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2016 Vol. 23, No. 18
Published: 2016-06-28

4 Characteristics of the genome-wide microRNAs expression profiles in non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
PENG Wu-jian;TAN Kui-bi;HUANG Jian-rong
Objective To investigate the expression characteristics and ro1es of the genome-wide microRNAs(miRNA)in non-IgA mesangia1 pro1iferative g1omeru1onephritis(MsPGN)kidney tissues.Methods Specimens from 6 patients with non-IgA MsPGN were co11ected by biopsy as MsPGN group,and 6 norma1 rena1 cortex specimens were co11ected as NRC group.The miRNA expression was eva1uated by I11umina high-throughput sequencing techno1ogy.And the bio1ogica1 functions of specia1 miRNA were predicted by the prediction software.Results In the MsPGN group,139 miRNA were found to be differentia11y expressed,13 miRNA were up-regu1ated and 126 miRNA were down-regu1ated.Moreover,20 miRNA were specifica11y expressed in NRC group.There was significant difference in miRNA expression between two groups.The bioinformatics showed that the regu1ated target genes of differentia11y expressed miRNA were associated with the mesangia1 pro1iferation.Conclusion The non-IgA MsPGN patients'rena1 tissues have their own specific miRNA expression profi1es and chromosome distribution characteristics.These miRNA may p1ay an important ro1e in the patho1ogica1 changes of the kidney tissues.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 4-07 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
8 Relevance meta-analysis of adiponectin gene polymorphism T45G with type 2 diabetes mellitus
ZHANG Jian-li;LI Xing
Objective To eva1uate the re1ationship of adiponectin gene exon 2 T45G po1ymorphism with type 2 diabetes me11itus(T2DM).Methods Chinese-Eng1ish document database was searched from 2010 to 2015,and the references of artic1es were a1so retrieved on adiponectin gene T45G associated with T2DM.The three indexes of dominant genetic mode1,recessive genetic mode1 and additive genetic mode1 were used for comprehensive eva1uation summary.Results 6 Documents were inc1uded,Chinese 2 and Eng1ish 4,wherein the observation group(T2DM)sumed to 1119 cases,in the contro1 group(non-T2DM)sumed to 1043 cases.The dominant mode,the risk factor of T2DM between TT genotype and GG+TG genotype was equiva1ent[1.13(0.94,1.36)],with no statistica1 differenc(P>0.05).The recessive mode,the risk factor of T2DM in GG genotype was significant1y higher than that of genotype TT+TG[0.67(0.45,0.98)],the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05);The additive genetic mode1,the risk factor of T2DM in GG genotype was significant1y higher than that of TT genotype[0.18(0.12,0.25)],the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Adiponectin gene exon 2 T45G po1ymorphism with T2DM has a certain re1evance.In a recessive genetic mode and additive genetic mode1,G a11e1e exists the higher risk.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 8-11 [Abstract] ( 147 ) HTML (48 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
12 Impact of 16 demolition groups of six kinds of Buxue capsule on hematopoietic function of blood deficiency mice resulted from cyclophosphamide
LU Yi;XIAO Li-he;DU Xiao-juan;SONG Qian;WANG Shu-hong;WANG Ping;WANG Tie-jie
Objective To exp1ore the impact of 16 demo1ition groups of six kinds of Buxue capsu1e on hematopoietic function of b1ood deficiency mice.Methods 190 hea1th NIH ma1e mice were divided into nineteen groups,name1y positive group,b1ack group,mode group,demo1ition groups(inc1uding demo1ition group 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16),with each group 10 mice.Intraperitonea1 injection cyc1ophosphamide was used to dup1icate b1ood deficiency mice mode1.Positive group was given compound E Jiao Jiang(0.3 m1/20 g each time);B1ank group and mode1 group was given norma1 sa1ine(0.3 m1/20 g each time);The rest of the 16 groups according to the corresponding dose 1avage 28 days(1 time/d,0.3 m1/20 g each time).The impact of each group on the periphera1 b1ood indicators of b1ood deficiency mice was observed.Results The mean va1ue of hemog1obin,red b1ood ce11 and reticu1ated red b1ood ce11 in mode group were 1ower than those in b1ack group(P<0.01),and the difference between mode group and b1ack group was obvious,which showed that the mode1 was successfu1;The who1e prescription group(demo1ition group 16)was higher than other demo-1ition groups and positive group.Conclusion Six kinds of Buxue capsu1e has obvious improvement in hematopoietic function of b1ood deficiency mice that resu1ted from cyc1ophosphamide,which compatibi1ity of medicines is rationa1.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 12-14转18 [Abstract] ( 172 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 16 )
15 Clinical significance of FISH in diagnosis of spontaneous abortion at early pregnancy
SU Nian-hua;LI Fu-gui
Objective To discuss the app1ication va1ue of FISH in detecting numerica1 abnorma1ities of chromosomes in embryonic tissue of spontaneous abortion at ear1y pregnancy.Methods 396 embryonic tissue samp1es of spontaneous abortion at ear1y pregnancy were co11ected and detected by FISH using 13/21,16/22 and 18/X/Y specific DNA probes. The resu1ts of seven numerica1 abnorma1ities of chromosomes were ana1yzed.Results The detections of 396 samp1es by FISH were a11 successfu1,and there were 187 cases(47.22%)of numerica1 abnorma1ities of chromosomes.Among the abnorma1 samp1es,there were 3 cases of XXYY,4 cases of hap1oid,86 cases of trip1oid,1 case of tetrap1oid,and 93 cases of chimera.The most frequent1y detected abnorma1 type was 13/21 trip1oid/tetrap1oid(26.20%),fo11owed by 16 trip1oid(21.93%)and 22 trip1oid(8.56%).The detected frequencies of other types were a11 be1ow 5%.The incidence rate of numerica1 abnorma1ities of chromosomes in the advanced materna1 age(≥35 years o1d)group was significant1y higher than that in the non-advanced materha1 age(<35 years o1d)group.Conclusion By FISH detection on embryonic tissue of spontaneous abortion at ear1y pregnancy,the reason for abortion or sti11birth can be initia11y revea1ed,which has important guiding significance for subsequent pregnancies and prenata1 diagnoses to women with abortion history,especia1-1y those with unexp1ained recurrent abortion.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 15-18 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
19 Research progress of IL-9/Th9 and ulcerative colitis
QU Dong-dong;JIN Shi-lu;HU Zhong-bo1
Th9 ce11s are a new subset of CD4+T ce11s,which p1ay a major bio1ogica1 effects by secreting IL-9.Th9 ce11s might be invo1ved in pathogen immunity and immune-mediated disease.IL-9 is p1eiotropic,which has the function of increasing the number of inf1ammatory ce11s and inf1ammatory mediators to promote inf1ammation.IL-9 not on1y participates in a11ergic diseases,anti-parasitic infection and adjustment of autoimmune disease,but a1so p1ays an important ro1e in the deve1opment of u1cerative co1itis.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 19-21 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 21 )
22 The treatment advancement of hemorrhoids postoperative bleeding
AN Hong-chao;YE Fang
Hemorrhoids postoperative b1eeding is a serious comp1ication after anorecta1 surgery.It can affect patients'hea1th.There are many methods in treating hemorrhoids postoperative b1eeding.With the updated deve1opment of medica1 techno1ogy,the methods of treatment a1so were deve1oped.This artic1e reviews some advances in the treatment of hemorrhoids postoperative b1eeding,in order to provide references for c1inica1 practice and guide the doctors choosing right method and obtaining good c1inica1 effect.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 22-24 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
25 Progress of acoustic radiation force imaging technology in clinical application
WANG Hong-mei;SUN Jian-wei;DING Ding
Acoustic radiation force impu1se imaging(ARFI)u1trasonic e1astography is more popu1ar in recent years,which main1y use the e1asticity of the tissues and organs to get e1astic distribution within an organization.Corresponding disp1acement,strain,ve1ocity distribution of organization estimated is of great c1inica1 va1ue.This paper describes the c1inica1 app1ication and progress of ARFI.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 25-27 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
28 Prospective study of nasal jejunal tube early enteral nutrition in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis
HE Jun-hui;CAI Jin-wei;YAN Jie-ying
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 va1ue of nasa1 jejuna1 tube ear1y entera1 nutrition in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis(SAP).Methods 80 SAP patients from February 2015 to February 2016 in our hospita1 were se-1ected and divided into the EEN group and the TPN group according to different nutrition support way,40 cases in each group.The APACHEⅡscore,Ranson score,serum a1bumin and pre-a1bumin in the two groups was compared before and after treatment.The mean hospita1ization cost,hospita1 stay,death rate and cure rate in the two groups was recorded. Results The score of APACHEⅡand Ranson after treatment in the two groups was 1ower than that before treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).The weight after treatment in the TPN group was 1ower than that before treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the weight in the EEN group between after treatment and before treatment(P>0.05).There was no significant difference in the score of APACHEⅡand Ranson,weight after treatment between the two groups(P>0.05).The 1eve1 of urine and serum amy1ase after treatment in the two groups was 1ower than that before treatment,the 1eve1 of urine and serum amy1ase after treatment in the EEN group was 1ower than that after treatment in the TPN group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of serum a1bumin and prea1bumin after treatment in the EEN group was higher than that before treatment and in the TPN group after treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of serum pre-a1bumin after treatment in the TPN group was higher than that before treatment The 1eve1 of serum a1bumin and pre-a1bumin after treatment in the EEN group was higher than that before treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the cure rate and morta1ity between the two groups(P>0.05).The incidence rate of ARDS and MODS in the EEN group was 1ower than that in the TPN group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The hospita1ization time of the EEN group was shorter than that of the TPN group,and the cost of hospita1ization of the EEN group was 1ower than that of the TPN group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion EEN with nasa1 jejunum tube can significant1y improve the nutritiona1 status of SAP patients,the safety is high,and which can promote recovery of patients,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 28-31 [Abstract] ( 147 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
32 Analysis of the related factors of type 2 diabetes combined with non-alcoholic fatty liver in Gannan area
Zhang Lei;KE Rui-qiong;XIE Jun;HUANG Cai-bin
ObjectiveToexp1orethere1atedfactorsoftype2diabetes(T2DM)combinedwithnon-a1coho1icfatty1iver(NAFLD)in Gannan area,and to provide scientific basis for prevention and cure of T2DM combined with NAFLD in Gannan.Methods C1inica1 data of 392 T2DM patients from October 2013 to October 2015 in our hospita1 were retrospective ana1yzed,a11 patients were divided into group A(NAFLD)and group B(non-NAFLD)according to qua1itative determination of abdomina1 co1or Dopp1er u1trasound resu1ts.The indexes of height,weight,age,b1ood pressure,waist circumference(WC)and hip1ine,ALT,AST,GGT,TC,TG,HDL-c,LDL-c,FPG,2 h PG,BUN,SCr,UA,HbA1c,FINS,FCP,WHR,BMI and IR in the two groups was compared respective1y.Logistic regression ana1ysis was used to exp1ore the re1ated risk factors of T2DM combined with NAFLD.Results The 1eve1 of DBP,BMI,WC,TC,TG,LDL-C,ALT,UA,AST,HOMA-IR in group A was higher than that in group B,the 1eve1 of FINS and FCP in group A was 1ower than that in group B,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the 1eve1 of SBP,BUN,SCr and HbA1c between the two groups(P>0.05). The mu1tip1e factors Logistic regression ana1ysis showed that BMI,WC,TG and HOMA-IR were main1y risk factors of T2DM combined with NAFLD(P<0.05).Conclusion T2DM patients with NAFLD are prone to dys1ipidemia and 1iver function damage.Obesity and insu1in resistance p1ay a certain ro1e in the occurrence and deve1opment of NAFLD in patients with T2DM,and weight contro1 and improvement of insu1in resistance shou1d be paid attention to the prevention and treatment of T2DM combined with NAFLD.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 32-34 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
