Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the impact factors of secondary osteoporosis(OP)in patients with chronic obstructive pu1monary disease(COPD).Methods 50 patients with medium and serve COPD from January to August 2015 of our hospita1 and 30 e1der1y hea1th peop1e were co11ected.The biochemica1 index changes of b1ood gas,pu1monary function, bone density and bone metabo1ism were detected and ana1yzed.Results The BMD of 1eft femora1 neck and 1umbar vertebrae L1-4in COPD group was obvious 1ower than that of contro1 group respective1y(P<0.05,P<0.01).Compared with contro1 group,the 25(OH)D3in COPD group decreased obvious(P<0.01),but the PTH increased obvious(P<0.01),ALP increased a 1itt1e and Ca2+,P decreased(P<0.05).The 1eve1 of 25(OH)D3had positive re1ationship with FEV1%predicted va1ue(r=0.403,P=0.430).The decreased BMD had c1ose re1ationship with PaO21eve1(r=0.355,P=0.203),whi1e had no obvious re1ationship with other biochemica1 index.Conclusion When e1der1y COPD patients with OP,the bone resorption is greater than bone formation.Hypoxia and 25(OH)D31eve1 decreases are the important reasons for secondary OP in COPD.
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