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2016 Vol. 23, No. 32
Published: 18 November 2016

4 Study of the establishment of human LOX-1 gene Pichia expression vector and its expression
LIU Jing;YU Tian-tian;CHEN Yu-hua;LI Jing-da;TAO Ya-ni;LI Ming-ying;WANG Xiao;CHEN Yong;CHI Yan
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 4-6转10 [Abstract] ( 180 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
7 Effect and mechanism of Com pound C on the neurotoxic injury of Bupivacaine
LU Jun;JU You-ting;HU Yan-hui;CHEN Shou-lin;CAIJun-ying;LIChang
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 7-10 [Abstract] ( 160 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
11 M olecular targeted therapeutic agents for anti-malignantmelanoma
CHEN Ru-bing;DING Bao-yue;WU Zhao-yong;SONG Jian-qin;BAIHai-ting;XU Ning-yin
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 11-13转86 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 41 )
14 Research progress on the relationship between hyperuricem ia and coronary heart disease
LI Na;GAO Yue-qin
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 14-16 [Abstract] ( 179 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
17 Feasibility and safety of laparoscope combined w ith choledochoscope for preservation of gallbladder in the treatment of cholecystolithiasis
YIN Xi-zhou;CHEN Shu-fang;ZENG Bi-cheng;DING Sheng-wen
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 17-19转22 [Abstract] ( 166 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
20 Clinical com parative study on the difference between posthepatitic cirrhosis and alcoholic cirrhosis
ZHU Yi-hong;CHEN Jing-kui;RUAN Shi-chong
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 20-22 [Abstract] ( 170 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
23 Evaluation value of red cell distribution w idth coefficient of variation (RDW-CV)for the prognosis in patientsw ith sepsis
YU Xiao-yun;CAI-Li;YANG Wei-sheng
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 23-25 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
26 Influence of Naloxone on respiratory mechanics,lung function,oxygen metabolism and D-dimer in patientsw ith acute respiratory failure
XIONG Zhi-gang;KONGMei-bian
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 26-28 [Abstract] ( 175 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
29 Prevention role of Am inophylline for CIN
YANG Zhang-li;JIA Xiao-yun;XU Jian;QIN Jian-hong
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 29-31 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
32 Clinical effect com parision of combined and doublem irror and totally laparoscope for gallbladder-protected lithotom y treating gallbladder stone
WU Hua-fei;HE Hai-qing
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 32-34 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
35 Diagnostic and treatment value of emergency gastroscopy and common gastroscope for upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
WANG Xiao-qin;DING Zhi-gang
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 35-37 [Abstract] ( 171 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
38 The feasibility of Scopolam ine combined w ith Dexamethasone acute toxic pulmonary edema and influence of sym ptom s disappear time
ZHONG Jian-hua
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 38-40 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
41 Influence analysis of early artificial ventilation on the prognosis of patients w ith acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning com p licated w ith respiratory failure
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 41-43 [Abstract] ( 152 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
44 Relationship between the 5-HTTLPR gene polymorphism and the therapeutic effect of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain
QIN Yong-zhang;XIAO Li-xia;KE Rui-qiong;HONG Shi-hua;LYU Wei-ming
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
47 Study of the relationship between serum Fractalkine and uric acid,blood lipid
XU Hai-bo;YAN Xiao-guang;ZHONGWei;WANG Kuan;TAN Li-yan
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 47-49 [Abstract] ( 159 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
50 Study of the clinical app lication of three-column typing theory in tibial p lateau fractures
WEILin-wen;HUANG Yu-feng
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 50-52转55 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
53 Treatment effect of old metatarsal fracturesw ith m ini-plate internal fixation combined w ith autogenous iliac bone graft
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 53-55 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
56 Clinical effect of m inimally invasive nail p lacement in the treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral com pression fractures
ZHOU Guo-jin;ZENG You-wen;ZHONG Sheng-tao
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 56-58 [Abstract] ( 154 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
59 Kong Keshi need le w ith a cable tension w ith the app lication of the patella fracture
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 59-61 [Abstract] ( 158 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
62 The effect of knee osteoarthritis on the hidden blood loss after total knee arthrop lasty
HEMin1PENG Bing-long;LIU Shui-hong;YANGHui-wen;TIAN Hui-jun;ZHANG Yong;GAO Zhi-zeng