35 Analysis of distribution and drug resistance of clinical isolated pathogenic bacteria in a first-class tertiary hospital during 2014
CHEN Guo;LI Wei;LI Xiao-hui
Objective To exp1ore the distribution and drug resistance of c1inica1 iso1ated pathogenic bacteria of Sichuan Provincia1 Peop1e's Hospita1 during 2014,and to provide reference for c1inica1 medication.Methods Distribution and drug resistance of pathogens iso1ated from patients in the hospita1 in 2014 were ana1yzed statistica11y.Results In the 9817 pathogen strains iso1ated,6607 strains were Gram-negative baci11i,and 3210 strains were Gram-positive cocci,the percentage of the two groups were 67.3%and 32.7%.ESBLs producing rates of Escherichiacoli and Klebsiella pneumoniae were 59.2%and 34.1%.Metici11in-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)and Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecium(VREF)accounted for 25.8%and 9.9%respective1y.The top four popu1ations of pathogens iso1ated were Escherichia coli,Flebsiellapneumonia,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,and Acinetobacter baumannii.Pathogenic bacteria were higher resistant to the common1y used antibiotics.The Gram-negative bacteria were sensitive to carbapenem antibiotics,antibiotics combined with β-1actamases inhibitor,and amikacin.The Gram-positive bacteria were sensitive to tigecyc1ine,vancomycin and 1inezo1id.Conclusion Drug resistance of bacteria1 iso1ated from our hospita1 is a common phenomenon.It is necessary to carry out the survei11ance of bacteria1 resistance for rationa1 use of drug,reduction of rate of hospita1 infection and we11 contro1 of bacteria1 drug resistance.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 35-37转41 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 6 )
38 Clinical study of traditional surgery and modified LIFT procedure in the treatment of anal fistula
WANG Yue-hui;XIAO Yi-zhu
Objective To compare the c1inica1 effect of traditiona1 method and modified LIFT procedure in the treatment of ana1 fistu1a.Methods 200 patients with ana1 fistu1a from January 2011 to January 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and divided into the traditiona1 surgery group and the modified LIFT surgery group according to surgica1 method,100 cases in each group.The traditiona1 surgery group was given ana1 fistu1a resection,and the modified LIFT surgery group was given LIFT procedure.The duration of postoperative pain,duration of b1eeding,hea1ing time of incision,ana1 function and c1inica1 efficacy of the two groups was compared.Results The tota1 effective rate of the modified LIFT surgery group was 98.0%,which was higher than 81.0%of the traditiona1 surgery group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The pain score after operation at 1,3,7 days in the modified LIFT surgery group was 1ower than that in the traditiona1 surgery group,hospita1 stay in the modified LIFT surgery group was shorter than that in the traditiona1 surgery group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The hea1ing time of incision in the modified LIFT surgery group was shorter than that in the traditiona1 surgery group,the FISI score after operation at 1,2 months in the modified LIFT surgery group was 1ower than that in the traditiona1 surgery group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The incidence rate of adverse reaction in the modified LIFT surgery group was 3.0%,which was 1ower than 12.0%of the traditiona1 surgery group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The two groups were fo11owed up for 6 to 3 months,there were no comp1ications such as ana1 stenosis,ana1 defect and ana1 disp1acement.Conclusion Compared with the traditiona1 ana1 fistu1a surgery,the modified LIFT surgery can improve the c1inica1 curative effect,shorten postoperative pain and b1eeding time,promote wound hea1ing,reduce the recurrence rate,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 38-41 [Abstract] ( 118 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 18 )
42 Clinical application of real time color ultrasound guided semirecumbent position jugular vein puncture
LIU Zhi-dong;MIAO Hui;CHEN Wen-hui
Objective To eva1uate the c1inica1 app1ication va1ue of rea1 time co1or u1trasound guided semirecumbent position jugu1ar vein puncture.Methods 70 patients with compu1sive semirecumbent position critica11y i11 from January 2014 to December 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and divided into the observation group and the contro1 group according to the time sequence of admission,35 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given routine vein catheterization to estab1ish the venous access,and the observation group was received:co1or u1trasound rea1-time guide semirecumbent position catheterization of the interna1 jugu1ar vein to estab1ish venous pathway.The success rate of the first puncture and the second puncture,the incidence rate of comp1ication in the two groups was compared.Results The success rate of the first puncture and the second puncture in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The incidence rate of 1oca1 hematoma,pneumothorax,nerve injury and arrhythmia in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion The accuracy and success rate of the positioning of jugu1ar vein catheterization by co1or u1trasound in rea1 time for semirecumbent position patients is higher,with 1ess comp1ication and obvious app1ication va1ue in c1inica1.It is worth to promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 42-43转46 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
44 Effect analysis of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in different periods in the treatment of acute pancreatitis complicated with gallstone
JIANG Feng-qiang
Objective To exp1ore the effect of 1aparoscopic cho1ecystectomy(LC)in different periods in the treatment of acute pancreatitis comp1icated with ga11stone.Methods 100 cases of acute pancreatitis comp1icated with ga11stone treated by LC from Apri1 2013 to Apri1 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected and divided into the ear1y 1aparoscopic surgery group(n=41)and the de1ayed 1aparoscopic surgery group(n=59)according to the operation time.The ear1y 1aparoscopic surgery group was given ear1y LC treatment,the de1ayed 1aparoscopic surgery group was given schedu1ed for LC treatment after conservative treatment.Hospita1 stay,the recurrence rate of pancreatitis and the comprehensive index of the patients in the two groups was compared.Results The 1ength of hospita1 stay in the ear1y 1aparoscopic surgery group was shorter than that in the de1ayed 1aparoscopic surgery group,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the recurrence rate of pancreatitis between the two groups(P>0.05).The 1eve1 of a1anine aminotransferase after operation at the first day in the two groups was 1ower than that before operation,the 1eve1 of aspartate aminotransferase after operation at the third days in the two groups was 1ower than that before operation,the 1eve1 of average a1ka-1ine phosphatase after operation at the fifth days in the two groups was 1ower than that before operation,with significant difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of a1anine aminotransferase after operation at the seventh days in the ear1y 1aparoscopic surgery group was 1ower than that in the de1ayed 1aparoscopic surgery group,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the 1eve1 of aspartate aminotransferase and a1ka1ine phosphatase after operation at the seventh days between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion For the treatment of acute pancreatitis associated with ga11-stone,the ear1y LC and de1ayed surgery have no obvious difference in the treatment effect and recurrence,but the eauy LC can significant1y reduce the average 1ength of stay,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
47 Recent effects observation of arthroscope in treating anterior cruciate ligament injury combined with medial meniscus Ramp injury
KE Di-feng;SONG Yang;JIANG Huan
Objective To observe the recent clinical effects of arthroscope in treating anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) injury combined with longitudinal tear meniscus(Ramp)injury.Methods 50 anterior cruciate ligament injury combined with medial meniscus(Ramp)injury patients,accepted ligament reconstruction and meniscus repair under arthroscope, from March 2006 to March 2010 of our department were selected as study objects.The IKDC score before and after operation,Lysholm score and recovery situation were compared.Results After operation,anterior drawer test and Lachman test results of 3 patients were weak positive and 47 cases were negative;compared with preoperative,the affected side postoperative Lysholm score,IKDC score and knee joint Lachman test results had obvious difference(P<0.01).At final follow-up,all patients had a normal life.10 patients have been strenuous physical activity.All the patients did not have the symptoms of joint lock and joint instability.5 patients had medial knee pain when with squat.Postoperative review of knee joint MRI showed that signal of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus was normal in 31 patients,域level signal of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus was in 19 patients and the healing rate of MRI examination was 100%. Conclusion Early arthroscopic treatment knee joint anterior cruciate ligament injury with medial meniscus Ramp injury with satisfactory near future curative effect and is an effective operation,but the long term effect remains to be seen.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 47-50 [Abstract] ( 163 ) HTML (50 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
51 Clinical value of extremities fractures treated by locking compression plate
CAI Yan-lu;LIN Dong-jie;CHEN Wan-an
Objective To study the clinical value of extremities fractures treated by locking compression plate.Methods The selection of patients for our hospital between September 2014 and September 2014 admitted during the period of 60 patients with limbs fracture as the research object,based on a random number method for grouping patients,control group of 30 patients,observation group of 30 patients,control group adopts pure steel screw internal fixation treatment, observation group was given locking compression plate fixation treatment.The Johner-Wruh functional score,complications,healing time in patients after surgery were evaluated.Results On two groups of patients after surgery Johner-Wruh functional score comparison,the proportion of excellent and good of patients in observation group of patients was higher than that in control group,with statistically significant difference(P<0.05).Observation group of patients with complications were 3 cases with the incidence of 10.0%;control group patients with complications were 7 cases with the incidence of 23.3%,the disease incidence of complications was statistically similar between the two groups(P<0.05).The healing time of observation group was obviously less than that of control group with statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Locking compression plate on the basis of the traditional steel plate and the stability of the steel plate and screw is stronger,is suitable for clinical treatment of limbs fracture,and effectively improve motor function in patients with a low incidence of postoperative complications,shorter healing time and other characteristics,is worth in clinical application.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 51-53 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
54 Comparison of the effectiveness of application of minimally invasive percutaneous pedicle screw fixation and open surgery internal fixation in treatment of thoracolumbar fractures
XIE Yong-yuan;TANG Hong-hong;ZHONG Yong-mao;YUAN-Yue-hua
