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2018 Vol. 25, No. 17
Published: 18 June 2018

4 Prokaryotic expression of latency-associated peptide of recombinant truncated TGF-β precursor and its influence on proliferation of HSC-T6 cell
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 4-7 [Abstract] ( 152 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
8 The value of ultrasound score combined w ith medical history for predicting the risk degree of pernicious p lacenta previa
YANG De-lan ;ZHU Bao-ju
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 8-11转15 [Abstract] ( 166 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
12 The relationship between GSK-3 beta and Drp-1 in alleviating myocardial ischem ia reperfusion injury in rats
LUO Wei-hao;HE Jian-dong;HAN Chong-fang2▲
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 12-15 [Abstract] ( 152 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
16 Effect of Huangqi Yiqi Decoction combined w ith western medicine in patients w ith chronic atrophic gastritis
LIANG Wan-ning;HOU Yan-ping;QIAN Cai-feng;MEI Quan-xi
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 16-19 [Abstract] ( 175 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
20 Effects of Haw thorn,Eucomm ia and Tangerine Peel m ixture decoction on reducing fat in obese rats induced by high fat diet
LIN Yuan-yuan; XIONG Yi-tao
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 20-23转28 [Abstract] ( 169 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
24 Research progress of hypotension after prone position in patients w ith hypertension during spinal surgery
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 24-28 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (47 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 142 )
29 Pre-pregnancy assessment and intervention measures for the reproductive ability of elderly women
LI Xiao-mei
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 29-32 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
33 Clinical app lication of exhaled nitric oxide measurement in asthamachronic obstructive pulmonary disease
DING Yue-mei; SHI Chang-li ;YU Jiang-qing; WANG Qing-feng
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 33-35 [Abstract] ( 181 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
36 Clinical effect of laparoscopic peritoneal lavage and drainage in the treatment of severe pancreatitis
BAO Xing; XIN Le; LIU Ji-dong; YE Jin-jun; TAO Xu-xiong; YAN Yu-kuang
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 36-38 [Abstract] ( 158 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
39 Effect of smoking cessation and passive smoking prevention in patients w ith chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
YUAN Ya; ZHU Jia-zhi ;LI Shu-Zhen; ZENG Guang; PENG Ming-Jun
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 39-41转45 [Abstract] ( 160 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
42 Relationship study between preschool children′s dental caries and maternal pregnancy and child related factors
DENG Xiao-juan;HUANG Wen-min;CUI You-zu
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 42-45 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 10 )
46 Effect of Shenkang Injection on peripheral blood IFN-γ,IL-4,IL-17 and homocysteine levels in patients w ith chronic glomerulonephritis
LI Ping-hua ;PAN Fu-lin; LIU Wei-li; CHEN Wei-wei ;SHAO Lei ;HUANG Geng; CHEN Zai-qiang; ZHANG Si-han
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 46-49 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 23 )
50 Application effect of nutritional intervention in gestational diabetes mellitus patients
LIU Xiao-yang
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 50-52 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
53 Effect analysis of emergency rescue combined w ith low-dose Epinephrine in treatment of patients w ith severe asthma
GAO Peng;QIAO Xiao-xue;XUE Xin-yu;WU Xian; LI Yang
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 53-55 [Abstract] ( 179 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
56 Com parison of the effects of ventriculoperitoneal shunt and cranioplasty in the treatment of cerebral trauma w ith hydrocephalus
WU Sheng-qing; ZENG Zhen-kun; LI Jing-dong; WU Hai-qing; HUANG Wei
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 56-58 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
59 Clinical efficacy of Alprostadil sequential therapy in the treatment of elderly patients w ith clinical diabetic nephropathy
ZENG Zhi-yong ;YAN Hai-lan; HU Yan-hong ;WANG Yan-hong
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 59-61 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
62 Evaluation of the effect of preoperative pillow and percutaneous vertebrop lasty in the treatment of osteoporotic thoracolumbar com pression fractures
CHEN Wen-sheng; SHEN Lian-cheng; LONG Hou-cai ;FANG Xiao-ting
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 62-65 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
66 The value of gastric filling ultrasound in the screening of gastric cancer in community
YU Yong-ming;GUO Yan
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 159 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
69 Effect observation of laparoscopic im plantation of125I radioactive particles combined Gem citabine chemotherapy after surgery for advanced pancreatic cancer
