A case of neonatal pleural effusion due to central venous catheter inserted through lower limb veins
CHEN Li-lian XIONG Xiao-yun WEN Chun-ying YANG Chuan-zhong
Department of Neonatology, Affiliated Shenzhen Maternity &Child Healthcare Hospital, Southern Medical University,Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518028, China
Abstract:Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) is a common vein access in critically ill newborns, especially in very low birth weight infants or extremely low birth weight infants.Pleural effusion is one of the complications related to PICC, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.It has been reported from time to time that PICC was placed through the upper extremity veins and complicated with pleural effusion, but the cases of pleural effusion complicated by the catheterization through the lower extremity veins is rare.This paper presented a case of newborn with 32+6 weeks, who was infused with intravenous nutrient solution (TPN) by PICC through the great saphenous vein of lower extremity on the 3rd day after birth.On the 9th day after birth, the baby developed symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heart rate.Chest radiography and B-ultrasound showed pleural effusion, which disappeared two days after the catheter was removed.Based on the results of chest radiographs of the child and related literature, it was considered that the cause of this case was pleural effusion caused by the misinsertion of PICC catheter into the azygian vein.
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CHEN Li-lian;XIONG Xiao-yun;WEN Chun-ying;YANG Chuan-zhong. A case of neonatal pleural effusion due to central venous catheter inserted through lower limb veins. 中国当代医药, 2021, 28(8): 193-196.
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