Objective To compare the clinical effects of application of minimally invasivepercutaneous pedicle screw fixation and open surgery internal fixation in the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures.Methods Altogether 72 cases of thoracolumbar fracture patients who were treated in the hospital from January 2014 to December 2015 were involved as the objects of study and randomly divided into Study Group and Control Group with 36 cases in each group.Patients in Control Group were treated with open surgery internal fixation;while,Study Group underwent minimally invasive percutaneous pedicle screw fixation.SF-36 was used to evaluate the quality of life and comprehensively compare two groups from multiple aspects,including duration of surgery,pre-and post-operation vertebral height,intervertebral height, changes in kyphosis Cobb angle,length of hospitalization,quality of life score and complications.Results Two groups showed no significant difference in duration of surgery in Study Group of(59.26±8.46)min and in Control Group of (60.72±7.30)min(t=0.7840,P>0.05).The length of hospitalization in Study Group[(8.25±1.60)d]was shorter than that of Control Group[(13.28±2.74)d](t=9.5117,P<0.05).Increased vertebral height and intervertebral height as well as reduced kyphosis Cobb angle were seen in both groupspost-operatively in contrast with pre-operation(P<0.05),without significant difference between two groups(P>0.05).Study Group achieved better quality of life scores in all the aspectsthan Control Group(P<0.05).No complications occurred in neither groups post-operatively.Conclusion Both the minimally invasive percutaneous pedicle screw fixation and open surgery internal fixation demonstrate satisfactory effectiveness in treatment of thoracolumbar fractures,among which the minimally invasive percutaneous pedicle screw fixation show its advantages in small trauma and postoperativequick recovery time and high quality of lifefor patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 54-56 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
57 Clinical effect of internal malleolous osteotomy in the treatment of talar neck fracture
YANG Yong;SHEN Zhao-liang;LIU Yi-jun
Objective To explore the clinical effect and value of internal malleolous osteotomy in the treatment of complex talar neck fracture.Methods From October 2010 to October 2015,50 patients with talar neck fracture admitted into our hospital was retrospectively analyzed.By cannulated screw for internal fixation via internal malleolous osteotomy and traditional surgical approach,they were evenly divided into experimental group and control group in random.Based on operation time,postoperative complications,and wound healing time,the therapeutic effect was compared.Results By different methods in the two groups,according to Hawkins efficacy evaluation standard,the number of excellent,good,acceptable and poor cases was 23 cases(92%),1 case(4%),1 case(4%),and 0 case(0%)in the experimental group,and the excellent and good rate was 96%.In the control group,the number was 18 cases(72%),3 cases(12%),3 cases(12%), and 1 case(4%)respectively,and the excellent and good rate was 84%.The operation time in the experimental group was(80±5)min,greatly shorten than that in the control group of(110±10)min with a statistical difference(P<0.05). Conclusion In the treatment of talar neck fracture,internal malleolous osteotomy is simple in performance with advantages of good fixation,small wound,and few adverse reactions.It can decrease the incidence of avascular necrosis in talus and is better than by traditional surgical approach,which is worthy of clinical promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 57-59转62 [Abstract] ( 139 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
60 Clinical effects of TCM bone setting combined with surgery treatment in 38 anklebone fracture patients
SUN Gui-yao;ZHANG Xue-hua;QIAO Xiao-guang
Objective To explore the clinical value of TCM bone setting combined with surgery treatment in anklebone fracture.Methods 76 anklebone fracture patients from March 2014 to March 2015 were selected.Patients were divided into two groups of experimental group and control group according to different treatment method.Patients in control group and experimental group were respectively given simple surgery treatment and TCM bone setting combined with surgery treatment.The difference of treatment effects between anklebone fracture patients in two groups was compared. Results The difference of excellent rate,healing time,complications,social function,mental function and somatic function between anklebone fracture patients in two groups was obvious(P<0.05).Conclusion Anklebone fracture patients accepting TCM bone setting combined with surgery treatment can get higher value,which is helpful to enhance the effects of patients,shorten the healing time and have great meaning for improving the prognosis and ankle joint function of anklebone fracture patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 60-62 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
63 Influence of propofol combined with fentanyl anesthesia on hemodynamics of patients with severe craniocerebral injury in emergency operation
HAN Yao-ming
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of propofo1 combined with fentany1 on hemodynamics of patients with severe craniocerebra1 injury in emergency operation.Methods 110 patients with acute severe craniocerebra1 injury in 24 hours after injury from Apri1 2013 to October 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and divided into the observation group and the contro1 group according to the random number tab1e method,55 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given isof1urane to maintain anesthesia,whi1e the observation group was given propofo1 combined with fentany1.Cerebra1 hemodynamic parameters,HR and MAP before induction(t0),1 min after induction(t1),5 min after intubation(t2),10 min after intubation(t3)of the two groups was compared.Moreover,postoperative fo11ow-up of 6 months,the condition of cognitive recovery abi1ity of the two groups was compared by MMES rating sca1e.Results The va1ue of Qmeanand Vmeanat the stage of t1,t2,t3in the contro1 group was 1ower than that at the stage of t0,the va1ue of PI,RI at the stage of t1,t2,t3in the contro1 group was higher than that at the stage of t0,with significant difference(P<0.05).The va1ue of PI,RI at the stage of t1,t2,t3in the observation group was higher than that at the stage of t0,with significant difference(P<0.05).The va1ue of Qmeanand Vmeanat the stage of t1in the observation group was higher than that at the stage of t1in the contro1 group,the va1ue of PI,RI at the stage of t1in the observation group was 1ower than that at the stage of t1in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of HR,MAP at the stage of t1in the two groups was 1ower than that at the stage of t0,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the 1eve1 of HR,MAP between at the stage of t2,t3and at the stage of t0(P>0.05).There was no significant difference in the 1eve1 of HR,MAP at the same time period between the two groups(P>0.05).There was no significant difference in the score of cognitive abi1ity before and after treatment between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion The c1inica1 effect of anesthesia of propofo1 combined with fentany1 is idea1,which is conducive to the stabi1ity of cerebra1 hemodynamics in patients with severe craniocerebra1 injury,and the recovery of postoperative cognitive function is not affected,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 63-65转71 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
66 Effect observation of sedation and analgesia of dexmedetomidine combined with sufentanil in gynecological surgery
XIE Ai-rong;XIA Lian-xiang
Objective To exp1ore the effect of sedation and ana1gesia of dexmedetomidine combined with sufentani1 in gyneco1ogica1 surgery.Methods 76 patients underwent the gyneco1ogica1 1aparoscopic surgery from December 2013 to February 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the study group and the contro1 group,38 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given sufentani1 and norma1 sa1ine,the study group was2point in the study group was 1ower than that on the T2point in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05). The va1ue of NTI on the T2,T4point in the two groups was 1ower than that on the T1point in the same group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The time required for the NTI to be reduced to a minimum in the study group was shorter than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The va1ue of PPT,PTO on the T4point in the two groups was higher than that on the T1point in the same group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The difference va1ue of PPT,PTO on the T1,T4point in the study group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05). The incidence rate of nausea,vomiting and chi11s in the study group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion The effect of sedation and ana1gesia of dexmedetomidine combined with sufentani1 in gyneco1ogica1 surgery is better,and can p1ay a quick ca1ming effect,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication,but in the use course,which shou1d be a1ert to the occurrence of adverse reaction and give intervention time1y.receivedsufentani1 and dexmedetomidine.The effect of sedation and ana1gesia in the two groups was compared.Results The va1ue of NTI on the T
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
69 Effects observation of tirofiban in the treatment of emergency percuta-neous coronary intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction
ZHANG Jing-wen;CHENG Wang-sheng
Objective To ana1yze the effects of tirofiban in the treatment of acute myocardia1 infarction in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)therapy.Methods 80 acute myocardium infarction patients from January 2014 to December 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study object.Patients were random1y divided into contro1 group(routine treated with PCI)and experimenta1 group(treated with PCI+tirofiban),and each group was 40 cases.The c1inica1 effects were observed.Coronary perfusion index and adverse cardiovascu1ar events were compared.Results The postoperative 1eft ventricu1ar ejection fraction(LVEF),1eft ventricu1ar end diasto1ic diameter(LVEDd)and 1eft ventricu1ar end diasto1ic diameter(LVESd)between two groups was compared with no statistica1 difference(P>0.05).The thrombo1ysis in myocardia1 infarction,TIMI myocardia1 perfusion grading and corrected TIMI f1ow frame number counting in experimenta1 group was better than that of contro1 group.The incidence of adverse events in the experimenta1 group was 5%(2 cases),1ower than 20%in the contro1 group(8 cases),with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion PCI therapy for acute myocardia1 infarction with definite curative effect,using tirofiban in coronary artery during operation is he1pfu1 to improve coronary perfusion,decrease adverse cardiovascu1ar events.It is worth popu1arizing.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 147 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
72 Investigation and analysis on the information of the children in the 1132 drug instruction
XIAO Ying;WAN Jin-jin;LAI Chun-hua
Objective To investigate the medication information for chi1dren in package inserts in our hospita1,and ana-1yze the possib1e prob1ems in them.Methods Tota11y 1132 medicine package inserts were ana1yzed,which were obtained from medicine procurement service p1atform of Jiangxi province during 2013 to 2014.Results Among 1132 medication package inserts,35 of them were especia11y for chi1dren(3.09%).In the remaining 1097,103 of them were comp1ete1y without medication information for chi1dren(9.39%),and 559 of them were unc1ear1y marked(50.96%).Conclusion The shortage of formu1ation for chi1dren and the 1ack of medication information for chi1dren making pediatric medications used just 1ike adu1t.Therefore,it is unsafe for prescribing these medications on chi1dren.According to the uniqueness and importance of chi1dren'medication,there is an urgent need to strengthen the supervision of medication package inserts,to further improve the chi1dren'medication information,to enhance the monitoring of adverse drug reactions,to intensify the training of pediatric c1inica1 pharmacist,thus to improve and ensure the safety of drugs for chi1dren.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 72-74转83 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
75 Effects analysis of low osmotic pressure ORS solution(oral rehydration salts solutionⅢ)in treating infantile diarrhea
ZHOU Zhi-qiang;ZHAO Xiao-yan;XU Wu-jun
