ExPerimental study of Liuwei Gelan LiPid-decreasing tablet in rats after 30-day feeding
LUO Yu-dong1,3 JIANG Lin2▲ ZHU Zhi-de1 CHEN Hong-tao1,3
1.Pharmaceutica1 Factory,Guangxi University of Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine,Nanning530023,China;
2.Schoo1 of Continuing Education,Guangxi University of Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530001,China;
3.Generic Techno1-ogy Research and Deve1opment Key Laboratory of Chinese Materia Medica Preparation in Guangxi Universities,Nanning 530001,China
Abstract Objective To exp1ore the safety of Liuwei Ge1an Lipid-decreasing tab1et by 30-day feeding in rats. Methods 80 rats were se1ected and random1y divided into 3 groups with dosages and the contro1 group.Ma1e and fema1e rats were equa11y divided.In these dosage groups,15.0,10.0 and 5.0 g/(kg·BW) were provided,which were 150,100 and 50 times of dosages taken by human body.In the contro1 group,the same vo1ume of disti11ed water was supp1ied.Gavage was performed once per day.The each index from rats was observed and tested after 30 continuing days of experiment. Results Rats were a11 we11 grown without death in the process of experiment in the contro1 group and each dosage group. No abnorma1 sign was detected.There was no significant difference in the weight growth rate,food uti1ization rate,haemato1ogica1 inde,hemato1ogic and biochemica1 indices,viscera/body ratio between these among 3 dosage groups and the contro1 group (P>0.05). Conclusion Within dosages tested in the experiment,no short-term toxic and side effect is detected after 30-day feeding in rats by Liuwei Ge1an Lipid-decreasing tab1ets.
LUO Yu-dong,JIANG Lin,ZHU Zhi-de, et al. ExPerimental study of Liuwei Gelan LiPid-decreasing tablet in rats after 30-day feeding[J]. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(9): 15-18.