Study on PreParation technology of Children technology research
GUO Jin-jia1,2 DANG Xiao-wei3 LI Jun1,2 ZHANG Guang-xing1
1.Jingfukang Pharmaceutica1 Group Company Limited,Hebei Province,Chengde 067000,China;
2.The New Excipients of Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine Engineering Research Center of Hebei,Hebei Province,Chengde 067000,China;
3.Chengde Nursing Vacationgna1 Co11ege,Hebei Province,Chengde 067000,China
Abstract:Objective To study on optimum techno1ogica1 conditions for C1earing Lung Syrup for chi1dren.Methods The extraction techno1ogy, preparation se1ection and pharmaceutica1 techno1ogy were studied.Results The preparation method for C1earing Lung Syrup for chi1dren inc1usion comp1ex was got prescriptions of dried tangerine pee1, roasted peri11a seed, fo1ia peri11ae acutae, mint, common hogfenneI root, rhizoma acori graminei with the amount of water or 12 times,and the soaking time was 3 h then extracted by wet disti11ation for 3 h.Vo1ati1e oi1 was co11ected and the extraction f1uid was fi1tered to reserve.The other 16 herbs was extracted three times in water 8 times, fi1trated, and the fi1-trate was combined with the former.The mixed decoction was concentrated to 1.03~1.05(40~50℃),set co1d, fi1trated, and was ensi1ed with suger 600 g,potassium sorbate 2 g and ethy1 P-Hydroxybenzoate 0.2 g,heated and stirred, boi1ed for 30 min, set co1d, fi1trated.Vo1ati1e oi1 was disso1ved by a few ethano1 with efficient stirring, add provision to purify water vo1ume of 1000 m1, juice, fi1tering, rebott1ing into sma11 bott1es.Conclusion The optima1 processing condition not on1y can ensure the product qua1ity and its suitab1e for chi1dren patients but a1so reduce cost.It app1y to industria1 production.