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effects of 1ow osmotic pressure ORS so1ution(ora1 rehydration sa1ts so1utionⅢ)in treating infanti1e diarrhea.Methods 160 infanti1e diarrhea patients from January to Ju1y 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected.Patients were divided into group A(80 cases)and group B(80 cases)according to random number tab1e.Patients in group A were given 1ow osmotic pressure ORS so1ution(ora1 rehydration sa1ts so1utionⅢ)combined with ora1 administration montmori11onite powder,and patients in group B were given ordinary osmotic pressure ORS so1ution combined with ora1 administration montmori11onite powder.The difference of treatment effects rate in two groups was compared.The improvement time difference of shit character moisture reduced time,abdomina1 pain stop time,fever stop time in two groups were counted.The symptoms difference of defecate frequency treatment in 3 d and number of vomiting in two groups were compared.Results The effective rate in group A was 96.2%,higher than 88.8%in group B,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The shit character moisture reduced time,abdomina1 pain stop time,fever stop time in group A was(1.1±0.3)d,(1.1±0.4)d,(1.6±0.5)d respective1y,shorter than(2.4±0.5)d,(2.3±0.5)d,(2.7±0.6)d in group B,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The defecate frequency treatment in 3 d and number of vomiting in group A was(7.2±2.1)times,(4.2±1.9)times respective1y,1ess than(14.2±2.5)times,(9.2±2.5)times in group B respective1y,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Low osmotic pressure ORS so1ution(ora1 rehydration sa1ts so1utionⅢ)in treating infanti1e diarrhea has good c1inica1 effects.It can obvious1y shorten the symptoms improvement time of patients and the treatment effective enhance.It is worth popu1arizing in c1inic.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 75-77 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
78 Efficacy observation of magnesium sulfate triple regimen in treatment of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy and its effect on pregnancy outcome
YE Cai-ling
Objective To investigate efficacy observation of magnesium su1fate trip1e regimen in treatment of hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy and its effect on pregnancy outcome.Methods 110 patients with hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy were se1ected in hospita1 from June 2012 to June 2015.The patients were divided into two groups by random number tab1e method.55 patients treated magnesium su1fate a1one as contro1 group.55 patients treated magnesium su1fate trip1e regimen as observation group.C1inica1 indications,treatment effect,adverse reaction,pregnancy outcome were compared between two groups.Results After treatment,diasto1ic b1ood pressure,systo1ic b1ood pressure,24 h urinary protein quantitation decreased in two groups(P<0.05).Diasto1ic b1ood pressure,systo1ic b1ood pressure,24 h urinary protein quantitation in observation group was 1ower than that of contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).Tota1 effective rate in observation group was higher than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).Incidence of adverse reaction in observation group was 1ower than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).Cesarean section rate,incidence of postpartum hemorrhage,premature de1ivery rate,incidence of p1acenta1 abruption,incidence of feta1 distress,incidence of neonata1 asphyxia in observation group was 1ower than that of contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).Conclusion Magnesium su1fate trip1e regimen has significant effect in treatment of hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy,which can significant1y improve pregnancy outcome.It is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
81 Efficacy of amiodarone combined with nitroglycerin in the treatment of elderly patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Objective To observe the safety and efficacy of amiodarone combined with nitrog1ycerin in the treatment of e1der1y patients with paroxysma1 atria1 fibri11ation.Methods From January 2013 to December 2014,91 e1der1y patients with paroxysma1 atria1 fibri11ation were admitted to our hospita1.The patients were divided into study group(46 cases)and contro1 group(45 cases).The contro1 group was on1y given the amiodarone,and the study group were given amiodarone and nitrog1ycerin tab1ets.After one year treatment,the tota1 effective rate between two groups,the changes of b1ood pressure and paroxysma1 atria1 fibri11ation recurrence times and changes of 1eft atria1 diameter were observed and compared.Results The tota1 effective rate of the study group was 92.8%,higher than 82.2%in contro1 group(P<0.05).The recurrence times of study group were(8.43±1.57)times,1ower than(20.38±1.76)times in the contro1 group(P<0.05).After treatment,the b1ood pressure in the study group was significant1y 1ower than that in the contro1 group(P<0.05),and the b1ood pressure was within the norma1 range.Before treatment,ha1f year's treatment,1 year's treatment,the 1eft atria1 diameter of the study group were(34.78±1.37)mm,(32.32±1.18)mm,(31.77±1.26)mm respective1y.The 1eft atria1 diameter of the study group was significant1y sma11er after treatment(P<0.05).Conclusion To reduce the recurrence of the paroxysma1 atria1 fibri11ation for the e1der1y patients,amiodarone combined with nitrog1ycerin has more significant effect than the sing1e amiodarone,a1so can improve the patients'b1ood pressure and reduce the expansion of 1eft atria1 diameter with no untoward response.It is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 46 )
84 Efficacy of isosorbide mononitrate sustained release tablets on chronic heart failure combined pulmonary hypertension
CHEN Chun-xiao;WU Han-qi
Objective To investigate the efficacy of isosorbide mononitrate sustained re1ease tab1ets in the treatment of chronic heart fai1ure combined pu1monary hypertension.Methods 74 patients with chronic heart fai1ure combined pu1-monary hypertension treated in our hospita1 from Ju1y 2012 to December 2015 were se1ected as research object.A11 patients were divided into observation group and the contro1 group by using random number tab1e,37 cases in each group. Patients in both groups were given conventiona1 treatment.Besides,patients in observation group were given isosorbide mononitrate sustained re1ease tab1ets.The efficacy,u1trasonography resu1ts and pu1monary artery pressure in both groups were compared.Results The overa11 treatment effect of the observation group was better than that of the contro1 group with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Before treatment,the LVEF,LVEDd,LVESd and E/A between the two groups compared with no statistica1 differenc(P>0.05).The LVEF,and E/A in observation group was significant1y higher than that of the contro1 group respective1y after treatment,and the LVEDd and LVESd was 1ower than that of the contro1 group respective1y with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The sPAP and PaO2in both groups improved after treatment.sPAP in observation group was significant1y 1ower,and PaO2was significant1y higher than that of the contro1 group with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Isosorbide mononitrate sustained re1ease tab1ets app1ied in the treatment of chronic heart fai1-ure combined pu1monary hypertension,can significant1y improve the cardiac function,reduce the degree of pu1monary hypertension.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 120 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
87 Clinical effects of repaglinide in treating senile type 2 diabetes complicat-ed with diabetic nephropathy(stageⅢ)
LIN MeiTAN Xiao-junZHANG Hai-hong
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effects of repag1inide in treating seni1e type 2 diabetes comp1icated with diabetic nephropathy(stageⅢ).Methods 200 type 2 diabetes comp1icated with diabetic nephropathy(stageⅢ)patients whose age was more than 60 from Ju1y 2014 to December 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected.The patients were random1y divided into two groups:repag1inide group(group A,n=100)and insu1in aspart 30R group(group B,n=100),and treatment for 3 months.FPG<7.0 mmo1/L and 2 hPG<10.0 mmo1/L were as treatment objects.The b1ood g1ucose<3.9 mmo1/L was defined as hypog1ycemia events.The 1eve1 of FPG,2 hPG and HbA1c before and after treatment were recorded.The changes of urine micro a1bumin,creatinine(Cr),hypog1ycemia incidence rate and b1ood biochemica1 index were recorded to compare the effects and safety difference of the two methods.Results After treatment for 3 months,the 1eve1 of FPG,2 hPG and HbA1c in two groups decreased,and had statistica1 significance compared with pretreatment(P<0.05).The hypog1ycemia incidence rate in group A was 1ower than that in group B with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion For seni1e type 2 diabetes comp1icated with diabetic nephropathy(stageⅢ)patients whose age was more than 60,administration repag1inide can contro1 b1ood g1ucose,decrease the incidence of hypog1ycemia,and has any impact on rena1 function.For e1der1y patients with mi1d and moderate rena1 impairment,using repag1inide is safe and effective.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 49 )
90 Analysis of adverse drug reaction in our hospital in 2015
WEI Jian-fang
Objective To investigate the characteristics of adverse drug reaction(ADR)in our hospita1.Methods A statistica1 ana1ysis was conducted on 295 ADR reports in our hospita1 in 2015,according to the age,type of drug,drug de-1ivery and so on.Results Among 295 ADR cases,there were 68 cases for aged 0-18 years,86 cases for aged 19-39 years,68 cases for aged 40-59 years,73 cases for aged greater than or equa1 to 60.For administration route,there were 273 cases of intravenous drip,9 cases of ora1,and 13 cases of others.Anti-infective drugs were in 142 cases and Chinese patent medicine was in 43 cases.For anti-infective drugs,72 cases were cepha1osporin,22 cases were β-1actams,other anti-infective drugs were 1ess than 20 cases.Among ADR invo1ved organs and systems,invo1ving the skin and its appendages was 180 cases,invo1ving the digestive system and circu1atory system,were a11 26 cases,invo1vement of other organs and systems did not exceed 20 cases.Conclusion For patients aged 19-39 years o1d were the highest incidence of ADR.The main administration route of ADR is intravenous administration and the most ADR drugs are anti-infective drugs,in which the cepha1osporin was the highest.Last1y,ADR is given priority to damage the skin and accessories.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
93 Effect of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on lipid regulation in patients with coronary heart disease and its mechanism
YANG Da-liu;CHEN Ben-dun;LIN Jian;DAI Mu-sen
Objective To compare the 1ipid metabo1ism of rosuvastatin and atorvastatinon patients with coronary heart disease and ana1ysis the mechanism.Methods 104 patients with coronary heart disease of our hospita1 from March 2015 to March 2016 were random1y divided into contro1 group and experience group.Each group inc1uded 52 patients. The experience group was given rosuvastatin tab1ets treatment and the contro1 group was given atorvastatin tab1ets treatment.The 1ipid 1eve1s,b1ood 1ipids comp1iance rate and adverse reaction rates were compared after 8 weeks treatment.Results The 1eve1 of TC,TG and HDL-C in experience group was significant 1ower than that of the contro1 group respective1y,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of LDL-C was significant higher than that of the contro1 group with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The TG and LDL-C comp1iance rate were 73.08%,69.23%respective1y,which was significant higher than that of the contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).The adverse reaction rate of experience group was 7.69%,which was 1ower than 11.54%in the contro1 group with no statistica1 differenc(P>0.05).Conclusion Compared with the atorvastatin,rosuvastatin can more significant1y improve the 1ipid 1eve1s in patients with coronary heart disease with higher security.It is worthy of promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 132 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 7 )
96 Application evaluation of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage in pregas鄄troscopy preparation
XIONG Su-ping
Objective To exp1ore the pregastroscopy mucosa1 surface anesthetic effects and dispe1 bubb1e action during gastroscopy of dyc1onine hydroch1oride muci1age.Methods 500 patients with gastroscopy from October 2013 to October 2014 of our department were se1ected.The patients were random1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group. Patients in experimenta1 group were sub1ingua1 administration dyc1onine hydroch1oride muci1age 10 m1 before gastroscopy,and patients in contro1 group were sub1ingua1 administration 1idocaine mortar 10 m1 before gastroscopy.Insert mirror one-time success rate,visua1 fie1d definition,the average time of the mirror to the descending part of the duodenum,vio1ent vomiting,extubation,tear of gastric cardia mucosa and number of postoperative pain in two groups were compared.The adverse effects and toxic and side effects in two groups were compared.Results Compared with the contro1 group,the anesthesia effect rating of the experimenta1 group was better with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The effect of the experimenta1 group was better than the contro1 group,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).There were no adverse reactions and side effects in the experimenta1 group and the contro1 group.Conclusion Compared with 1idocaine mortar,dyc1onine hydroch1oride muci1age has obvious mucosa1 surface anesthetic effects,and had no obvious adverse effects and toxic and side effects.The app1ication of dyc1onine hydroch1oride muci1age in pregastroscopy preparation is worthy to be popu1arized.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 20 )
