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2016 Vol. 23, No. 9
Published: 2016-03-28

9 Influence of PM2.5 on liPid metabolism and oxidative stress of hePatocyte
LI Ming;XIE Jing-jing;WU Tong;WANG Ying;LIU Fang-fang;WANG Fang;LI Yan
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of PM2.5 on 1ipid metabo1ism and oxidative stress of hepatocyte. Methods PM2.5 was co11ected from atmosphere in urban area of Guangzhou in 2014.Toxicity of 1iver L02 ce11 was ana1yzed by CCK-8 at PM2.5 1eve1s of 6.25-100 μg/m1.The group of 6.25 μg/m1,12.5 μg/m1,25 μg/m1 was set respective1y,and the negative contro1 group was set.The contents of intrace11u1ar trig1yceride and cho1estero1,the expression 1eve1 of LXRα and SREBP-1c,the intrace11u1ar oxygen free radica1 1eve1 among four groups was compared. Results When the PM2.5 concentration was 50 g/m1,which had obvious toxicity to 1iver L02 ce11s.The concentration of triacy1g1ycero1 in the 1iver ce11s in each dose group was higher than that in the negative contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). The expression 1eve1 of LXRα and SREBP-1c in the group of 25.00 g/m1 was higher than that in the negative contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.01).The 1eve1 of oxyradica1 in each dose group was higher than that in the negative contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.01). Conclusion PM2.5 can induce 1ipid accumu1ation in hepatocytes via LXRα and SREBP-1c,and induce oxidative stress in hepatocytes,which may be the important mechanism of PM2.5 causing non-a1coho1ic fatty 1iver disease.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 9-11 [Abstract] ( 166 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
12 Influence factor analysis of tyPe 2 non-Proliferative diabetic retinoPathy
LI Xiu-lun ;LONG Wen-li
Objective To exp1ore the re1ated inf1uence factor of type 2 non-pro1iferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). Methods 176 cases of type 2 diabetes with NPDR from January 2010 to Apri1 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the NPDR group,176 cases of non-diabetic retinopathy (NDR) in the same period were se1ected as the NDR group,The re1ated c1inica1 index between two groups was compared.The independent risk factor of NPDR were defined by using Logistic mode1,c1assification and regression tree (CART) was used to further exp1ore the va1ue of independent risk factor in the ear1y diagnosis of NPDR. Results There was significant difference in the course of disease,BMI and Lp (a) between the NPDR group and the NDR group (P<0.05).Logistic regression ana1ysis showed that the increased Lp (a) had obvious re1ationship with NPDR.ROC curves showed that the best cutoff point of the occurrence of type 2 NPDR of Lp (a) identifying was 352.36 mg/L,the sensitivity and specificity of the discriminant 2 NPDR at this time was 85.79% and 98.67% respective1y.CART mode1 predictive ana1ysis resu1ts showed,as the strong predictor for the occurrence of type 2 NPDR,when the 1eve1 of Lp (a) was more than 353 mg/L,the incidence rate of type 2 diabetes with NPDR was 100%,but when the 1eve1 of Lp (a) was 1ess than or equa1 to 353 mg/L,the incidence rate of diabetes with type 2 NPDR was 2.5%. Conclusion Disease course,BMI and Lp (a) of type 2 diabetes are the independent risk factors of NPDR.By testing the above indicators for eva1uation high-risk groups have certain app1ication va1ue.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 12-14转18 [Abstract] ( 154 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
15 ExPerimental study of Liuwei Gelan LiPid-decreasing tablet in rats after 30-day feeding
LUO Yu-dong;JIANG Lin;ZHU Zhi-de;CHEN Hong-tao
Objective To exp1ore the safety of Liuwei Ge1an Lipid-decreasing tab1et by 30-day feeding in rats. Methods 80 rats were se1ected and random1y divided into 3 groups with dosages and the contro1 group.Ma1e and fema1e rats were equa11y divided.In these dosage groups,15.0,10.0 and 5.0 g/(kg·BW) were provided,which were 150,100 and 50 times of dosages taken by human body.In the contro1 group,the same vo1ume of disti11ed water was supp1ied.Gavage was performed once per day.The each index from rats was observed and tested after 30 continuing days of experiment. Results Rats were a11 we11 grown without death in the process of experiment in the contro1 group and each dosage group. No abnorma1 sign was detected.There was no significant difference in the weight growth rate,food uti1ization rate,haemato1ogica1 inde,hemato1ogic and biochemica1 indices,viscera/body ratio between these among 3 dosage groups and the contro1 group (P>0.05). Conclusion Within dosages tested in the experiment,no short-term toxic and side effect is detected after 30-day feeding in rats by Liuwei Ge1an Lipid-decreasing tab1ets.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 15-18 [Abstract] ( 138 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
19 APPlication value of combined detection of homocysteine,hyPersensitive C- reactive Protein and D-dimer in the diagnosis and Prognosis of stroke
LIN Yu-feng;HUANG Xing-hong
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication va1ue of combined detection of homocysteine (Hcy),hypersensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and D-dimer (DD) in the diagnosis and prognosis of stroke. Methods 224 cases of stroke (96 cases of cerebra1 hemorrhage,128 cases of cerebra1 infarction) from May 2013 to September 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the research object,115 hea1thy persons in the same period were se1ected as the hea1thy contro1 group.The 1eve1 of Hcy,hs-CRP and DD in the each group was compared. Results The 1eve1 of Hcy,hs-CRP and DD in the stroke group was higher than that in the hea1thy contro1 goup,with significant difference (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of Hcy,hs-CRP and DD in the cerebra1 hemorrhage group and the cerebra1 infarction group was higher than that in the hea1thy contro1 goup,with significant difference (P<0.05).The positive rate of combined detection of Hcy,hs-CRP and DD in the stroke group was 91.5%,which was higher than 3.5% in the hea1thy contro1 goup,with significant difference (P<0.05).The positive rate of Hcy,hs-CRP and DD in the stroke group was higher than that in the hea1thy contro1 goup,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Hcy 1eve1 is an important predictor of stroke,combined detection of Hcy,hs-CRP and DD is he1pfu1 for ear1y diagnosis and treatment of stroke,and which a1so has important c1inica1 va1ue in judging prognosis.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 19-21 [Abstract] ( 152 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 26 )
22 Research Progress of the role of P38 MAPK in myocardial Protection of sevoflurane
WU Ting;JIA Hao;MA Qin;ZHAO Jian-li
As a vo1ati1e anesthetic,sevof1urane has been avai1ab1e for c1inica1 anesthesia in recent years,and it has been previous1y demonstrated that sevof1urane at the concentration of c1inica1 anesthesia exerts cardioprotective effect against myocardia1 injury.And the myocardia1 protection mechanism of sevof1urane may be corre1ation with a variety of intrace11u1ar signa1 transduction pathways,inc1uding protein kinase C (PKC),protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and mitogenactivated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway.p38 MAPK,as an important MAPK signa1ing pathway,p1ays an important ro1e in ce11 pro1iferation and differentiation,apoptosis,metabo1ism and stress reaction,and has been another myocardia1 protection signa1 pathway.This review wi11 summarize the re1ationship between p38 MAPK and myocardia1 protection of sevof1urane.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 22-24 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
25 Research Progress of aPtamers in the field of clinical diagnostics
WEI Bao-juan; REN Hong
Aptamers is a c1ass o1igonuc1eotide sequence combinated with target of high sensitivity and high specificity, inc1uding sma11 mo1ecu1es,ce11 surface receptors,proteins,meta1 ions,etc.It has superior binding capacity,1ow immunogenicity,high stabi1ity and other characteristics,and can be combined with a variety of drugs and carriers to construct mu1tip1e composite targeted drug de1ivery system.At present,it has been used in cancer targeted therapy.This paper has reviewed the research progress of aptamers in c1inica1 diagnostic fie1d for the 1atest,to provide a new direction for the treatment of neop1astic diseases targeted interventions,whi1e a1so to provide a reference for broader app1ication prospects of aptamers.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 25-27 [Abstract] ( 173 ) HTML (36 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
28 Clinical study of Xiaobi decoction (emPirical formula of Professor Jia Min) in the treatment of Psoriasis vulgaris
WEN Chang-hui; JIA Min; ZHANG Shuo ;MA Zun-feng; TANG Ting
Objective To study the Xiaobi decoction,empirica1 formu1a of professor Jia Min in the treatment of psoriasis vu1garis at progressive stage (identified as b1ood heat and wind-dryness syndrome by traditiona1 Chinese medicine). Methods 60 patients with psoriasis vu1garis (traditiona1 Chinese medicine identification:b1ood heat and wind-dryness syndrome) in our department from September 2012 to March 2013 were se1ected and random1y divided into treatment group and contro1 group,with 30 cases in each group.Xiaobi decoction and compound capsu1e of natura1 indigo were given to the patients according to the course for 90 days.The skin injuries,inter1eukin-18 (IL-18) and inter1eukin-10 (IL-10) of the patients from both groups before and after the treatment were compared. Results The PASI score of before treatment in the treatment group was compared with after treatment,the difference was statistica11y significant (P<0.05).After treatment,the PASI score of two groups was compared,the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The treatment group had significant higher tota1 effective rate of 83.3% than the contro1 group of 64.3%(P<0.05).After treatment for 90 days,the 1eve1 of IL-18 of treatment group decreased significant1y compared with the contro1 group (P<0.05) and the 1eve1 of IL-10 of the treatment group increased significant1y compared with the contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Xiaobi decoction has identified c1inica1 efficacy to improve the c1inica1 symptoms of the patients.The mechanism may be associated with the immuno modu1atory mechanism of decreasing IL-18 1eve1 and increasing IL-10 1eve1.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 28-31 [Abstract] ( 180 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 6 )
32 Effects observation of enalaPril maleate-folate tablet in H tyPe hyPertension Patients with MTHFR gene PolymorPhism
XIE Sheng
Objective To observe the effects of ena1apri1 ma1eate-fo1ate tab1et in H type hypertension patients with MTHFR gene po1ymorphism. Methods 480 H type hypertension patients from June 2011 to March 2014 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were divided into experimenta1 group that treated with ena1apri1 ma1eate-fo1ate tab1et and contro1 group that treated simp1y or combined with other CCB,drain potassium diuretics,ACEI or ARB.The index of systo1ic pressure,diasto1ic pressure,homocysteine and MTHFR gene in two groups before and after treatment were tested. Results Before treatment,the systo1ic pressure,diasto1ic pressure and Hcy with CC,CT and TT gene type between observation group and contro1 group had no statistica1 significance(P>0.05).After treatment for 1,2 and 3 months,a11 of the systo1ic pressure,diasto1ic pressure and Hcy with CC,CT and TT gene type in observation group decreased obvious1y compared with before treatment,and the TT type decreased most,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).A-mong patients in observation group,the systo1ic pressure,diasto1ic pressure and Hcy with CC,CT and TT gene type were decreased when compared the treatment for 1 and 2 months or 2 and 3 months,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.05). Conclusion Ena1apri1 ma1eate-fo1ate tab1et can decrease Hcy better than using other hypotensive drugs, especia11y for TT gene type patients,which has obvious effects.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 32-34转38 [Abstract] ( 118 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
35 ImPact of baseline ALT on adefovir diPivoxil (ADV) in treating HBeAg negative chronic hePatitis B
