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2016 Vol. 23, No. 14
Published: 18 May 2016

4 Fast insPection of Frankincense and Illegally Adulterated ColoPhony in Fengshi Guanjieyan Tablets and GentongPing CaPsules
QU Yan-li;LIU Zhi-min;YANG Jian-long
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 4-06 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
7 PreParation of α-cyclodextrin/Polyethylene glycol Pseudo-Polyrotaxanes thixotroPic hydrogel and study of its rheological ProPerties
LIU Song-hua;JIANG Ying-zi;LI Lin;QUAN Dong-qin
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 7-09 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
10 Clinical significance and reseach advance of serum markers of gastric cancer
WU Gang;ZHAO Chang-jie;JIANG Qi;CHEN Lin▲
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
13 Research Progress of PreoPerative and PostoPerative health education Program for Patients with intestinal stoma
SONG Qin-fen;YIN Guang-xiao;LIU Chun-e
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 13-15转18 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
19 Influence of Modified Suanzaoren Decoction on blood Pressure and anxiety level in Patients of hyPertension with anxiety disorder
XIAO Yan-chun
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 19-21 [Abstract] ( 205 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
22 Relation between different skin handling methods and imPedance in dynamic electrocardiogram
LUO Mei-yan;FANG Ling;XIONG Ya-yuan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 22-23转27 [Abstract] ( 180 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
24 APPlication effects of education of self-efficacy management on Patients with mental illnesses
QIU Da-hong;WANG Wen-jun;LIU Yue-xia;FENG Yan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 24-27 [Abstract] ( 173 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
28 Observation of the effect of the taP water flushing on diabetic foot ulcer healing
CHANG Gui-jian;XIA Yin;WU Shu-tao;LIN De-xin;LI Xuan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 28-30 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 9 )
31 Benefits of qualified PostPrandial blood glucose self-monitoring in Patients with tyPe 2 diabetes
QUAN Zhuo;QI Zhi-fang;DENG Xue-ling;REN Chang-shou;HE Ze-feng
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 31-33转37 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
34 Influnce of insulin PumP and insulin several times subcutaneous injections on the first Phase insulin secretion and serum chemerin of Patients with inciPient tyPe 2 diabetes TyPe and ketosis
HAO Fei;YANG Mei-rong;MA Da-wei;NIU Zhao-xia
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 34-37 [Abstract] ( 172 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
38 The analysis of risk factors of carotid atherosclerosis of Patients with diabetes mellitus tyPe 2
YANG Zheng-qiang;RUAN Dan-jie;WANG Xue-qin;WEI Jing
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 38-40 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 7 )
41 Screening results analysis of cervical cancer in 1734 rural women
OU Yan-hong
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 41-43 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
44 Clinical short-term and long-term effect comParison of total gastrectomy and Proximal gastrectomy in the treatment of uPPer gastric cancer
LAI Guang-mang;CHEN Zhi-wei;HUANG Hong-wei
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 194 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 16 )
47 Effect and influence factor analysis of intensity modulated radiation theraPy on short-term life quality of Patients with middle and advanced esoPhageal cancer
MO Kai-lan;PENG Miao;CHEN Xiao-lan;WANG Xi-cheng;DING Ying
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 47-49转53 [Abstract] ( 175 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
50 Long-dated curative effect analysis on laParoscoPic surgery combined with chemotheraPy in treating endometrial cancer
CHEN Zhi-hua;ZHANG Meng-zhen;GUO Rui-xia;QIAO Yu-huan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 50-53 [Abstract] ( 169 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
54 Clinical effect of laparoscopic assisted ovarian drilling in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome combined with infertility
YAN Hong-lin;BO Xiao-li;YAO Li-yan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 54-56 [Abstract] ( 183 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
57 Study of clinical characteristic and intervening measure on premature rupture of fetal membranes in puerpera
WANG Ya-xun
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 57-59 [Abstract] ( 174 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 4 )
60 Curative effect observation of levonorgestrel intrauterine system and medroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleed-ing in the perimenopausal period
HAN Jin-xiu
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 60-62 [Abstract] ( 167 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
63 Influence factor and treatment method study of childbearing age women with infertility
HUANG Xiao-qiong;DENG Guang-yao;WANG Huan-sheng;YANG Xiu-gui;XIAO Dan-ni