99 Clinical research on combination application of acupoint autohemotherapy and plum-blossom needle pricking phlebotomy in the treatment of chronic eczema
DENG Yu-ling;LI Jiao
Objective To observe the clinical effect of combination application of acupoint autohemotherapy and plumblossom needle pricking phlebotomy in the treatment of chronic eczema.Methods Altogether 60 cases with chronic eczema treated in our hospital from December 2013 to August 2015 were randomly divided into three groups(Group A, Group B and Group C),with 20 cases in each group.Acupoint autohemotherapy on the acupuncture points(including Xuehai,Quchi,Tsusanli,Geshu and Ashi),lesion local plum-blossom needle blood pricking phlebotomy and combination of both therapies were administered respectively to patients in Group A,Group B and Group C.Conscious symptoms,lesion integrals,integral descent rate and efficiency rate before and after treatment among three groups were compared. Results Among three groups,there was statistically significant difference in post-treatment conscious symptoms,lesion integrals and integral descent rate when Croup C was compared with Group A and Group B respectively(P<0.05);No statistically significant difference existed in post-treatment conscious symptoms,lesion integrals and integral descent rate between Group A and Group B(P>0.05).The difference was statistically significant in the efficiency rate among three groups(P<0.05).Conclusion Combination application of acupoint autohemotherapy and plum-blossom needle pricking phlebotomy in the treatment of chronic eczema achieves satisfactory curative effect and demonstrates superiorities over separate application of each therapy,which is worth to be popularized.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 99-101转105 [Abstract] ( 152 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
102 Effects analyses of fetal Anchongtang in treating 50 cases pregnant women with fetal leak and fetal irritability
LIAO Zhao-qing
Objective To explore the effects of fetal Anchongtang in treating fetal leak and fetal irritability,and to provide basis for clinical application.Methods 100 pregnant women with fetal leak and fetal irritability in our department of gynecology and obstetrics from March 2015 to March 2016 were selected and divided into observation group and control group according to their admission order,and each group was 50 cases.Patients in observation group were given fetal Anchongtang that made by self combined with progesterone injection,patients in control group were given progesterone injection.The course of treatment in two groups was 15 days.The clinical effects,the changes of total Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)symptom scores and single symptom score before and after treatment,β-HCG and serum progesterone(P)in two groups were compared.Results The total effective rate in observation group and control group were respectively 96%(48/50)and 80%(40/50),and the difference was statistical significance(P<0.05).After treatment,the total TCM symptom scores in observation group were obviously better than those in control group(P<0.05),vaginal bleeding,lower abdomen pain or bulge,backache pain single TCM symptom score improved obviously,and the single symptom score of lower abdomen pain or bulge,backache pain between two groups had obvious difference(P<0.01).After treatment,β-HCG and P in observation group was obviously better than that in control group respectively(P<0.05).No adverse reaction occurred in observation group,and the difference was statistical significance in rate of adverse reaction when compared with control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Fetal Anchongtang in treating fetal leak and fetal irritability has higher effects and safety,promotional and applied value.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 102-105 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (50 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
106 Clinical pathological analysis of uterine carcinosarcoma
Objective To ana1yze the c1inica1 patho1ogica1 characteristics and prognosis of uterine carcinosarcoma,and to provide re1iab1e reference basis for the c1inica1 diagnosis and treatment for uterine carcinosarcoma.Methods From January 2007 to March 2016,60 uterine carcinosarcoma patients with successfu1 fo11ow-up for 5 years were se1ected as the research objects.The c1inica1 data of patients were retrospective ana1yzed.The c1inica1 patho1ogica1 characteristics of uterine sarcoma patients were ana1yzed,and the surgica1 treatment and prognosis were observed.Patients were divided into surviva1 group and death group according to death situation of uterine carcinosarcoma patients.Sing1e factor ana1ysis and mu1tip1e factors Logistic regression ana1ysis were used to ana1yze the re1ated factors that impacted the prognosis of uterine carcinosarcoma.Results The uterine vo1ume of 60 uterine sarcoma patients were abnorma1,tumors in uterine cavity showed cau1if1ower or po1ypoid,different degrees of hemorrhage and necrosis were present on the surface of the tumors,the epithe1ia1 ce11s of the uterus sarcoma showed differentiation under the microscope and a11 invaded the uterine muscu1ar 1ayer.5 years fo11ow-up found 42 of the 60 patients died,18 patients survived successfu11y and the 5 years surviva1 rate was 30%.Sing1e factor ana1ysis showed that the tumor size,depth of muscu1ar invasion,1ymph node metastasis,TNM staging of tumor and postoperative residua1 disease between surviva1 group and death group had obvious difference(P<0.05);Mu1tip1e factors Logistic regression ana1ysis affirmed that depth of muscu1ar invasion,1ymph node metastasis,TNM staging of tumor and postoperative residua1 disease were main1y risk factors that impacted uterine carcinosarcoma.Conclusion The morta1ity rate of uterine sarcoma is high and the prognosis is affected by depth of muscu-1ar invasion,1ymph node metastasis,TNM staging of tumor and postoperative residua1 disease.More targeted treatment for the above inf1uencing factors shou1d be made in c1inica1 to improve the prognosis.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 106-108转111 [Abstract] ( 114 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
109 Effect of Chuanxiong on rats with myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury
ZHU Jun-xin;RAO Li-liang
Objective To investigate the effect of Chuanxiong on yocardia1 infarction and myocardia1 NF-κB of rats with myocardia1 ischemia-reperfusion injury.Methods 30 ma1e SD rats were random1y divided into sham group,the contro1 group,Chuanxiong group.The myocardia1 ischemia-reperfusion injury mode1 was made by 1igation of the 1eft anterior descending coronary artery.The myocardia1 ischemia and infarction area in the contro1 group and Chuanxiong group were recorded,the NF-κB protein expression of myocardia1 ce11s was observed by immunohistochemica1 method,and serum myocardia1 enzyme change was compared.Results①The myocardia1 ischemia and infarction area in the Chuanxiong group was higher than that of the contro1 group,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).②The 1eve1 of b1ood CK-MB,LDH in the contro1 group was significant1y increased respective1y compared with the sham group,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of b1ood CK-MB,LDH in Chuanxiong group was significant1y 1ower than that of the contro1 group respective1y,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The NF-κB in the contro1 group was significant1y higher than that of the sham group and Chuanxiong group,Chuanxiong group s1ight1y higher than that of the sham group,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Chuanxiong can reduce myocardia1 ischemia and infarct size and inhibit myocardia1 NF-κB activity in rats with myocardia1 ischemia-reperfusion injury.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 109-111 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
112 Practice and thought of sub-center management of traditional Chinese medicine quality control in Pudong new district of Shanghai city from 2014 to 2015
YU Dong-hai;YE Sheng;SUN Min;LUO Zhi-qin;YANG Yan-ting;LIU Yan;ZHAO Hui;QIAO Tian-le
The sub-center management mode of traditiona1 Chinese medicine(TCM)medica1 qua1ity contro1 from 2014 to 2015 of Pudong new district in Shanghai city was exp1ored and practiced,which achieved good resu1ts,a1so formed 1ong-term regu1atory mechanism,p1ayed a positive ro1e in promoting deepening the reform of TCM qua1ity contro1,provided experience and objective basis for promoting the management of TCM qua1ity contro1 in medica1 institutions in the entire Shanghai and even across China.This artic1e introduced the specific practices and effects of the sub-center management of TCM qua1ity contro1 of Pudong new district in Shanghai city,inc1uding the thinking on this work.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 112-115 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (48 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
116 Application of delicacy management in the terminal link of narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first class
ZHANG Jin-yan;ZHANG Ji-yan
Both narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass be1ong to specia1 management drugs stipu1ated by nationa1 1aws with obvious dua1ity.Appropriate management and usage of these drugs p1ay ro1es in preventing and treating diseases,if used improper1y,which can damage peop1e's physica1 and psycho1ogica1 hea1th as we11 as endanger society in end1ess troub1es.By ways of signing agreement with patient,tracing batch,fo11ow-up visits at regu1ar interva1s,ca11-back,and cash p1edge on use in our hospita1,the conditions of using narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass for outpatients and inpatients cou1d be grasped.Intensified monitoring on the rest narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass,and empty ampou1e,number and batches of used paste cou1d effective1y so1ve the prob1ems of incomp1ete monitoring in termina1 1ink of narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass for outpatients and inpatients,which ensured the effective connections of de1icacy management on narcotic and psychotropic drugs,and improved the overa11 supervision of app1ying narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 116-118转122 [Abstract] ( 130 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
119 Application of PDCA cycle management on occupational protection in the operating room
REN Xi-mei;TANG Meng-rong;XIAO Yong-hong;GAO Ci-feng;LIU Shu-xian
Objective To get known the occurrence condition of occupationa1 exposure in surgica1 staff,and to exp1ore the app1ication of PDCA cyc1e management on occupationa1 protection in the operating room.Methods Surgery doctor,anesthesia doctor,operation nurse,practice nurse and operation room c1eaning staff from January 2014 to December 2015 in obstetrics and gyneco1ogy operation room of our hospita1 were se1ected as the research object,before the imp1ementation ranging from January to August in 2014 was se1ected as the contro1 group,after the imp1ementation ranging from September 2014 to Apri1 2015 was chosen as the first research group,and qua1ity further improved ranging from May to December in 2015 was c1assified into the second research group.The condition of occupationa1 exposure of different position and different 1ength of service operating room staff was compared,and the condition of occupationa1 exposure of working in different positions before and after imp1ementation of PDCA in the different groups was recorded.Results The incidence rate occupation exposure of practice nurse was highest,which was 89%,compared with the other ranks,there was significant difference(P<0.05).The 1onger the 1ength of service,the 1ower the incidence rate of occupationa1 exposure.The incidence rate of occupationa1 exposure rate of 1ength of service more than five years was 23.3%,which was 1ower than that of other workers,with significant difference(P<0.05).The incidence rate of occupationa1 exposure ratein various surgica1 staff in the second research group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group and the first research group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion App1ication of PDCA cyc1e management in the operating room can effective1y decrease the incidence rate of occupationa1 exposure in working staff,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 119-122 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 5 )
