Clinic distribution and drug resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
LIU Yu |
Department of C1inica1 Laboratory,Jinzhou Centra1 Hospita1,Jinzhou 121000,China |
Abstract Objective To understand the c1inica1 distribution and drug resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Jinzhou Centra1 Hospita1,and to provide reference basis for c1inica1 treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Methods January 1,2014 to December 15,2015,Pseudomonas aeruginosa iso1ated form our hospita1 was given bacteria1 identification and drug sensitivity ana1ysis using VITEK-2 identification system,and the drug sensitivity resu1t was statistica11y ana1yzed by WHONET 5.6 software. Results 325 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were iso1ated,the main source of sputum samp1e (236 strains),and it accounted for 72.6%,fo11owed by the urine of 34 strains (10.5%).The main distribution department was department of respiratory interna1 medicine,119 strains (36.6%) were detected and intensive care unit,the detection of 58 strains (17.8%),fo11owed by the department of nerve interna1 medicine [34 strains (10.5%)].Main antibacteria1 drug susceptibi1ity was sensitive rate to amikacin was 77.1% ,susceptibi1ity rate to ceftriaxone and trimethoprim su1famethoxazo1e were 1ower than 10%,to a variety of antibacteria1 drugs showed different degree of resistance. Conclusion C1inica1 iso1ated Pseudomonas aeruginosa main1y from sputum samp1e,and it distributes main1y in the department of respiratory interna1 medicine and intensive care unit,which is the highest sensitivity of amikacin.
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