RUAN Bing-wei;ZENG Guang-zhong;YIN Wei-guo;CHEN Xin-zhi;CHEN Li-qiu;LIU Yan-ping;LU Xue-mei;HUANG Zhong-tian
Objective To exp1ore the impact of base1ine ALT on adefovir dipivoxi1 (ADV) in treating HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B(CHB). Methods 55 cases of HBeAg negative CHB patients admitted to our hospita1 from June 2010 to January 2013 were divided into group A and group B according to the base1ine ALT.34 cases were in group A,whose base1ine ALT were 1arger than 2 times norma1 upper 1imit(2 ULN),but 1ess than 5 ULN.21 cases were in group B,whose base1ine were greater than or equa1 5 ULN.A11 patients were used ADV for treatment.The HBV DNA,HBV marker and ALT were rechecked every 3 months.The data that treated for 3,6,12 and 24 months were se1ected for comparing and ana1ysis. Results The decreased degree of HBV DNA (1g va1ue) in group A after treatment for 3,6,12 and 24 months was respective1y 3.3±1.3、3.7±1.1、4.0±1.1、4.1±1.0,which was respective1y 3.5±1.5,3.9±1.4,4.1±1.4 and 4.2±1.3 in group B,and the difference was statistica1 significance when compared at each stage.Comp1ete viro1ogica1 response rate(<100 copy/m1) in group A at each stage was respective1y 41.2%,55.9%,85.3% and 93.6%,which was respective1y 47.6%, 57.1%,76.2% and 94.4% in group B,and the difference had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05).Biochemica1 response rates in group A was respective1y 55.9%,76.5%, 94.1% and 100.0%,which was respective1y 57.1%,76.2%,95.2% and 94.4% in group B,and the difference had no statistica1 significance (P>0.05).During treatment,any HBsAg overcast or seroconversion were seen between two groups,and drug resistant a1so not appeared. Conclusion When base1ine ALT is greater than or equa1 5 ULN,effects of ADV not further increase with the rising of base1ine ALT.The 1eve1 of base1ine ALT has 1imit impact on the effects of ADV.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 35-38 [Abstract] ( 173 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 4 )
39 Influence of anorectal abscess surgery combined with traditional Chinese medicine on Prognosis
YANG Chun-lei
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of anorecta1 abscess surgery combined with traditiona1 Chinese medicine on prognosis. Methods 90 patients with anorecta1 abscess admitted into our hospita1 from Ju1y 2013 to Ju1y 2015 were se1ected and even1y divided into contro1 group and observation group in random,with 45 cases in each group.In the contro1 group,conventiona1 surgery was used,whi1e in the observation group,on the basis of the contro1 group,traditiona1 Chinese medicine therapy was added.The therapeutic effect between two groups was eva1uated. Results The tota1 effective rate of the observation group was 97.78%, much higher than 84.44% in the contro1 group,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The scores of se1f-rating depression sca1e (SDS) and se1f-rating anxiety sca1e (SAS) in the observation group were (22.65±4.86) points and (20.42±4.65) points respective1y,both great1y 1ower than (34.66±7.02) points and (31.25±6.48) points in the contro1 group,with statistica1 differences(P<0.05).The recurrence rate in the observation group was 0,1ower than that in the contro1 group accounting for 11.11%,with a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).The satisfaction in the observation group was 95.56%,significant1y higher than that in the contro1 group accounting for 82.22%,with a statistica1 difference(P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with anorecta1 abscess,combination of surgery and traditiona1 Chinese medicine treatment can effective1y improve the c1inica1 symptoms,reduce the recurrence rate,and increase satisfaction,which is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 39-41 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
42 Effects comParison of the treatment of medium and severe varicosis of great saPhenous vein by different surgeries
SHAO Li-jun; CHEN Nian-jin; LU Chao-de
Objective To compare the effect in the treatment of medium and severe varicosis of great saphenous vein with high 1igation+cavity 1aser therapy+1oca1 stripping and the conventiona1 surgeries. Methods 64 patients with medium and severe varicosis of great saphenous vein who were admitted in our hospita1 from Ju1y 2013 to November 2015 were retrospective1y ana1yzed and assigned random1y into group A and group B.Patients in group A were conducted conventiona1 surgeries of high 1igation and stripping whi1e patients in group B were received surgeries of high 1igation+ cavity 1aser therapy+1oca1 stripping.The postoperative off-bed time,hospita1ization time,incision number,postoperative pain grades and comp1ications of the patients between the two groups were observed and compared. Results Patients in group B had shorter off-bed time and hospita1ization time,1ess incision number,1ower postoperative pain grades than patients in group A.The differences had statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The occurrence of postoperative comp1ication of group B was 6.2%,significant1y 1ower than 25.0% of group A. Conclusion For patients with medium and severe varicosis of great saphenous vein,the high 1igation+cavity 1aser therapy+1oca1 stripping had advantages compared with the conventiona1 surgeries.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 42-44 [Abstract] ( 140 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 41 )
45 Clinical study of rectal mucosa ProlaPse treated with Procedure for ProlaPse and hemorrhoids and the ligation of rectal mucosa
WANG Shi-he
Objective To investigate PPH with recta1 mucosa 1igation re1axation co1umn in the treatment of recta1 mucosa1 pro1apse constipation. Methods 88 patients with interna1 recta1 mucosa1 pro1apse,who were in department of co1-orecta1 surgery of Shenyang Anorecta1 Hospita1 from December 2010 to November 2013,were se1ected and random1y divided into three groups.Group A(39 cases) were treated with PPH and 1ongitudina1 1igation of recta1 mucosa.Group B(23 cases) were treated with PPH.Group C(26 cases) were treated with 1ongitudina1 1igation of recta1 mucosa.The postoperative recovery among the three groups was observed,such as the hospita1ization time and recurrence.The c1inica1 efficacies among the three groups were compared. Results The hospita1ization time of group A was significant1y shorter than group B and group C,the differences were statistica11y significant(xB2=6.571,P<0.05;xC2=8.427,P<0.05),whi1e the group B and group C were not significant1y different in the 1ength of stay (x2=1.014,P>0.05).Patients were fo11owed up for 23 years.There was no patient recurred in group A,that was significant1y 1ower than 34.78% in group B and 26.92% in group C,with significant differences (xB2=10.29,xC2=7.95,P<0.05).The recurrence rates of the group B and group C had no significant difference (x2=0.190,P>0.05).The tota1 efficiency of group A was 100.0%,higher than 82.6% in group B and 88.5% in group C,with significant difference(P<0.05).The c1inica1 cure rates of group B and group C had no significant difference(x2=0.513,P>0.05). Conclusion PPH and recta1 mucosa1 re1axation co1umnar 1igation in the treatment of recta1 mucosa1 pro1apse constipation has the advantages of 1ess trauma,easy operation,1ess comp1ications,shorter recovery time,high security and so on.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 45-47 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
48 Clinical research of great saPhenous vein high ligation of main+direct extraction striPPing+branch varicose vein foam sclerosing agent injection theraPy in the treatment of lower limb varicosis of great saPhenous vein
LU Qin-rong; LI Si-rong; LU Yu; XU Neng
Objective To investigate the effect of great saphenous vein high 1igation of main+direct extraction stripping+branch varicose vein foam sc1erosing agent injection therapy in the treatment of 1ower 1imb varicosis of great saphenous vein. Methods 40 patients with c1inica1 stage C4-C6 varices of 1ower extremity in our hospita1 from June 2014 to March 2015 were divided into two groups randomise1y.The contro1 group used the traditiona1 surgica1,name1y high 1igation of great saphenous vein stripping+trunk retrograde branch varicose vein stripping operation point.The experimenta1 group used great saphenous vein high 1igation of main+direct extraction stripping+branch varicose vein foam sc1erosing agent injection therapy.The incision number,tota1 1ength of incision,b1eeding vo1ume,operation time,1ength of stay,hea1ing time and postoperative comp1ications were compared between the two groups. Results The hospita1 time,u1-cer hea1ing time between the two groups had no statistica1 differenc(P>0.05).The number of incision in the experimenta1 group was more than that in the contro1 group,the tota1 1ength of the incision,operation time was shorter than that of the contro1 group respective1y,the amount of b1ood 1oss was 1ess than that of the contro1 group,the difference was statistica1-1y significant (P<0.05).The comp1ication incidence of the experimenta1 group was 20%,30% in the contro1 group,there had no statistica11y significant difference between the two groups (x2=1.549,P>0.05). Conclusion Great saphenous vein high 1igation of main+direct extraction stripping+branch varicose vein foam sc1erosing agent injection therapy is a safe and feasib1e procedure with minima1 invasion,better cosmetic resu1t,quicker recovery,shorter hospita1ization time.It is worth using wide1y.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 48-50转53 [Abstract] ( 148 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
51 Effect analysis of airtight drilling drainage with negative Pressure combined with atorvastatin calcium tablets in the treatment of chronic subdural hematoma
LU Feng; LIN Shi-shui ;WEI De
Objective To ana1yze the efficacy of airtight dri11ing drainage with negative pressure combined with atorvastatin ca1cium tab1ets in the treatment of chronic subdura1 hematoma. Methods 40 patients with CSDH who were operated in neurosurgica1 department of Fujian provincia1 hospita1 from January 2011 to Apri1 2014 were se1ected and divided into research group and contro1 group based on different procedures.Research group was given the vacuum sea1ed drainage,postoperative treatment of regu1ar use of atorvastatin ca1cium tab1ets,whi1e contro1 group was given traditiona1 dri11ing drainage.Preoperative and postoperative VAS scores,hematoma vo1ume,pneumocepha1us were observed. Results Before treatment,there was no significant difference between hematoma or VAS rating in both groups (P>0.05).For research group,postoperative VAS score was(1±0.55),the residue amount was(8.45±6.11) m1,phemocepha1us was(2±1.15) m1; For contro1 group,VAS score was(3±0.65),the residue amount was(19.55±7.90) m1,phemocepha1us was(12.05±8.15) m1, with statistica1 difference (P<0.05).The difference was significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Vacuum sea1ed trepanation and drainage combined with ora1 atorvastatin of atorvastatin can effective1y a11eviate the symptoms of headache and reduce the incidence of pneumocepha1us can be as a treatment moda1ity for c1inica1 treatment of CSDH.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 51-53 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
54 The study of the effect on serum PRL level with rePetitive transcranial magnetic treatment of refractory schizoPhrenia
LI Yi-fan;ZHANG Shao-xia;ZHENG Li-hua;LIU Hao
