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2016 Vol. 23, No. 11
Published: 18 April 2016

4 Research of neuregulin-1(Nrg1)for Promoting rePair after sPinal cord injury via activating Nrg1-ErbB recePtor signaling transduction in mice
YAO Wei-cheng; JIANG Qiong; HU Cheng-liang; XU Jun-ping; XIE Qing; SHEN Hui-fan; HE Jia-hui; JING Yong-bin; ZHAO Wei-jiang
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 4-7 [Abstract] ( 151 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 23 )
8 Significance of lymPhocyte subsets and molecular subtyPes of breast cancer and clinical Pathological characteristics
WEI Chang-hong;NING Shu-fang;WEI Wen-e;LI Ji-lin;LIU Hai-zhou;CHEN Yi;ZHANG Li-tu
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 8-11 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (47 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
12 Role research status of autoPhagy in ischemia/rePerfusion injury
WANG Zhi-hua;TIAN Shou-yuan;WANG Jian-gang;HE Xuan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 12-15 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
16 Research status of functional damage biomarker of renal tubule in contrast-induced nePhroPathy
ZENG Xian-yong;ZHU Yan;DONG Yuan-zheng;WANG Xiang;WU Wen-bin
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 16-19 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 20 )
20 Research Progress of the relationshiP between MTHFR gene and nonsyndromic cleft liP and/or cleft Palate
XU Wei ;HAN Wei-tian
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 20-22 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
23 Study of imProved gastric jejunum Roux-en-Y anastomosis in gastrointestinal surgery
LI Ze-wei
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 23-25 [Abstract] ( 113 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 48 )
26 Clinical study of holmium laser combining with choledochoscoPe in the treatment of comPlicated intra- and extrahePatic bile duct stone
HUANG Guo-zeng; ZHANG Qian; CAO Feng; ZHONG Ming; FU Jie
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 26-28 [Abstract] ( 167 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
29 The exPression of homocysteine,cystatin C,and triglyceride to high-density liPoProtein cholesterol ratio in diabetic nePhroPathy Patients
ZHOU Teng-da;KE Xiao-hu;CAI Li-rong;CHEN Rong-ping
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 29-31转35 [Abstract] ( 115 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
32 Influence of short-term insulin PumP intensive treatment on blood glucose control and vascular endothelial function in newly diagnosed tyPe 2 diabetic Patients
ZHOU Yan-hua; LIN Sen; LIU Jie
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 32-35 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
36 ExPression and significance of Galectin-9 in ovarian cancer
PAN Li-ying;HUANG Fu-hai;ZHONG Xue-hua
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 36-38 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
39 Analysis of multiPle myeloma clinical feature and Prognosis
SHEN Jun ;WANG Kai-tai
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 39-41 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
42 Clinical observation of selective hePatic artery chemoembolization combined with Percutaneous microwave coagulation theraPy in the treatment of large hePatocarcinoma
ZENG Li ;HE Yong-yue; WANG Dao-du; LIN Qiao-luan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 42-44转47 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
45 Effect analysis of thyroid adenoma removal in lower-sited and minor incision in the treatment of thyroPhyma
GUAN You-cai; ZENG Hui-min ;ZHANGGAN Zhu-zai
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 45-47 [Abstract] ( 162 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
48 Clinical aPPlication of laParoscoPe combined with gastroscoPe for minimal invasion in the treatment of gastric stromal tumor
ZHAO Xiong-min;CHEN Hong;LI Yong-hao;OU Wen-hui;LEI Hao-qiang
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 48-50 [Abstract] ( 151 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 20 )
51 Clinical effect of Aidi injection combined with chemotheraPy regimen in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer
WANG Yong-ling; LIN Wang-mei ;YANG Ping
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 51-53 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
54 Safety feasibility and early effect analysis of totally laParoscoPic gastrectomy in the treatment of uPPer gastric cancer
XU Da-yong;HU Li-qiang;HU Xian-ming;YIN Qing-hua;YANG Ke;CHEN Zheng;LIAO Xiao-yun
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 54-56 [Abstract] ( 120 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
57 Influence of selective cesarean section and vaginal delivery on neonate's APgar and NBNA scores
LI Shi-rong;ZHOU Yong-li;CHEN Chu-yan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 57-59 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
60 Clinical effect of azithromycin combined with vaginal suPPository in treating non-gonococcal urethritis
CHEN Zhi-hua; ZHANG Meng-zhen; GUO Rui-xia ;QIAO Yu-huan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 60-62 [Abstract] ( 130 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
63 ImPact of methods breast massage combined with low frequency Pulse treatment on PuerPerium breastfeeding and Prevention mastitis
FANG Jin-lian
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 63-65转68 [Abstract] ( 173 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
66 Effect of ToPiramate on tourette syndrome in children
YAN Jian-ying; FENG Bin
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
