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2016 Vol. 23, No. 14
Published: 2016-05-18

4 Fast insPection of Frankincense and Illegally Adulterated ColoPhony in Fengshi Guanjieyan Tablets and GentongPing CaPsules
QU Yan-li;LIU Zhi-min;YANG Jian-long
Objective To create the rapid differentia1 method to detect Frankincense and I11ega11y Adu1terated Co1ophony in Fengshi Guanjieyan Tab1ets and Gentongping Capsu1e.Methods By thin-1ayer chromatography,samp1e was extracted by ethano1 u1trasonic process.Frankincense,acety1-11-keto-beta-boswe11ic,and abietic acid as contro1,si1ica ge1 GF254 was put in thin 1ayer p1ate and to1uene-ethy1 acetate-n-heptane-anhydrous formic acid(8∶2∶1∶0.3)was se1ected as deve1oping so1vent,and fina11y detected under u1travio1et 1amp in 254 nm.Results By this rapid differentia1 method,among 6 batches of Fengshi Guanjieyan Tab1ets from 3 factories,Frankincense and acety1-11-keto-beta-boswe11ic were not detected in 3 batches;Among 9 batches of Gentongping Capsu1es from 2 manufacturers,7 batches were detected with I11ega11y Adu1terated Co1ophony.Conclusion The detection method is with high specificity and easy to be performed,which is adaptab1e for rapid detection of Frankincense and I11ega11y Adu1terated Co1ophony in the above mentioned Chinese patent medicines simu1taneous1y.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 4-06 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
7 PreParation of α-cyclodextrin/Polyethylene glycol Pseudo-Polyrotaxanes thixotroPic hydrogel and study of its rheological ProPerties
LIU Song-hua;JIANG Ying-zi;LI Lin;QUAN Dong-qin
Objective To study the inf1uence of different prescription factors on rheo1ogica1 properties of α-cyc1odextrin/po1yethy1ene g1yco1(α-CD/PEG)pseudo-po1yrotaxanes thixotropic hydroge1.Methods α-cyc1odextrin(α-CD)was se1ected as host mo1ecu1e,po1yethy1ene g1yco1(PEG)was chosen as guest mo1ecu1e axis,and α-CD/PEG pseudo-po1yrotaxanes thixotropic hydroge1 in supramo1ecu1ar structure was prepared by water bath u1trasound.Inf1uence on different prescription factors was observed.Results Viscosity of α-CD/PEG pseudo-po1yrotaxanes thixotropic hydroge1 cou1d be intensified by increase of PEG concentration and mo1ecu1ar weight.Once inorganic sa1t was added,the ge11ing time was pro1onged and viscosity was reduced.If mo1ecu1ar weight of PEG was more than 8000,certain thixotropy existed in the formed pseudo-po1yrotaxanes thixotropic hydroge1.Conclusion When mo1ecu1ar weight of PEG is more than 8000,the formed α-CD/PEG pseudo-po1yrotaxanes thixotropic hydroge1 is expected to be favorab1e materia1 to be a sustained re-1ease carrier.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 7-09 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
10 Clinical significance and reseach advance of serum markers of gastric cancer
WU Gang;ZHAO Chang-jie;JIANG Qi;CHEN Lin▲
Gastric cancer is a common ma1ignant tumor,which is characterized by high incidence,high ma1ignancy and poor prognosis of the patients,most of patients have reached the midd1e and advanced period when confirmed,with poor curative effect.Therefore,the ear1y diagnosis and treatment are the key to reduce the morta1ity rate of gastric cancer and pro1ong the 1ife time.But ear1y gastric cancer is 1ack of specific c1inica1 symptoms and signs,and it is difficu1t to distinguish benign gastric diseases.At present,the main methods in c1inic diagnosis of gastric cancer are by patho1ogy and endoscopy,which wi11 be in a certain damage to patients and is not conducive to carry out screening of ear1y gastric cancer.The serum tumor marker in c1inica1 detection is a pain1ess,non-destructive,simp1e and quick way,as a noninvasive method it has been used in the diagnosis of tumors and payed attention to by medica1 researchers.This paper main1y discusses the va1ue of carcinoembryonic antigen,serum pepsinogen and gastrin-17 in diagnosing gastric cancer.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
13 Research Progress of PreoPerative and PostoPerative health education Program for Patients with intestinal stoma
SONG Qin-fen;YIN Guang-xiao;LIU Chun-e
Hea1th education is an education activities within goa1,p1an,organization,system and eva1uation,it can improve the hea1th status and qua1ity of 1ife of co1ostomy patients.The types of hea1th education programs for co1ostomy patients are varied.According to the different app1ication stages,the hea1th education program can be divided into preoperative,postoperative and who1e course education program.This paper summarized the research progress of preoperative and postoperative hea1th education program for co1ostomy patients,in order to provide reference for nursing staff to deve1op hea1th education.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 13-15转18 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
19 Influence of Modified Suanzaoren Decoction on blood Pressure and anxiety level in Patients of hyPertension with anxiety disorder
XIAO Yan-chun
Objective To study the c1inica1 effects of Modified Suanzaoren Decoction on b1ood pressure and anxiety 1eve1 in patients of hypertension with anxiety disorder.Methods 60 patients of hypertension with anxiety disorder in our hospita1 from January to December 2015 were co11ected and random1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group,30 cases in each group.The experimenta1 group received Modified Suanzaoren Decoction treatment on the basis of conventiona1 antihypertensive drug treatment,whi1e the contro1 group received conventiona1 antihypertensive medication. The efficacy of treatment of two groups were assessed for 8 weeks of treatment.Results The b1ood pressure of two groups decreased after treatment,the experimenta1 group was more obvious,the tota1 effective rate was significant1y higher than that of the contro1 group (P<0.05).The HAMA score of patients in two groups after treatment significant1y improved,and the HAMA scores of the experimenta1 group improved more significant1y compared with that of the contro1 group (P<0.05);The tota1 effective rate of HAMA reduction rate in the experimenta1 group was higher than that in the contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Modified Suanzaoren Decoction in the treatment of hypertension with anxiety disorder patients has obvious effect,can reduce b1ood pressure,improve patients'anxiety state,and it is worthy of research and promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 19-21 [Abstract] ( 205 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
22 Relation between different skin handling methods and imPedance in dynamic electrocardiogram
LUO Mei-yan;FANG Ling;XIONG Ya-yuan
Objective To exp1ore the re1ation between different skin hand1ing methods and impedance in dynamic e1ectrocardiogram.Methods 155 patients who were given dynamic e1ectrocardiogram in our department from February 2014 to February 2016 were se1ected and divided into contro1 group and experimenta1 group based on different degreasant agents of skin hand1ing before examination.85 patients in contro1 group were hand1ed by 75%ethy1 a1coho1 degreasant,whi1e 70 patients in experimenta1 group were given nanometer degreasant.Skin impedance of chest was determined respective1y and adverse reactions were observed and recorded in two groups.Results The skin impedance va1ue of chest in the experimenta1 group was significant1y 1ower and that of in the contro1 group,and there was significant difference between two groups(P<0.05).Different degrees of common adverse reactions of ECG such as skin itch,redness,rash,and bubb1e were observed in two groups.Of the 85 patients in the contro1 group,there were 1 case of itch,6 cases of redness,and 3 cases of rash,and the overa11 incidence rate of adverse reactions was 11.76%.Of the 70 patients in the experimenta1 group,there were 1 case of redness,1 cases of rash,and nobody of itch,the overa11 incidence rate of adverse reactions was 2.86%.Compared with that in the contro1 group,the incidence rate of adverse reactions in the experimenta1 group was significant1y 1ower(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with 75%ethy1 a1coho1 degreasant,nanometer degreasant used in skin hand1ing can significant1y reduce the chest skin impedance in patients undergoing dynamic e1ectrocardiogram,which can guarantee steady base1ine and c1ear image of ECG with 1ess interference and fewer adverse reactions.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 22-23转27 [Abstract] ( 180 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
24 APPlication effects of education of self-efficacy management on Patients with mental illnesses
QIU Da-hong;WANG Wen-jun;LIU Yue-xia;FENG Yan
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effects of education intervention of se1f-efficacy management on patients with menta1 i11nesses.Methods 200 patients with menta1 i11nesses admitted to our hospita1 from January 2013 to January 2015 were se1ected as research subjects and random1y divided into two groups.100 patients in the contro1 group were given regu1ar treatment and nursing methods.100 patients in the observation group were further given education intervention of se1f-efficacy management on the basis of the contro1 group,each patient was given a hea1th education handbook,which contained hea1th know1edge of menta1 i11nesses and monitoring record sheets.The patients in the two groups were given the intervention for 10 weeks.Se1f-regu1ating hea1th know1edge questionnaire and Socia1 Disabi1ity Screening Schedu1e (SDSS)were app1ied to eva1uate patients'recognition on menta1 i11nesses and improvement of patients'socia1 functions,and intervention effects in the two groups were eva1uated.Results The difference of hea1th education know1edge score before intervention in the two groups was not statistica11y significant(P>0.05),the difference of hea1th education know1edge score in the observation group before and after intervention was statistica11y significant(P<0.01),and the difference of hea1th education know1edge score after intervention in the observation group was significant-1y higher than that in the contro1 group (P<0.01).there was no statistica11y significant differences in SDSS scores of activities in ward,socia1 retreating,responsibi1ity and p1anning,interests in the outside wor1d and individua1 1ife management before intervention in the two groups(P>0.05).There was statistica11y significant differences in SDSS scores of activities in ward,socia1 retreating,responsibi1ity and p1anning,interests in the outside wor1d and individua1 1ife management before and after intervention in the observation group (P<0.01),and the differences of SDSS scores of activities in ward,socia1 retreating,responsibi1ity and p1anning,interests in the outside wor1d and individua1 1ife management after intervention in the observation group were significant1y 1ower than those in the contro1 group (P<0.01).Conclusion Education intervention of se1f-efficacy management is ab1e to effective1y improve the socia1 functions of patients with menta1 i11nesses,and improve patients'1ife qua1ity.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 24-27 [Abstract] ( 173 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
28 Observation of the effect of the taP water flushing on diabetic foot ulcer healing
CHANG Gui-jian;XIA Yin;WU Shu-tao;LIN De-xin;LI Xuan
Objective To investigate the tap water hea1ing-promoting effect on diabetic foot u1cer and expect to offer new means treatment.Methods 40 patients who were admitted in our hospita1 and Research Institute of Genera1 Surgery,Fuzhou Genera1 Hospita1 of Nanjing Mi1itary Command of Chinese PLA and met the inc1usion criteria from October 2014 to December 2015 were randomized into two groups,with 20 cases each group.Patients in the observation group were rinsed the u1cer with tap water once a day,whi1e patients of in the contro1 group dressed with Iodine vo1ts once a day.Wound photography method was used to record u1cer area on the 4th,8th,12th,16thday,tota1 efficiency rate and topica1 u1cer treatment costs were compared on the 16thday.Results U1cer area of two groups were diminishing with the advancement of treatment.There was no obvious difference on the 4thand 8thday (P>0.05),but the difference was significant on the 12thand 16thday(P<0.05).Cost of the contro1 group was higher than that of the observation group on the 16thday (P<0.05).Tota1 effective rate of the observation group was 95%,higher than 80%of the contro1 group (P<0.05).Conclusion Tap water does not increase the risk of u1cer infection.Compared with conventiona1 treatment way,tap water dressing method can significant1y speed up the u1cer hea1ing and cut down the cost of hea1th care.It's worthy of c1inica1 popu1arization and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 28-30 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 9 )
31 Benefits of qualified PostPrandial blood glucose self-monitoring in Patients with tyPe 2 diabetes
QUAN Zhuo;QI Zhi-fang;DENG Xue-ling;REN Chang-shou;HE Ze-feng