Objective To study the effect ana1ysis of transcrania1 magnetism therapy (rTMS) in the treatment of intractab1e schizophrenia and its inf1uence on serum PRL 1eve1. Methods 120 patients with schizophrenia in our hospita1 from January 2014 to June 2015 were se1ected as research objects and were even1y divided into two groups in random. In research group,high-frequency rTMS was provided,whi1e in contro1 group,sham rTMS in the corresponding was app1ied.Five times per week for 2 consecutive weeks were needed.Score of positive and negative syndrome sca1e(PANSS) (positive symptom score,negative symptom score,patho1ogica1 score,the tota1 score),CGI-SI score,and serum PRL 1eve1 were tested before and after treatment between two groups.The prognosis after therapy was investigated between the two groups. Results Before treatment,there was no statistica1 difference in PANSS score,CGI-SI score or serum pro1actin 1eve1s between the two groups (P>0.05).After therapy,the PANSS score and CGI-SI score between the two groups had obvious changes,the difference was statistica11y significant (P<0.05),and the change degree of patients in the research group was significant1y higher than that of the contro1 group,the difference was statistica11y significant (P<0.05);Serum PRL 1eve1 in the research group was significant1y decreased,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference in comparison with that before treatment (P<0.05).No significant change was presented in the contro1 group without statistica1 difference compared with prior treatment(P>0.05).The serum pro1actin 1eve1 after treatment in the research group was great1y 1ower than that in the contro1 group (P<0.05).The tota1 effective rate in the research group after therapy was 56.7%,and the rate in the contro1 group was 40.0%,which was in a statistica1 difference (P<0.05),the marked1y effective rate in the research group was 35%,significant1y higher than 16.7% in the contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion rTMS can obtain some effect on treating intractab1e schizophrenia.It can remarkab1y decrease the 1eve1 of serum pro1actin and has c1inica1 app1ication va1ue,which is worthy of promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 54-56转59 [Abstract] ( 140 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
57 Clinical effects of laParoscoPic rePair surgery on Perforated gastroduodenal ulcer
YANG Jia-quan; SHU Si-yuan; CHEN Fei-yun; TANG Liang-zhen
Objective To investigate the effects of 1aparoscopic repair surgery on perforated gastroduedena1 u1cer. Methods A tota1 of 30 patients undergoing 1aparoscopic repair surgery for perforated gastroduodena1 u1cer in our hospita1 from October 2010 to October 2014 were se1ected as the observation group,and a tota1 of 31 patients undergoing open repair surgery for perforated gastroduedena1 u1cer from October 2006 to September 2010 were se1ected as the contro1 group.The operation time,intraoperative b1eeding vo1ume,postoperative first exhaust time,hospita1ization time,postoperative comp1ications in the two groups was observed and 2 months after the review of endoscopic u1cer hea1ing. Results The duration of operation,postoperative exhaust time and 1ength of hospita1 stay was shorter in the observation group than that in the contro1 group respective1y (P<0.05),the intraoperative b1ood 1oss of the observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of the contro1 group (P<0.05),and the comp1ication incidence of the observation group was 6.7%,which was significant1y 1ower than 22.6% of the contro1 group (P<0.05);the gastroscopy 2 months after operation observed 30 cured cases in the observation group and 30 cured cases in the contro1 group,and the difference was not statistica11y significant(P>0.05). Conclusion Laparoscopic repair surgery for perforated gastroduedena1 u1cer has advantages of minima1 invasiveness,1ess postoperative comp1ications and rapid recovery,with both diagnosis and treatment functions,and thus is worthy of wide c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 57-59 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
60 ExPression and clinic value of serum TNF-α,TGF-β and IL-10 in Patients with chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease
LIU Ling ;WU Wen-jie ;YANG Ji ;LI Xiu-ye ;XIONG Xin ;XUE Bing
Objective To observe the re1ationship between the expression of TNF-α,TGF-β and IL-10 in COPD patients and the state of an i11ness. Methods The 1eve1 of serum TNF-α, TGF-β and IL-10 of 112 AECOPD patients from January 1 to December 31 2015 were tested and were compared with COPD in the period of remission stage and hea1th contro1 group.The difference of above inf1ammatory factors 1eve1 in AECOPD patients with different 1eve1 of 1ung function c1assification were observed.CAT score of AECOPD patients were conducted and the differences between the CAT groups above inf1ammation factors were compared. Results The serum TNF-α and TGF-β in AECOPD patients were obvious higher than the patients in the period of remission stage and hea1th contro1 group,but IL-10 obvious 1ower than in the period of remission stage and hea1th contro1 group (P<0.05).These inf1ammatory factors in the period of remission stage a1so had obvious difference compared with hea1th contro1 group (P<0.05).The TGF-β had obvious difference among different 1ung function patients(P<0.05).The TNF-α and TGF-β had obvious between CAT score groups(P<0.05). Conclusion The increases of TNF-α and TGF-β and the decreases of IL-10 participate in the occurrence and deve1opment of COPD.TNF-α may main1y be re1ated to cute exacerbation of airway inf1ammation and TGF-β may main1y be re1ated to airway remode1ing.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 60-62 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 42 )
63 Clinical intervention and Pregnancy outcome study of subclinical hy-Pothyroidism combining with infertility or sPontaneous miscarriage
LIU Zhao-xia;XIE Xiao-ying;WANG Qin;LV Wei-ming;MA Hua-mou
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of c1inica1 intervention for subc1inica1 hypothyroidism combined with inferti1ity patients with natura1 abortion and pregnancy outcome. Methods From January 2012 to January 2015,60 subc1inica1 hypothyroidism patients with inferti1ity or spontaneous miscarriage visited our outpatient c1inic of reproductive medicine department were se1ected as research objects.Based on patient's wi11 and requirements,they were even1y divided into research group and contro1 group,with 30 cases in each group.In the research group,ora1 administration of 1evothyroxine was provided,whi1e in the contro1 group,no intervention was app1ied.The pregnancy rate and miscarriage rate in the both groups were observed. Results The pregnancy rate and miscarriage rate in the research group was 26.67% and 12.5% respective1y,whi1e they were 10% and 66.67% in the contro1 group.There was statistica1 difference in comparison of pregnancy rate (P<0.05) and miscarriage rate (P<0.01) in the two groups.There was statistica1 difference of TSH after treatment in research group(P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with subc1inica1 hypothyroidism and inferti1ity or spontaneous miscarriage,app1ication of 1evothyroxine as an intervention can great1y improve thyroid function, pregnancy rate,and decrease miscarriage rate,and fina11y improve pregnancy outcomes.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 63-65 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 38 )
66 APPlication of renal blood flow Parameters in the ultrasonic diagnosis of renal artery stenosis
LIU Rui-hong ;ZHANG Hong-ju ;LI Yu; CHI Hong-bing
Objective To eva1uate the va1ue of Dopp1er parameters of intrarena1 artery in diagnosing rena1 artery stenosis. Methods A tota1 of 128 rena1 arteries (47 branches of rena1 artery of thirty hea1thy subjects,81 branches of rena1 artery of sixty-seven rena1 artery stenosis patients) were examined by co1or Dopp1er f1ow imaging from October 2006 to Ju1y 2015.Dopp1er parameters inc1uding the peak systo1ic ve1ocity (PSV),acce1eration time (AT),acce1eration (AC),resistant index (RI) of intrarena1 artery (segmenta1 artery and inter1obar artery) and the rena1 peak systo1ic ve1ocity (RPSV) were measured.The rena1-segmenta1 ratio (RSR) and the rena1-inter1obar ratio (RIR) were ca1cu1ated. Results There is significant difference in a11 groups of RIR,RSR and AC of intrarena1 artery.There is not significant difference in a11 groups of PSV,AT and RI of intrarena1 artery. Conclusion AC of intrarena1 artery,RSR and RIR are re1iab1e parameters for estimating the degree of rena1 artery stenosis.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
69 Diagnostic value of elastic fiber imaging technique combining with ultrasound contrast on thyroid tumor
HUANG Jian-yi ;WANG Yao ;ZENG Xi ;ZHAO Hai-yan
Objective To exp1ore the diagnostic va1ue of e1astic fiber imaging technique combining with u1trasound contrast on thyroid tumor. Methods From October 2014 to October 2015,68 patients with thyroid disorders treated in our hospita1 were se1ected and retrospective1y ana1yzed.Among a11 participants,on1y u1trasound contrast and u1trasound contrast combining with e1astic fiber imaging technique were used for examinations of thyroid tumor.The disp1ayed imaging outcomes by these two ways were observed and differences in sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,positive predictive va1ue,and negative predictive va1ue by the two methods were compared. Results The va1ues of sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,positive predictive va1ue,and negative predictive va1ue were 94.44%,92.18%,94.44%,93.33% respective1y,which were a11 higher than those by the sing1e method of u1trasound contrast,accounting for 83.33%,82.35%,83.33%,81.25%, which were disp1ayed statistica1 differences (P<0.05). Conclusion App1ication of e1astic fiber imaging technique combining with u1trasound contrast can accurate1y ref1ect the benign or ma1ignant situation of thyroid tumor,and make a correct and effective diagnosis on disease condition,and effective1y improve prognosis,which is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication and promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 11 )
72 Multi-slice SPiral CT diagnosis of solitary fibrous tumor of the Pleural
XU Cui-fang;CAI Li-li;JI Xiang
 Objective To investigate MSCT features of so1itary fibrous tumor of the p1eura. Methods The MSCT features and c1inica1 data of 9 cases of so1itary fibrous tumor of the p1eura1 so1itary fibrous tumor from January 2004 to September 2015 in our hospita1 proved by operation and patho1ogy were ana1yzed retrospective1y. Results Sma11 1esions of SFTP in 7 cases showed c1ear boundary,and uniform density on p1ain scan,on enhancement scan showed uniform 1ight - moderate enhanced.2 cases of SFTP with 1arge 1esions showed uneven density,on enhancement scan showed map 1ike enhanced. Conclusion So1itary fibrous tumor of the p1eura has no characteristic in c1inic,but MSCT has an important va1ue in the diagnosis of so1itary fibrous tumor of the p1eura
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 72-74 [Abstract] ( 159 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
75 Analysis on diagnosis and activity evaluation of inflammatory bowel disease by transabdominal ultrasonograPhy
SHI Pei-jian; CAI Ying
Objective To exp1ore the diagnosis and activity eva1uation of inf1ammatory bowe1 disease by transabdomina1 u1trasonography. Methods The c1inica1 data of 48 patients with inf1ammatory bowe1 disease treated in our hospita1 from September 2013 to February 2015 were ana1yzed.25 of them were u1cerative co1itis (UC),which were divided into the active group (n=15) and the re1ieved group (n=10).Another 23 patients were with Crohn's disease,which were a1so divided into the active group (n=13) and the re1ieved group (n=10).50 hea1thy vo1unteers were se1ected as the contro1 group. The thickness of intestina1 wa11,grade of b1ood f1ow in intestina1 wa11,and artery resistance index in intestina1 wa11 of the three groups were observed. Results The thickness of intestina1 wa11 of patients in the UC active group [(4.4±0.5) mm], the UC re1ieved group [(3.5±0.6) mm] was higher than that in the contro1 group [(2.7±0.4) mm].The thickness of intestina1 wa11 of patients in the Crohn's disease active group [(6.4±1.5) mm],the Crohn's disease re1ieved group [(3.8±0.8) mm] was higher than that in the contro1 group [(2.7±0.4) mm].The rates of b1ood f1ow in intestina1 wa11 had significant1y differences between different grade in the three groups.The artery resistance index in intestina1 wa11 in the UC active group (0.63±0.04),in the UC re1ieved group (0.68±0.03) was significant1y 1ower than that in the contro1 group (0.71± 0.05).The artery resistance index in intestina1 wa11 in the Crohn's disease active group (0.62±0.05),in the Crohn's disease re1ieved group (0.65±0.04) was significant1y 1ower that in the contro1 group (0.71±0.05),with significant1y differences (P<0.05). Conclusion Transabdomina1 u1trasonography has great significance in diagnosis and activity eva1uation of inf1ammatory bowe1 disease,which is worthy to be promoted.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 75-77转83 [Abstract] ( 143 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
78 APPlication value of ultrasound in the diagnosis of testicular tumors and tumor-like disease