125I radioactive particles combined Gem citabine chemotherapy after surgery for advanced pancreatic cancer[J]. 中国当代医药, 2018,25(17): 69-71')" href="#"> ZHONG Zhen-wu;ZHONG Hui;LIU Ling;XIE Ling-yan;XU Shu-mei
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 160 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 140 )
72 Causes and preventive measures of com plications of modified radical mastectom y for breast cancer
HUANG Han-yang; HUANG Jing-yin; XIAO Li ;WAN De-yan
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 72-74转89 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 21 )
75 Application effect of crescent incision combined w ith abdom inal advancement flap in breast conserving surgery for moderate-to small-sized breast cancer
WANG Xi-yue; CAO Yin; CHEN Gui-lin ;YE Hui-rong; GAO Xue-zhong; LIN Zheng-quan; WU Li-hua ;CHEN Li-juan
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 75-77 [Abstract] ( 152 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
78 Effect of esophageal stent im plantation treating advanced esophageal cancer
LU Xin-peng; GUO Fan-wei
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 151 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
81 Clinical effect of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy combined w ith concurrent chemotherapy for the treatment of m iddle and advanced esophageal cancer
LIN Jia; WANG Ji-yu; XU Hong-wei
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 163 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
84 Effect of laparoscopic radical hysterectom y treating early-stage cervical cancer
ZENG Wei-hong ;YANG Hai-kun; HUANG Li-shan
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 159 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
87 Study on the effects of metabolic syndrome during pregnancy on maternal and infantile lipid metabolism
LI Xiu-ming;JI Jia-fen;LIU Chang-yun;ZHU Hai-ling;ZHANG Qi;ZHAI Yu-ping;ZHENG Yang
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
90 Influence on anti-mullerian hormone by different operation methods under laparoscope in treatment of salpingocyesis
CHEN Yu-ge ;MENG Jun; HUANG Shu-feng ;ZHUANG Yan; WU Yan-ling
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 90-92转96 [Abstract] ( 130 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
93 Comparative study on the effect of heel sam pling for newborn disease screening in two kinds of postures
LAN Xiu-xiu; CHEN Xiao-jiao
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 93-96 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
97 Analysis of cesarean section rates and indications of cesarean section in our hospital ranging from M arch,2010 to July,2014 and its influencing factors
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 97-99 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
100 The effect of early contact,early sucking on lactation of prim ipara and health of the newborn
GU Cong-hui; LUO Qiu-xia; MU Ying-ying; WU Xiao-xiao ;WU Xiu-na
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 100-102转106 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
103 App lication effect of Bakri uterine tam ponade w ith balloon catheter in treatment of postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section
BAI Zhi; LONG Da-jian; CHI Hao; YANG Ming; CHEN Min-hong; LIU Zhuan-qin; HE Ya-ting; JI Yan-jie
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 103-106 [Abstract] ( 162 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
107 Influence of subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy on pregnancy outcome
LI Xiao-ling; DENG Shan; DENG Qing-hua
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 107-109 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
110 Clinical effect of hemostatic wound healing gauze in the treatment of oral mucosal ulcer
ZHANG Yi-xuan;HANG Jing;ANG Lei;HANG Wen-jun
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 110-112 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
113 Effect of Com pound Huangqin M outhwash in the treatment of bacteriainfected stomatitis
WAN Qian
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 113-115 [Abstract] ( 128 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
116 Analysis of the influence of gingival and alveolar ridge dressing on the restoration of dental
YE Bo-yang; TANG Zi-ming; LIAO Shi-fen
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 116-118 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
119 The clinical effect of eustachian tube balloon dilatation and tympanic membrane incision catheter in the treatment of refractory otitis media
LI Hao ;SUN Qun; WANG Qiong; CHEN Qi-guo ;LI Xiao-hu
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 119-121 [Abstract] ( 130 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
122 Effect of different surgical methods in the treatment of cataract
SUN Meng;YANG Bing;YU Wen-han
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 122-124 [Abstract] ( 110 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
125 Clinical effect of rigid ear endoscopic tympanoplasty in the treatment of secretory otitis media
CAO Run-qin
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 125-127 [Abstract] ( 114 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
128 Effect of orthodontic treatment in bracketless app liance and traditional fixed appliance and com parison of periodontal health
LI Hong; LU Ying-jie; LIANG Jing