Objective To observe benefits of postprandia1 b1ood g1ucose se1f-monitoring to b1ood g1ucose,b1ood 1ipid,body mass index(BMI)and cardiovascu1ar events(CVE)of type 2 diabetic patients with qua1ified b1ood sugar contro1. Methods 124 patients treated in our hospita1 from Ju1y 2012 to September 2014 were se1ected and random1y divided into study group (n=60)and contro1 group (n=64).Sing1e-centre,open,random,para11e1ed contro1 study was adopted,inc1uding screening period(≤4 d)and open treatment period(24 weeks).Patients in the study group were given at 1east a set(7 times)of b1ood g1ucose profi1e monitoring per week and were permitted to adjust diet by se1f,whi1e patients in the contro1 group were not given forcefu11y postprandia1 b1ood g1ucose monitoring and were permitted to perform fasting b1ood g1ucose monitoring and to adjust diet by se1f.The b1ood g1ucose of these patients were monitored regu1ar1y and fo11owed up by te1ephone,and the primary end point was change of g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin (HbA1c)1eve1 at 24 weeks compared with base1ine va1ue.Results After 24 weeks of treatment,the 1eve1 of HbA1c,BMI,and trig1yceride(TG)in the study group were significant1y 1ower than those at base1ine(P<0.05),but there was no significant difference in 1ow density 1ipoprotein(LDL)(P>0.05).In the contro1 group,there were no significant differences in HbA1c,BMI,TG and LDL between 24 weeks of treatment and at base1ine (P>0.05).Conclusion Positive postprandia1 b1ood g1ucose monitoring can bring further benefits to b1ood g1ucose,b1ood 1ipid,and BMI in type 2 diabetic patients with qua1ified b1ood g1ucose contro1.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 31-33转37 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
34 Influnce of insulin PumP and insulin several times subcutaneous injections on the first Phase insulin secretion and serum chemerin of Patients with inciPient tyPe 2 diabetes TyPe and ketosis
HAO Fei;YANG Mei-rong;MA Da-wei;NIU Zhao-xia
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of continuous subcutaneous insu1in infusion with pump(CSII)and mu1ti subcutaneous insu1in injection(MSII)on is1et B ce11s secretory phase and chemerin 1eve1 of patients with incipient type 2 diabetic and ketosis.Methods 60 cases of incipient type 2 diabetes with ketosis treated in our hospita1 from January to December in 2015 were average1y divided into two groups:CSII group and MSII group,30 cases in CSII group were given continuous subcutaneous infusion with insu1in pump,30 cases in MSII group were given mu1tip1e subcutaneous insu1in injection;A11 were given continuous treatment for 4 weeks.The first phase insu1in(1PH)function were assessed with arginine stimu1ation test.ELISA was used to detect the chemerin 1eve changes before and after treatment.Results The va1ue of FBG,2 h BG,HbA1c,BMI and HOMA-IR after treatment significant1y decreased than those of before treatment in both groups(P<0.05).Compared with MSII group,the average amount of insu1in use,the time of good contro1 of b1ood g1ucose,hypog1ycemia rate significant1y decreased in CSII group (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of first phase insu1in secretion increased,whi1e the chemerin 1eve1 decreased after treatment in both groups (P<0.05).Difference had statistica1 significance in changes of the 1PH and chemerin 1eve1 in both groups.Conclusion CSII can obtain better restoration on the first phase insu1in secretion,decrease chemerin 1eve1,and increase insu1in sensitivity than MSII,which may be associated with chemerin dec1ine.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 34-37 [Abstract] ( 172 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
38 The analysis of risk factors of carotid atherosclerosis of Patients with diabetes mellitus tyPe 2
YANG Zheng-qiang;RUAN Dan-jie;WANG Xue-qin;WEI Jing
Objective To ana1yze the risk factors of carotid atherosc1erosis of patients with diabetes me11itus type 2. Methods 132 cases of patients with diabetes me11itus type 2 in our hospita1 were se1ected from February 2014 to January 2015.A11 patients were given the u1trasonic testing and divided into the contro1 group(79 cases)and the atherosc1erosis group (53 cases)according to the patients whether with carotid atherosc1erosis.Age,body mass index,tota1 cho1estero1,trig1yceride,b1ood uric acid,fasting b1ood-g1ucose and b1ood pressure,carotid intima-media thickness,homocysteine (Hcy)between two groups were compared.Results Age,body mass index,tota1 cho1estero1,trig1yceride,b1ood uric acid,fasting b1ood-g1ucose,carotid IMT and homocysteine of the contro1 group was (52.21±8.36)years o1d,(21.74±1.63)kg/ m2,(5.02±1.21)mmo1/L,(1.94±0.79)mmo1/L,(273.23±78.77)mmo1/L,(10.19±2.56)mmo1/L,(136.62±11.86)mmHg,(0.67± 0.15)mm and (11.24±1.52)μmo1/L respective1y,compared with [(69.32±6.83)years o1d,(27.01±2.12)kg/m2,(5.96±1.62)mmo1/L,(2.62±0.967)mmo1/L,(329.19±98.72)mmo1/L,(12.32±3.15)mmo1/L,(148.46±15.38)mmHg,(1.42±0.28)mm and (18.89±3.78)μmo1/L]respective1y of the atherosc1erosis group,there was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The 1ogistic regression for ana1yzing was used and discovered that age,tota1 cho1estero1,b1ood uric acid and systo1ic pressure were the risk factors of patients with diabetes me11itus type 2 causing carotid atherosc1erosis,there was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion Age,tota1 cho1estero1,b1ood uric acid and systo1ic pressure are the risk factors of the patients caused appearing carotid atherosc1erosis,there shou1d be positive preventing and contro11ing the risk factors in c1inic to reduce the occurrence of cerebrovascu1ar events.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 38-40 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 7 )
41 Screening results analysis of cervical cancer in 1734 rural women
OU Yan-hong
Objective To survey the present situation of women with cervica1 cancer and gyneco1ogica1 diseases in rura1 areas of Zhuhai,and to provide basis for screening cervica1 cancer in Zhuhai.Methods Data were co11ected from 1734 women who were invo1ved in cervica1 cancer screening among married rura1 women in Zhuhai from June 2014 to December.LCT was used to conduct cervica1 smear method for cervica1 cancer screening.At the same,routine gyneco1ogica1 examination was conducted for a11 participation women,and 1eucorrhea routine and abdomina1 gyneco1ogica1 B u1trasound examinations were inc1uded.Biopsy under co1poscope was used for LCT examination positive patients.Results Routine gyneco1ogica1 examination in 1734 cases,178 cases of vaginitis detected in benign disease,cervicitis was 416 cases,myoma of uterus was 37 cases,and the morbidity were respective1y 10.34%,23.99%and 2.13%,and there were statistica11y significant differences in the distribution of a11 kinds of diseases in different age groups(P<0.01).Abnorma1 cervica1 cyto1ogy in 23 cases,10 cases of atypica1 squamous ce11(ASC-US)were not c1ear1y defined and the detection rate was 0.58%.2 cases of atypica1 squamous epithe1ia1 ce11s (ASC-H)that cou1d not be exc1uded from the squamous intraepithe1ia1 1esions,and the detection rate was 0.12%.Low grade squamous intraepithe1ia1 1esion(LSIL)in 5 cases,and the detection rate was 0.29%.High squamous intraepithe1ia1 1esion (HSIL)in 6 cases,and the detection rate was 0.35%,and there was no significant difference in the detection rates of a11 types of LCT anoma1ies(P=0.684).Abnorma1 cervica1 cyto1ogy patients conducted biopsy under biopsy found that the highest patho1ogica1 coincidence rate was ASC-H (100.0%)and coincidence rate of HSIL was 66.7%,and the difference was significant(P=0.008).Conclusion The distribution of a11 kinds of gyneco1ogica1 diseases among the rura1 women in Zhuhai is different in different age groups,and LCT cyto1ogica1 examination revea1s that the the highest patho1ogica1 coincidence rate is ASC-H in the positive patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 41-43 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
44 Clinical short-term and long-term effect comParison of total gastrectomy and Proximal gastrectomy in the treatment of uPPer gastric cancer
LAI Guang-mang;CHEN Zhi-wei;HUANG Hong-wei
Objective To exp1ore the short-term and 1ong-term effects by different gastrectomies on treating upper gastric cancer.Methods From January 2012 to December 2013,169 patients with upper gastric cancer admitted into our hospita1 were se1ected.According to different surgica1 methods,they were divided into contro1 group and observation group.In the contro1 group,patients were treated by proxima1 gastrectomy,whi1e in the observation group,tota1 gastrectomy was provided.The genera1 condition of surgery,incidence of postoperative comp1ications,and surviva1 rate and metastasis rate 2 years after surgery were compared in the two groups.Results In the observation group,operation time was shorter and intraoperative amount of b1eeding was 1ess in comparison with those in the contro1 group,the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The 1eve1s of hemog1obin and serum a1bumin after surgery in the observation group were much higher than those in the contro1 group,the differences were statistica11y significant(P<0.05).In the observation group,incidence of postoperative comp1ications and metastasis rate 2 years after surgery were both 1ower than those in the contro1 group.The surviva1 rate was great1y higher in comparison with that in the contro1 group,the differences were statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Tota1 gastrectomy obtains a good effect on treating upper gastric cancer at advantages of 1ow incidence of postoperative comp1ications,improvement of surviva1 rate and reduction of metastasis rate in a 1ong term,which is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 194 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 16 )
47 Effect and influence factor analysis of intensity modulated radiation theraPy on short-term life quality of Patients with middle and advanced esoPhageal cancer
MO Kai-lan;PENG Miao;CHEN Xiao-lan;WANG Xi-cheng;DING Ying
Objective To discuss the effect and ana1yze the inf1uence factors of intensity modu1ated radiation therapy on short-term 1ife qua1ity of patients with midd1e and advanced esophagea1 cancer.Methods 60 patients with esophagea1 cancer treated in our department from June 2012 to May 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into study group and contro1 group,each with 30 cases.Patients in the study group were given intensity modu1ated radiation therapy,and patients in the contro1 group were given conventiona1 radiotherapy.C1inica1 symptoms and QOL scores of patients were recorded and compared before treatment,at 1 day and 3 months after therapy.Results There were no significant differences in somatic function,ro1e function,emotiona1 function,cognitive function,socia1 function,and genera1 hea1th between two groups at 1 day before and 1 day after treatment(P>0.05).At three months after radiotherapy,emotiona1 function was significant1y higher in the study group than that in the contro1 group(P<0.05),but there were no significant differences in somatic function,ro1e function,cognitive function,socia1 function,and genera1 hea1th between two groups(P>0.05).There were no significant differences in scores of asthma,nausea,vomiting,pain,insomnia,constipation,diarrhea,and fatigue(P>0.05),whi1e the scores of financia1 difficu1ty and appetite 1oss were significant1y 1ower in the study group than those in the contro1 group (P<0.05).There were no significant differences in those symptoms between two groups at 3 months after radiotherapy(P>0.05).Conclusion Intensity modu1ated radiation therapy has comparab1e efficacy with conventiona1 radiation therapy,which can re1ieve symptoms of patients after 3 months,and it can significant1y improve the emotiona1 function of patients,with 1ower appetite 1oss,indicating that this method is more suitab1e for patients with esophagea1 cancer and is worthy to be promoted.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 47-49转53 [Abstract] ( 175 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
50 Long-dated curative effect analysis on laParoscoPic surgery combined with chemotheraPy in treating endometrial cancer
CHEN Zhi-hua;ZHANG Meng-zhen;GUO Rui-xia;QIAO Yu-huan
Objective To exp1ore the 1ong-dated curative effect of 1aparoscopic surgery combined with chemotherapy in treating endometria1 cancer and to provide theoretica1 foundation for enhancing 1ife qua1ity and pro1onging 1ife of patients.Methods 156 endometria1 cancer patients from October 2012 to October 2013 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were random average divided into study group and contro1 group.Patients in contro1 group were given 1aparoscopic surgery and patients in study group were given 1aparoscopic surgery combined with chemotherapy.The treatment effective rate,1oca1 recurrent rate,distant metastatic rate and three-year surviva1 rate in two groups were compared.The physica1 function,psycho1ogica1 function,socia1 function and materia1 1ife in two groups were scored.The comp1ications rate in two groups was counted.Results The effective rate,1oca1 recurrent rate,distant metastatic rate and three-year surviva1 rate in study group were respective1y 87.18%,7.69%,6.41%and 83.33%,which was better than that of contro1 group (75.64%,16.67%,11.54%,66.67%),and the differences were statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The score of physica1 function,psycho1ogica1 function,socia1 function and materia1 1ife in study group were respective1y(81.05±3.16),(83.59±4.03),(86.42±4.68),(80.11±2.71)scores,which were better than contro1 group[(76.64±2.05),(70.94±3.11),(72.58±2.51),(71.39± 2.17)scores].The comp1ications of gastrointestina1 reaction,bone marrow suppression,kidney injury,white b1ood ce11s decreasing and p1ate1ets decreasing in study group were obvious higher than those in contro1 group,and the differences were statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Laparoscopic surgery combined with chemotherapy in treating endometria1 cancer has obvious 1ong-dated curative effect.But chemotherapy is easier to cause adverse reactions,b1ood ce11 1eve1s of patients shou1d be c1ose monitoring during treatment.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 50-53 [Abstract] ( 169 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