69 Correlation analysis of 4-vinyl cyclohexene in environmental endocrine disruPtors and women with Premature ovarian failure
HUANG Li-ping; CHEN Jian; HE Shu-ning; CHEN You-qing; FENG Ming-xian; WU Hua-mei
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
72 Clinical effect of different drugs in the treatment of ectoPic Pregnancy
LIU Xiao-ying
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 72-74转77 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
75 Related imPact study of Pregnant threatened abortion risk factors and Pregnancy outcomes
LUO Fang ;ZHANG Yan-fang; CHEN Ya-li
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 75-77 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
78 Influence of early diagnosis and treatment on Pregnancy outcome for Patients with gestational diabetes
LUO Pei-ling ;FENG Zhi-guang
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 123 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 12 )
81 Changes of thyroid hormone levels in children with neonatal resPiratory distress syndrome and infectious Pneumonia and their correlation with IL-6 and TNF-α
DENG Wei-bin; HUANG Ying; CAO Min ;ZOU Xin-ying
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 119 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
84 ExPloring the aPPlication of TCT,HPV and cervical bioPsy under colPoscoPe for screening cervical lesions
SU Qing;PAN Zhuo;HU Chang-e;SU Jing-jing
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 84-87 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
88 Clinical outcomes of adding ICSI after short time fertilization fail
YU Hong-jun; SUN Xiao-ling ;LI Cai-hong; CHENG Dong-kai ;LIU Ji ;LI Bao-shan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 88-91 [Abstract] ( 115 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
92 Correlation study between thyroid hormones and congenital heart disease combined with cardiac failure due to Pneumonia in children
QU Ying-qi
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 92-94 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
95 Clinical observation of vitrectomy combining with intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide in the treatment of diabetic retinoPathy at Proliferating Phase
YAN Jian; JIANG Wen-hao;PENG Xi-feng
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 95-97 [Abstract] ( 104 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 19 )
98 Clinical effect of orthodontic treatment combined with rePair in adult dental treatment
ZHOU Yu-ning
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 98-100 [Abstract] ( 101 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 5 )
101 Long-term observation of dental Prosthesis Practicability after eramic inlays
LV Xian-yan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 101-103 [Abstract] ( 108 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 11 )
104 The clinical efficacy of artificial tears in the adjuvant treatment of xeroPhthalmia caused by meibomian gland dysfunction in the middle-aged and elderly
YAO Xin-wang
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 104-106 [Abstract] ( 107 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
107 APPlication and its relevant nursing of Phloroglucinol with lidocaine by intrauterine Perfusion in artificial abortion
LI Zhao-yan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 107-109转112 [Abstract] ( 108 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
110 ImPact of different anesthesia method on PostoPerative cognitive function of elderly Patients with non cardiac surgery
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 110-112 [Abstract] ( 105 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
113 Effects of different anesthesia methods on PostoPerative cognitive dysfunction in elderly Patients undergoing total hiP arthroPlasty
LI Hong-sheng; YIN Han-su ;MO Pu
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 113-115 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 5 )
116 APPlication effects observation of ProPofol combined with target -controlled infusion dezocine in gynecological laParoscoPic surgery with general anesthesia
YE Fu-cai ;ZHAO Yan-ping ;ZHANG Hai-yan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 116-118 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
119 Effects of dexmedetomidine on dysPhoria at the anesthesia recovery Period in the Pediatric laParoscoPic surgery
YU Hong
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 119-121 [Abstract] ( 123 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
122 Anti-inflammatory theraPy and its rational evaluation in Pediactric Patients in our hosPital
WEN Jing;FENG Jing;LIU Dan;HAO Wei-yi;TANG Zhi-li
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 122-124 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 22 )
125 Efficacy study of Paroxetine combined with ComPound Danshen Tablet in the treatment of vascular dePression
TAN Wei;LONG Yun;RAO Shi-xiong;GONG Fei-zhong
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 125-127 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
128 Security analysis and life quality effect of Valsartan combined with Carvedilol treatment for chronic heart failure Patients
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 128-130 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 21 )
131 Value of IndaPamide combined with AmlodiPine in treating hyPertension comPlicated with coronary artery disease
CAI Shu-fen
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 131-133 [Abstract] ( 114 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
134 Clinical observation of treatment with Deslanoside combination with Milrinone in Patients with severe right ventricular failure associated with chronic airway disease