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 63-65转68 [Abstract] ( 140 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
66 Clinical analysis and preventive measure research of postpartum hemor-rhage risk factor
LIU Qian
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
69 Expression and correlation analysis on serum free fatty acid and thrombo-modulin in patients with hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy
LI Na;LIANG Jing-mei;LIU Yun-xia
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 18 )
72 Dynamic expression and significance of sCD40L in pregnant women with preeclampsia
ZENG Yue-e;CHEN Guo-qing;WANG Zhong;WANG Chen-hong
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 72-74 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 17 )
75 Clinical effect on modified intact-bridge mastoitympanoplasty in treat-ment of otomastoiditis
LIN Ren-jia
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 75-77转80 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 5 )
78 Clinical effect of immunity inhibitor in treating stubborn intermediate u-veitis
FANG Qiang;REN Da-yuan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
81 Effect of small incision cataract extraction in the treatment of senile dia-betic cataract
TONG Ling-ling
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
84 Clinical effect of Beyond cold light whitening combined with fluoride-re-moving material and slight dermabrasion in treatment of pigmented den-tal fluorosis
AN Xiao-fei;NIU Guang-liang
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
87 APPlication effect of different doses of butorPhanol in anesthesia of hysteroscoPic surgery
FANG Hao-ran
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
90 APPlication effect on equivalent-dose roPivacaine and buPivacaine in combined sPinal-ePidural anesthesia of lower limbs oPeration in elderly Patients
LIANG Ling;WANG Min;XIE Lin-bi
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
93 Myocardial Protection effects of sevoflurane on elderly Patients with esoPhageal cancer
LI Zhi-yi;LIU Xiao-yan;ZHANG Liang-qing;CAI Wei-hua;CHEN Shang-liang
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
96 Clinical effects of different dosage remifentanil combined with ProPofol anesthesia induction in children with laryngeal mask Placement
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
99 ImPact of consciousness index and bisPectral index in monitoring target control ProPofol anesthesia induced sedation dePth
LIU Zhi-dong;MIAO Hui;CHEN Wen-hui
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 99-100转104 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
101 The efficacy and safety of comParision on caffeine citrate and amino-Phylline in the treatment of Primary aPnea of Premature infants
WEI Huai-jun
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 101-104 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
105 APPlication value of Yanhuning in treating infantile hand-foot-mouth disease
ZHU Guang-hong
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 132 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 12 )
108 Analysis on adverse reaction and its reasons of traditional Chinese medicine injection
HU Hua;LIU Zhen-ni;XIE Hai-tang;LI Jing;CHEN Xue;TANG Da-juan;YANG Xiao-lei
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 108-111 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
112 The effect of PD-1 and Toll-4 exPression in lamivudine combined with interferon α-2a in treating hePatitis B Patients
REN Li-xia;MENG Yan-hong
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 112-114转117 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
115 Clinical effect of atorvastatin in the treatment of cerebral infarction
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 115-117 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
118 Clinical validity and safety of mifePristone combined with misoProstol in the drug abortion
CAI Yi-mei
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 118-120 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
121 Effect observation of tanreqing combined with azithromycin in the treatment of Mycoplasma Pneumonia
CHEN Li-xia;TAN Yin-feng;ZHANG Xiu-zhen
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 121-123 [Abstract] ( 139 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 15 )
124 Clinical analysis on liPoic acid combined with nervous recovery liquid leg bath in treating diabetic PeriPheral neuroPathy
PANG Li-chao;WU Gui-lin
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 124-126 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
127 Influence study of moxibustion on carotid atherosclerotic Plaques
YANG Yu-zhu;WANG Cai-xia;ZHOU Shui-xiang;GAO Juan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 127-128转131 [Abstract] ( 314 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
129 Clinical research on treating erectile dysfunction Patients with the combination with of Baji CaPsule and low-dose Tadalafil
SHEN Yan;LI Qiang;ZHANG Chun-lei;WANG Jin-bao;WANG Yao-qin;WU Xue-qing
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 129-131 [Abstract] ( 183 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
132 Combined traditional Chinese and Western medicine to Prevent deeP venous thrombosis after hiP fracture in the elderly
LI Qing
