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2018 Vol. 25, No. 16
Published: 08 June 2018

4 Clinical characteristics analysis of critical patients in obstetric department adm itted into the ICU after “universal two-child”policy
LAN Yun-ping;ZENG Fan;LIJia-jia;LEIYu;HUANG Xiao-bo
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 4-7 [Abstract] ( 207 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
8 Application of pulmonary function tests in patients w ith asthma COPD overlap syndrome and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
LU Shu-biao;SHEN Shan-liang;LONG Zhao-hua;LIN Jing-song
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 8-11 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
12 Follow-up study of high frequency repetitive transcranialmagnetic stimulation on sustainability of the im provement role for negative sym ptom s in schizophrenic patients
CAIGuang-Chao;GUAN Yong;QIMing;LIZhao-Hui;WANG Jiang
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 12-15 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
16 Effect of Shenkang Injection combined w ith BaiLing Capsules in the treatment of non-dialysis patientsw ith chronic renal disease
HUWen-xing ;LIU Min
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 16-18 [Abstract] ( 196 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
19 Clinical effect observation of laparoscopic surgery combined w ith Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist in the treatment of ovarian chocolate cystw ith infertility
BAN Qing-mei;CUIYan-ping;HU Qing-lan
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 19-22 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (43 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
23 M ethod of Inductively Coup led Plasma M ass Spectrometry for detecting of 10 heavy metals and hazardous elements in Safflower from different habitats
JIGuo-li;LIU Bin
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 23-27 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
28 Progresses in the treatment of atrial fibrillation
WANG Yu-bing;YIN Yue-hui
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 28-31转35 [Abstract] ( 162 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
32 The research progress of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate related renal damage
LU Mei-ling;YANGQin
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 32-35 [Abstract] ( 186 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
36 Research Progress of M itochondrial M orphological and function changes in Tumor
ZHENG Hong-yi;WU Xiong-jian;YANG Jian-fen;ZHANG Ke;LIU Yao
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 159 ) HTML (54 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
41 Clinical effect of tension free hernia repair through transverse incision of lower abdomen in treatment of adult inguinal hernia
CAO Bin;FAN Zhi-yong;HUANGWen-huan
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 41-43 [Abstract] ( 170 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
44 The application study of tracheal intubation in poisoning patients given prehospital emergency
TANG Hai-yang;YE Yong;LONG Chun-xiang
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 162 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
47 Research and application ofmodified water swallow test in stroke patients w ith dysphagia
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 47-49 [Abstract] ( 534 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
50 Effect of positional pad combined w ith locally-app lied aloe vera gel on preventing pressure sore during prone-position surgery
LIU Ting-jiao;LIXiao-qian;XIAO Hou-lan;LIXing-wang
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 50-52 [Abstract] ( 193 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
53 Effect of app lication of flupentixol and melitracen tablets in ad juvant treatment of angina after coronary artery intervention
LIXing-zhou;JIANG Shou-tao;NIE Peng-fei
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 53-55 [Abstract] ( 168 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
56 Com parison of TEP operation and Lichtenstein operation for elderly inguinal hernia
HUANG Li-zhe
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 56-58转62 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
59 Clinical effect of bone marrow combined w ith peripheral blood haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transp lantation in the treatment of acute leukem ia
XU Xiao-li
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 59-62 [Abstract] ( 177 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
63 The different of effects on annular hemorrhoids between PPH and M illigan-M organ
FU Yue-quan;ZHOU Jin-liang;HOU Hua-sen;LIN Jun-song;HUANG Yu-cong
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 63-65 [Abstract] ( 172 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
66 Effect observation of keeping need le in different parts of hem ip legic patients by reverse venipuncture
CHEN Yin-yan MA Chun-yuan;HU Fei-e;HUANG Xiao-dan;LIANG Bi-jun;ZHONG Ming-li;HUANG Zhong-ru;YU Ju-an;HE Yan-fei
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 168 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
69 Clinical study of hard channelm inimally invasive puncture and drainage in the treatment of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage
