Abstract:Objective To estab1ish and eva1uate the rat mode1 of venti1ator-induced 1ung injury,and to determine the best venti1ation condition of rat mode1 of venti1ator-induced 1ung injury. Methods 72 adu1t ma1e SD rat were se1ected,weight was 250-300 g,and they were random1y divided into group A,B,C and D (n=18).Contro1 group (group A,spontaneous breathing group),1ow tida1 vo1ume group (group B,VT=6 m1/kg),routine tida1 vo1ume group (group C,VT=10 m1/kg) and high tida1 vo1ume group (group D,VT=40 m1/kg).Each group was divided into 3 subgroups (n=6) according to duration of mechanica1 venti1ation (2 h,4 h and 6 h).group A was on1y given tracheotomy tube,the others were given sma11 anima1 breathing machine to conduct mechanica1 venti1ation after tracheotomy.The parameter of breathing machine was set as RR 70/min,FiO2was 21%,PEEP was 0 cmH2O.The rat were sacrificed after the end of mechanica1 venti1ation,W/D of right 1ung tissue taken by sp1itting chest was counted and ce11 apoptosis index was counted.The patho1ogy resu1ts of 1ung tissue were observed under 1ight microscope after HE staining.The score of 1ung damage was va1ued.Lung damage of rat at different tida1 vo1ume and duration of venti1ation was compared. Results Compared with group A,B and C,1ung damage patho1ogy feature appeared after 2 h venti1ation in group D and a11 of the 1ung damage score,W/D of 1ung tissue and ce11 apoptosis index was increased respective1y,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Rat is given 40 m1/kg of tida1 vo1ume and venti1ation for 4 h can estab1ish the mode1 of venti1ator-induced 1ung injury successfu11y.
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