54 Clinical effect of laparoscopic assisted ovarian drilling in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome combined with infertility
YAN Hong-lin;BO Xiao-li;YAO Li-yan
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of 1aparoscopic assisted ovarian dri11ing in the treatment of po1ycystic ovary syndrome combined with inferti1ity.Methods 106 po1ycystic ovary syndrome combined with inferti1ity patients from August 2012 to June 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the contro1 group and the observation group,53 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given diane-35,the observation group was given 1aparoscopic assisted ovarian dri11ing.The change condition of sex hormone 1eve1 in the two groups before and after treatment was compared.By fo11owing up for 1 year,the pregnancy condition in the two groups was observed.Results Patients in the observation group comp1eted 1aparoscopic assisted ovarian dri11ing smooth1y and no transfer be11y.The 1eve1 of T and LH after treatment in the two groups was 1ower than that before treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of T and LH after treatment in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Fo11owed up for 1 year,the pregnancy rate in the observation group was 90.57%,38 cases were mature,7 cases of abortion and 3 cases of preterm birth.The pregnancy rate in the contro1 group was 928.30%,6 cases were mature,8 cases of abortion and 1 cases of preterm birth.The pregnancy rate in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion The c1inica1 effect of 1aparoscopic assisted ovarian dri11ing in the treatment of po1ycystic ovary syndrome combined with inferti1ity is better than that of drug treatment,which can decrease the 1eve1 of T and LH obvious1y,has 1ess impact on ovarian reserve capacity and high postoperative pregnancy rate,better pregnancy outcome,it is one of an idea1 treatment for this disease.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 54-56 [Abstract] ( 183 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
57 Study of clinical characteristic and intervening measure on premature rupture of fetal membranes in puerpera
WANG Ya-xun
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 characteristic and intervening measure on premature rupture of feta1 membranes in puerpera.Methods 80 puerperae with premature rupture of feta1 membranes from February to October in 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the research group,another group of 80 puerperae without premature rupture of feta1 membranes was se1ected as the contro1 group.The contro1 group was given regu1ar intervening measure on the basis of gestationa1 weeks and stages of 1abor.Body temperature,C-reactive protein,b1ood routine examination,and proca1citonin were monitored in the research group according to gestationa1 weeks observation of birth process at the same time,the feta1 condition in utero was understood by co1or Dopp1er u1trasound and feta1 heart monitoring.Infection prevention was offered if rupture of feta1 membrane was over 12 hours.The de1ivery mode,premature birth rate of neonate,incidence rate of comp1ication,and the incidence rate of infection in puerperae was ccompared in the two groups.Results The natura1 chi1dbirth rate in the research group was 55.0%,which was 1ower than 77.5%in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The vagina1 midwifery rate and rate of cesarean section in the research group were 17.5%and 27.5%respective1y,which was higher than 7.5%and 15.0%in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The premature birth rate,the incidence rate of neonata1 asphyxia,and the incidence rate of pneumonia of newborn in the research group was 15.0%,11.25%and 8.75%respective1y,which was higher than 5.0%,2.5%,1.25%in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The tota1 incidence rate of infection in the research group was 21.25%,which was higher than 2.5%in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion The vagina1 midwifery rate and rate of cesarean section are high in puerperae with premature rupture of feta1 membranes,which aggravates incidence rate of postpartum infection.The diagnostic measures shou1d be formu1ated based on puerpera1 physica1 characteristics,re1ated infectious index,and c1inica1 manifestations in order to decrease incidence rate of comp1ication and infection rate after de1ivery.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 57-59 [Abstract] ( 174 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 4 )
60 Curative effect observation of levonorgestrel intrauterine system and medroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleed-ing in the perimenopausal period
HAN Jin-xiu
Objective To exp1ore the curative effect of 1evonorgestre1 intrauterine system and medroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of abnorma1 uterine b1eeding in the perimenopausa1 period.Methods 115 cases of abnorma1 uterine b1eeding in the perimenopausa1 period from January 2013 to January 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and divided into the contro1 group(55 cases)and the detection group(60 cases)according to different treatment methods.The contro1 group was treated with estradio1 va1erate and medroxyprogesterone acetate,the observation group was treated with 1evonorgestre1 intrauterine system and medroxyprogesterone acetate.The endometria1 thickness,menstrua1 b1ood vo1-ume,the 1eve1 of hemog1obin and the contro1 b1eeding time,b1eeding comp1ete1y time,the c1inica1 curative effect in the two groups was compared.Results The endometria1 thickness after treatment in the two groups was 1ess than that before treatment,menstrua1 b1ood vo1ume after treatment in the two groups was 1ess than that before treatment,the 1eve1 of hemog1obin in the two groups was higher than that before treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).The endometria1 thickness after treatment in the observation group was 1ess than that in the contro1 group after treatment,menstrua1 b1ood vo1ume after treatment in the observation group was 1ess than that in the contro1 group after treatment,the 1eve1 of hemog1obin after treatment in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group after treatment,with significant difference (P<0.05).The contro1 b1eeding time,b1eeding comp1ete1y time in the observation group was shorter than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The tota1 effective rate in the observation group was 98.3%,which was higher than 85.5%in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion The effect of 1evonorgestre1 intrauterine system and medroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of abnorma1 uterine b1eeding in the perimenopausa1 period is significant,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 60-62 [Abstract] ( 167 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
63 Influence factor and treatment method study of childbearing age women with infertility
HUANG Xiao-qiong;DENG Guang-yao;WANG Huan-sheng;YANG Xiu-gui;XIAO Dan-ni
Objective To ana1yze the inf1uence factor of chi1dbearing age women with inferti1ity,and to exp1ore the treatment method.Methods 120 chi1dbearing age women with inferti1ity from January 2012 to January 2014 in our obstetrics and gyneco1ogy department were se1ected as the research group.Questionnaire and c1inica1 examination were used to ana1yze the impact factors of inferti1ity.Corresponding treatments were conducted for the reasons of inferti1ity. With 2 years fo11owed-up after treatment,pregnancy success rate was understood.Results Inf1uence factors of 120 chi1dbearing age women with inferti1ity were as fo11ows,ovu1ation disturbance was 38.33%,fa11opian tube obstruction was 35.00%,other factors of ovu1ation dysfunction was 8.33%,endometriosis was 8.33%,other factors of tuba1 abnorma1ity was 5.00%,uterus or the cervica1 dysp1asia was 2.50%,other reasons was 1.67%and unknown reason was 0.83%.Among that,inferti1ity resu1ted from ovu1ation disturbance and fa11opian tube obstruction was 73.33%,which was higher than 26.66%from other impact factors,with significant difference(P<0.05).The pregnancy success rate was 53.57%by using fema1e pregnancy hormones regu1ated menstruation and HCG induced ovu1ation,the pregnancy success rate was 70.83% by using hydrotubation,conventiona1 fa11opian tube anastomosis and in vitro ferti1ization-embryo transp1antation,the pregnancy success rate was 50.00%by using hormone drugs,the pregnancy success rate was 70.00%by using minima11y invasive and hormone drugs,the pregnancy success rate was 33.33%by comprehensive symptomatic treatment,correcting and guiding the bad 1iving habits.When the main inf1uencing factors of inferti1ity was determined,the symptomatic treatment was given,the pregnancy success rate was more than or equa1 to 50%.Conclusion Fa11opian tube obstruction,ovu1ation disturbance,tuba1 and ovu1ation dysfunction are the main reasons that resu1ts chi1dbearing agewomen with inferti1ity.Endometriosis,uterus or the cervica1 dysp1asia are impact factors of chi1dbearing age women with inferti1ity.Hydrotubation,conventiona1 fa11opian tube anastomosis and in vitro ferti1ization-embryo transp1antation,drugs and comprehensive symptomatic treatment are main method in c1inica1.After determining the inf1uence factors of inferti1ity to take symptomatic treatment,the successfu1 pregnancy rate is more considerab1e,but sti11 need to be improved,so the treatment method sti11 need to be further c1inica1 exp1oration and Practice.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 63-65转68 [Abstract] ( 140 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
66 Clinical analysis and preventive measure research of postpartum hemor-rhage risk factor
LIU Qian
Objective To exp1ore the reason and re1ated risk factor for postpartum hemorrhage and to provide basis for preventing postpartum hemorrhage.Methods The c1inica1 data of 502 cases of de1ivery women in our hospita1 from January 2012 to December 2014 were ana1yzed retrospective1y,the risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage were se1ected by using Logistic regression ana1ysis.Results The inncidence rate of postpartum hemorrhage was 4.18%.Mu1tivariate Logistic regression ana1ysis showed that the mode of residua1 p1acenta/imp1antation/adhesion,uterine inertia and pre p1acenta were re1ated risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage (P<0.05).Conclusion Uterine inertia,p1acenta residue/imp1antation/adhesion and p1acenta previa can increase the risk of materna1 postpartum hemorrhage,intervention measures shou1d be given time1y to reduce the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
69 Expression and correlation analysis on serum free fatty acid and thrombo-modulin in patients with hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy
LI Na;LIANG Jing-mei;LIU Yun-xia
Objective To exp1ore the expression and corre1ation on serum free fatty acid (FFA)and thrombomodu1in (TM)in patients with hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy.Methods 100 pregnant women in our hospita1 from January 2013 to November 2014 were se1ected and divided into the observation group(hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy)and the contro1 group (hea1thy pregnant women),50 cases in each group.The 1eve1 of serum FFA and TM in the two groups were detected by ELISA and then compared,the corre1ation between serum FFA and TM was ana1yzed.Results The 1eve1 of serum FFA and TM in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of serum FFA and TM in the different gestationa1 weeks in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of serum FFA and TM in the two groups gradua11y increased a1ong with the increase of gestationa1 weeks,with significant difference (P<0.05). There was a positive corre1ation between TM and serum FFA(r=0.6604,P<0.05).Conclusion The incidence of hypertensive disorder comp1icating pregnancy is associated with high FFA 1eve1 and TM 1eve1,and the TM 1eve1 has a positive corre1ation with the concentration of FFA.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 18 )
72 Dynamic expression and significance of sCD40L in pregnant women with preeclampsia
ZENG Yue-e;CHEN Guo-qing;WANG Zhong;WANG Chen-hong
Objective To exp1ore dynamic expression and significance of sCD40L in pregnant women with preec1ampsia.Methods 42 cases of ear1y onset preec1ampsia pregnant women in our hospita1 from June 2014 to June 2015 were se1ected as the experimenta1 group,50 norma1 pregnant women were se1ected as the contro1 group at the same period. Periphera1 b1ood of pregnant women in the two groups was co11ected in 20,24,28 weeks of pregnancy,then expression 1eve1 of serum sCD40L were detected by enzyme-1inked immunosorbent assay,the expression 1eve1 of sCD40L in the two groups was compared.Results The expression 1eve1 of serum sCD40L in 20,24,28 weeks of pregnancy in the experimenta1 group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.01).The expression 1eve1 of sCD40L in the contro1 group was 1ower,there was no significant change of the expression 1eve1 in 20,24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.The expression 1eve1 of sCD40L in the experimenta1 group increased gradua11y with the increase of pregnancy weeks,the expression 1eve1 of sCD40L in 24 weeks of pregnancy was higher than that in 20 weeks of pregnancy (F= 33.41,P<0.01),the expression 1eve1 of sCD40L in 28 weeks of pregnancy was higher than that in 24 weeks of pregnancy (F=27.38,P<0.01).Conclusion As ear1y warning indicators and disease monitoring indicators of preec1ampsia,sCD40L has a good c1inica1 prospect.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 72-74 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 17 )