CHEN Yuan-xin;HUANG Peng;ZUO Liang-cheng;MING Qiang
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 159 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
72 Study of the influence of hyperuricem ia on IgA nephropathy
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 72-74 [Abstract] ( 187 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
75 Clinical effect analysis of flexible ureteroscope combined w ith extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of renal calculi
YUEWei-wei;XIE Jin-dong;CHEN Jing-yu
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 75-77 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
78 Analysis of risk factors of nosocom ial infection secondary to urem ia
CHEN Zhi-peng;SHENMei-fang;CHEN Dong
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
81 Effect observation of 1470 nm laser vaporization prostatectom y and transurethral resection prostate in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperp lasia
TAN Jian-qiu1CHENGWei-wen;WU Ying-hong;ZHONG Hui-yuan;RUAN Yong-tong;CHEN Guang-yao
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 160 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
84 Effect of percutaneous nephrolithotom y in the treatment of kidney stones after failed extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 171 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
87 Discussion on the effectiveness of app lication of 3D printing technology in surgerical treatment of calcaneal fractures
XIONGMin-jian;TANG Li-ying;ZHU Xin-yang;MO Shi-fen;XU Ya-fei
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
90 Effects of modified interosseous dorsal artery free perforator flaps in repair of hand palmar soft tissue defect
ZHENG Zuo-hui;TAN Zhi-wei;XIAO Zhi-lin;ZHENG Yong-cai;LUO Huan-ming;LIANG Xiao-lan;FENG Jing-wang
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
93 The clinical effect of arthroscopy assisted reduction and internal fixation combined w ith continuous passive movement in the treatment of tibial p lateau fracture
CHEN Kang-yao;GU En-yi;ZHENG Zhong
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 168 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
96 Efficacy and safety of proximal femur anti-rotation intramedullary nail in the treatment of elderly patientsw ith intertrochanteric fractures
SONG Zhi-hui;CHEN Jin;XIONG Shu-hong;CHEN Si;YUAN Jian-bing;MA Jun-chang
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
99 Evaluation of the effect of artificial knee joint replacement on severe degenerative joint degenerative knee joint
XING Shu-zhong
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 99-101 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
102 Effect com parison of platelet-rich p lasma and sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 102-104转117 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
105 Analysis of risk factors of enterocolitis after congenitalmegacolonectom y
MOYou-lian;HUXiao-hua;CHENMao-fang;DUANLi-feng;SU Jia-hong;ZHANGPing-feng;ZHONGChen
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 163 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
108 Expression and clinical significance of MMP-9 and TSP-1 in chorionic and decidual tissues in m issed abortion patientsw ith subclinical hypothyroidism
WEN Li;YANG Xiao-yan;ZHANG Gui-li;ZHANG Han-ying
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 108-110 [Abstract] ( 181 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
111 Analysis of the outcome of vaginal delivery of scar
BAIZhi;LONG Da-jian;CHIHao;YANGMing;CHEN Min-hong;LIU Zhuan-qin;HE Ya-ting;JIYan-jie
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 111-113 [Abstract] ( 174 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
114 Effect of Goserelin and M ifepristone in treatment of chocolate cyst by laparoscopy
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 114-117 [Abstract] ( 195 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
118 The effect of sim p le gasbag for lateral perineal incision combined w ith deep laceration of vagina
LIU Yin-chun;ZHU Li-ying;CHENG Su-fang;XIE Xuan;OUYANGWen-qiong
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 118-120 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
121 Therapeutic value of uterine B-Lynch suture for postpartum hemorrhage in cesarean section
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 121-123 [Abstract] ( 154 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
124 Analysis on the results of genetic diagnosis of 82 cases of thalassem ia in prenatal screening in Guizhou
WU Sha-sha;HE Zhi-xu;JIN Jiao;HUANG Jing;YUAN Jun
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 124-126 [Abstract] ( 154 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
127 Effect of M ethylphenidate Hydrochloride Tablets in the treatment of ADHD in Children
OU Jian-kun;XU Yan
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 127-129 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
130 Clinical effect observation of hysteroscopic resection and curettage in the treatment of endometrial polyps patients
ZHU Li;LIU qin
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 130-132 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
133 Clinical effect observation of Gangliosides in children with viral encephalitis