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 132-134 [Abstract] ( 151 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
135 Effect observation of integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine combining with ultraviolet PhototheraPy on treating vitiligo
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 135-137 [Abstract] ( 132 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
138 Result analysis of sentinel surveillance among drug addicts in Xinhui District from 2010 to 2015
HUANG Lun-ying;LIN Ying-yu;CHEN Ri-nuan;XU Wen-hao
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 138-141 [Abstract] ( 123 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
142 Investigation analysis of general situation of left-behind children in rural area in Shandong Province
LI Nan;REN Guang-fang;QIAN Jian-hua;WANG Guang-xin;MA Li-xia
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 142-144 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
145 Investigation analysis of the Present situation of community nurse education in Baoan District of Shenzhen City
TANG Chun-yun;YIN Lin;JU Jin-fang
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 145-147 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
148 Influence of back massage on the fatigue and anxiety state related with chemotheraPy of the old acute myelogenous leukemia Patient
LIANG Rui-jian;ZHAI Xiao
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 148-151 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
152 ImPact of vocational rehabilitation intervention on the Psychological state and life quality of industrial injured
MEI Luan-xian;OU Jie-song
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 152-154转158 [Abstract] ( 147 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
155 Analysis of social factors and research of comPrehensive nursing intervention on dePression in Patients with esoPhageal cancer
XU Yan-fei;ZHANG Lan-feng;CAI Jing
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 155-158 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
159 Effect observation on cardiac-mental nursing in Patients receiving selective coronary artery intervention
ZHOU Na;WANG Hui-zhi;HUANG An-rong
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 159-161 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
162 APPlication effect of community self-management in elderly Patient with tyPe 2 diabetes
LUO Yan-ping
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 162-164转167 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
165 APPlication effect of nursing intervention on drug retention enema in the treatment of ulcerative colitis
GAO Qiu-xia;HE Jian-qin;GUO Wen-tao
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 165-167 [Abstract] ( 139 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
168 Effects of comPrehensive nursing intervention in Patients with chronic heart failure and its influence on life quality of Patients
CHEN Yin-hua;DENG Jin-mei;WU Yan-qun
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 168-170 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
171 The value of emergency nursing Path in the treatment Process with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
DU Wei
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 171-173转177 [Abstract] ( 121 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
174 ImPact of targeted nursing intervention on the recovery effects of PsychoPath after discharge
LU Xue-zhen;HUANG Qiong;TANG Dong-hua;ZENG Wen-juan
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 174-177 [Abstract] ( 121 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
178 Influence of nursing intervention based on theory of becoming strong on exPectation level and coPing style in Patients with gastric carcinoma
PANG Yu-rong;SHEN Li-li;YE Ai-xia
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 178-180转183 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
181 Effect of the aPPlication of flow rate setting fine-tuning infusion aPParatus in Pediatric intravenous infusion
MENG Ling-xiang;Tang Fang;ZHENG Sha-sha
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 181-183 [Abstract] ( 111 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
184 Nursing effects analysis of resPonsibility system nursing mode in Psychiatric dePartment
HUANG Xin-ying;HUANG Xin-li;Li Ling
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 184-186 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
187 Study on using WeChat Platform in breast cancer Patients for their discharged follow-uP and health guidance
XIAO Wei;HE Xiao-lian;PENG Rong-rong
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 187-189转192 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 43 )
190 Effect observation of hydrocolloid dressing to Prevent skin injury on fixing oxygen tube in children Patient with hematological disease
LI Li;QU Jing-xia;FENG Ping
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 190-192 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
193 The relationshiP between oPtimism and self-management in Patients with hyPertension
FANG Hong;WU Fei-ping
2016 Vol. 23 (14): 193-196 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (44 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 23 )
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