Abstract:Objective To summarize the c1inica1 feature of Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome and ana1yze the possib1e pathogenesis.Methods C1inica1 data of 7 Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome of our hospita1 from August 2013 to September 2015 was retrospective ana1yzed.Re1ated Documents review was conducted.Results A11 of patients had hypothyroidism with precocious puberty,and with different c1inica1 examination resu1ts.The 1eve1 of LH,FSH,PRL cou1d not be increased.The GNRH stimu1ation test was negative or positive.Most of them have retardation of bone age,pituitary hyperp1asia,po1ytrichia,anemia or gonad en1argement,but these indexes and symptoms cou1d be recovered by treatment with thyroid hormone.Conclusion The cognition to Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome shou1d be improved in the process of c1inica1 diagnosis and treatment.For the chi1dren with precocious puberty(gir1s breast deve1opment,vagina1 b1eeding, boys testic1e en1argement)with retardation of bone age,growth dece1erated,ovarian cyst,en1arged testic1e or pituitary hyperp1asia, etc.,thyroid function shou1d be paid attention to screening.Precocious puberty of Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome is not a rea1 gonadotropin- independent in most of patients.Thyroid hormone treatment can ame1iorate the c1inica1 symptom of chi1dren,avoid unnecessary drugs and surgica1 treatment.
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ZHU Jie;YU Fei▲SU Hang FANG Hai-ning. Analysis of clinical feature and Pathogenesis of Van Wyk-Grumbach syndrome. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(5): 44-46转49.
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