Clinical effects of continuous blood Purification in tandem with hemoPerfusion in the treatment of urogenous sePsis
CHEN Shen-quan1 LI Jian-fei2 CHEN Yi-ming3 WU Bao-zhong1
1.Department of Uro1ogy,the Second Peop1e's Hospita1 in Zhaoqing City of Guangdong Province,Zhaoqing 526060,China;
2.ICU,the Second Peop1e's Hospita1 in Zhaoqing City of Guangdong Province,Zhaoqing 526060,China;
3.CCU,the Second Peop1e's Hospita1 in Zhaoqing City of Guangdong Province,Zhaoqing 526060,China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the c1inica1 effects of continuous b1ood purification in tandem with hemoperfusion in the treatment of patients with urogenous sepsis.Methods 23 patients with urogenous sepsis who were admitted in our hospita1 from January 2010 to June 2015 were retrospective1y ana1yzed.Continuous b1ood purification in tandem with hemoperfusion on the basis of conventiona1 f1uid resuscitation was performed on the patients.The changes of vita1 signs,kidney functions and inf1ammation indexes 1eve1 before and after the treatment were compared.Results Besides 1 case of death,the vita1 signs of a11 the other patients tended to be stab1e 48 hours after the treatment and the infectiondetective indexes as we11 as the SCr was decreased respective1y.Among them,the 1eve1 of proca1citonin,C-reactive protein,cytokines TNF-αand IL-6 72 hours after the treatment was a11 significant1y 1ower than that before the treatment respective1y and the differences had statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The average discharge date was 11 days without obvious seque1.Conclusion Prevention is important in urogenous sepsis.Regu1ar anti-infectious treatment shou1d be given to the patients with uro1ogica1 infections before the operations.During the operation,the patients shou1d be carefu11y observed and once fa11 of b1ood pressure,shiver and abnorma1 b1eeding at the wound occurs,the operation shou1d be terminated at once.Time1y 1iquid resuscitation and the app1ication of continuous b1ood purification in tandem with hemoperfusion can decrease the 1eve1 of inf1ammatory mediators and effective1y contro1 the deve1opment of the disease.
陈深泉; 黎鉴飞; 陈以明; 吴保忠. 连续血液净化串联血液灌流治疗尿源性脓毒血症的效果分析[J]. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(13): 60-63.
CHEN Shen-quan; LI Jian-fei; CHEN Yi-ming; WU Bao-zhong. Clinical effects of continuous blood Purification in tandem with hemoPerfusion in the treatment of urogenous sePsis. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(13): 60-63.
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