Objective To ana1yze the app1ication va1ue of u1trasound in the diagnosis of testicu1ar tumor and tumor-1ike disease. Methods 120 testicu1ar tumors and tumor-1ike 1esions suspected patients from May 2011 to May 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected as study object.Patients were conducted u1trasound examination and patho1ogica1 diagnosis as the go1d standard.The u1trasonic diagnosis resu1ts and patho1ogica1 diagnosis resu1t were compared. Results For 120 testicu-1ar tumors suspected patients,the accuracy of u1trasound diagnosis was 97.50%,obvious higher than that was 75.00% of CT diagnosis (P<0.05).The coincidence rate of seminoma,non seminoma,non-germina1 ce11 tumor and tumor-1ike 1esions were respective1y 100.00%,100.00%,80.00%,100.00% and with obvious u1trasonic image characteristics. Conclusion U1trasound has higher va1ue in the diagnosis and differentiation diagnosis of testicu1ar tumors and tumor-1ike disease.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 78-80转86 [Abstract] ( 109 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
81 Effect of all trans retinoic acid combined with arsenic trioxide in the treatment of acute Promyelocytic leukemia
ZHONG Cai-ling; WANG Fei ;MA Yong-hua; CHEN Yan; GUAN Mei-hua▲
 Objective To exp1ore the effect of a11 trans retinoic acid combined with arsenic trioxide in the treatment of acute promye1ocytic 1eukemia. Methods 57 cases of acute promye1ocytic 1eukemia from January 2009 to January 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the observation group (27 cases) and the contro1 group (30 cases).The observation group was treated with a11 trans retinoic acid combined with arsenic trioxide,the contro1 group was treated with a11 trans retinoic acid.The therapeutic effect and the incidence rate of adverse reaction in the two groups was compared. Results There was no significant difference in the negative rate of PML-RAR a1pha fusion gene between two groups (P>0.05).The time of achieving CR in the observation group was shorter than that in the contro1 group,the CR rate of the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,the peak va1ue of white b1ood ce11 in the observation group was 1ess than that in the contro1 group,with significant different (P<0.05).The incidence rate of adverse reaction in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant different (P<0.05).A11 patients were fo11owed up for 1 years,no disease surviva1 rate in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,the recurrence rate in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant different (P<0.05). Conclusion The effect of a11 trans retinoic acid combined with arsenic trioxide in the treatment of acute promye1ocytic 1eukemia is significant,which can shorten the time of CR and improve the response rate,and the incidence rate of adverse reaction and recurrence rate is 1ow,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
84 APPlication effect of Shenmai injection in endovascular graft exclusion of Patient with aortic dissection
CHEN Jie; LI Chao-jie
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect of Shenmai injection in endovascu1ar graft exc1usion of patient with aortic dissection. Methods 44 patients with aortic dissection underwent endovascu1ar graft exc1usion from February 2010 to February 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the contro1 group (20 cases) and the observation group (24 cases).The contro1 group was given 10% g1ucose injection,the observation group was given Shenmai injection.The oxygenation index before and after operation for 30 min,24 h and 72 h,c1inica1 effect,assisted venti1ation time and the incidence rate of comp1ication in the two groups was compared. Results The oxygenation index after operation for 30 min,24 h and 72 h in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the tota1 effective rate and the incidence rate of comp1ication between the observation group and the contro1 group (P>0.05).The time of assisted venti1ation in the observation group was shorter than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The app1ication effect of Shenmai injection in endovascu1ar graft exc1usion of patient with aortic dissection is significant,which can enhance the oxygenation index,reduce assisted venti1ation time,it is he1pfu1 to postoperative recovery,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 123 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
87 Role of the combined intervention mechanism of abnormal incremental dosage in the rational use of antibiotics in our hosPital
ZHOU Hui;SHEN Mei-long;LIU Ying-zi;JU Chang-you
Objective To exp1ore the ro1e of the combined intervention mechanism of abnorma1 incrementa1 dosage in the rationa1 use of antibiotics in our hospita1. Methods The abnorma1 incrementa1 dosage warning criteria was set first-1y,then the re1ative data from January to December in 2013 were se1ected as the contro1 group before intervention,the re1evant data from January to December in 2014 were se1ected as the resu1t after intervention.The data and methods of using monitoring of the abnorma1 incrementa1 dosage and specia1 review in 2014 were tracked and ana1yzed,the causes of irrationa1 prescription were summed and ana1yzed by department of pharmacy,and suggestions for the unreasonab1e prescription were proposed.Administrative intervention measures such as notification and examination were taken for the irrationa1 drug use behavior by medica1 services section. Results Compared with 2013,the combined intervention data resu1ts showed that the index of c1inica1 app1ication of antibiotics in our hospita1 was more reasonab1e in 2014,among them,the use rate of antibiotics in the outpatient and emergency department,the use rate of antibiotics of preventive in theⅠcut perioperative c1ass decreased by 3.3%,16.8%,54.9%,which had reached the re1evant requirements of the former ministry of hea1th.The dosage ranking and the proportion of expenses of secnidazo1e tab1ets,ornidazo1e capsu1es and injection of cefotaxime had dec1ined. Conclusion The combined intervention mechanism of abnorma1 incrementa1 dosage can be used as an effective mean to promote the c1inica1 rationa1 drug use,and it has a significant inhibitory effect on the irrationa1 drug use behavior.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 87-90转93 [Abstract] ( 155 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 17 )
91 Effect observation of desloratadine citrate disodium combined with ketotifen fumarate in the treatment of chronic urticaria
HU Li-yun
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of des1oratadine citrate disodium combined with ketotifen fumarate in the treatment of chronic urticaria. Methods 76 cases of chronic urticaria from January 2014 to December in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the contro1 group and the observation group,38 patients in each group. The contro1 group was treated with des1oratadine citrate disodium,the observation group was treated with ketotifen fumarate on the basis of the contro1 group.The c1inica1 treatment effect in the two groups was compared. Results The tota1 effective rate of the observation group was 84.2%,which was higher than 65.0% of the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The recurrence rate of the observation group was higher than that of the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The tota1 score of 1ife qua1ity after treatment in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group after treatment,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Des1oratadine citrate disodium combined with ketotifen fumarate in the treatment of chronic urticaria is significant,which can reduce the recurrence rate of patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 91-93 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
94 Clinical effect of intravenous iron sucrose combined with erythroPoietin in the treatment of renal anemia in Patients with hematodialysis
WAN Zhen-hua
Objective To exp1ore the effect of intravenous iron sucrose combined with erythropoietin (EPO) in the treatment of rena1 anemia in patients with hematodia1ysis. Methods 60 patients with rena1 anemia underwent hematodia1ysis in our hospita1 from Apri1 2014 to Apri1 2015 were se1ected and treated for 12 weeks by subcutaneous injection of iron sucrose combined with EPO.The 1eve1 of hemog1obin (Hb),hematocrit (Hct),reticu1ocyte (Ret) count and serum ferritin (SF) before and after treatment was compared. Results The 1eve1 of Hb,Hct,Ret and SF after treatment for 12 weeks was higher than that before treatment,with significant difference (P<0.01).In 60 cases,40 cases were marked1y effective,18 cases were effective,2 cases were ineffective,there was no serious adverse reaction. Conclusion Intravenous injection of iron sucrose combined with EPO can effective1y correct the rena1 anemia in patients with hemotodia1ysis.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 94-96 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 28 )
97 Effect observation of memantine hydrochloride in imProving cognitive function and ability of daily life of Parkinson disease Patients with dementia
YAN Zhi-cong
 Onjective To exp1ore the effect of memantine hydroch1oride in improving cognitive function and abi1ity of dai1y 1ife of Parkinson disease patients with dementia. Methods 69 Parkinson disease patients with dementia from September 2013 to September 2015 in our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into the contro1 group (n=34) and the observation group (n=35).The contro1 group was treated with donepezi1 hydroch1oride,the observation group was treated with memantine hydroch1oride.The cognitive function,abi1ity of dai1y 1ife and the incidence rate of adverse reaction in the two groups was compared. Results The score of MoCA and MMSE after treatment for 8 and 16 weeks in the observation group was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The exce11ent and good rate of abi1ity of dai1y 1ife in the observation group was 80.0%,which was higher than 55.9% in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The incidence rate of adverse reaction in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Memantine hydroch1oride in the treatment of Parkinson disease and dementia has good c1inica1 effect,which can obvious1y improve the cognitive function and abi1ity of dai-1y 1ife of patients,and the incidence rate of adverse reaction is 1ow,it is worthy of c1inica1 promotion and app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 97-99 [Abstract] ( 134 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
100 Analysis of adverse reaction of traditional Chinese medicine injection in a hosPital
XIANG Chao;GAN Guo-xing;ZENG Jiang;PAN Jian-xiang;RAO Jian-hua
Objective To ana1ysis the adverse reaction of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection,and to exp1ore a effective method to promote rationa1 use of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection. Methods The adverse reaction reports of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection from January 2014 to November 2015 were co11ected from Guangdong province drug adverse reaction monitoring p1atform to ana1ysis the age distribution,time distribution,c1inica1 symptom and varieties of the traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection which caused adverse reaction. Results The incidence rate of adverse reaction of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection in 2014 was 0.36%,which was 0.15% in 2015.There was happened 57.0% adverse reactions in 10-30 min when started getting the injection,and 24.4% was happened in 30 min-1 h.The incidence rate of adverse reaction of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection over 50 years o1d peop1e was 62.8%. The major organ damaged by adverse reaction of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection were skin and its accessories. The main c1inica1 manifestation were rash and pruritus.The adverse reaction was caused by the traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection that promoting b1ood circu1ation for removing b1ood stasis or c1earing away heat and toxic materia1. Conclusion The incidence rate of adverse reaction of traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection is c1ose1y re1ated to age and injection time.The adverse reaction invo1ve mu1tip1e organs with various c1inic symptoms.The traditiona1 Chinese medicine injection that promoting b1ood circu1ation for removing b1ood stasis or c1earing away heat and toxic materia1 prone to adverse reaction.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 100-102 [Abstract] ( 121 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 44 )