123 Effect study of hierarchical nursing management mode on improving the nursing quality
SHENG Chuan-ling
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of hierarchica1 nursing management mode on improving the nursing qua1ity.Methods 92 nurses in c1inica1 care in our hospita1 from March 2010 to December 2015 were se1ected as the research group,hierarchica1 nursing management mode was given.The nursing work qua1ity,the score of acquisition of know1edge,nursing satisfaction,and se1f-satisfaction by nursing staff before and after imp1ementation was compared.Results The score of nursing work qua1ity such as ho1istic nursing,ward management,basic nursing,document management after imp1ementation was higher than that before imp1ementation,with significant difference(P<0.05).The score of the degree of disease mastery,nursing professiona1 operation technica1 know1edge mastery after imp1ementation was higher than that before imp1ementation,with significant difference(P<0.05).The degree of patient satisfaction with ward comfort,1eve1 of care,initiative nursing,disease introduction,diet and medication guidance after imp1ementation was higher than that before imp1ementation,with significant difference(P<0.05).The degree of se1f-satisfaction by nursing staff after imp1ementation was higher than that before imp1ementation,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Hierarchica1 nursing management mode can improve the nursing qua1ity as we11 as nursing satisfaction,which is beneficia1 to improvement of overa11 1eve1 of medica1 services.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 123-125 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
126 Effects analysis of club form health education for community diabetes patients
GUO Ping;XIAO Ling-feng;CHI Jin-feng;GENG Li-rong;HAO Wei;ZHOU Wen-heng
Objective To ana1yze effects of carrying out a c1ub form of diabetes patients hea1th education in community. Methods A diabetes patients c1ub ca11ed sweet host was conducted from October 2014 to March 2015.62 type 2 diabetes members were recruited.6 months training program for diabetes members was formu1ated.The form of group education and one-on-one education were used to carry out diabetes diet experience and wa1king activity.Body mass index,fasting b1ood g1ucose and g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin were respective1y tested after joined the c1ub for 0,3 and 6 months. Questionnaire of diabetes re1ated know1edge was surveyed.Results After joined the c1ub for 3 and 6 months,scores of diabetic re1ated know1edge increased obvious1y compared with preintervention(P<0.01).After joined the c1ub for 3 months,the body mass index had obvious change compared with preintervention,and the difference had statistica1 significance(P<0.05).After joined the c1ub for 6 months,the index of b1ood monitor had obvious change compared with preintervention,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.01).Conclusion Carrying out a c1ub form of diabetes patients hea1th education in community,which enhances the awareness of diabetic know1edge,increases the contro1 1eve1 of b1ood g1ucose and decreases the body mass index effective1y.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 126-128转132 [Abstract] ( 113 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
129 Application research on remote medical consultation system of pneumoconiosis screening in grass-root units
LAO Shao-quan;XU Zhi-ming;CHEN Wei-bo;ZHONG Li-ping;GUO Li-hua
Objective To investigate the efficiency and accuracy of remote medica1 consu1tation system for pneumoconiosis screening work in grass-root units and to accumu1ate experience for the promotion of prevention and treatment of occupationa1 disease in grass-root units.Methods The workstation using the remote medica1 consu1tation system was set as the experimenta1 group and the workstation not using the syetem was set as the contro1 group.From September 2014 to December 2015,both groups screened over 2000 cases of pneumoconiosis patients at the same time.The difference of average time-consuming of screening report,exce11ent fi1m rate,poor or waste fi1m rate and the coincidence rate of screening were ana1yzed.Results In experimenta1 group,average time-consuming was 8.0 h,exce11ent fi1m rate was 46.8%,poor or waste fi1m rate was 3.5%,screening coincidence rate was 99.1%.In contro1 group,the average time-consuming was 25.9 h,exce11ent fi1m rate was 44.7%,poor or waste fi1m rate was 5.1%,screening coincidence rate was 98.0%.The difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The remote medica1 consu1tation system is better than the traditiona1 workstation without this system in the aspects of time-consuming of screening report,image qua1ity and screening coincidence rate.It has advantage on efficiency and accuracy.It is worthy of popu1arization and app1ication in prevention and treatment of occupationa1 disease in grass-root units.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 129-132 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 6 )
133 Research on the competency-based public health practice educational mode for preventive medicine undergraduate
LI Fang-jian;TANG Jie;ZHOU Zhi-heng;WEI Lian;ZHANG Li-wei
Public health practice teaching is an important part of the five-year undergraduate education of preventive medicine.Currently it is mainly originated from the former Soviet Union educational system.Teacher-centered teaching results in studentsˊpoor practical ability of dealing with public health problems.In recent years,according to the orientation of preventive medicine undergraduate talents,training objectives and social demand,the reform and exploration of public health practice teaching has been carried out in the university.With the guidance of competencybased education,the connection of public health practice skills and public health practitionersˊexamination is emphasized.The network-based PBL teaching method,situational role experience educational model and open practice experimental method are enforced,with the connection of experimental program,scientific research and social practice project.Studentsˊcomprehensive operational ability,thinking ability and innovational ability are improved so that there is a good social appraisal.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 133-136 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
137 Virtual reality technology in the application of endoscopic surgery training of department of gynaecology research
XU Lin
Virtual reality technology is a multimedia and simulation technology together to achieve the visual,auditory, tactile,and the perfect combination of a virtual environment,the user through a certain device to feel this interaction phenomenon,produce immersive feel and experience.Today,virtual reality technology has been widely applied to medical science and technology,and achieved good results.This paper introduces the present situation of the application of virtual reality technology and the development trend,expounds the common complications of gynecology endoscopic surgery and the necessity of surgery training,and discusses the advantages and signficance of virtual reality technology in the application of gynecology endoscopic surgery training.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 137-139 [Abstract] ( 119 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
140 Application explore of “course type-enlighten type-interactive type”teaching method in course of gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine
WANG Rui-jie;PING Li;YUAN Bing
Course characteristic of gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine determines the teaching mode must be diverse,comprehensive and interactive."Course type-enlighten type-interactive type"is a teaching method the synthetic application course type teaching method,enlighten type teaching method and interactive type teaching method, which organizes students to discuss the selection of typical cases.During the case discussion,inspiring the student to diagnose and differential diagnose disease and then treatment measures are put out to get the reach of enhancing the clinical dialectical thinking ability of students."Course type-enlighten type-interactive type"not only offsets the form oneness of traditional teaching method,shortcomings of content unidirectional and enhances the learning interest of students,but also be beneficial to establish and improve studentsˊmultidimensional clinical learning mode and improve the studentsˊclinical thinking ability and clinical skills.It is worth exploring and having a try.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 140-142 [Abstract] ( 120 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
143 Application of preview-theme-case teaching method in surgery clinical nursing teaching
CAI You-di;LI Xiao-ling;HUANG Shi-ju
Objective To study and discuss the application effect of preview-theme-case teaching method in surgery clinical nursing teaching.Methods In January 2014 to January 2016,a total of 360 nursing students in uropoiesis surgical department of our hospital were selected as the research object,there was 182 cases of nursing students in January to December 2014,there was 178 cases of nursing students in January 2015 to January 2016,all were respectively arranged into the control group and the observation group.In the course of surgical nursing teaching,the control group was adopted the traditional teaching method,the observation group was taken preview-theme-case teaching method.Results The examination results of the theoretical knowledge and skills in the observation group was(86.35±6.87),(85.21± 5.12)points,which was higher than that in the control group of(79.46±5.71),(78.45±4.63)points with significant difference(P<0.05).The teaching satisfaction in observation group was 98.31%,which was significantly higher than that in the control group(93.41%)with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion In the clinical nursing teaching of surgery,preview-theme-case teaching method can effectively improve practice nursing studentsˊmastery of theoretical knowledge and operational skills,but also effectively improve practice nursing studentsˊsatisfaction with nursing teaching of surgery.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 143-145 [Abstract] ( 118 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
146 Reason analysis on errors of nursing interns and reasonable solutions
LIANG Wei-yan;TANG Qin-li;YI Ai-wen;CHANG Yan-qun
Objective To analyze the reasons of errors of nursing students during internship,and to discuss reasonable solutions for them.Methods 80 nursing students in our hospital from July 2014 to March 2015 were selected and set as control group.The adverse events during the internship were recorded and analyzed from July 2014 to March 2015.Corresponding solutions were also discussed.Another 80 nursing students in our hospital from July 2015 to March 2016 were selected and set as observation group.Corresponding solutions were applied in the observation group.The test results,incidence rates of nursing adverse events,complaint rates,happiness indexes,and satisfaction of teaching were compared between two groups.Results The reasons for adverse events among nurse interns were out of several aspects:the students themselves,the clinical teachers,the work environment,and the patients.In the observation group,the test results of nursing theoretical knowledge,practical operating skills,and communication skills was(86.35±6.87),(85.21±5.12),and (88.54±6.59)scores,respectively,which was significantly higher than that in the control group[(79.46±5.71),(78.45± 4.63),(81.26±5.87)scores](P<0.05).The incidence rate of nursing adverse events and complaint rate was 3.75%and 8.75%,respectively,which was significantly lower than that in the control group(12.50%,20.00%)(P<0.05).The happiness index was(153.29±7.83)in the observation group,which was significantly higher than that in the control group [(142.57±6.51)scores](P<0.05).The satisfaction of teaching in the observation group was 97.50%,which was significantly higher than that in the control group(87.50%)(P<0.05).Conclusion There are several reasons for adverse events among nursing interns.During the internship,corresponding solutions should be taken to reduce the incidence of nursing adverse events.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 146-148 [Abstract] ( 116 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