75 Clinical effect on modified intact-bridge mastoitympanoplasty in treat-ment of otomastoiditis
LIN Ren-jia
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of modified intact-bridge mastoitympanop1asty in treatment of otomastoiditis.Methods Sixty-two patients with otomastoiditis treated in our hospita1 from October 2012 to October 2014 were se1ected and random1y divided into observation group and contro1 group,each with 31 cases.Patients in the observation group were treated by modified intact-bridge mastoitympanop1asty,whi1e patients in the contro1 group were treated by conventiona1 intact-bridge mastoitympanop1asty.Restoration of hearing,average air conduction hearing thresho1d,average bone conduction hearing thresho1d,recurrence rate,reoperation rate and pain rate were observed and compared.Results The restoration of hearing was significant1y superior in the observation group than that in the contro1 group (P<0.05).The average air conduction hearing thresho1d and average bone conduction hearing thresho1d were significant1y 1ower in the observation group than those in the contro1 group (P<0.05).The recurrence rate,reoperation rate and pain rate were significant1y 1ower in the observation group than those in the contro1 group (P<0.05).Conclusion The c1inica1 effect of modified intact-bridge mastoitympanop1asty is favorab1e in treatment of otomastoiditis,and it can improve the hearing of patients,reduce the average air conduction hearing thresho1d and average bone conduction hearing thresho1d,and reduce the rates of recurrence and reoperation,which is worthy to be promoted.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 75-77转80 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 5 )
78 Clinical effect of immunity inhibitor in treating stubborn intermediate u-veitis
FANG Qiang;REN Da-yuan
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of using immunity inhibitor in treating stubborn intermediate uveitis.Methods 100 stubborn intermediate uveitis patients from January 2013 to December 2015 in ophta1mo1ogy department of our hospita1 were random1y se1ected as study object for this research.Patients were divided into contro1 group and observation group by using throw coin method,and each group was 50 cases.Patients in contro1 group were used g1ucocorticoid,and patients in observation group were used immunity inhibitor on the basis of g1ucocorticoid.The c1inica1 tota1 effective rate,vision recovery time,the tota1 time of drug use and the incidence rate of adverse effects in two groups were compared.Results The c1inica1 tota1 effective rate in observation group was 92%,which was obvious higher than that was 76%in contro1 group (P<0.05).Compared with contro1 group,the vision recovery time and the tota1 time of drug use in observation group were shorten obvious1y(P<0.05).The incidence rate of adverse effects in observation groups was 2%,which was obvious 1ower than that was 16%in contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Using immunity inhibitor in treating stubborn intermediate uveitis has obvious c1inica1 effect.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
81 Effect of small incision cataract extraction in the treatment of senile dia-betic cataract
TONG Ling-ling
Objective To discuss the effect of sma11 incision cataract extraction in the treatment of seni1e diabetic cataract.Methods 100 cases of seni1e diabetic cataract patients from January 2012 to December 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the research object,and random1y divided into the contro1 group and the observation group by taking the random number method,each group had 50 cases.The contro1 group was performed with 1arge incision cataract extraction,the observation group was underwent sma11 incision cataract extraction.The improvement of visua1 acuity,cornea1 astigmatism before and after treatment were compared between two groups,and the comp1ications were observed in two groups patients.Results Compared with before treatment,the vision which in the contro1 group and the observation group was improved significant1y after treatment(P<0.05),cornea1 astigmatism was significant1y decreased(P<0.05),and the vision and cornea1 astigmatism degree which in the observation group were significant1y better than those in contro1 group after treatment(P<0.05).The comp1ication rate of the observation group was 4%,which was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group which was 18% (P<0.05).Conclusion In the c1inica1 treatment of seni1e diabetic cataract patients,sma11 incision cataract extraction can effective1y improve the patient's visua1 acuity and cornea1 astigmatism,reduce the incidence of comp1ications.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
84 Clinical effect of Beyond cold light whitening combined with fluoride-re-moving material and slight dermabrasion in treatment of pigmented den-tal fluorosis
AN Xiao-fei;NIU Guang-liang
Objective To discuss the c1inica1 effect of Beyond co1d 1ight whitening combined with f1uoride-removing materia1 and s1ight dermabrasion in treatment of pigmented denta1 f1uorosis.Methods 20 patients with pigmented denta1 f1uorosis treated in our department from March 2012 to March 2015 were se1ected and given Beyond co1d 1ight whitening combined with f1uoride-removing materia1 and s1ight dermabrasion.The effects of whitening were scored by patients and compared.Results After three courses of whitening,19 patients reported satisfaction to the effect,and 1 patient reported partia1 satisfaction.After s1ight dermabrasion,13 patients reported partia1 satisfaction and 7 patients reported great satisfaction.Conclusion Three courses of Beyond co1d 1ight whitening combined with f1uoride-removing materia1 and s1ight dermabrasion can achieve favorab1e c1inica1 effect in treatment of pigmented denta1 f1uorosis.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
87 APPlication effect of different doses of butorPhanol in anesthesia of hysteroscoPic surgery
FANG Hao-ran
Objective To observe the anesthetic effect of butorphano1 in different doses in hysteroscopic surgery. Methods Two hundred patients with endometria1 po1yp in ASAⅠ-Ⅱ in our hospita1 from March to May 2012 were se1ected.They were even1y divided into group A,group B,group C,and group D in random.In group A,group B,and group C,propofo1 combined with butorphano1 in 5,10,15 μg/kg for intravenous injection were as anesthesia in hysteroscopic surgery.In group D,on1y propofo1 was used for intravenous anesthesia.Mean arteria1 pressure (MAP),heart rate(HR),oxyhemog1obin saturation(SpO2),incidence of respiratory depression during surgery,tota1 dosage of propofo1,consciousness recovery time,orientation recovery time,and incidence of pain of uterus systo1e after surgery among four gorups were observed.Results Among group A,group B,group C,and group D,MAP,HR,and SpO2was s1ight1y decreased respective1y but without statistica1 difference(P>0.05).The incidence of respiratory depression in group C was a bit more than that in group A,group B,and group D,which was not disp1ayed a statistica1 difference(P>0.05).The consteroscopic recovery time and orientation recovery time in group A was much shorter respective1y in comparison with that in group B,group C,and group D with a statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The tota1 dosage of propofo1 in group D was 1arger than that in group A,group B,and group C with a statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The incidence of pain of uterus systo1e after surgery in group D was higher than that in group A,group B,and group C,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference(P<0.01). Conclusion Propofo1 combined with appropriate dosage of butorphano1 in 5 μg/kg for anesthesia in hysteroscopic surgery can reduce the dosage of propofo1,and effective1y reduce the incidence of pain of uterus systo1e after surgery,which doesn't have inf1uence on the qua1ity of awakening and improves patient's satisfaction.It is an optima1 method in hysteroscopic surgery.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
90 APPlication effect on equivalent-dose roPivacaine and buPivacaine in combined sPinal-ePidural anesthesia of lower limbs oPeration in elderly Patients
LIANG Ling;WANG Min;XIE Lin-bi
Objective To compare the effect difference between equiva1ent-dose ropivacaine and bupivacaine in combined spina1-epidura1 anesthesia of 1ower 1imbs operation in e1der1y patients.Methods 90 e1der1y patients who were given se1ective 1ower 1imbs operation from June 2014 to December 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into study group(n=45)and contro1 group(n=45).Patients in contro1 group were given 0.75%bupivacaine in dose of 1 m1 (7.5 mg)which was di1uted into 0.5%with cerebrospina1 f1uid and s1ow1y injected into subarachnoid space,whi1e patients in study group were treated by 0.75%ropivacaine in dose of 1.3 m1(10 mg)which was di1uted into 0.5%with cerebrospina1 f1uid and s1ow1y injected into subarachnoid space.The fee1ings and effect of motor b1ock between two groups were observed,and differences in hemodynamics index changes before anesthesia(T0),between anesthesia 1eve1 and effective anesthesia 1eve1(T1)and at 30 min after anesthesia(T2),as we11 as incidence of comp1ications were compared between two groups.Results The onset time of motor b1ock and ana1gesia,and maximum time of motor b1ock in study group was 1onger than that in contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).The recovery time of sense of pain and motor in study group was shorter than that in contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).The maximum Bromage grade in study group was superior than that in contro1 group(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in HR and MAP at T0and T2between two groups(P>0.05).The HR and MAP at T1in study group was superior to that in contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).Ana1gesia was comprehensive in both groups without comp1ications.Conclusion Sma11 dose of ropivacaine has comprehensive effect of ana1gesia in combined spina1-epidura1 anesthesia of 1ower 1imbs operation in e1der1y patients,with few effects on hemodynamics,and weak motor b1ock and rapid recovery,which is safer and more feasib1e than bupivacaine in equiva1ent dose.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
93 Myocardial Protection effects of sevoflurane on elderly Patients with esoPhageal cancer
LI Zhi-yi;LIU Xiao-yan;ZHANG Liang-qing;CAI Wei-hua;CHEN Shang-liang
Objective To investigate the myocardia1 protective effect of sevof1urane inha1ation anesthesia on perioperative period of e1der1y patients with propofo1 intravenous anesthesia.Methods 40 e1der1y patients who were given radica1 surgery for esophagea1 cancer in our hospita1 from March 2014 to March 2015 were se1ected.They were assigned to the group of inha1ation anesthesia with sevof1urane(group S)and the group of intravenous anesthesia with propofo1(group P)according to the random number tab1e,with 20 patients in each group.The cTnI 1eve1 and microRNA-499 and microRNA-208b 1eve1s at different time points were compared between the two groups of patients.Results①The contents of cTnI in group P at the T2,T3,T4was higher than that in group S respective1y,and the differences was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).②The contents of microRNA-499 and microRNA-208b at the T3in group P was higher than that in group S respective1y,and the differences was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Inha1ation anesthesia with sevof1urane has better myocardia1 protection effects than intravenous anesthesia with propofo1,and it has great significance in reducing the cardiac comp1ications in e1der1y patients during the perioperative period.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
96 Clinical effects of different dosage remifentanil combined with ProPofol anesthesia induction in children with laryngeal mask Placement
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effects of different dosage remifentani1 combined with propofo1 anesthesia induction in chi1dren with 1aryngea1 mask p1acement.Methods 90 chi1dren undergoing e1ective surgery in our hospita1 from February 2014 to June 2015 were se1ected as study objects.Patients were divided into group A(1 μg/kg,30 cases),group B(1.5 μg/kg,30 cases)and group C(2 μg/kg,30 cases)according to intravenous dosage of remifentani1.At the same time,propofo1 3 mg/kg was used for intravenous anesthesia.The changes of mean arteria1 pressure(MAP)and heart rate (HR),p1acing 1aryngea1 mask time and success rate of p1acing 1aryngea1 mask of patients at before anesthesia induction (T0),after anesthesia induction(T1),p1acing 1aryngea1 mask(T2)and 60 s after p1acing 1aryngea1 mask(T3)were observed. Results The MAP and HR at T0and T1had no statistica1 significance among three groups(P>0.05),the MAP and HR at T2and T3had statistica1 significance among three groups(P<0.05).The MAP and HR in group A and group B at T2and T3was 1ower than the corresponding 1eve1 of group C respective1y,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Compared with T0,the MAP and HR obvious decreased at T1;Compared with T1,which increased obvious1y at T2and T3,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The p1acing 1aryngea1 mask time had statistica1 significance among three groups (P<0.05).The p1acing 1aryngea1 mask time in group C was obvious 1ess than group A and group B,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The success rate of first time p1acing 1aryngea1 mask in group A,group B and group C was respective1y 70.0%,76.7%and 96.6%,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The p1acing 1aryngea1 mask time in group C was obvious 1onger than that of group A and group B,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion 3 mg/kg propofo1 and 2 μg/kg remifentani1 as anesthesia induction for chi1dren p1acing 1aryngea1 mask can get more stab1e hemodynamics and higher success rate of first time p1acing 1aryngea1 mask.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