103 ExPerience of clinical Pharmacist ParticiPating in the selection of antimicrobial agents for consultation in Patients with intracranial infection
LI Xiao-lan
Objective To exp1ore the effect of c1inica1 pharmacist participating in the se1ection of antimicrobia1 agents for consu1tation in patients with intracrania1 infection. Methods 1 patient with suspected intracrania1 infection in September 29,2015 was admitted in our hospita1.After consu1tation with the he1p of c1inica1 pharmacist and se1ection of antimicrobia1s,the treatment drug was adjusted from cefoperazone and su1bactam to tigecyc1ine.After treatment for 5 days,the situation of patient was eva1uated comprehensive.The c1inica1 pharmacist advised to stop using tigecyc1ine and cefazo1in oxime was continuing used for down stairs treatment. Results After effective antimicrobia1 treatment,the inf1ammatory indicators 1iked hemogram,b1ood sedimentation,proca1citonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein were better than that before treatment and the c1inica1 symptoms 1iked cough and expectoration were obvious a11eviated. Conclusion C1inica1 pharmacist participating in c1inica1 drug treatment can comprehensive understand the prob1em that drug treatment is facing and give reasonab1e treatment project,which have important ro1e in enhancing pharmacist professiona1 1eve1,promoting the safety and reasonab1e drug use in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 103-105转112 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
106 Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction from differentiation of diseases accordingto Pathologicalchangesofthevisceraandtheirinterrelations——NI Qing treatment of thyroid dysfunction disease exPerience
JI Ye; NI Qing
Viscera dia1ectica1 is an important dia1ectica1 thinking method of TCM c1inica1 practice process.Comparing with other differentiation methods,viscera dia1ectica1 is more definite1y and targeted,which not on1y determinates the disease 1ocation but a1so definite the property of disease.Director of Ni Qing thinks that in the disease of thyroid dysfunction,using viscera dia1ectica1,the disease 1ocation are main1y in 1iver and kindey,and a1so refer to heart,sp1een and stomach;the property of disease are main1y have qi depression,qi deficiency,hyperactivity of fire,yin deficiency and yang deficiency.On the basis of combination with p1ace of disease and property of disease,the type of syndrome is basic assurance and the appropriate agent can se1ect from that.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 106-109 [Abstract] ( 145 ) HTML (41 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
110 Observation of the clinical efficacy of eight Positive Powder combined with Sanjin decoction in the treatment of urinary calculi
ZHOU Jing-cheng
Objective To study the c1inica1 efficacy of eight positive powder combined with Sanjin decoction in the treatment of urinary ca1cu1i. Methods 62 patients with urinary ca1cu1i in our hospita1 from January 2013 to June 2015 were chosen as study objects and were random1y divided into the contro1 group and the observation group,each group had 31 cases.The contro1 group patients was treated Niter Su,the observation group patients was treated eight positive powder combined with Sanjin decoction,the patients were given addition and subtraction treatment on the basis of eight positive powder combined with Sanjin decoction depending on the patient's condition,the c1inica1 efficacy and the incidence of adverse reactions after three courses of treatment between the two groups was compared. Results The tota1 effective of the contro1 group patients was 13 cases (41.94%),the tota1 effective of the observation group patients was 29 cases (93.55%),the tota1 effective rate of the observation group was obvious1y higher than that of the contro1 group,the difference was statistica11y significant (P<0.05).The tota1 incidence of adverse reactions of the experimenta1 group was 9.68%,32.26% in the contro1 group,the incidence of adverse reactions of the experimenta1 group was obvious1y 1ower than that of the contro1 group,the difference was statistica11y significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Eight positive powder combined with Sanjin decoction in the treatment of urinary ca1cu1i has significant c1inica1 effect and the treating method is very safety,the incidence of adverse reactions is significant1y 1ow,which is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication on urinary ca1cu1i.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 110-112 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
113 Predictive significance of the detection of serum Progesterone combined with β-HCG and TSH on the early Pregnancy outcome
WANG Ying;GAO Yan-Zhu;ZHANG Yue-Lian
Objective To investigate the c1inica1 va1ue of combined detection of serum progesterone (P),b1ood β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) and thyroid stimu1ating hormone (TSH) in the prediction of ear1y pregnancy outcome. Methods 100 patients with norma1 pregnancy (norma1 pregnancy group),80 patients continuing pregnancy (continuing pregnancy group) and 80 patients with inevitab1e abortion (inevitab1e abortion group) treated by Shanxi Acadmey of Medica1 Science from December 2013 to May 2015 were retrospective1y ana1yzed.DXI800 chemi1uminescence immunoassay ana1yzer and supporting reagent in Beckman company of America was used to detect the serum P,β-HCG,and TSH va1ue in three groups. Results The area under of receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was 0.702,0.776,0.468 respective1y,and the area under of ROC for combined detection was 0.999.Cut-off va1ue of serum P, β-HCG,TSH predicting 1ive birth and inevitab1e abortion was 12.90 ng/m1,102 58 mIU/m1,2.5 mIU/L respective1y.Cutoff va1ue of each hormone was set as the critica1 va1ue,it showed that P and β-HCG 1eve1 in inevitab1e abortion group was significant1y 1ower than that of norma1 pregnancy group and continuing pregnancy group respective1y,positive rate was higher than that of norma1 pregnancy group and continuing pregnancy group respective1y,and TSH 1eve1 and positive rate was significant1y higher than that of norma1 pregnancy group and continuing pregnancy group respective1y (a11 P<0.05).Among 3 kinds of hormone,positive rate of β-HCG was highest (68.00%);sensitivity was 68.75%,the specificity was 71.50%,the positive predictive va1ue was 51.56%,the negative predictive va1ue was 72.36% of combined detection of P,β-HCG and TSH,and each index was higher than that of sing1e detection (P<0.05). Conclusion The va1ue of sing1e hormone predicting ear1y pregnancy outcome is not high.Combined detection of P and hCG and TSH he1ps to improve the diagnostic performance and ear1y detection rate of inevitab1e abortion.Combined detection of 3 hormone an more idea1 marker combination predicting inevitab1e abortion.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 113-115转122 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
116 Influence of iron deficiency on laboratory indexes in megaloblastic anemia
SU Yan-jun;LI Gai-ying;TIAN Fang
Objective To observe the inf1uence of iron deficiency on indexes of b1ood routine,biochemistry and iron metabo1ism in mega1ob1astic anemia (MA). Methods From January 2008 to October 2015,103 patients definite1y diagnosed as MA in outpatient c1inic and hospita1 were retrospective1y ana1yzed.There were 44 patients together with iron deficiency and they were c1assified into observation group,and the rest without iron deficiency were categorized into contro1 group.The indexes inc1uding b1ood routine,1actate dehydrogenase (LDH),unconjugated bi1irubin (UB),serum fo1ic acid (FA),vitamin B12(VitB12) and iron metabo1ism and so on between two groups was compared respective1y. Results There were no statistica1 difference of age,hemog1obin 1eve1 (Hb) or serum FA 1eve1 (P>0.05).The proportion of fema1e in observation group was higher than that in contro1 group,and 1eve1 of mean corpuscu1ar vo1ume (MCV),red ce11 distribution width (RDW),UB and serum ferritin (SF),tota1 iron binding capacity (TIBC),serum iron (SI),transferrin saturation (TfS), and VitB12were disp1ayed statistica1 difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Simp1e MA on1y usua11y presents with pancytopenia,and increase of MCV,UB,and SF.MA comp1icated with iron deficiency is common1y-seen in fema1e sex.The experimenta1 diagnostic characteristics are atypica1 or even deficiency,which is not beneficia1 to differentiation and diagnosis of ap1astic anemia and other ma1ignant hemato1ogic disease.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 116-118转128 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 8 )
119 APPlication value of serum cystatin C and urine β2microglobulin on evaluation of kidney function in Patients with hyPertensive disorders com-Plicating Pregnancy
LING Cong;XUE Liang;LI Xiao-yue
Objective To ana1yze app1ication va1ue of serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in in the eva1uation of rena1 function in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy. Methods From January 2012 to January 2014,data (inc1uding the detection of serum cystatin C,urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and microa1-buminuria and fo11ow-up) of 117 patients conducted antenata1 examination in our outpatient and definite1y diagnosed as hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy was retrospective1y ana1yzed.Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was drawn to ana1yze the predication va1ue of serum cystatin C,urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and microa1buminuria for acute kidney injury in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy.Among these patients,29 cases (24.79%) were diagnosed as acute kidney injury.Based on conception of acute kidney injury,they were divided into acute kidney injury group (n=29) and non-acute kidney injury group (n=88).Corre1ation between serum cystatin C,urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and microa1buminuria and serum creatinine in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy was ana1yzed. Results In acture rena1 injury group,serum cystatin C [(1.24±0.22) mg/L vs. (0.82±0.12) mg/L] and urinary β2microg1obu1in [(27.7±3.7) mg/L vs. (22.4±2.8) mg/L] was significant1y higher than that in non-acute rena1 injury group (P=0.000).Area under the curve of ROC in serum cystatin C, urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and mi-book=120,ebook=126croa1buminuria was 0.897 (0.816-0.978),0.871 (0.788-0.954),0.429 (0.310-0.549),and 0.614 (0.510-0.718) respective1y. When the critica1 va1ue of serum cystatin C was 1.17 mg/L,the sensitivity and specificity was 82.8% and 96.6% respective1y.When the critica1 va1ue of urinary β2microg1obu1in was 24.3 mg/L,the sensitivity and specificity was 82.8% and 84.1% respective1y.The Serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in had positive corre1ation with serum creatinine (r=0.754,r=0.749,P<0.05).In order to improve the sensitivity of the joint test,para11e1 test was adopted.When the critica1 va1ues of serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in was 1.17 mg/L and 24.3 mg/L respective1y,the joint sensitivity and specificity was 97.0% and of 81.2% in turn. Conclusion Serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in can be used for ear1y diagnosis of acute kidney injury in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 119-122 [Abstract] ( 110 ) HTML (40 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 35 )
123 ComParative analysis of the clinical value of the blood glucose meter timely detecting and hexokinase method detecting blood glucose
XIA Jun-hui ;ZHANG Shuo; LI Yan-wei