149 Nursing observation comprehensive nursing intervention on orthopedic perioperative pain
JIANG Yan;WU Qing-fei
Objective To study the orthopedic perioperative pain in patients with comprehensive nursing intervention. Methods 450 cases of orthopedic patients,who were treated in our hospita1 from March 2014 to March 2015,were studied as the research object,random1y assigned for contro1 group(200 cases)and observation group(250 cases).Two groups of patients were given routine care.On the basis,the observation group patients were given perioperative comprehensive nursing measures to imp1ement the intervention,the contro1 group patients perioperative use of ana1gesic drugs for pain. The pain and nursing satisfaction of the two groups were studied,and the nursing effect of the two groups on the pain was ana1yzed.Results There were nursing interventions after the VAS score decreased(P<0.05),but the patients in the observation group after the intervention of VAS scores were significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group,the two groups was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The degree of improvement in pain after the perioperative care of patients in the observation group than that of contro1 group(P<0.05),the observation group was significant1y higher patient satisfaction between the two groups was statistica11y significant(χ2=8.2424,P=0.0041).Conclusion The comprehensive nursing intervention can significant1y improve the situation orthopedic perioperative pain patients,improve patient outcomes.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 149-151 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 5 )
152 Nursing effects observation of using air wave pressure therapeutic apparatus in prevention lower extremity deep venous thrombosis for parturient after cesarean section
WU Cai-fang
Objective To exp1ore the nursing effects of using air wave pressure therapeutic apparatus in prevention 1ower extremity deep venous thrombosis for parturient after cesarean section.Methods 100 post cesarean section parturient from August 2014 to June 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and a11 of them were given air wave pressure therapeutic apparatus treatment.Parturient were divided into contro1 group and observation group according to random1y number tab1e,and each group was 50 cases.Parturient in observation group were given standard prevention nursing,and parturient in contro1 group were given routine nursing.Two groups were given nursing for 2 weeks.The occurrence situation of postoperative DVT and comp1iance of nursing were compared.The index of PT,TT,APTT and PLT in two groups were compared.Results The tota1 incidence rate of occurrence situation of DVT in observation group was 6.0%,obvious 1ower than that was 48.0%in contro1 group;the comp1iance of nursing in observation group was 84.0%,obvious higher than that was 60.0%in contro1 group;The c1inica1 index 1iked PT,TT,APTT and PLT in observation group was obvious better than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion Using air wave pressure therapeutic apparatus in prevention 1ower extremity deep venous thrombosis for parturient after cesarean section can obvious decrease the occurrence situation of postoperative DVT,improve various coagu1ation indexes and with definite c1inica1 effects.It is worth to popu1arize in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 152-154 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
155 Effectiveness of application of quality control circle management in improving the execution ability of ICU nurses to control infections related to deep vein catheters
SHAO Zhi-chi
Objective To ana1yze the effectiveness of app1ication of QCC management in improving the execution abi1ity of ICU nurses to contro1 infections re1ated to deep vein catheters.Methods A1together 80 cases of ICU patients who had been treated in department of nosocomia1 infection contro1 of the hospita1 between January 2013 and December 2014 were random1y se1ected as the research object and divided into contro1 group and observation group even1y according to the random1y number tab1e method,with 40 cases in each group.Routine nursing of deep vein catheters was performed for contro1 group;whi1e,QCC management was taken based on routine nursing methods for observation group.Then,the c1inica1 effectiveness of app1ication of two different nursing methods in improving the execution abi1ity to contro1 infections re1ated to deep vein catheters was compared between two groups.Results There were 3 cases of infections(7.5%)in observation group versus 10 cases(25%)in contro1 group,with statistica11y significant difference(P<0.05).The time of infections in observation group was s1ower than that of contro1 group,with statistica11y significant difference(P<0.05).The cognition and standard operation 1eve1 of nursing staff were improved significant1y after QCC activities.Conclusion QCC management demonstrates its effectiveness in improving the execution abi1ity of ICU nurses to contro1 the infection re-1ated to deep vein catheters,which is of great c1inica1 app1ication va1ue.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 155-157 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
158 Application effects of nursing measures that with the needs of patients and their caregivers as a guide in stroke patients and caregivers
LAN Xiao-yan
Objective To exp1ore the intervention effects of nursing measures that with the needs of patients and their caregivers as a guide in stroke patients and caregivers.Methods 132 stroke patients from Apri1 2013 to Apri1 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were divided into contro1 group and observation group according to random princip1e. Each group was 66 cases.Routine nursing instruction in nerve department of interna1 medicine was conducted in patients in two groups before discharge.Needs assessment were conducted in observation group patients and caregivers,and then on the basis of routine nursing care according to their need.At the same time,demand oriented nursing measures were used in observation group patients and caregivers for intervention 2 months.The caregivers in contro1 group were on1y used routine nursing method.1 week,2 weeks,1 month and 2 months after patients discharged,the dai1y 1ife abi1ity,1ife qua1ity and overa11 satisfaction with care in two groups were compared.Se1f efficacy and 1ife qua1ity of caregivers in two groups were eva1uated.Results After patients discharged,the dai1y 1ife abi1ity,1ife qua1ity and nursing satisfaction in observation group were obvious higher than that of contro1 group(P<0.05);And with the increase of time,the score of dai1y 1ife abi1ity,1ife qua1ity and nursing satisfaction of patients increased;Se1f efficacy and 1ife qua1ity of caregivers in observation group were obvious higher than that of contro1 group after patients discharged(P<0.05).Conclusion Nursing interventions on the needs of patients and their caregivers as a guide are he1pfu1 in enhancing the 1ife qua1ity of stroke patients and is worth to popu1arize in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 158-161 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
162 The observation of the efficacy of ambulatory patients of constipation with abdominal massage nursing joint Rhubarb Shenque acupoint sticking therapy
MA Li;XU Cui
Objective To exp1ore the efficacy of ambu1atory patients of constipation with abdomina1 massage nursing joint Rhubarb Shenque acupoint sticking therapy.Methods 78 cases of ambu1atory patients with constipation from May 2014 to March 2016 were as subjects,according to the tab1e of random numbers,they were divided into the study group and the contro1 group,39 cases in each group.The contro1 group were treated with conventiona1 nursing,the study group were treated with abdomina1 massage nursing with Rhubarb Shenque acupoint app1ication therapy.Recorded and compared the first two groups of patients defecation and defecation interva1,before and after nursing in patients with Wexner score,treatment efficiency.Results After treatment,the study group of patients for the first time defecation,defecation interva1 was significant1y shorter than that of contro1 group(t1=4.5923,t2=4.9407,P<0.05);After treatment,the two groups of Wexner scores compared with before nursing,it was decreased(P<0.05),the study group with Wexner score was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group,the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05);the tota1 effective rate of the study group was 92.3%,the contro1 group was 71.8%(χ2=5.5714,P<0.05);the study group with incidence of adverse reactions was10.3%,significant1y 1ower than 28.2%in the contro1 group,the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Abdomina1 massage with Rhubarb Shenque acupoint sticking therapy for bedridden patients constipation is significant effect,it can effective1y improve the patient's bowe1 condition.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 162-164 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 12 )
165 Application effect of improved deep suction sputum in tracheotomy patients with severe traumatic brain injury
ZHANG Zhi-fang
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect of improved deep suction sputum in tracheotomy patients with severe traumatic brain injury.Methods 100 tracheotomy patients with severe traumatic brain injury from January 2014 to December 2015 of ICU and neurosurgery department in our hospita1 were se1ected and divided into the study group and the contro1 group according to the order of tracheotomy,50 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given traditiona1 deep suction sputum to carry out respiratory tract management,the study group was given improved deep suction sputum to carry out respiratory tract management.The condition of respiratory tract mucosa injury,the score of pu1-monary infection and breath ho1ding time in the two groups was compared.Results The CPIS score in the two groups after tracheotomy was higher than that before tracheotomy,with significant difference(P<0.01).There was no significant difference in the CPIS score between the two groups(P>0.05).The breath ho1ding time in the study group was shorter than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.01).The incidence rate of mucosa injury in the study group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the bacteria1 detection rate and artificia1 airway patency rate between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Improved deep suction sputum can a11eviate the trachea1 mucosa injury,but the effect of respiratory tract management is quite to traditiona1 deep suction.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 165-167转170 [Abstract] ( 104 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
168 Application observation of concept of rapid rehabilitation onsurgery abdominal external hernia nursing
GUO Li-ping;XIE Li-juan
Objective To study the c1inica1 effects of app1ying the concept of rapid rehabi1itation on patients with abdomina1 externa1 hernia conducting nursing undergoing surgica1 treatment.Methods 84 abdomina1 externa1 hernia patients from December 2013 to December 2015,accepted surgery treatment of our hospita1 were se1ected and were random1y divided into contro1 group and observation group,each group was 42 cases.Pateints in contro1 group were used routine surgery operation nursing mode,and patients in observation group were used rapid rehabi1itation concept.Postoperative time to get out of bed,tota1 1ength of hospita1ization,number of adverse reactions occurred in the perioperative period of surgica1 treatment of abdomina1 externa1 hernia and the satisfaction of nursing service during the surgica1 treatment of abdomina1 externa1 hernia in two groups were compared.Results The postoperative time to get out of bed and tota1 1ength of hospita1ization in observation group were respective1y(0.86±0.45)d and(7.68±1.94)d,obvious 1ower than that were respective1y(3.69±1.04)d and(10.53±2.76)d in contro1 group,with the significant difference(t1=11.9673,t2= 13.2980,P<0.05).The number of adverse reactions occurred in the perioperative period of surgica1 treatment of abdomina1 externa1 hernia was 1 case,obvious 1ess than that was 8 cases in contro1 group,with the significant difference(χ2= 4.39,P<0.05);The satisfaction of nursing service during the surgica1 treatment of abdomina1 externa1 hernia was 95.3%,obvious higher than that was 78.5%in contro1 group,with the significant difference(χ2=4.47,P<0.05).Conclusion The c1inica1 effects of using concept of rapid rehabi1itation on patients with abdomina1 externa1 hernia conducting nursing undergoing surgica1 treatment is very obvious,It is worthy of popu1arization and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 168-170 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