CHEN Feng; TANG Jia-xuan; ZHANG Lei ;HAN Xue-feng ;NIE Qing-rong
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 134-136 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
137 Observation of clinical effect of different dosages of MetoProlol in the treatment of tyPe 2 diabetes comPlicated with coronary heart disease
GAN Pei-zhou
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 137-139 [Abstract] ( 108 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
140 Effect study of Tanreqing injection in the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
CHEN Hai-yan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 140-142 [Abstract] ( 113 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
143 Effect analysis of local medicine on PePtic ulcer with uPPer gastrointestinal hemorrhage in senile Patients
MA Gui-ping;DU Juan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 143-145 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
146 Clinical efficacy of acuPuncture in the treatment of acute aPoPlexy hemi-Plegia
LI Bin ;LIU Wen-hui
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 146-148 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
149 Clinical effect of using combination of Chinese traditional and Western medicine in treating hyPertension
YOU Xiao-yong; GUO Yi-ran ;LI Jin-sheng
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 149-151 [Abstract] ( 111 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 16 )
152 Clinical effect of Qidong Runfei Decoction in the treatment of Qi-yin deficiency Patients with chronic bronchitis
WU Yang-sheng
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 152-154 [Abstract] ( 111 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
155 Effects observation of debridement under arthroscoPy combined with Chinese herbal medicine external treatment in treating senile knee osteoarthritis
CHEN Xin-wei;MEI Zeng-chun;LONG Hai-cheng;XIE Quan-hua
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 155-157 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
158 Survey on rationality of antimicrobial usage before and after imPlementation of antimicrobial drugs information management system
LU Shao-yan; YU Chang-chun; LIN Sen
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 158-160 [Abstract] ( 106 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
161 Influence of antibacterial agents in level -to -level administration on Pathogenic bacteria distribution and its drug resistance in nosocomial infection
CHEN Xun-jun;ZHANG Xiao-min;GUO Chen-xia
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 161-163转167 [Abstract] ( 101 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 22 )
164 Suggestions and countermeasures for scientific develoPment of urban community health service
LI Hai-yu;JIN Peng;LIU Ru-yu;YU Ying;WANG Wei
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 164-167 [Abstract] ( 118 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
168 APPlication of 5 S method in the quality management of emergency care
YU Ye-chang; NING Bing-wen ;LI Gong-tian; ZHAO Zhen-xi ;YIN Cai-lan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 168-170 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
171 Current situation of drug safety suPervision and countermeasures in China
WANG Li-hua
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 171-173 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
174 ImProvement and aPPlication of blood sPot collection method in neonatal disease screening
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 174-176 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
177 APPlication effects of refinement grading nursing in unattended severe wards
WANG Li ;WANG Tao; XIE Ping-xiang ;LI Yin-yin ;CHEN Mei-xian
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 177-179 [Abstract] ( 107 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
180 Effect of nursing intervention on treatment comPliance in Patients with mania
ZHONG Cai-hua ;ZHANG Su-ping; LI Cai-ling
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 180-182 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
183 Influence of health education based on WeChat Platform on reduction of uncertainty in illness in Parents whose children suffering from Kawasaki diseases
XIAN Jian-mei; LU Jian-di; ZHOU Chuan-en
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 183-185转188 [Abstract] ( 123 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
186 ImPact of behavioral nursing on rehabilitation effects of cerebral infarction Patients with movement disorders
ZHOU Min-jian
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 186-188 [Abstract] ( 94 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
189 Influence of nursing intervention on hyPertension knowledge,attitude,and behavior in hyPertensive Patients in rural areas in Baise City
WANG Yu-mei;LU Qing-mei;DENG Su-xuan;WEI Liu-qing;MA Jin-fei;NONG Jin-mei;HUANG Lu-ying
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 189-192 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
193 Influence of high quality nursing on iincidence of PostoPerative comPlications and satisfaction degree in Patients with hiP fracture
LI Chun-rong ;YANG Lian-huan
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 193-194转197 [Abstract] ( 117 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 18 )
195 The imPact of using health education on self-nursing caPability and Post-Partum rehabilitation of Post-discharge PrimiPara
ZHANG Feng-ying ;DONG Ya-hui ;LI Ying ;YUAN Shi-fen
2016 Vol. 23 (11): 195-197 [Abstract] ( 108 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
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