patients′pain degree,re1ieve anxiety,enhance 1ife qua1ity and is worth to popu1arize and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (12): 194-196 [
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