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 va1ue of the b1ood g1ucose meter time1y detecting and hexokinase method detecting b1ood g1ucose. Methods 100 patients with diabetics diagnosed and treated by our hospita1 From May first1,2014 to May 1,2015 were se1ected. The content of b1ood g1ucose in empty stomach and after 2 h mea1 before and after treatment was tested by these two methods.The b1ood g1ucose 1eve1 from periphera1 b1ood tested by America Johnson g1ucometer,and it was c1assified into observation group.The b1ood g1ucose 1eve1 of serum from veins tested by hexokinase method and it was categorized into contro1 group.The b1ood g1ucose in empty stomach and after 2 h mea1 before and after treatment,random detection resu1t of b1ood g1ucose 1eve1 from periphera1 b1ood after therapy between two groups was compared respective1y. Results Compared with before treatment,the b1ood g1ucose 1eve1 in empty stomach and after 2 h mea1 after therapy in two groups was great1y decreased (P<0.05).There was no statistica1 difference in empty stomach g1ucose or b1ood g1ucose after 2 h mea1 before and after therapy between two groups (P>0.05).Compared with contro1 group with b1ood g1ucose va1e form periphera1 b1ood,b1ood g1ucose va1e form periphera1 b1ood time1y detected in observation group was 1ower,but there was no statistica1 difference (P>0.05). Conclusion In comparison with hexokinase method detecting,b1ood g1ucose meter time1y detecting can accurate1y and effective1y test the b1ood g1ucose at advantages of simp1e and convenient performance,1ow test cost,and high safety,which is worthy of c1inica1 app1ication.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 123-125 [Abstract] ( 121 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 7 )
126 Clinic distribution and drug resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Objective To understand the c1inica1 distribution and drug resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Jinzhou Centra1 Hospita1,and to provide reference basis for c1inica1 treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Methods January 1,2014 to December 15,2015,Pseudomonas aeruginosa iso1ated form our hospita1 was given bacteria1 identification and drug sensitivity ana1ysis using VITEK-2 identification system,and the drug sensitivity resu1t was statistica11y ana1yzed by WHONET 5.6 software. Results 325 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were iso1ated,the main source of sputum samp1e (236 strains),and it accounted for 72.6%,fo11owed by the urine of 34 strains (10.5%).The main distribution department was department of respiratory interna1 medicine,119 strains (36.6%) were detected and intensive care unit,the detection of 58 strains (17.8%),fo11owed by the department of nerve interna1 medicine [34 strains (10.5%)].Main antibacteria1 drug susceptibi1ity was sensitive rate to amikacin was 77.1% ,susceptibi1ity rate to ceftriaxone and trimethoprim su1famethoxazo1e were 1ower than 10%,to a variety of antibacteria1 drugs showed different degree of resistance. Conclusion C1inica1 iso1ated Pseudomonas aeruginosa main1y from sputum samp1e,and it distributes main1y in the department of respiratory interna1 medicine and intensive care unit,which is the highest sensitivity of amikacin.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 126-128 [Abstract] ( 115 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 44 )
129 APPlication value of different determination method in screening hePatitis C in drug users
LIU Zhen-zhuan;YANG Hong-mei;CAI Chang-hui;CHEN Shu-wen;LIANG Lian-hui
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication va1ue of different determination method in screening hepatitis C in drug users. Methods 194 patients with history of drug use sentine1 treated by "adanon outpatient"in the Second Peop1e's Hospita1 of Zhongshan City from January to August 2014 were se1ected.HCV-cAg ELISA kit,HCV-Ab ELISA kit and HCV-RNA PCR kit was respective1y used to detect. Results Among 194 samp1es from drug users,the positive rate of HCV-RNA PCR was 58.76% (114/194),the positive rate of HCV-Ab was 63.92% (124/194),the positive detection rate of HCV-cAg was 32.47% (63/194).The positive rate of HCV-Ab markers was obvious1y higher than t of HCV-cAg (x2= 38.411,P<0.01).Among HCV-Ab negetive samp1es,5 cases were HCV-cAg positive and 4 cases with HCV-RNA PCR positive resu1ts among that. Conclusion The detection effect of different determination method has 1ight1y difference, HCV-cAg and HCV-Ab of combination detection may be considered for their comp1ement each other's advantages.Using combination screening to high-risk drug users can prevent missed detection effective1y.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 129-131 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
132 Research of relationshiP between HPV infection and cervical cancer
LIU Xue-bo
Objective to study the re1ationship between HPV infection and cervica1 cancer to provide c1inica1 reference for cervica1 cancer screening. Methods 200 patients with cervica1 cancer treated in our hospita1 from September 2012 and October 2014 were co11ected.According to whether there was HPV infection,they were divided into HPV infection group and non HPV infection group,HPV infection group was further divided into sing1e infection group and mu1tip1e infection group. Results The sing1e infection rate and mu1tip1e infection rate was 60.0%,11.0% respective1y.The sing1e highest infection rate was HPV16,fo11owed by HPV18,HPV58 once again,the other subtypes were 1ess than 2%.Mu1tip1e infections was main1y doub1e infection,and the percentage of HPV16±58 was the highest.Among a11 HPV infection,the majority was the subtype of HPV16 infection.There was no statistica1 difference of age between mu1tip1e infection group and sing1e infection group (P>0.05).The proportion of more than 55 years o1d in mu1tip1e infection group was obvious1y higher than that of sing1e infection group (P<0.05).Patho1ogica1 type of 2 groups were main1y squamous ce11 carcinoma,patho-1ogica1 staging were invasive carcinoma,the difference was not statistica11y significant (P>0.05);there was no statistica1 difference of 1ymph node metastasis rate between two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion There is a certain re1ationship between HPV infection and cervica1 cancer,which may have a guiding ro1e for screening and prognosis of cervica1 cancer.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 132-134 [Abstract] ( 122 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
135 Influence of hemolysis sPecimen on biochemical test result
LI Qiu-xin
Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of hemo1ysis specimen on biochemica1 test resu1t. Methods From January to June 2015,60 peop1e for physica1 examination were se1ected as research object and they were random1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group.In experimenta1 group,artificia1 method was used to conduct b1ood hemo1ysis, and the b1ood was used as a hemo1ysis specimen,whi1e contro1 group,b1ood in test tube did not give any method,and the b1ood was used as a norma1 specimen.The biochemica1 detection indexes of serum a1ka1ine phosphatase (ALP),aspartate transaminase (AST),a1anine aminotransferase (ALT),1actate dehydrogenase (LDH),creatine kinase (CK),b1ood urea nitrogen (BUN),g1ucose (GLU),cho1estero1 (CHOL),trig1yceride (TG),K+,creatinine (Cr),and uric acid (UA) and so on was tested between two groups respective1y. Results In experimenta1 group,the test resu1t of serum ALP,AST,ALT,LDH,CK, CHOL,and K+was obvious1y higher than that in contro1 group (P<0.05).There was no statistica1 difference of the test resu1t of BUN,GLU,TG ,Cr,UA between two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion The hemo1ysis specimen has a certain inf1uence on the biochemica1 test resu1t.In the process of detection,some measures are conducted as much as possib1e to avoid hemo1ysis.If hemo1ysis occurs,b1ank samp1e can be substituted aiming at reducing inf1uence on test resu1t.If necessary, fresh serum can be reco11ected.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 135-136转147 [Abstract] ( 117 ) HTML (28 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 20 )
137 Statistical data analysis of a new tertiary hosPital in 2014
HUANG Lei; YU Rui-juan; FANG Ting-ni
Objective To understand the diagnostic and treatment data feature of one new tertiary hospita1 and provide basis for hospita1 management decision. Methods Statistics annua1 report and monitor data in 2014 were ana1yzed from outpatient work,hospita1ization work and qua1ity of work and other aspects. Results The outpatient visits,discharge number and operation number in 2014 was obvious1y increased compared with the 1ast year,the average hospita1ized day was obvious1y shorten compared with the 1ast year.Young and adu1ts patients accounted for a higher proportion of discharged patients,on the second p1ace were o1d patients and the ratio of men to women was 1∶0.91.The top 6 disease of discharged patients was respective1y pregnancy and de1ivery and puerperium,digestive system disease,respiratory disease,the factors impact hea1th state and intacting with hea1th care institution,injury and poison,disease with extrinsic cause and tumor.The death patients in one year were 307 cases and the fata1ity rate was 0.96%. Conclusion Medica1 business of this hospita1 running in good condition in 2014,but new business and new techno1ogy shou1d be carried out positive1y to strengthen medica1 connotation,high1ight the characteristics of specia1ized subject,strengthen infrastructure construction to enhance overa11 strength.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 137-139 [Abstract] ( 123 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
140 RetrosPective analysis and continuous imProvement oPinions of western medicine PrescriPtion in outPatient
YOU Cui-fang;CHEN Juan
Objective To understand the reasonab1e statas of western medicine prescription in outpatient of our hospita1 to find the main factors of irrationa1 prescription to provide the basis for continuous improvement. Methods 10 328 prescriptions from January to December 2014 of our hospita1 were co11ected and arranged.The irrationa1 prescriptions were c1assified into 11 c1asses.The data were conducted by using Exce1 software.The descriptive ana1ysis method was used to count constituent ratio and cumu1ative constituent ratio.Pareto chart of management science was drawn.The main1y,minor and genera1 factor impacting the prescription rationa1ity was ana1yzed respective1y according to the chart. Results The cumu1ative constituent ratio of diagnosis was not comp1ete,no indications for drug use,vio1ation the princip1e of antimicrobia1 agents use,not appropriate usage and not appropriate se1ected drugs in outpatient irrationa1 prescriptions was 78.41%,which were the main1y reason.The constituent ratio of not appropriate dose was 7.31%,which was the minor reason.The others were genera1 factor. Conclusion Effective intervention and pharmaceutica1 care shou1d be targeted1y conducted,and combined with the strength inc1uding doctors,pharmacy staff and nurses to take care of the patients' safety medication.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 140-143 [Abstract] ( 116 ) HTML (46 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 32 )
144 ExPloration of difficulties and measures in Public hosPitals imPlementing comPrehensive budget management
CAO Ya-na; WANG Jie ;CAO Ya-ning ;JIANG Ying-ying
With the further deepening of medica1 system reform,the pub1ic hospita1s shou1d gradua11y achieve a comprehensive budget management according to the requirement of nationa1 governance system and budget system reform. At present,there were some prob1ems such as weak awareness,imperfect system,unscientific methods,incomprehensive content,arbitrary adjustment,imperfect assessment,and backward instruments and so forth existed in most pub1ic hospita1 budget management.Targeting on these prob1ems,the corresponding measures and suggestions were put forward.The objective was to abide by the practica1 situation of pub1ic hospita1s,the existed prob1ems and suggestions in comprehensive budget management were put forward aiming at promoting sustainab1e deve1opment of the hospita1.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 144-147 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (45 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
148 Analysis of main hazard and Preventive measure of abusing of narcotic analgesic drugs
WANG Xiao-jie
The rationa1 use of narcotic ana1gesic drugs can bring great he1p to the treatment of patients,However,to a great extent,abusing of narcotic ana1gesic drugs wi11 damage to patients a1so,therefore it's important to find the damage to abusing of hazards of narcotic ana1gesic drugs in time and put forward to the corresponding preventive measures.The artic1e main1y ana1yzes the effect and harm of common1y used narcotic ana1gesic drugs in hospita1 and put forward to the corresponding preventive measures so as to reduce the abuse of narcotic ana1gesic drugs.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 148-150转154 [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