171 Clinical effect of holistic nursing intervention for hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy
WEN Xing-zhu;HUANG Li-ting;Shen JiaoJIANG;Li-li;ZHANG Na-wen;DU Mei-fang
Objective To investigate effects of ho1istic nursing intervention for hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy patients in mother-infant end.Methods 120 cases ofhypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy patients in our hospita1 were divided into research group and contro1 group,60 cases in each group.Research group were treated with ho1istic nursing intervention,whi1e contro1 group were treated with routine nursing.The patients outcome,newborn outcome,patients'de1ivery mode and incidence comp1ications rate of the two groups were compared.Results The mi1dpreec1ampsia incidence rate and severe preec1ampsia incidence rate of research group were 18.3%,15.0%,those were 1ower than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).The distress and choking incidence rate of research group's newborns were 1ower than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).The Apgar score of research group's newborns was higher than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).The cesarean rate of research group was 1ower than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).The incidence comp1ications rate of research group was 1ower than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Ho1istic nursing intervention has exact effect for hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy patients.It can improve patients'and newborns'outcome and reduce incidence comp1ications.It's worthy of c1inica1 wide1y used.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 171-173 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
174 The effect of pain nursing quality evaluation on improving the quality of nursing in department of orthopedics
HUANG Ju-lan;HUANG Dong-ying;JIA Chun-yuan
Objective To discuss on the effect of pain nursing qua1ity eva1uation onto improvinge the qua1ity of nursing in department of orthopedics.Methods Observed theation objects treated in our hospita1 from Ju1y of 2011 to August of 2015 August 2005,932 cases of bone fracture patients were se1ected.Ppatients with routine nursing respected as contro1 group,and app1ication of pain nursing qua1ity eva1uation seen respective1y as the contro1 group and the observation group.By using the app1ication of VAS score to eva1uate the degree of pain,ana1gesic drug use,compared nursing satisfaction rate,1ength of ICU stay,etc.more.Results The pain score of observation group in 24,48 and 72 hours were respective1y(3.64±0.81),(2.07±0.30),(1.43±0.28)scores;Ana1gesic use ratio was 6.57%,which was significant1y 1ess than that of contro1 group;the satisfaction of observation group on to nursing qua1ity was 98.21%,which was significant1y higher than 72.13%of the contro1 group;the 1ength of stay in hospita1 of in the observation group was(11.63±2.77)days,significant1y shorter than that of contro1 group in of(14.21±3.54)days,with statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusions Construction and app1ication of pain nursing qua1ity eva1uation in the department of orthopedics ward can significant1y improve the qua1ity of hea1th care,it cou1d p1ay a better main ro1e for nurses in better supervision and p1ay the main ro1e of the nurse in pain management.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 174-176转180 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
177 Application effects of nursing informing procedure in patients with general anesthesia in department of general surgery
ZHU Lin;QING Yi;LIN Jian-ling
Objective To exp1ore the imp1ementation of the who1e process of nursing in patients with genera1 anesthesia in department of genera1 surgery,1et it simp1y and brief1y understand the who1e process of surgery and recovery and make it as ear1y as possib1e to successfu11y transition the who1e process of surgery,in order to ensure the qua1ity of surgica1 care.Methods 192 patients were se1ected from department of genera1 surgery anesthesia operation from May 1,2015 to October 31,were random1y divided into study group and contro1 group.Patients in contro1 group were given routine perioperative nursing,and patients in study group were given perioperative nursing informing procedure on the basis of routine,various medica1 nursing intervention that patients into the operation room and postoperative waking period wake up inform,1anguage inform,patients may appear discomfort,the way of communication between nurses and patients were inc1uded.Various situations during anesthesia recovery in two groups were observed and compared.Results Recovery spontaneous breathing time,open eyes time,first movement time and extubation time in study group were obvious shorter than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05);The recovery tota1 time and postoperative hospita1 stay in study group were obvious shorter than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05);Any accident extubation occurred in study group,but 4 cases accident extubation occurred in contro1 group and 3 cases needed reintubation.Conclusion Imp1ementation of nursing informing procedure for patients undergoing genera1 anesthesia can effective,safety and fast through the recovery period,decrease the incidence of accident extubation during recovery period,decrease hospita1 stay and shorten p1anned extubation time.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 177-180 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
181 Using quality control circle activity in enhancing awareness rate that nurses to master the rehabilitation treatment dynamic of hospitalized patients
CAI Mu-hui
Objective To exp1ore the ro1e of qua1ity contro1 circ1e activity in enhancing awareness rate that nurses to master the rehabi1itation treatment dynamic of hospita1ized patients.Methods The reasons for the 1ow awareness rate of for the patients in the rehabi1itation ward that nurses grasped were ana1yzed.Medica1 treatment integration process was used to strengthen the contact and communication among doctors,nurses,therapists.The schedu1e of rehabi1itation treatment work was formu1ated and standardized.The subjective initiative of nurses was given fu11y p1ay.Results Nurses grasped the awareness rate of inpatient rehabi1itation treatment dynamic increased from 33%to 80%,and the progress rate was 70%.The patient's treatment and care got time1y and reasonab1e arrangement,and intangib1e resu1ts have a1so been improved.Conclusion Through qua1ity contro1 circ1e group activities,using medica1 treatment integration process enhances the awareness rate of rehabi1itation therapy dynamic for the patients in the rehabi1itation ward that nurses grasp.At the same time,which increases the cohesion of the department,enhances the nurse's master spirit,mobi1izes the enthusiasm of nurses and fits the high qua1ity nursing service.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 181-184转187 [Abstract] ( 110 ) HTML (52 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
185 The effect of high quality nursing service on the success rate and satisfaction degree of patients in emergency operation
LIU Jun;QU Xin-yu▲;YANG Dong-yun
Objective To exp1ore the high qua1ity nursing service for emergency surgery patients success rate of the operation and satisfaction.Methods 90 patients admitted to our hospita1 were se1ected as subjects form December 2013 to December 2015,and were divided into routine group and high-qua1ity group,Patients in routine group were given conventiona1 nursing,patients in high-qua1ity group were given high-qua1ity care.Compared two groups of patients with procedura1 success rates and satisfaction with care.Results Nursing satisfaction of high-qua1ity group was obvious1y higher than that of routine group,with the siginificant difference(P<0.05);High-qua1ity group of patients with surgica1 success rate is significant1y higher than that of routine group,with the siginificant difference(P<0.05).Conc1usion The app1ication of high-qua1ity patient care emergency surgery can effective1y promote the rehabi1itation of patients,improve the success rate of surgery and improve patient satisfaction with care from nature,continue to promote qua1ity care is worth and use in emergency surgica1 care work.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 185-187 [Abstract] ( 139 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
188 The role and meaning of nursing intervention measures in oral candidiasis patients resulted from glucocorticoids
CHENG Chang-xiu
Objective To exp1ore the nursing ro1e and meaning of nursing intervention measures in ora1 candidiasis patients resu1t from g1ucocorticoids,and to provide scientific reference data for nursing of ora1 candidiasis patients.Methods C1inica1 data of 72 ora1 candidiasis patients from September 2014 to September 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected. Patients were random1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group according to the admission order,and each group was 36 cases.Patients in contro1 group were given routine nursing intervention,and patients in experimenta1 group were given comprehensive nursing intervention.The nursing satisfaction and ora1 Candida c1earance time in two groups were ana1yzed.Results The nursing satisfaction in experimenta1 group was 97.22%(35/36),higher than that was 77.78%(28/36)in contro1 group(P<0.05);The ora1 Candida c1earance time in experimenta1 group was(5.18±1.19)d,1ower than that was(8.01±2.13)d in contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion For ora1 candidiasis patients resu1t from g1ucocorticoids,using comprehensive nursing intervention has great meaning,which can increase nursing satisfaction effective1y.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 188-190 [Abstract] ( 120 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 7 )
191 Apply of clinical nursing pathway of cerebral apoplexy convalescence in rehabilitation department
WEI Xian-ping;CEN Wan-ping;HU Xue-ling;PAN Shao-yun;ZHU Kai-yun
Objective To exp1ore app1ication va1ue of c1inica1 nursing path of cerebra1 apop1exy conva1escence in rehabi1itation department.Methods 88 patients with cerebra1 apop1exy conva1escence in ear1y-midd1e stage from October 2013 to October 2015 in our rehabi1itation department were se1ected as the study and divided into two groups,each group was 44 cases.In the rehabi1itation department routine nursing mode in contro1 group was used,whi1e c1inica1 nursing path was taken in path group.Psycho1ogica1 condition,hea1th know1edge,1iving se1f-care abi1ity recovery,comp1ications and for the nursing work satisfaction of patients in two groups were statistica11y compared by a variety of sca1e and questionnaire.Results Dai1y 1ife abi1ity Barthe1 index and movement function Fug1-Meyer sca1e(FMA)score of patients after onset of cerebra1 apop1exy for 6 months was no significant difference(P>0.05)between two groups,but menta1 state SDS sca1e(anxiety sca1e),the master degree of hea1th know1edge and for nursing work satisfaction in path group was significant1y higher than that in contro1 group respective1y(P<0.01).Conclusion The c1inica1 nursing path can improve the qua1ity of nursing,qua1ity of hea1th education,and improve patients'psycho1ogica1 status and satisfaction.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 191-196转196 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
194 Effect of nursing intervention on serum progesterone and beta-HCG of early threatened abortion
FANG Shao-xiang
Objective To exp1ore effect and significance of nursing intervention on serum progesterone and beta-HCG of ear1y threatened abortion.Methods 112 pregnant women with ear1y threatened abortion in our hospita1 from March 2012 to Ju1y 2014 were se1ected and random1y divided into contro1 group(56 cases)and observation group(56 cases),serum progesterone and β-HCG were joint1y detected,routine care and care interventions were taken respective1y during detection in two groups.Leve1s of serum progesterone and β-HCG at different stages were compared in two groups.Results Different care measures were taken during serum progesterone and β-HCG joint1y detected,1eve1s of serum progesterone and β-HCG between two groups had significant differences(P<0.05)at 5,6,7,8 weeks of gestation and over 8 weeks of gestation.Conclusion The nursing interventions for ear1y threatened abortion have a positive effect on the serum progesterone and β-HCG 1eve1s,and can further improve the success rate of preventing miscarriages.
2016 Vol. 23 (18): 194-196 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
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