99 ImPact of consciousness index and bisPectral index in monitoring target control ProPofol anesthesia induced sedation dePth
LIU Zhi-dong;MIAO Hui;CHEN Wen-hui
Objective To ana1yze the c1inica1 effects of consciousness index and bispectra1 index in monitoring target contro1 propofo1 anesthesia induced sedation depth.Methods 96 patients with surgery from Apri1 2014 to Apri1 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study objects.Patients were divided into contro1 group and observation group according to random number tab1e.Patients in two groups were respective1y given consciousness index and bispectra1 index in monitoring target contro1 propofo1 anesthesia induced sedation depth.The usage of propofo1 between two groups was compared.Results With the decrease of OAA/S score,both of consciousness index and bispectra1 index decreased,and the difference had no statistica1 significance when compared between two groups(P>0.05).During the anesthesia induced,the usage of propofo1 between two groups was equa1(P>0.05).Conclusion The actua1 sedative depth that induces by consciousness index and bispectra1 index in monitoring target contro1 propofo1 anesthesia can ensure good monitoring effect,which with great c1inica1 va1ue and is worth to popu1arize and pay attention.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 99-100转104 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
101 The efficacy and safety of comParision on caffeine citrate and amino-Phylline in the treatment of Primary aPnea of Premature infants
WEI Huai-jun
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect and safety of caffeine citrate and aminophy11ine on primary premature apnea.Methods A retrospective ana1ysis was conducted in our hospita1 from January 2014 to January 2016,121 cases of premature infants with apnea were divided into contro1 group and observation group according to the different drugs.The contro1 group received aminophy11ine treatment,the observation group received caffeine citrate treatment,the treatment effect and drug price,adverse reaction rate and other indicators were compared between two groups of chi1-dren with respiratory pause.Results The treatment of tota1 effective rate of apnea of prematurity in observation group was 88.5%,which was significant1y higher than that of the contro1 group(73.3%),the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The use of respiratory supports rate in observation group was 63.9%,significant1y 1ower than the contro1 group's respiratory support rate of 83.3%(P<0.05).The venti1ation time and methy1xanthine therapy time in observation group was shorter than that of the contro1 group(P<0.05).The hospita1ization cost in observation group was significant1y 1ess than that of the contro1 group(P<0.05).The observation group of adverse reactions during the treatment the incidence rate was 9.8%,significant1y 1ower than the 28.3%of the contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Caffeine citrate treatment of premature infants with respiratory pause effect is better than that of aminophy11ine,can reduce premature infants with respiratory support the use of rate and time,shorten the treatment time and reducing hospita1ization cost,in addition,caffeine citrate safety is higher than that of aminophy11ine,premature infants with 1ow incidence of adverse reactions,it is worth of c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 101-104 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
105 APPlication value of Yanhuning in treating infantile hand-foot-mouth disease
ZHU Guang-hong
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication va1ue of Yanhuning in treating infanti1e hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods 86 hand-foot-mouth disease chi1dren from November 2014 to November 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were divided into contro1 group(n=43)and observation group(n=43)in random.Chi1dren in contro1 group were used acyc1ovir,and chi1dren in observation group were used Yanhuning on the basis of acyc1ovir.The cure rate,treatment tota1 effective,defervescence time,rash disappeared time and the incidence rate of adverse effects between two groups were compared.Results The cure rate,treatment tota1 effective,defervescence time and rash disappeared time in observation group were respective1y 86.05%,97.67%,(2.47±1.32)d and(3.44±1.93)d,which were respective1y 48.84%,88.37%,(4.61± 1.85)d and (5.74±3.05)d in contro1 group.A11 of the cure rate,treatment tota1 effective,defervescence time and rash disappeared time between two group had statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The incidence rate of adverse effects between two groups had no statistica1 significance(P>0.05).Conclusion Yanhuning has obvious app1ication va1ue in infanti1e handfoot-mouth disease,which can increase the chi1d patient cure rate,promote recession of rash and hyperpyrexia and not increase the adverse effects.It can be an idea1 treatment drug for infanti1e hand-foot-mouth disease.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 132 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 12 )
108 Analysis on adverse reaction and its reasons of traditional Chinese medicine injection
HU Hua;LIU Zhen-ni;XIE Hai-tang;LI Jing;CHEN Xue;TANG Da-juan;YANG Xiao-lei
Objective To ana1yze 2750 cases of adverse reaction(ADR)report of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection,and to provide references for c1inica1 rationa1 drug usage.Methods 2750 cases of ADR induced by Chinese medicine injection in Food and Drug Administration of Huangshan City from January 2011 to December 2013 were retrospective1y ana1yzed,the data were ana1yzed statistica11y in respect of gender,age,drug c1assification and c1inica1 manifestation.Results 2750 reports of ADR were ana1yzed as fo11ows.In a11 the reports,83.35%of the patients were more than 40 years o1d,2611 cases were caused by intravenous infusion administration(94.94%),the main target organs were skin and its appending organ(327 cases)and the c1inica1 manifestation was heart disorder(209 cases).Conclusion Chinese medicine injection shou1d be used safe1y and rationa11y and the potentia1 ADR caused by Chinese medicine injections shou1d be noticed to ensure the safety of the pub1ic.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 108-111 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
112 The effect of PD-1 and Toll-4 exPression in lamivudine combined with interferon α-2a in treating hePatitis B Patients
REN Li-xia;MENG Yan-hong
Objective To investigate the effect of programmed death receptor 1(PD-1)and To11 receptor 4(To11-4)expression in 1amivudine combined with interferon α-2a treating hepatitis B patients.Methods 100 cases with chronic active hepatitis B from January 2011 to December 2013 in our hospita1 were random1y divided into two groups,each group 50 cases,the contro1 group were used 1amivudine anti-virus,improving immunity,nutritiona1 support and ensuring hepatoprotective,the observation group were combined with interferon α-2a based on the contro1 group,then the PD-1 and To11-4 1eve1 of CD8+T ce11,and HBV DNA 1oading and serum ALT,the present rate of c1inica1 symptoms were compared.Results The PD-1 and To11-4 1eve1 of CD8+T ce11 in the observation group was 1ower than that in contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05),HBV DNA 1oading and serum ALT in the observation group was 1ower than that in contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05),the present rate of anorexia,fatigue,nausea,vomiting and 1iver pain in the observation group was 1ower than that in contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).Conclusion Interferon α-2a can significant1y decreased the PD-1 and To11-4 1eve1 of CD8+T ce11,improved immunity,reduced HBV DNA 1eve1s,so it can improve 1iver function.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 112-114转117 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
115 Clinical effect of atorvastatin in the treatment of cerebral infarction
Objective To investigate the effect of atorvastatin in the treatment of cerebra1 infarction.Methods 140 cases of cerebra1 infarction in our hospita1 from December 2012 to December 2014 were random1y divided into the contro1 group(70 cases)and the observation group(70 cases),the contro1 group was given routine treatment,the observation group was treated with atorvastatin on the basis of conventiona1 therapy,the 1eve1 of hs-CRP,MMP-9,TC,LDL-C and NIHSS score between two groups were compared.Results The tota1 effective rate of the observation group was 94.28%,significant1y higher than 82.86%in the contro1 group,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05);after treatment,the 1eve1 of MMP-9,hs-CRP,TC and LDL-C in two groups was different degrees of dec1ine respective1y and the observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of the contro1 group respective1y,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05);after treatment,the NIHSS score of the observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of the contro1 group with statistica1 difference(P<0.05). Conclusion Atorvastatin can reduce the cerebra1 infarction patients with hs-CRP,MMP-9,TC and LDL-C 1eve1,a11eviate cerebra1 infarction patients with inf1ammatory reaction,improve the neuro1ogic function in patients.It is worthy of c1inica1 popu1arization and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 115-117 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
118 Clinical validity and safety of mifePristone combined with misoProstol in the drug abortion
CAI Yi-mei
Objective To study the c1inica1 va1idity and safety of mifepristone and misoprosto1 in the drug abortion. Methods 70 cases who were treated with drug abortion in our hospita1 from June to December 2015 were se1ected.They were devided into the study group(35 cases)and contro1 group (35 cases)according to the disease,bed sheets,Shuang Hao points.The study group adopted mifepristone and misoprosto1;the contro1 group just took misoprosto1.The abortion outcome,the index of the e1imination time of gestationa1 sac,co1porrhagia time and vagina1 b1eeding vo1ume as we11 as the adverse drug reactions between two groups was observed.Results The rate of comp1ete abortion and incomp1ete abortion for study group was 97.14%and 2.86%;the rate of contro1 group was 80.00%and 17.14%(P<0.05);the e1imination time of gestationa1 sac,co1porrhagia time and vagina1 b1eeding vo1ume for study group was(5.20±1.34)d,(7.87±3.23)d and(32.54±5.96)m1;the index of contro1 group was(6.96±1.82)d,(12.34±3.83)d and(38.49±6.51)m1(P<0.05);the adverse event rate of study group was 8.57%,1ower than 28.57%in contro1 group(P<0.05).The incidence of comp1ications in the contro1 group was 14.28%,higher than 5.71%in the study group,and the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Mifepristone combined with misoprosto1 has a better effect in the drug abortion,improves the rate of comp1ete abortion and has fewer adverse reactions.It is worthy of promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 118-120 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
121 Effect observation of tanreqing combined with azithromycin in the treatment of Mycoplasma Pneumonia
CHEN Li-xia;TAN Yin-feng;ZHANG Xiu-zhen
Objective To eva1uate and ana1yze the c1inica1 effect of ranreqing combined with azithromycin in the treatment of Mycoplasma pneumonia,and optimize therapeutic regimen.Methods 124 patients with Mycoplasma pneumonia admitted into our hospita1 from January 2014 to January 2016 were screened.By a random number tab1e,they were even1y divided into treatment group and contro1 group.In the contro1 group,on the basis of re1ieving cough and abating fever,sequentia1 therapy of azithromycin was adopted.In the treatment group,on the basis of the contro1 group,tanreqing injection was added.The c1inica1 effect,serum C-reactive protein(CRP),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),inter1eukin-6 (IL-6),and disappearing time of 1ung ra1e,fever,cough,and shadow of chest X-ray were compared between the two groups.Results After therapy,the 1eve1 of IL-6,TNF-α,and CRP was decreased respective1y,and the decrease in the treatment group was more obvious than that in the contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).Disappearing time of cough,fever,shadow of chest X-ray,and 1ung ra1e was shorter in the treatment group compared with that in the contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).The tota1 effective rate in the treatment group was superior to that in the contro1 group and the incidence of adverse reaction was 1ower in the treatment group,which were disp1ayed statistica1 differences(Both P<0.05).Conclusion Tanreqing combined with azithromycin in the treatment of Mycoplasma pneumonia can obtain a remarkab1e effect.Its effect is better than that on1y by azithromycin at advantages of few adverse reactions,safety,and re1iabi1ity,which has a va1ue of promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 121-123 [Abstract] ( 139 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 15 )
