Research progress of early rehabilitation nursing in acute ischemic stroke
LING Su-lian1 ZHAO Gui-yan2
1.Department of Neuro1ogy,the Second Peop1e’s Hospita1 of Nanning City,Nanning 530031,China;
2.Emergency Medica1 Center of Nanning City,Nanning 530022,China
Abstract:In China,acute ischemic stroke has a high incidence rate,disabi1ity rate and morta1ity rate,which has a serious harm to peop1e’s hea1th,and have dysfunction in motion,cognition and emotion etc..If the recovery time is 1onger,the recovery is poor.Ear1y rehabi1itation therapy in hospita1 was considered to be a very important part for the patients functiona1 recovery,which is beneficia1 for patients to the recovery of motor function and sensory motor,and it can reduce the re1ated medica1 costs.In this paper,the ear1y rehabi1itation nursing in acute ischemic stroke were reviewed in detai1 from epidemio1ogica1 deve1opment of acute ischemic stroke,ear1y rehabi1itation of acute ischemic stroke,program of ear1y rehabi1itation nursing,the re1evance of ear1y activity,se1f-efficacy and qua1ity of 1ife,the aim was to provide a theoretica1 basis for the rehabi1itation nursing of ear1y acute ischemic stroke.
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