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 62-64 [Abstract] ( 170 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
65 Clinical study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer
ZOU Yu-feng
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 65-67 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
68 Clinical effect of neoad juvant chemotherapy combined w ith the rep lacement of tumor-type artificial knee joint treating osteosarcoma around the knee joint
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 68-72 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (58 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
73 The study of the efficacy and safety of Lobap latin p lus Paclitaxel treating advanced non-small cell lung cancer
WEIShu-li;ZHU Mo-shou;LIU Zhen-hai;LIN Shu-mei;FENGQi-xiao
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 73-75 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
76 Clinical curative effect of Recombinant human vascular endothelial inhibition combined with Pemetrexed treating senile pulmonary adenocarcinoma and analysis of its influence on serum level of VEGF and T cell subgroup
ZHONG Jiu-hong;GUO Yu-ling;TIAN Qiu-hong;YU Feng WU Fang
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 76-79 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (47 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
80 Clinical study of styrofoam used to fix head,neck and shoulder in intensity modulated radiation therapy
HUANG Chun-lan;LIU Hua-zhi;HOU Liang;WANG Li-ping
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 80-82 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
83 Clinical expression and significance of PrxⅠand PrxⅡfor patients w ith threatened abortion
YU Bi-ya;LIN Chun-yan;ZHONG Xiu-mei;YU Jin-sheng
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
87 Effect discussion of core stability exercisesin in postpartum patients w ith low back pain
GOU Yan-yun;JIANG Zheng;LUO Qing-lu
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 132 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 44 )
90 Analysis of genital tractm ycop lasma infection factors of puerperal infection after cesarean section
PENG Xue;TU Jian-bin;LU Zhao-xia
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 116 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
93 Viability of low gas abdom inal laparoscopic in the treatment of ectopic gestation after the IVF-ET
CHEN Xu-xuan
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
96 App lication value of Xpert M TB/RIF detection system in children pulmonary tuberculosis lavage fluid
PAN Xiao-qin;TAN Chuan-mei;TANG Hong-yan;DING Yi-yi
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 147 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
99 Clinical significance of the detection in immunoglobulin in CSF and oligoclone IgG band children w ith viral encephalitis
WENG Xiang;LAN Di-shi
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 99-101 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
102 Clinical effect of normal saline irrigation in the treatment of acute sinusitis in children
HE Gui-jun
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 102-104 [Abstract] ( 130 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
105 Effects evaluation of Ranibizumab intraocular injection in treating wet age-related macular degeneration
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 44 )
108 App lication value of SD-OCT and FFA in diagnosis of postcataract cystoid macular edema
FANG Ting-bing;YAN Hao;WU Xue-dan
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 108-111 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
112 Clinicalapp lication ofsevofluraneanesthesia in pediatric strabismussurgery
SUN Bo;DING Zheng-nian;HEMing-feng
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 112-114 [Abstract] ( 132 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
115 Effects of nalbuphine hydrochloride on tumor necrosis factor-αand interleukin-6 during one lung ventilation
ZHANG He;LIQing-chun;LONG Chao
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 115-117 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
118 Exp loration of vaginal color ultrasound in the treatment of infertility by integration of traditional Chinese and W estern medicine
MA Liang-di
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 118-120 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
121 Value of MRI in the diagnosis of knee joint ligament injury
CHEN Li-qiang
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 121-123 [Abstract] ( 151 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
124 Investigation of the clinical effect of Dexamethasone combined w ith Urokinase in the treatment of tuberculous p leurisy
ZOU Xiao-xin;WANGMing-xue;SHUAILi-hua2
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 124-126 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
127 Efficacy and toxicity analysis of several antidepressants in treating female patientsw ith depression
XIAO Xiang-ling
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 127-129转132 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
130 The clinical effect of M ethylprednisolone and Dexamethasone in treatment of sudden deafness
HE Bi-yun;ZHANG Zhu
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 130-132 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
133 The research and safety analysis of Edaravone in accordance w ith the joint in Butyl phthalide capsule in the treatment on acute ischem ic stroke