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 128-130 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 23 )
131 Application of Dexmedetom idine combination w ith Dezocine in awake intubation guided by dioscorea
CHEN Wen-jia; JIANG Lin; SUN Can-lin
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 131-133转136 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
134 Effect com parison of Lidocaine and Atenaine in mandibular molar irreversible pulpitis anesthesia
SU Ru-yi
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 134-136 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
137 Clinical effect of sublingual Captopril on the emergency treatment of hypertension
CHEN Jian; LAI Hai-Bo; CUI Yu-Ting
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 137-139 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 23 )
140 Effect com parison of Omeprazole and Ranitidine on gastric ulcer
LU Tian-yu; GONG Mei-jin; ZHENG Yi
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 140-142 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
143 Effect of Nifedipine Sustained Release Tablets combined w ith Enalapril Tablets in the treatment of elderly patients w ith hypertension and coronary heart disease
QIN Su-ping
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 143-145 [Abstract] ( 130 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
146 Influencing factors of the efficacy of the combination of Carboprost Trometham ine and Oxytocin in the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section
ZHAO Ya-ling
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 146-148转155 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
149 Clinical effect of Yiqi Huoxue,Dem pness and phlegm dissipating traditional Chinese medicine combined w ith Western medicine in treating the sequela of ischem ic cerebral apop lexy
LIN Xiao-ling
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 149-151 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
152 Clinical effect of Entecavir combined w ith Fuzheng Huayu Tablets in the treatment of liver cirrhosis com pensatory patients
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 152-155 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
156 Analysis and study of individual voluntary unpaid donors
LIANG Jie-zhen; CHEN Cun-yi; CHEN Chao-hong ;LIANG Li-hua ;CHEN Zhi-zhong; QIU Yan-mei ;YU Wen-chao ;ZHANG Xin
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 156-159 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
160 Analysis on the demands and influencing factors of home care service for elderly patients with fracture
LIANG Qun-fei;ZHONG Lian-feng
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 160-163 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
164 Quality risk management study for vaccine cold chain transport
TIAN Su-xia
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 164-168 [Abstract] ( 117 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
169 Effect of applying the seam less care management mode in the emergency department on the transport of critical patients
ZHAO Run-mei ;LIANG Yi; MA Jian-kang ;ZHANG Fu-ling
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 169-171 [Abstract] ( 114 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 22 )
172 App lication of W eChat public p latform in operating room health education
ZHANG Jun-qiang;ZHANG Li;ZHOU Can;ZHAO Yuan-kun
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 172-174 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
175 Application of holistic nursing in painless artificial abortion
LIAN Gui-xiang;JIANG Li-ping
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 175-177 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
178 Com parison of the app lication effect of psychological nursing in infertile patients at different cultural levels
MO Li-ping; HUANG Xiao-lian
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 178-180转184 [Abstract] ( 115 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
181 Effect of high quality nursing intervention on health know ledge awareness and com pliance of schizophrenic patients
CHEN Ze-qun;JIANG Jian-mao;HUANG Ju-juan;CAO Yun-zhen
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 181-184 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
185 Study on the influence of objective operation standard operating procedure on adverse events of elderly inpatients
ZHONG Li-Ying; ZHANG Lin; HUA Lian-ying; PENG Rui-ying
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 185-187 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
188 Continuous nursing intervention improves the postoperative self-efficacy score and the effect of social support in patients w ith breast cancer
CHENG Cai-Ping;LI Shao-Fang; LI Hua-xing; SONG Li-xia; HUANG Li-yun; LAO Qi-jun
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 188-190转193 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
191 Effect of com fort nursing on pain control in patients with postoperative bone trauma
PAN Wen-xia; TAN Wen-yi; CHEN Xiu-bian
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 191-193 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
194 Observation on clinical nursing of infantile diarrhea treated by infantile massage combined w ith acupoint application
LIANG Rui-fen; LIANG Feng-hao
2018 Vol. 25 (17): 194-196 [Abstract] ( 147 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
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