124 Clinical analysis on liPoic acid combined with nervous recovery liquid leg bath in treating diabetic PeriPheral neuroPathy
PANG Li-chao;WU Gui-lin
Objective To ana1yze the c1inica1 effect of 1ipoic acid combined with nervous recovery 1iquid 1eg bath in treating diabetic periphera1 neuropathy.Methods 81 diabetic periphera1 neuropathy patients from May 2014 to December 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were divided into A group(n=40)and B group(n=41)according to random number tab1e.A11 patients were given routine hypog1ycemic therapy and contro1 g1ucose 1eve1.Apartment from that,patients in A group were further given 1ipoic acid and patients in B group were given 1ipoic acid combined with nervous recovery 1iquid 1eg bath.The tota1 effective rate,incidence rate of adverse effects,the difference of sensory nerve,motor nerve transfer speed,fasting b1ood g1ucose,hp1asmag1ucose and g1ycated hemog1obin before and after treatment in two groups were compared.Results The tota1 effective was 75.00%in A group,1ess than that was 95.12%in B group,and the difference was statistica11y significant(χ2=10.223,P=0.000).The fasting b1ood g1ucose,2 h p1asma g1ucose and g1ycated hemog1obin before treatment in two groups were equa1,and the differences had no statistica1 significance(P>0.05);after treatment,the fasting b1ood g1ucose,2 h p1asma g1ucose and g1ycated hemog1obin before treatment in B group were better than A group,and the differences were statistica1 significance (P<0.05).Any serious adverse effects appeared in two groups.The incidence rate of adverse effects in A group was 5.00%,which was 4.88%in B group,and the difference had no statistica1 significance(χ2=0.462,P=0.844).Before treatment,sensory nerve and motor nerve transfer speed in two groups were equa1,and the differences had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05).After treatment,sensory nerve and motor nerve transfer speed in B group were better,and the differences were statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion Using 1ipoic acid combined with nervous recovery 1iquid 1eg bath in treating diabetic periphera1 neuropathy has exact c1inica1 effects and is worth to popu1arize.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 124-126 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
127 Influence study of moxibustion on carotid atherosclerotic Plaques
YANG Yu-zhu;WANG Cai-xia;ZHOU Shui-xiang;GAO Juan
Objective To observe the inf1uence of moxibustion on carotid atherosc1erotic p1aques.Methods 200 patients with carotid atherosc1erotic p1aques admitted from January 2013 to January 2015 into our hospita1 were se1ected as research objects,and they were even1y divided into treatment group and contro1 group in random.In the contro1 group,ora1 administration of atorvastatin and aspirin as conventiona1 c1inica1 treatment was provided,whi1e in the treatment group,moxibustion was added on the basis of the contro1 group.After 6-month treatment,the condition of carotid atherosc1erotic p1aques in the two groups were detected inc1uding the size and thickness of p1aque,and intima-media thickness. Besides,the tota1 cho1estero1(TC),trig1yceride(TG),high-density 1ipoprotein-C(HDL-C),and 1ow density 1ipoprotein-C (LDL-C)before and after treatment were compared.Results After interventions in both groups,the conditions of carotid atherosc1erotic p1aques were both improved.The reduction of the size and thickness of p1aque,and intima-media thickness in the treatment group were a11 superior to those in the contro1 group with statistica1 differences(P<0.05).After 6-month treatment,the 1eve1s of TC,TG,and LDL-C were decreased and HDL-C was increased within intra-group comparison with statistica1 differences (P<0.05).After comparison between the two groups,the 1eve1s of TC,HDL-C,and LDL-C were superior to those in the contro1 group(P<0.05).There was no great difference in TG in both groups without statistica1 differences (P>0.05).Conclusion Moxibustion can obtain a remarkab1e effect on treating patients to reduce the b1ood 1ipid with carotid atherosc1erotic p1aques.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 127-128转131 [Abstract] ( 314 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
129 Clinical research on treating erectile dysfunction Patients with the combination with of Baji CaPsule and low-dose Tadalafil
SHEN Yan;LI Qiang;ZHANG Chun-lei;WANG Jin-bao;WANG Yao-qin;WU Xue-qing
Objective To observe the c1inica1 effect of Baji Capsu1e combined with 1ow-dose Tada1afi1 in the treatment of erecti1e dysfunction (ED).Methods 50 patients with mi1d-to-moderate ED from January to October in 2013 in the ma1e center of c1inic diagnosis were random1y divided into experimenta1 group(n=25)and contro1 group(n=25)to receive Bajicapsu1e+Tada1afi1 and Tada1afi1 for 8 weeks,respective1y.The scores of the patients on IIEF-5,the rate of SEP2 and SEP3 were recorded before and after 8 weeks of treatment.Results Compared with before treatment,the scores of IIEF-5 and the rate of SEP2 and SEP3 after 8 weeks of treatment had significant differences in each group (P<0.05).The resu1ts of experimenta1 group were significant1y higher than those of the contro1 group (P<0.05).Conclusion Baji Capsu1e combined with 1ow-dose Tada1afi1 not on1y can significant1y improve the penis erection condition,but a1so can improve the satisfaction of sexua1 1ife.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 129-131 [Abstract] ( 183 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
132 Combined traditional Chinese and Western medicine to Prevent deeP venous thrombosis after hiP fracture in the elderly
LI Qing
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of combined Chinese and Western medicine in prevention of deep venous thrombosis after hip fracture in e1der1y patients.Methods 200 patients in our hospita1 from January 2009 to December 2014 because of a hip fracture 1ine around data of were retrospective1y ana1yzed,and treatment group were 150 cases,contro1 group were 50 cases,from DVT co1or Dopp1er u1trasound detection,DVT symptoms,D-2 accumu1ation detection rate changes,the c1inica1 effect of deep venous thrombosis after the treatment of the Chinese and Western medicine to prevent postoperative deep venous thrombosis were observed.Results In this study,23 patients were treated with DVT,and 12 patients(8%)were treated with DVT after treating by integrated Chinese and Western medicine,11 patients(22%)were treated with DVT in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.01).Conclusion Deep venous thrombosis is one of the common comp1ications in the e1der1y patients with hip fracture;the combination of traditiona1 Chinese and Western medicine to prevent postoperative deep venous thrombosis has obvious curative effect,it is worthy of c1inica1 use of primary hospita1s.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 132-134 [Abstract] ( 151 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
135 Effect observation of integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine combining with ultraviolet PhototheraPy on treating vitiligo
Objective To ana1yze the app1ication va1ue of integrative traditiona1 Chinese and Western medicine combining with u1travio1et phototherapy on treating viti1igo.Methods 100 viti1igo patients from January to December in 2015 were even1y divided into two groups by a random number tab1e.In contro1 group,u1travio1et phototherapy and western medicine were provided for treatment,whi1e in observation group,integration of traditiona1 Chinese and Western medicine combining with u1travio1et phototherapy were adopted.The therapeutic effect in the two groups was ana1yzed. Results Before treatment,area of viti1igo and tota1 score of VASI in the two groups were not disp1ayed statistica1 differences(P>0.05).After 2-month therapy,area of viti1igo and tota1 score of VASI in the observation group were much 1ower than those in the contro1 group(P<0.05);there was no great difference in tota1 therapeutic effective rate(P>0.05);the side effect in the observation group was much 1ower in comparison with that in the contro1 group within 2-month therapy (P<0.05).Conclusion U1travio1et phototherapy combining with integration of traditiona1 Chinese and Western medicine can effective1y improve disease conditions in viti1igo patients as we11 as reduce side therapeutic effect.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 135-137 [Abstract] ( 132 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
138 Result analysis of sentinel surveillance among drug addicts in Xinhui District from 2010 to 2015
HUANG Lun-ying;LIN Ying-yu;CHEN Ri-nuan;XU Wen-hao
Objective To ana1yze the resu1ts and change trends of human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)sentine1 survei1-1ance among drug addicts in Xinhui District,inc1uding the sero1ogica1 detection and behavior monitoring for drug addicts taking different types of drugs.Methods The Nationa1 AIDS sentine1 survei11ance program was adopted to conduct a questionnaire survey and sero1ogica1 investigation of drug addicts in Xinhui District from 2010 to 2015.Results Among 2295 drug addicts invo1ved in the investigation,the drug addicts who were addicted to traditiona1 drugs accounted for 63.27%,the proportion of new drug addicts increased from 24.43%in 2010 to 52.14%in 2015.The positive rates of syphi1is and hepatitis C virus(HCV)were decreased in a11 the drug addicts(P<0.01).The HIV positive rate of traditiona1 drug addicts was 3.17%,which was higher than 1.07%of new drug addicts,with significant difference (P<0.01).The positive rate of HCV in the traditiona1 drug addicts was 74.59%,which was higher than 28.59%of the new drug addicts,with significant difference (P<0.01).The proportion of drugs injected by different types of drug addicts,the proportion of sexua1 behavior with commercia1 sexua1 partners in recent one year and awareness of HIV-re1ated know1edge,receipt of any HIV-re1ated prevention service in recent one year as we11 as the proportion of having sexua1 behavior in recent one month among a11 the drug addicts were statistica11y significant between the differences of their annua1 change trend.In addition,the proportion of injected drugs and received a HIV prevention service 1ast year of the traditiona1 drug addicts was higher than that of new drug addicts,the proportion of sexua1 behavior in the 1ast 1 month and the proportion of condom use in the 1ast 1 years with commercia1 sex partners of the traditiona1 drug addicts was 1ower than that of new drug addicts,with significant difference (P<0.01).Conclusion The HIV infection rate of drug addicts in Xinhui District is re1ative1y 1ow,but the new drug addict ratio increase year by year,especia11y in young peop1e.Anti-drug activitiesshou1d be vigorous1y carried out and the supervision of entertainment p1aces shou1d be strengthened.More attention shou1d be given to the different needs of young peop1e in the anti-drug know1edge and sex education,etc..At the same time,the intervention of safe sexua1 behavior for drug addicts shou1d be strengthened so as to avoid the occurrence of secondary transmission.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 138-141 [Abstract] ( 123 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
142 Investigation analysis of general situation of left-behind children in rural area in Shandong Province
LI Nan;REN Guang-fang;QIAN Jian-hua;WANG Guang-xin;MA Li-xia

Objective To understand the genera1 situation of 1eft-behind chi1dren in rura1 area in Shandong province and to put out the countermeasure.Methods Mu1ti-stage stratified random samp1ing method was used to se1ect 1eft-behind chi1dren in rura1 area from January 2011 to January 2012 in Shandong province.Se1f-made questionnaire was used to survey and the resu1t was ana1yzed.Results This study issued 1657 questionnaires,recyc1ing questionnaire data integrity was 1632 and 256 cases were conformed to group of 1eft-behind chi1dren.The father of 1eft-behind chi1dren that as sing1e migrant workers was 127 cases(49.6%).The mother of 1eft-behind chi1dren that as sing1e migrant workers was 22 cases(8.6%).Both fathers and mothers of 1eft-behind chi1dren were migrant workers was 107 cases(41.8%).In the type of guardian,7.8%was father,48.4%was mother,37.5%was grandfather or grandmother and the other was 6.3%. 72.3%1eft-behind chi1dren had not any difficu1ties in communication with parents,23.8%had some difficu1ties in communication with parents and 3.9%cou1dn't communicate with their parents.In the domestic economic situation,10.2%was we11,76.6%was common,10.9%was bad and 2.3%was very bad.Conclusion There are some prob1ems of 1eft-behind chi1dren such as the bad or common domestic economic situation,difficu1t to communicate with their parents sometimes in rura1 area in Shandong province,the situation of 1eft behind chi1dren in rura1 area shou1d be improved from the aspects of fami1y,schoo1 and society.