LIANG Hai-shan;XIAO Cheng-nian;XIZhen-hua;HUANG Peng
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 133-135 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
136 Safety of chronic oral-taking enalapril maleate and folic acid tablets in the treatment of H-type hypertension w ith chronic heart failure
QU Na CHENG;Xian-zhi;ZHENG Shuai;NA Li-sha
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 136-138 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
139 Effect of epidem iology and CD4+CD25+T cells on the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis in Pingxiang area
WU Hai-hong;LIN Jia-kun;LIYun-hua;LIJie-mo;XU Yan-ping
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 139-141 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
142 Investigation on the status of cancer-related fatigue and quality of life in the digestive tract tumor patients
JIChao-fan;XIA Li-ming
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 142-145转149 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (47 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
146 Analysis and preventive measures of the risk factors of hypertension in urban staff in Qian′an City
SONG You-wei;ZHANG Shi-qi;NING Chun-ping;ZHANG Qian-jin;ZHANG Xiao-jing;YIN Zhi-feng;SHAO De-ming;LIChun-liang;MEIYing-chun;LIXiao-jiang
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 146-149 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
150 Analysis of 130 cases w ith adverse drug reactions in children and the guidance of drug use
MU Jing
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 150-152 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
153 Influence of health know ledge intervention on know ledge of infectious disease related know ledge in urban and rural primary school students
XIONG Shu-wei
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 153-155 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
156 Analysis of the epidem iological characteristics of hepatitis A from 2005 to 2015 in Shenyang City
SUN Ying-chun
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 156-158 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
159 Application and effect analysis of standardization of the key management system in the psychiatric ward
LIYin-e;XU Li;DU Ying;RONG Cai-lian
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 159-161 [Abstract] ( 139 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
162 Im p lementation and value research of nursing performance management of neurosurgery
HUANG Ren-e;WANG Hai-ying;LIZhen-zhen;TAN Yuan;TANWen-jing
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 162-164 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
165 App lication of clinical pathway teaching method in operation room nursing teaching
LUOWei-fang;ZHANGChao-hong;LIU Yu-er;MAWan-yi;LIN Ze-hua;MAIJing-nan
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 165-167 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
168 Application evaluation of PDG and CBL Teaching Methods in Probationary Teaching of Endocrinology
WENG Yang;LIChun-li;TANG Yin-si;ZHENG Fang-ping;SONG Yu-ling;ZHOU Yi-jun
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 168-170转173 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
171 Influence of mental nursing on quality of life of patients w ith malignant tumor in oral and maxillofacial surgery
PAN Li-zhen;ZHENG Xiao-yan;ZHAO Fang-rong
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 171-173 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
174 Influence of humanized nursing on nursing satisfaction of outpatients
XIONG Rui-juan
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 174-176 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 44 )
177 Influence of com prehensive nursing intervention on life quality and postoperative com p licationsof patientsw ith liver cancer in interventional therapy
WANG Ji-hong
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 177-179 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
180 Nursing analysis of infertility due to fallopian tube obstruction treated w ith integrated traditional Chinese and W estern medicine
YU Hong-lan
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 180-182 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
183 Effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on the quality of long range video EEG monitoring
WENWei;ZHANG Chun-ying;ZENG Hai-lan;YANG Rui-jin
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 183-185 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 41 )
186 App lication of clinical nursing pathway in coronary stent intervention
ZHANG Xiao-qin
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 186-188 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
189 Effect of Doula delivery mode on delivery mode,mental state and delivery outcome ofmaternal
HONG Qun-hui;CHENGMan-qin
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 189-191 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
192 Effect of predictive nursing on lower postoperative com p lications in patientsw ith gallstones
YANG Hong-xia;DENG Cai-miao
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 192-194 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
195 App lication effect of com prehensive nursing in patientsw ith gallstone
2016 Vol. 23 (32): 195-197 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
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