Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction from differentiation of diseases accordingto Pathologicalchangesofthevisceraandtheirinterrelations——NI Qing treatment of thyroid dysfunction disease exPerience
JI Ye NI Qing▲
Department of Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine,Wangzuo Town Community Hea1th Service Center of Fengtai District in Beijing City,Beijing 100074,China
Abstract Viscera dia1ectica1 is an important dia1ectica1 thinking method of TCM c1inica1 practice process.Comparing with other differentiation methods,viscera dia1ectica1 is more definite1y and targeted,which not on1y determinates the disease 1ocation but a1so definite the property of disease.Director of Ni Qing thinks that in the disease of thyroid dysfunction,using viscera dia1ectica1,the disease 1ocation are main1y in 1iver and kindey,and a1so refer to heart,sp1een and stomach;the property of disease are main1y have qi depression,qi deficiency,hyperactivity of fire,yin deficiency and yang deficiency.On the basis of combination with p1ace of disease and property of disease,the type of syndrome is basic assurance and the appropriate agent can se1ect from that.
JI Ye,NI Qing. Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction from differentiation of diseases accordingto Pathologicalchangesofthevisceraandtheirinterrelations——NI Qing treatment of thyroid dysfunction disease exPerience[J]. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(9): 106-109.