2016 Vol. 23 (14): 142-144 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
145 Investigation analysis of the Present situation of community nurse education in Baoan District of Shenzhen City
TANG Chun-yun;YIN Lin;JU Jin-fang
Objective To exp1ore the deve1opment direction and estab1ishment of educationa1 system of community nursing human resources education by understanding the present situation of community nurse education.Methods The education status of 120 community nurses,came from 17 community hea1th service centers of Shiyan Street of Baoan District in Shenzhen City from August 2015 to January 2016 were investigated according to mean of questionnaire.Results Among 120 respondents,115 cases had the genera1 training qua1ifications,accounted for 95.83%.Education background was main1y of junior co11ege,and accounted for 58.33%.A tota1 of 50 research papers pub1ished,periodica1s of nationa1 1eve1 was 32 and accounted for 64.00%.The main1y factors that impacting nurses received continuing education in community nursing were age and education background.The mastery score of other community nursing know1edge 1iked common basic nursing techno1ogy,basic know1edge and ski11s of pre-hospita1 first aid,prevention and detection of infectious diseases was(2.38±0.51)points,which was considered the most important ski11.A tota1 of 75 investigators had received job training,accounted for 62.50%,the training content were main1y of community prevention,hea1thcare and recovery.Conclusion Professiona1 know1edge and hea1th education ski11s of community nurses are 1ow,the modes of strengthen job training,encouraging community nurses to improve education and rationa1 adjustment professiona1 tit1e structure shou1d be taken to improve the present situation of education,the education system shou1d be estab1ished and improved,the comprehensive qua1ity of community nursing staff shou1d be improved,which can improve the service qua1ity of community hea1th service institution.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 145-147 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
148 Influence of back massage on the fatigue and anxiety state related with chemotheraPy of the old acute myelogenous leukemia Patient
LIANG Rui-jian;ZHAI Xiao
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of back massage on the fatigue and anxiety state re1ated with chemotherapy of the o1d acute mye1ogenous 1eukemia (AML)patients.Methods 64 o1d patients with AML accepted chemotherapy in our hospita1 from June 2014 to June 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the observation group and the contro1 group,32 patients in each group.The observation group was given regu1ar back massage during chemotherapy,the contro1 group was given routine nursing.The condition of anxiety and fatigue before and after intervention in the two groups was compared.Results the score of STAI in the observation group tended to decrease,whi1e the contro1 group tended to increase.At the end of chemotherapy and the second day after chemotherapy,the score of STAI in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).With the imp1ementation and comp1etion of the treatment,the BFI score of the observation group was re1ative1y stab1e,and there was no significant difference in the score between each time point(P>0.05).At the end of chemotherapy and the second day after chemotherapy,the score of BFI in the observation group was 1ower than that in the observation group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion Back massage can ease the fatigue and anxiety state re1ated with chemotherapy in the o1d patient,in the c1inica1 nursing,which can guide the persons who accompany the patients to imp1ement back massage according to patients'specia1 condition,to improve patients'physica1 and menta1 state during chemotherapy.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 148-151 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
152 ImPact of vocational rehabilitation intervention on the Psychological state and life quality of industrial injured
MEI Luan-xian;OU Jie-song
Objective To study the impact of giving vocationa1 rehabi1itation intervention on the psycho1ogica1 state and 1ife qua1ity of industria1 injured.Methods 100 industria1 injured patients were se1ected from January 2014 to December 2015 of our hospita1.According to random number tab1e,100 patients were divided into routine recovery group and vocationa1 rehabi1itation group.Patients in routine recovery group were given routine recovery intervention and patients in vocationa1 rehabi1itation group were given vocationa1 rehabi1itation intervention on the basis of routine recovery group. Recovery effects,the difference of each factor score in SCL-90 sca1e of patients before and after intervention,the difference of each factor score in Stewart 1ife qua1ity sca1e of patients before and after intervention,the difference of activity dai1y 1iviing sca1e of patients before and after intervention were observed as observation index.Results The recovery effects in vocationa1 rehabi1itation group were better than that of routine recovery group,with significant difference (P<0.05);Before intervention,each factor score in SCL-90 sca1e were simi1ar in two groups,with no significant difference(P>0.05);but after intervention,each factor score in SCL-90 sca1e in vocationa1 rehabi1itation group was better than that of routine recovery group,with significant difference (P<0.05);Before intervention,each factor score in Stewart 1ife qua1ity sca1e were simi1ar in two groups,and the difference had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05),but after intervention,each factor score in Stewart 1ife qua1ity sca1e in vocationa1 rehabi1itation group improved more obvious than routine recovery group,with significant difference (P<0.05);Before intervention,activity dai1y 1iviing sca1e were simi1ar in two groups,and the difference had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05),but after intervention,activity dai1y 1iviing sca1e in vocationa1 rehabi1itation group improved more obvious than routine recovery group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion Giving vocationa1 rehabi1itation intervention to industria1 injured patients is he1pfu1 to improve the adverse emotion of patients,promote the improvement of dai1y 1ife abi1ity and 1ife qua1ity,which with good recovery effects and has great meaning for 1ife qua1ity and socia1 inc1usion degree of patients,and is worth to popu1arize.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 152-154转158 [Abstract] ( 147 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
155 Analysis of social factors and research of comPrehensive nursing intervention on dePression in Patients with esoPhageal cancer
XU Yan-fei;ZHANG Lan-feng;CAI Jing
Objective To exp1ore the socia1 factors of depression and the c1inica1 va1ue of comprehensive nursing intervention on depression in patients with esophagea1 cancer.Methods 120 patients with esophagea1 cancer in our hospita1 from March 2013 to March 2014 were se1ected and divided into the depression group (n=69)and the contro1 group (n=51)according to whether or not combined with depression.At the same time,69 cases of depressive patients were divided into the intervention group(35 cases)and the non-intervention group(34 cases)according to whether or not given nursing intervention,comprehensive nursing intervention measures was adopted in the intervention group.The factor of depression in patients with esophagea1 cancer was ana1yzed,the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention was compared.Results Depression was re1ated to age,sex,income,fami1y re1ationship,education,disease degree and the number of chemotherapy.The score of pain,anorexia,insomnia,constipation,fatigue,dry mouth,DSI and HAMD in the depression group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).The nursing effect in the intervention group was better than that in the non-intervention group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion The anxiety and depression in esophagea1 cancer is caused by many reasons,the comprehensive nursing intervention measures can effective1y reduce the occurrence of anxiety and depression.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 155-158 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
159 Effect observation on cardiac-mental nursing in Patients receiving selective coronary artery intervention
ZHOU Na;WANG Hui-zhi;HUANG An-rong
Objective To discuss the effect of cardiac-menta1 nursing in patients receiving se1ective coronary artery intervention.Methods 300 patients treated by se1ective coronary artery intervention in our hospita1 from January to December in 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into observation group(n=150)and contro1 group(n=150).Patients in contro1 group were given genera1 nursing whi1e patients in observation group were given genera1 nursing p1us cardiacmenta1 nursing intervention.Changes of psycho1ogica1 features of patients were ana1yzed,and their effects on satisfaction and success rate of radia1 artery puncture were a1so compared.Results There was no significant difference in anxiety se1f rating sca1e(SAS)and se1f rating depression sca1e(SDS)between the two groups at admission,and the difference was not statistica11y significant(P>0.05).After nursing care,the SAS score,SDS score,nursing satisfaction,radia1 artery puncture success rate in observation group was significant1y better than that in the contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05).Conclusion Cardiac-menta1 nursing can reduce anxiety and depression scores in patients receiving se1ective coronary artery intervention,and improve satisfaction degree towards nursing and success rate of radia1 artery puncture.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 159-161 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
162 APPlication effect of community self-management in elderly Patient with tyPe 2 diabetes
LUO Yan-ping
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect of community se1f-management in e1der1y patient with type 2 diabetes.Methods 90 e1der1y patients with type 2 diabetes documented in our community from October 2014 to September 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the observation group and the contro1 group,45 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given conventiona1 nursing,the observation group was given community se1f-management intervention on the basis of the contro1 group.The indicators of g1ycometabo1ism,improvement of se1f-management efficacy,and the incidence rate of comp1ication in the two groups was compared.Results The 1eve1 of b1ood g1ucose,g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin and BMI after management in the two groups was 1ower than that after management,with significant difference (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of b1ood g1ucose,g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin and BMI after management in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group after management,with significant difference(P<0.05).The awareness rate of diabetes symptoms,diabetes diagnosis and diabetic comp1ication in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group after management,with significant difference(P<0.05).The movement frequency and movement time of the observation group was higher than that of the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of comp1ication between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Community se1f-management can effective1y contro1 the b1ood g1ucose 1eve1 in e1der1y patients with type 2 diabetes,and improve the awareness rate of diabetes know1edge,it is worthy of promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 162-164转167 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
165 APPlication effect of nursing intervention on drug retention enema in the treatment of ulcerative colitis
GAO Qiu-xia;HE Jian-qin;GUO Wen-tao
Objective To discuss the method and effect of c1inica1 nursing of drug retention enema in the treatment of u1cerative co1itis.Methods 60 patients with u1cerative co1itis treated by drug retention enema in our hospita1 from December 2014 to December 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into observation group(n=30)and contro1 group(n= 30).Patients in contro1 group were given routine nursing whi1e patients in observation group were given nursing intervention.Nursing effects were compared between two groups.Results The overa11 response rate in the observation group was 93.3%,significant1y higher than 66.7%in the contro1 group(P<0.05).The incidence rate of adverse effects in the observation group was 3.3%,significant1y 1ower than 23.3%in the contro1 group(P<0.05).The satisfactory score as significant1y higher in the observation group than that in the contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Nursing intervention can effective1y enhance the treatment effect in patients,reduce incidence of adverse events,and improve satisfaction of patients,thus is worthy to be promoted in patients with u1cerative co1itis and treated by drug retention enema.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 165-167 [Abstract] ( 139 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
168 Effects of comPrehensive nursing intervention in Patients with chronic heart failure and its influence on life quality of Patients
CHEN Yin-hua;DENG Jin-mei;WU Yan-qun
Objective To discuss the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention in patients with chronic heart fai1ure and its inf1uence on 1ife qua1ity of patients.Methods 120 CHF patients treated in our hospita1 from January 2014 to Apri1 2015 were se1ected and divided according to admission time sequence into study group and contro1 group,each with 60 cases.Patients in the contro1 group were given conventiona1 nursing,whi1e patients in the study group were given comprehensive nursing.The anxiety-depression status and qua1ity of 1ife were compared between two groups.Results There were no significant differences in depression scores and anxiety scores before nursing between two groups (P>0.05).After nursing,these scores were improved in both groups(P<0.05),whi1e the improvement was more significant in the study group than that of contro1 group (P<0.05).The scores of menta1 function,socia1 function,and physica1 function were a11 significant1y higher in the study group than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).Conclusion Comprehensive nursing intervention has a positive effect on improvement of menta1 status and 1ife qua1ity in CHF patients,which is worthy to be promoted.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 168-170 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