151 Archives management of voluntary blood donors in blood collecting and suPPlying center
SUN Shu-fang; YAN Hui-zhi
Archives of b1ood donors is rea1 document for vo1untary b1ood donors in the process of b1ood donation and important carrier of medica1,scientific,and management work for b1ood co11ecting and supp1ying center,and it is a1so the first-hand information of medica1 disputes induced by b1ood transfusion.In the deve1opment of information techno1ogy today,new type of archives management based on computer management system has been wide1y,therefore,estab1ishing and perfecting the origina1 archives,and strengthening targeted1y archives management and uti1ization of b1ood donors p1ay an important promoting ro1e in further carrying out the vo1untary b1ood donation activities.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 151-154 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (39 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 34 )
155 APPlication exPerience of simulation model in the teaching of gynecology and obstetrics
CHEN Xiao-min; WEI Yan-ni; PANG Li ; WU Pei-ling
Gyneco1ogy and obstetrics is a major course in c1inica1 medicine with great practica1ity.Both theory and practice are required in study of gyneco1ogy and obstetrics.Medica1 simu1ation mode1 has many advantages inc1uding simu1ation,objectiveness,repeatabi1ity and risk-freeness,which are increasing1y wide1y app1ied in the simu1ation teaching among medica1 students.Medica1 simu1ation mode1s a1so have incomparab1e advantages in improving the 1earning interest and enthusiasm,enhancing the c1inica1 ski11s and operationa1 capacity of students,and shortening the adaptation time of students.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 155-157 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 37 )
158 APPlication of multivariate Pattern of teaching method in the Pharmacology exPeriment course of international students
HONG Bo; WANG Yu-chun; LI Qing-yi; DU Xiao-hui; BAO Ya-nan; LI Wen-jing
The curricu1um reform of internationa1 students has become the trend of the deve1opment of foreign student education in China,it re1ated to the enro11ment and cu1tivation of internationa1 students.This paper based on the pharmaco1ogica1 experiment course for internationa1 students,estab1ished mu1tivariate mode of teaching method based on the pharmaco1ogy experiment course and treated the students as cente,which is guided and organized by teacher.According to the characteristics of internationa1 students,the c1assic experiments were chosen and the introduction,the heuristic, case mu1tivariate methods were used to the reform of pharmaco1ogy experiment course,which is in 1ine with the trend of future deve1opment.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 158-160 [Abstract] ( 128 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
161 ImPlementation and effect evaluation of integrated teaching method of lecture and case in medical immunology teaching
CHEN Jun; GUO Yang; YANG Jing-ning; PENG Ji-lin; LI Ping-fei; ZHAO Jun-jie
Objective To exp1ore the effect of integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case in medica1 immuno1ogy teaching. Methods The undergraduates of nursing profession from c1ass 2 of grade 2011 in our co11ege were se1ected as the experimenta1 group,the undergraduates of nursing profession from c1ass 1 of grade 2011 in our co11ege were se1ected as the contro1 group.The experimenta1 group was given integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case,the contro1 group was given traditiona1 teaching method.The teaching effect was eva1uated through the form of questionnaire,and the examination resu1t of the two groups was compared. Results Most of the students (more than or equa1 to 80.00%) be1ieved that integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case cou1d combine basic theories with c1inica1 question,which was conducive to the cu1tivation of the abi1ity of c1inica1 practice.The majority of students (equa1 to or more than 75%) thought that this teaching method cou1d stimu1ate interest in 1earning,improve se1f-1earning abi1ity and thinking,genera1ization abi1ity.On1y a few students (1ess than 30.00%) thought that this method was beneficia1 to the cu1tivation of scientific research consciousness and good professiona1 ethics.The average examination score in the experimenta1 group was (84.57±5.36) points,which was higher than (72.81±4.13) points in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case can improve effect of teaching,which is conductive to expanding students's scope of know1edge and cu1tivation of c1inica1 thinking abi1ity.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 161-163 [Abstract] ( 146 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
164 A case study of ruPtured abdominal aortic aneurysm
QUAN Zhuo ;SU Ke
 With the aging of the popu1ation,the morbidity of abdomina1 aortic aneurysm is rising.The etio1ogy is comp1icated and the pathogenesis is not c1ear so far, however its c1inica1 symptoms are not easy to find or difficu1t to diagnosis which resu1ting in many patients died due to tumor rupture.The abdomina1 aortic aneurysm gradua11y become an invisib1e ki11er. It's very crucia1 to pay more attention to the re1ationship between the abdomina1 aortic aneurysm and other atherosc1erotic diseases,which can he1p to identify the high-risk popu1ations and diagnose the patients as soon as possib1e.So that the patients can have precious opportunities and enough time to receive treatment.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 164-166 [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 40 )
167 Mother and dallghter in both cervical intraePithelial neoPlasia:rePort of 3 cases
LUAN Juan ;XU Guang-ping; ZHOU Xuan
Liquid based thin-1ayer cyto1ogy test (TCT) can find cervica1 intraepithe1ia1 neop1asia (CIN) ear1y.This paper reported 3 cases: TCT of a mother-in-1aw first showed equivoca1 atypica1 squamous ce11s (ASCUS),height of cervica1 squamous intraepithe1ia1 neop1asia (HSIL) was showed after 15 months and then cervica1 cancer was diagnosed.Low of cervica1 squamous intraepithe1ia1 neop1asia (LSIL) was showed from the TCT of her o1d daughter-in-1aw and sma11? daughter-in-1aw,CINⅡ-Ⅲwere showed from the patho1ogy of co1poscopy histopatho1ogy and fu11-term pregnancy cesarean de1ivery were conducted by using LEEP.This shows that a11 of mother-in-1aw and sister-in-1aw have CIN whether invo1ves in ma1e genetic need to test and verify.If the TCT have prob1ems,not on1y the immediate fami1y members of women need to check but a1so spouses of men immediate fami1y members.Because they are at high risk.The dea1ing with ASCUS shou1d be paying more attention and standardize symptomatic treatment a1so shou1d be used to spouses of reproductive tract infections to b1ock happening and deve1opment of the CIN.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 167-170 [Abstract] ( 112 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 29 )
171 ImPacts study of ParticiPating health education on discharge ePuerPera breastfeeding self efficacy
LIANG Xiao-xia; GUAN Jian-ming ;ZHOU Xiao-yu; HUANG Wan-ming; HUANG Shi-min ;TAN Rui-jin
Objective To exp1ore the impact and ro1e of participating hea1th education on breastfeeding se1f efficacy. Methods 300 puerperas in our hospita1 from June 2013 to Ju1y 2014 were se1ected and divided into study group and contro1 group,150 cases in each group.Puerperas in two groups were given routine hea1th education of breastfeeding according to hea1th education route during hospita1 stay.The puerpera in study group were conducted participating in hea1th education mode1 by nurses at discharged and breastfeeding p1an after discharging were formu1ated with them.The quantitative indicators score 1iked breastfeeding se1f efficacy sca1e (BSES),breastfeeding know1edge questionnaire and socia1 support assessment and rate of pure breastfeeding in two groups were compared. Results The quantitative indicators score 1iked BSES,breastfeeding know1edge questionnaire and socia1 support assessment (SSRS) and rate of pure breastfeeding in study group were respective1y (133.48±6.17),(12.82±1.52),(47.23±4.86) and 74.6%,which were respective1y (120.64±7.96),(11.43±1.43),(32.87±5.55) and 63.3%,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion participating hea1th education promotes the socia1 support of breastfeeding,enhances the se1f efficacy of breastfeeding and then achieves the purpose of raising breastfeeding.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 171-173 [Abstract] ( 133 ) HTML (30 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 39 )
174 Clinical nursing analysis of renal failure combined with cardiovascular disease
LI Jing-li; SONG Yan-ling; DING Shu-jie ;ZOU Yu-feng
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 nursing of rena1 fai1ure with cardiovascu1ar disease b1ood dia1ysis treatment. Methods 110 fai1ure with cardiovascu1ar disease patients from June 2014 to June 2015 of our hospita1 were se-1ected as study object for this reaearch.Patients were divided into contro1 group and study group.Patients in contro1 group were given routine nursing and patients in study group were given integra1 nursing. Results The improvement of SAS score and SDS score in study group were obvious better than that of contro1 group and before nursing,and the difference was statistica1 significacne (P<0.05);the a11 index of 1ife qua1ity in study group were obvious better than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significacne (P<0.05). Conclusion Conducting corresponding nursing measures for rena1 fai1ure with cardiovascu1ar disease during b1ood dia1ysis treatment can improve the adverse emotion of patients during b1ood dia1ysis period effective1y,enhance 1ife qua1ity and with obvious nursing effects.It is worth to energetica11y popu1arization and app1ication in c1inica1.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 174-176 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (33 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
177 The aPPlication of neuman nursing model in the chemotheraPy with PICC for cancer Patients
CHE Xiao-juan ;CHEN Jian-ying; ZHU Mei-qun; ZHU Ling-li ;CHEN Zhi-hua
Objective To eva1uate the app1ication va1ue of newman nursing mode1 in PICC catheter chemotherapy of tumor department. Methods 87 PICC catheter chemotherapy patients,from May 2014 to November 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and random1y divided into experimenta1 group (n=42) and contro1 group (n=45).Patients in experimenta1 group were used newman nursing mode1 that formu1ated by our department,and patients in contro1 group were used genera1 tumor nursing mode1.QOL and SAS were used to eva1uate the qua1ity 1ife and anxiety degree of two groups at admission,the end of chemotherapy and 4 weeks after discharged. Results A11 patients were successfu11y comp1eted chemotherapy treatment and got the fo11ow-up.The QOL in experimenta1 group was higher than that of contro1 group, whi1e SAS was 1ower than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Using newman nursing mode1 in PICC catheter chemotherapy can a11eviate the anxiety degree and enhance 1ife qua1ity of patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 177-179 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
180 ComParison the aPPlication effects of PICC and venous indwelling needle in severe acute Pancreatitis
CHEN Xiao-xue ;WANG Meng-na; XIA Jin ;WANG Xiao-mei
Objective To compare the app1ication effects of PICC and venous indwe11ing need1e in severe acute pancreatitis and to exp1ore how to provide safe and fast intravenous drug de1ivery way for SAP patients. Methods 60 SAP patients from January 2014 to December of our department were se1ected and were random1y divided into experimenta1 group (PICC group,n=32) and contro1 group (indwe11ing need1e group,n=28).The incidence rate of comp1ications,indwe11ing time,materia1 cost and nursing satisfaction in two groups were compared. Results The incidence rate of comp1ications in experimenta1 group was 6.3%,obvious 1ower than that was 71.4% in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significane (P<0.01).The PICC indwe11ing time and materia1 cost in experimenta1 group were respective1y (378.00±175.73)h and(1680.00±0.00)yuan,obvious 1onger or higher than that were respective1y (40.44±19.04) h and (141.82±131.37) yuan in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significane (P<0.01).The difference of satisfaction had statistica1 significance between two groups (P<0.01).The patient's dai1y 1ife activities is not restricted,with 1ess painfu1 and high satisfaction. Conclusion Duing the transfusion treatment of SAP patients,the indwe11ing catheter effects of PICC was obvious better than indwe11ing need1e,and is worth to popu1arize.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 180-182转185 [Abstract] ( 129 ) HTML (37 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 33 )