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 133-135转138 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
136 Effect of Kuntai Capsule on perimenopausal syndrome and its influence on ovarian function
LIJie-lan;PAN Xiu-ting
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 136-138 [Abstract] ( 163 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
139 The diagnostic value of high-frequency ultrasound in the p lantar lesions
ZHU Fu-qiang;E Zhan-sen;JIANGHui;SHIXiao-lin;ZENG Hai-wen;ZHANG Yong-hong
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 139-142 [Abstract] ( 116 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
143 Analysis the diagnostic value of spiral CT and magnetic resonance in the diagnosis of fallopian tube abscess
XU Xie-sheng;WANG Kai-fu;ZHANG Zhan-qing;LAO Xiao-yi
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 143-145转149 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 24 )
146 Analysis of the MRImanifestation characteristics of parotid lym phoma
WEN Kang-Yan;CHEN Ze-Wen;LIWei-Feng
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 146-149 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
150 Clinical effect of PixieⅠLotion in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of scalp
CHEN Yu-yu;CHEN Ben-hua
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 150-152转160 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
153 Effect observation of Shexiang Baoxin Pills combined w ith Ligustrazine in the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic pulmonary heart disease
WAN Le-le;YISong-gang;AO Su-min
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 153-156 [Abstract] ( 149 ) HTML (47 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
157 Effect of Shensong Yangxin Capsules combined w ith Spironolactone in the treatment of chronic heart failure
HU Yong-yi;FENG Li
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 157-160 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
161 Clinical effect observation of Tiotropium Brom ide Powder Inhalant in the treament of bronchiectasis
LIU Huan;LIU Ning;BAIGuo-feng
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 161-163转167 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
Therapeutic effect of Fluticasone Propionate combined w ith M ontelukast for chronic cough caused by Mycoplasma Pneumoniae in infants
Therapeutic effect of Fluticasone Propionate combined w ith M ontelukast for chronic cough caused by Mycoplasma Pneumoniae in infants #br#[J]. 中国当代医药, 2018,25(16): 164-167')" href="#"> CHEN Xia;LONG Zhen;HUANG Yang;SHU Jun-hua
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 164-167 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
168 Effect of pharmacological services on medication com p liance and sickness condition control of patientsw ith system ic lupus erythematosus
FU Shi-jing
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 168-170 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
171 Efficacy evaluation of Compound Lysine Hydrochloride and Zinc Gluconate Granules assisted Bifidobacterium triple live bacteria plus M ontmorillonite Powder in the treatment of infantile diarrhea
ZHONGWei-cheng;CHEN Xiao-ru;DU Yun-zi
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 171-173 [Abstract] ( 154 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
174 Effect of Probiotics and M esalazine in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
ZHANG Hong-wei;ZENG Jing-ke
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 174-176转186 [Abstract] ( 160 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
177 Effect of massage combined w ith functional training in treatment of patientsw ith lumber disc herniation at recovery stage
ZHENG Yan-qing;ZHENG Li-qin;ZHANG Feng-hua
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 177-179转193 [Abstract] ( 150 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
180 Clinical observation of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction in the treatment of cough variant asthma
ZHAN Zi-e;LIYou-heng;TANGWen-hui
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 180-182 [Abstract] ( 162 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
183 Clinical observation of Liangxue Pingyin Decoction combined w ith Feng′ai Lotion treating psoriasis vulgaris
CHEN Hui-juan;HONGWen;JIANG Li-ying;XIE Yun-ling
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 183-186 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
187 Effect of invigorating spleen benefiting liver and kidney treating children′s vitiligo at stable period
CHEN Rui-ping;YANG Qing-qi;LIYuan-li;SHIFei
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 187-189 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
190 The clinical effect of fire needle w ith"fire stagnation requiring dissipation"treating acute gouty arthritis
XIE Li-qin;LILi-xia;HUANG Ying-jie;LU Cui-na;HUANGWen-gai
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 190-193 [Abstract] ( 135 ) HTML (42 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
194 Effect of com prehensive nursing intervention in patients w ith dysfunctional uterine bleeding
OU Pei-yi
2018 Vol. 25 (16): 194-196 [Abstract] ( 152 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
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