ExPression level and significance of adiPonectin and tumor necrosis factor-α in Placental tissue in onset of Patients with Pre-eclamPsia
MING Fang YANG Jie LV Xiu-fang
Department of Obstetrics,Materna1 and Chi1d Hea1th Care Hospita1 of Baoan District in Shenzhen City;Materna1 and Chi1d Hea1th Care Hospita1 of Baoan District in Shenzhen Affi1iated to Jinan University 518000,China
Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the expression 1eve1 and significance of adiponectin(APN)and tumor necrosis factorα(TNF-α)of p1acenta1 tissues in onset of patients with pre-ec1ampsia(PE).Methods 35 cases with PE in our hospita1 from February 2014 to Apri1 2015 were se1ected as the observation group,and another 35 hea1thy pregnant women deve1oped underwent physica1 examination in our hospita1 during the same period were se1ected as the contro1 group.The 1eve1 of APN,TNF-α in p1acenta1 tissues of the research subjects in the two groups were detected by radio immunoassay,and the re1ationship between the APN and TNF-α 1eve1 in the two groups was ana1yzed.Results The expression 1eve1 of APN in p1acenta1 tissues in the observation group was 1ower than that in the contro1 group,the TNF-α 1eve1 in the observation goup was higher than that in the contro1 group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The expression 1eve1 of APN in the study group was negative1y corre1ated with the 1eve1 of TNF-α (P<0.05).Conclusion The expression of APN and TNF-α in p1acenta1 tissue p1ay a certain ro1e in the disease deve1opment of PE.
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MING Fang; YANG Jie; LV Xiu-fang. ExPression level and significance of adiPonectin and tumor necrosis factor-α in Placental tissue in onset of Patients with Pre-eclamPsia. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(13): 98-100.
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