A report about acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after injecting men-ingococcus A vaccine and encephalitis vaccine
WANG Xiu-qin1, YANG Shu-lan1, LI Jian-qin2▲
1.Department of Infectious Diseases′Control,Disease Control and Prevention Center in Haicang District of Xiamen City,Fujian Province,Xiamen 361026,China; 2.Department of Epidemic Prevention,Xinyang Street Community Health Service Center in Haicang District of Xiamen City,Fujian Province,Xiamen 361027,China
Abstract:One child who was healthy and without contraindications suffered acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after injecting meningococcus a vaccine and encephalitis vaccine at the same time.By identificated method of abnormal reaction about immunization,municipal experts group immediately launched status survey,after analyzing the inoculation situation,the treatment situation,the use of vaccines and syringes,and so on,the suspected preventive inoculation response (AEFI) was diagnosed as an inoculation response finally.And apply compensation for the child from government′s special funds,which provided for abnormal reaction following immunization.The child′s prognosis is not so good owing to delay treatment,so in order to find the AEFI without delay and protect the health of children,inoculational staff should strengthen the active monitor after vaccination in 24 h,parents should pay more attention to children′s health after vaccination in 24 h.
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WANG Xiu-qin, YANG Shu-lan, LI Jian-qin. A report about acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after injecting men-ingococcus A vaccine and encephalitis vaccine. 中国当代医药, 2017, 24(24): 138-140.
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