APPlication value of serum cystatin C and urine β2microglobulin on evaluation of kidney function in Patients with hyPertensive disorders com-Plicating Pregnancy |
LING Cong1 XUE Liang1 LI Xiao-yue2▲ |
1.Department of C1inica1 Laboratory,Nanxiong Peop1e' s Hospita1 of Shaoguan in Guangdong Province,Nanxiong 512400,China;
2.Department of Critica1 Care Medicine,Tangxia Hospita1 of Dongguan City in Guangdong Province,Dongguan 523710,China |
Abstract Objective To ana1yze app1ication va1ue of serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in in the eva1uation of rena1 function in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy. Methods From January 2012 to January 2014,data (inc1uding the detection of serum cystatin C,urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and microa1-buminuria and fo11ow-up) of 117 patients conducted antenata1 examination in our outpatient and definite1y diagnosed as hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy was retrospective1y ana1yzed.Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was drawn to ana1yze the predication va1ue of serum cystatin C,urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and microa1buminuria for acute kidney injury in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy.Among these patients,29 cases (24.79%) were diagnosed as acute kidney injury.Based on conception of acute kidney injury,they were divided into acute kidney injury group (n=29) and non-acute kidney injury group (n=88).Corre1ation between serum cystatin C,urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and microa1buminuria and serum creatinine in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy was ana1yzed. Results In acture rena1 injury group,serum cystatin C [(1.24±0.22) mg/L vs. (0.82±0.12) mg/L] and urinary β2microg1obu1in [(27.7±3.7) mg/L vs. (22.4±2.8) mg/L] was significant1y higher than that in non-acute rena1 injury group (P=0.000).Area under the curve of ROC in serum cystatin C, urinary β2microg1obu1in,serum urea nitrogen,and mi-book=120,ebook=126croa1buminuria was 0.897 (0.816-0.978),0.871 (0.788-0.954),0.429 (0.310-0.549),and 0.614 (0.510-0.718) respective1y. When the critica1 va1ue of serum cystatin C was 1.17 mg/L,the sensitivity and specificity was 82.8% and 96.6% respective1y.When the critica1 va1ue of urinary β2microg1obu1in was 24.3 mg/L,the sensitivity and specificity was 82.8% and 84.1% respective1y.The Serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in had positive corre1ation with serum creatinine (r=0.754,r=0.749,P<0.05).In order to improve the sensitivity of the joint test,para11e1 test was adopted.When the critica1 va1ues of serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in was 1.17 mg/L and 24.3 mg/L respective1y,the joint sensitivity and specificity was 97.0% and of 81.2% in turn. Conclusion Serum cystatin C and urinary β2microg1obu1in can be used for ear1y diagnosis of acute kidney injury in patients with hypertensive disorders comp1icating pregnancy.
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