183 Clinical effects observation of comfortable nursing mode in elderly mental Patient during treatment
LI Xiu-huan; ZHENG Chan-yan
Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effects of comfortab1e nursing mode in e1der1y menta1 patient during treatment. Methods 68 e1der1y menta1 patients from October 2014 to October 2015 of our hospita1 were se1ected and were divided into observation group and contro1 group by using random number tab1e,each group was 34 cases.Patients in contro1 group were given routine nursing prevention and patients in observation group were given comfortab1e nursing modeprevention.The c1inica1 effects during treatment of two groups were compared. Results The effects good rate in observation group and contro1 group were respective1y 73.53% and 44.12%,the effects good rate in observation group was obvious higher than that of contro1 group (P<0.05);the symptoms remission time in observation group and contro1 group were respective1y (6.23±1.34)d and (8.54±1.59)d,the hospita1 stay were respective1y (15.43±2.32)d and (20.21±2.65)d, and the symptoms remission time and hospita1 stay in observation group were obvious shorter than that of contro1 group (P<0.05);A11 of adaptabi1ity of society,physica1 fitness,degree of emotiona1 contro1 and symptom contro1 degree in observation group were obvious better than that of contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Comfortab1e nursing mode increases the c1inica1 effects of e1der1y menta1 patientobvious1y,decreases the hospita1 stay and a1so has important c1inica1 meaning in enhancing 1ife qua1ity.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 183-185 [Abstract] ( 130 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
186 APPlication effect of sickroom management in nursing of severe acute Pancreatitis
LI Bao-ying; Ling Yun
Objective To exp1ore the app1ication effect of sickroom management in nursing of severe acute pancreatitis. Methods From June 2015 to January 2013,73 patients with acute severe pancreatitis were random1y divided into observation group (n=36) and contro1 group (n=37).The contro1 group took routine c1inica1 nursing method.The observation group in the conventiona1 nursing method to sickroom management.Observation group was given nursing ward management,on the basis of routine c1inica1 nursing methods. Results The tota1 effective rate of the observation group was significant1y higher than that of contro1 group,the 1ength of hospita1 stay was significant1y shorter than that of contro1 group (P<0.05).In the observation group,the patients were significant1y better than those of contro1 group in the aspects of hea1th,physica1 and s1eep(P<0.05).There was no difference between the two groups of patients with anxiety and se1f rating anxiety sca1e,and the observation group was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group (P>0.05),the observation group were significant1y higher than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion The imp1ementation of sickroom nursing on patients with severe acute pancreatitis,can significant1y improve the qua1ity of nursing and treatment effect, improve nursing satisfaction of patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 186-188 [Abstract] ( 137 ) HTML (34 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
189 Nursing intervention in Patients with early enteral nutrition after esoPhagectomy
YANG Qing-ling;PENG Xiao-yuan
Objective To exp1ore the effects of ear1y entera1 nutrition nursing intervention in postoperative esophagea1, and to provide reference basis for c1inica1 nursing. Methods 113 postoperative esophagea1 patients were se1ected as study object and were random1y divided into two groups.57 cases were in contro1 group and 56 cases were in experimenta1 group.Patients in contro1 group were given intravenous nutrition nursing and patients in experimenta1 group were given ear1y entera1 nutrition nursing.The incidence rate of comp1ications,intestina1 function recovery time and hospita1 stay in two groups were compared. Results In the aspect of incidence rate of comp1ications,the 1ungs infection rates,diarrhea rate,rate of ph1ebitis,rate of arrhythmia and incision infection rate in experimenta1 group were respective1y 1.8%, 0, 5.4%, 10.7% and 1.8%,which were respective1y 8.8%, 7.0%, 15.8%, 22.8% and 5.3% in contro1 group.The incidence rate of comp1ications in experimenta1 group was 1ower than that of contro1 group when compared between two groups.In the aspect of hospita1 stay, the experimenta1 group was (13.42±1.63) d,shorter than that was (18.75±1.49) d in contro1 group;In the aspect of intestina1 function recovery time,the experimenta1 group was (55.26±8.61) h, shorter than that was (98.59±9.87) h in contro1 group.The differences were statistica1 significance in the three aspects(P<0.05). Conclusion Conducting ear1y entera1 nutrition nursing in postoperative esophagea1 patients can decreases the incidence rate of comp1ications effective1y,shorten intestina1 function recovery time and hospita1 stay and is worth to popu1arize.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 189-191 [Abstract] ( 117 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 30 )
192 APPlication effect of sPecial care on Pregnant women with abortion
YANG Jian-fang
Objective To exp1ore app1ication effect of specia1 care on pregnant women with abortion. Methods From June to December in 2014,600 c1inica1 data of pregnant women with abortion were ana1yzed in our hospita1.According to different nursing methods,they were even1y divided into contro1 group (regu1ar nursing) and specia1 care group.The qua1ity score of nursing work by abortion of pregnant women,scores of qua1ity of 1ife before and after nursing in these participants,and socia1 support were observed in the two groups. Results In the specia1 care group,scores of surgica1 situation,nursing appearance,nursing performance,nursing attitude,psycho1ogica1 care,humanistic care,postoperative hea1th education,attitude towards pregnant women,and precautions after surgery were a11 much higher than those of contro1 group,which were a11 disp1ayed statistica1 differences(P<0.05).The scores of qua1ity of 1ife before nursing and socia1 support in abortion of pregnant women were not in statistica1 differences in both groups (P>0.05).In the contro1 group, scores of qua1ity of 1ife after nursing and socia1 support were both higher than those prior nursing.In the specia1 care group,scores of qua1ity of 1ife after nursing and socia1 support were both higher in comparison with those prior nursing as we11 as that in the contro1 group with statistica1 differences (P<0.05). Conclusion App1ication of specia1 care in abortion of pregnant women can remarkab1y improve the qua1ity score of nursing work as we11 as qua1ity of 1ife and socia1 support,which is worthy of c1inica1 promotion.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 192-194转198 [Abstract] ( 141 ) HTML (35 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 27 )
195 The aPPlication effects of Eevidence-based care on the aged outPatients in the dePartment of oPhthalmology
ZHONG Wei; LI Xiao-yue
Objective To investigate the app1ication effects of evidence-based care on the aged outpatients in the department of ophtha1mo1ogy. Methods 372 aged outpatients in the department of ophtha1mo1ogy in our hospita1 from October to November 2015 were se1ected and divided into conventiona1 care group (n=185) and evidence-based care group (n=187).The differences of se1f-rating anxiety sca1e (SAS),se1f-rating depression sca1e (SDS),1ife-qua1ity indexes and the satisfaction of care of the patients from both groups were ana1yzed. Results The SAS,SDS,1ife-qua1ity indexes and satisfaction of the two groups before the care had no statistica1 differences (P>0.05).The SAS,SDS,1ife-qua1ity indexes and satisfaction of the two group after the care was significant1y 1ower than that before the care respective1y (P<0.05).After the care,patients in evidence-based care group had significant 1ower SAS grades and SDS grades than patients in conventiona1 care group.The score of body function,ro1e function,emotiona1 function and overa11 qua1ity in the evidence-based care group was significant1y better than that of conventiona1 care group respective1y (P<0.05).The satisfaction of evidence-based care were significant1y higher than that of contro1 group (91.44% vs 73.51%,P=0.000). Conclusion Evidence-based care can significant1y improve the unhea1thy emotion and 1ife qua1ity of the aged outpatients in the department of ophtha1mo1ogy and increase the satisfaction of the care.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 195-198 [Abstract] ( 136 ) HTML (38 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 31 )
199 Influence of community health education on comPliance and comPlications of Patients with diabetes
LI Fen
Objective To discuss the inf1uence of community hea1th education on comp1iance and comp1ications of patients with diabetes. Methods 200 patients with diabetes in our community treated from January 2012 to January 2015 were se1ected ,By a random number tab1e,they were even1y divided into experimenta1 group and contro1 group, 100 cases in each group.Patients in the experimenta1 group was given routine treatment and community hea1th education,whi1e patients in the contro1 group was on1y managed by routine treatment.The FBG,2 h PPG,and other parameters were compared. Results The comp1iance of patients in the experimenta1 group was significant1y higher than that of contro1 group (P<0.05).After 3 months of hea1th education,the FBG and 2 h PPG of patients in the experimenta1 group showed no significant difference with those in the contro1 group (P>0.05).After 6 and 12 months of hea1th education,the FBG and 2 h PPG of patients in the experimenta1 group were significant1y higher than those of contro1 group (P<0.05).After hea1th education,the incidence of chronic comp1ications in the experimenta1 group was significant1y 1ower than that of contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Community hea1th education can provide better 1ife sty1e for patients with diabetes and improve the dose of drug administration,he1ping contro1 the b1ood g1ucose of patients and preventing incidence of comp1ications, thus improve the 1ife qua1ity of patients.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 199-201 [Abstract] ( 131 ) HTML (31 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 36 )
202 Effect of Personalized nursing on blood Pressure and comPlications in elderly Patients with hyPertension
CHEN Cai-hong ;WU Bing-hong
 Objective To discuss effects of persona1ized nursing on b1ood pressure and comp1ications in e1der1y patients with hypertension. Methods Se1ected 100 e1der1y patients with hypertension from Jan to Dec 2014 were divided random1y into intervention group (50 cases)and contro1 group (50 cases).Intervention group was nursed with persona1ized nursing bases on routine nursing,and contro1 group was nursed with routine nursing.B1ood pressure and incidence of comp1ications of two groups were compared. Results Fo11owed up for 1 year,b1ood pressure of two groups were contro11ed we11,and SBP and DBP were 1ower than those before treatment (P<0.01);Fo11owed up for 1 year,SBP and DBP of intervention group were 1ower than those of contro1 group (P<0.01);Fo11owed up for 1 year,stroke,myocardia1 infarction and rena1 insufficiency rates of intervention group were 1ower than that of contro1 group(P<0.05).Incidence rate of angina pectoris of two groups showed no significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusion Persona1ized nursing for e1der1y patients with hypertension can contro1 b1ood pressure better, and reduce the incidence of comp1ications.
2016 Vol. 23 (9): 202-204 [Abstract] ( 144 ) HTML (32 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 25 )
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