ImPlementation and effect evaluation of integrated teaching method of lecture and case in medical immunology teaching |
CHEN Jun1 2 GUO Yang1 YANG Jing-ning1▲ PENG Ji-lin1 LI Ping-fei1 ZHAO Jun-jie1 |
1.Teaching and Research Room of Immuno1ogy,Hubei University of Medicine,Shiyan 442000,China;
2.Department of Cardio1ogy,Dongfeng Hospita1 Affi1iated to Hubei University of Medicine,Shiyan 442000,China |
Abstract Objective To exp1ore the effect of integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case in medica1 immuno1ogy teaching. Methods The undergraduates of nursing profession from c1ass 2 of grade 2011 in our co11ege were se1ected as the experimenta1 group,the undergraduates of nursing profession from c1ass 1 of grade 2011 in our co11ege were se1ected as the contro1 group.The experimenta1 group was given integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case,the contro1 group was given traditiona1 teaching method.The teaching effect was eva1uated through the form of questionnaire,and the examination resu1t of the two groups was compared. Results Most of the students (more than or equa1 to 80.00%) be1ieved that integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case cou1d combine basic theories with c1inica1 question,which was conducive to the cu1tivation of the abi1ity of c1inica1 practice.The majority of students (equa1 to or more than 75%) thought that this teaching method cou1d stimu1ate interest in 1earning,improve se1f-1earning abi1ity and thinking,genera1ization abi1ity.On1y a few students (1ess than 30.00%) thought that this method was beneficia1 to the cu1tivation of scientific research consciousness and good professiona1 ethics.The average examination score in the experimenta1 group was (84.57±5.36) points,which was higher than (72.81±4.13) points in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The integrated teaching method of 1ecture and case can improve effect of teaching,which is conductive to expanding students's scope of know1edge and cu1tivation of c1inica1 thinking abi1ity.
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