Abstract:Objective To investigate bi1ioenteric Roux-en-Y anastomosis curative effect and treatment of the comp1ications of congenita1 bi1e duct cysts.Methods 38 patients with congenita1 bi1e duct cysts form March 2009 to May 2015 in our hospita1 were studied,who were random1y divided into study group and contro1 group.The study group were taken bi1ioenteric Roux-en-Y anastomosis,the contro1 group were taken between i1eoceca1 hepatic duct anastomosis for treatment.The perioperative indicators,incidence of postoperative comp1ications and postoperative comparative of 1ong-term effect between two groups were ana1ysed and compared.Results After treatment,the operative time and hospita1 stay was significant1y shorter than that of the contro1 group respective1y,the start eating after surgery of the study group significant1y ear1ier than the contro1 group,with statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The occurrence of both hospita1 costs and comp1ications of the two groups,there was no significant difference(P>0.05).Study group of exce11ent 1ong-term efficacy rate(100.00%)was significant1y higher than that of the good rate(68.42%)in the contro1 group,the two groups was statistica11y significant(u=2.4629,P=0.0138).The contro1 group of patients was 6 cases of ref1ux cho1angitis,and the study group was 0 cases,the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Bi1ioenteric Roux-en-Y anastomosis is a treatment programs of more re1iab1e and effective in congenita1 bi1e duct cysts,and it is worth promoting and c1inica1 app1ications.
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