171 The value of emergency nursing Path in the treatment Process with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
DU Wei
Objective To investigate the va1ue of emergency nursing path in the treatment process with ST segment e1evation myocardia1 infarction.Methods 80 cases with ST segment e1evation myocardia1 infarction from February 2013 to January 2016 in our hospita1 with were random1y divided into two group,each 40 cases,the observation group were emergency nursing intervention path,the contro1 group were imp1emented with usua1 care,then emergency room time,an open vein time,the imp1ementation time of surgica1 intervention,the effect of heart fai1ure,arrhythmiasand the proportion of c1inica1 death,successfu1 revascu1arization were compared,and the proportion of recurrent myocardia1 infarction and hospita1ization were statisticed.Results The enter the emergency room time was (2.1±0.2)min in the observation group,it was shorter than(11.8±1.8)of contro1 group(t=33.874,P<0.05),intravenous opening hours was(3.8±0.4)min,it was faster than(21.5±2.7)of contro1 group (t=41.013,P<0.05),the imp1ementation of intervention operation time was (40.2±1.8)min,it was ear1ier than(63.2±5.6)min of contro1 group(t=24.730,P<0.05),the observation group with effective revascu1arization ratio was 87.5%,it was higher than 57.5%of contro1 group(χ2=9.028,P<0.05),heart fai1ure,arrhythmias and c1inica1 death ratio were significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group (P<0.05),observation group had recurrent myocardia1 infarction ratio was 5.0%,it was significant1y 1ower than 25.0%of contro1 group (χ2=4.804,P<0.05),1ength of hospita1 stay was (7.1±0.2)d,it was significant1y shorter than (12.1±0.5)d of contro1 group (t=58.722,P<0.05). Conclusion Emergency nursing path in the treatment process with ST segment e1evation myocardia1 infarction can effective1y shorten the patient access to medica1 assistance and surgery time and it can improve the treatment resu1ts,so it can improve the prognosis.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 171-173转177 [Abstract] ( 121 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
174 ImPact of targeted nursing intervention on the recovery effects of PsychoPath after discharge
LU Xue-zhen;HUANG Qiong;TANG Dong-hua;ZENG Wen-juan
Objective To exp1ore the impact of targeted nursing intervention on the recovery effects of psychopath after discharge.Methods 200 discharged psychopaths from January 2012 to January 2014 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study object.The patients were divided according to the odd or even number of discharged order.Odd numbers was divided into observation group and even numbers was divided into contro1 group,and each group was 100 cases.Patients in contro1 group were given psychiatric routine nursing after discharge and patients in observation group were given targeted nursing intervention on the basis of psychiatric routine nursing after discharge.Before and after intervention,the NOSIE,NORS,MRSS in two groups were eva1uated and counted.Results After intervention,the NORS in observation group was 1ower than that of contro1 group,impu1sive behavior inhibition situation was obvious better than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05);After intervention,the NOSIE in observation group was better than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05);After intervention,the MRSS was 1ower than before intervention and contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).Conclusion Using targeted nursing intervention for psychopath after discharge can make patients get good home care after discharge,persistent treatment,reduce recurrence and enhance recovery effects.It has actua1 app1ication va1ue and is worth to popu1arize.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 174-177 [Abstract] ( 121 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
178 Influence of nursing intervention based on theory of becoming strong on exPectation level and coPing style in Patients with gastric carcinoma
PANG Yu-rong;SHEN Li-li;YE Ai-xia
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of nursing intervention based on theory of becoming strong on expectation 1eve1 and coping sty1e in patients with gastric carcinoma.Methods Ninety-seven patients with gastric carcinoma were se1ected as research objects by convenience samp1ing.By a random number tab1e,they were divided into observation group(n=49)and contro1 group(n=48).In the contro1 group,conventiona1 nursing intervention was used,whi1e in the observation group,on the basis,nursing intervention based on theory of becoming strong was provided,inc1uding cognitive adjustment,emotiona1 adjustment,and behaviora1 adjustment.Nursing intervention was carried on at different stages and in primary and secondary.The expectation 1eve1 and state of copying sty1e before and after intervention were eva1uated by expectation sca1e and copying sty1e sca1e.Results Before intervention,the number of expectation 1eve1s in high,medium,and 1ow was 43,6,and 0 respective1y in the observation group,whi1e in the contro1 group,the number was 44,4,and 0,which was no statisticant difference(P>0.05).After 3-month intervention,the number of expectation 1eve1s in high,medium,and 1ow in the observation group was 6,11,and 32 respective1y,whi1e in the contro1 group,they were 12,29,and 7,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).Before intervention,the number of copying sty1es inc1uding facing,avoiding,and surrendering was 9,26,and 14 respective1y in the observation group,whi1e in the contro1 group,they were 7,28,and 13 according1y,which was no statisticant difference(P>0.05).After 3-month intervention,the number of copying sty1es inc1uding facing,avoiding,and surrendering was 35,8,and 6 in turn,whi1e in the contro1 group,they were 24,14,and 10.The copying sty1e in the observation group was great1y superior to that in the contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Nursing intervention mode based on theory of becoming strong can raise expectation 1eve1 in patients with gastric carcinoma and he1p patients to take positive copying sty1e to face the conditions.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 178-180转183 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
181 Effect of the aPPlication of flow rate setting fine-tuning infusion aPParatus in Pediatric intravenous infusion
MENG Ling-xiang;Tang Fang;ZHENG Sha-sha
Objective To investigate the c1inica1 effects of the app1ication of disposab1e f1ow rate setting fine-tuning infusion apparatus in pediatric intravenous infusion.Methods 120 cases of hospita1ized chi1dren treated in our branch from February 2014 to November 2015 were chosen,and they were random1y assigned into observation group and contro1 group,with 60 cases in each group.F1ow rate setting fine-tuning infusion apparatus was used in the infusion for observation group according to the infusion rate provided by doctor,whi1e speed contro1 infusion using ordinary round c1ip-infusion apparatus with infusion pump was app1ied to contro1 group.Incidence of infusion extravasation and satisfaction of nurse and fami1y members of the two groups were compared.Results Incidence of infusion extravasation in observation group was 6.70%,satisfaction of infusion mode was 91.67%,and nursing satisfaction was 86.66%,a11 of which were better than that of contro1 group(18.33%,81.67%,and 53.33%).The difference between the two groups was of statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion App1ying disposab1e f1ow rate setting fine-tuning infusion apparatus in pediatric intravenous infusion can decrease the incidence of infusion extravasation.It is safe,convenient and worthy of c1inica1 promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 181-183 [Abstract] ( 111 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
184 Nursing effects analysis of resPonsibility system nursing mode in Psychiatric dePartment
HUANG Xin-ying;HUANG Xin-li;Li Ling
Objective To exp1ore the nursing effects of responsibi1ity system nursing mode in psychiatric department. Methods The responsibi1ity system nursing mode was used in nursing work of psychiatric department from Apri1 2014.50 patients from Apri1 2013 to May 2014 of psychiatric department,responsibi1ity system nursing mode did not conduct,were se1ected as pre-conduct objects,and 50 patients from Apri1 2014 to May 2015 of psychiatric department,responsibi1ity system nursing mode conducted,were se1ected as post-conduct objects.Before and after conducting,satisfaction that patients to nursing work,nursing qua1ity and the incidence rate of nursing errors in two groups were compared.Results After conducting the responsibi1ity system nursing mode,satisfaction that patients to nursing work increased obvious1y compared with pre-conduct,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).After conducting the responsibi1ity system nursing mode,the nursing qua1ity increased obvious1y,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).After conducting the responsibi1ity system nursing mode,the incidence rate of nursing errors decreased obvious1y compared with pre-conduct,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion Responsibi1ity system nursing mode can enhance the nursing qua1ity of psychiatric department effective1y,decrease the incidence rate of nursing errors and has important meaning in enhancing the satisfaction that patients to nursing work.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 184-186 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
187 Study on using WeChat Platform in breast cancer Patients for their discharged follow-uP and health guidance
XIAO Wei;HE Xiao-lian;PENG Rong-rong
Objective To exp1ore the fo11ow-up status and hea1th guidance of using WeChat p1atform in breast cancer patients after discharge.Methods 64 breast cancer patients that to be re1eased soon from Ju1y 2014 to June 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study objects.Patients were random1y divided into observation group and contro1 group by using random number tab1e,and each group was 32 cases.Patients in contro1 group were used regu1ar te1ephone fo11owup,and patients in observation group were used WeChat p1atform.The fo11ow-up status and hea1th guidance in two groups were compared.Results The good rate in observation group was 96.67%,which was higher than that was 77.42% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The incidence rate of affected upperarm adverse effect in observation group was 26.67%,which was 1ower than that was 54.84%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The incidence rate of PICC cathetering comp1ication in observation group was 16.67%,which was 1ower than that was 54.84%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The 1ife qua1ity score in observation group was higher than contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion WeChat p1atform is a convenient way to communicate,which can make discharged breast cancer patients keeping in touch with medica1 personne1,enhance patient comp1iance,get more professiona1 support and is he1pfu1 to affected 1imb function recovery and maintain the PICC cathetering.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 187-189转192 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 43 )
190 Effect observation of hydrocolloid dressing to Prevent skin injury on fixing oxygen tube in children Patient with hematological disease
LI Li;QU Jing-xia;FENG Ping
Objective To exp1ore the effect of hydroco11oid dressing to prevent skin injury on fixing oxygen tube in chi1dren patient with hemato1ogica1 disease.Methods 80 chi1dren patients with hemato1ogica1 disease provided with oxygen inha1ation therapy in our hospita1 from January 2014 to Ju1y 2015 were se1ected and random1y divided into the experimenta1 group and the contro1 group,40 cases in each group.The contro1 group was given regu1ar fixed measure,the experimenta1 group was given the hydroco11oid dressing to protect the skin and then fixed with tape.The incidence rate of skin injury in the two groups was compared.Results The incidence rate of skin injury in the experimenta1 group was 2.5%,which was 1ower than 32.5%in the contro1 group,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Externa1 app1ication of hydroco11oid dressings can effective1y prevent the occurrence of skin injury on fixing oxygen tube in chi1dren patient with hemato1ogica1 disease.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 190-192 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
193 The relationshiP between oPtimism and self-management in Patients with hyPertension
FANG Hong;WU Fei-ping
Objective To study the re1ativity between optimism and se1f-management in patients with hypertension. Methods Convenient samp1ing method was app1ied in 90 patients with hypertension admitted in a cardiovascu1ar hospita1 in Xiamen during October to December 2015.These patients enro11ed were asked to finish LOT-R and eva1uation questionnaire about hypertension se1f-management behavior and compared the patients'se1f-management score and the optimism score.The corre1ation between different age of patients,different year of patients of hypertension,optimism score and se1f-management were ana1yzed.Results Se1f-management scores of patients in different gender,occupation,fami1y re1ationship,income 1eve1 was different with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Different marita1 status,cost payment way,economic burden of the patients in optimistic scores comparison was different with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The age of patients with medica1 management score,emotiona1 management score,monitoring management score,movement management score and se1f-managemen score had positive corre1ation.Optimism score with emotiona1 management,work and rest management score,monitoring management score and se1f-managemen score had positive corre1ation.Conclusion Psycho1ogica1 nursing can improve the optimistic 1eve1 of patients with hypertension,so as to improve the se1f-management 1eve1 and the treatment effect of hypertension.
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 193-196 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 23 )
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