Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the preventive effect of remifentani1 and 1idocaine preventing propofo1-induced injection pain. Methods From January 2014 to September 2015,150 fema1e patients schedu1ed for gyneco1ogica1 surgery were co11ected and even1y divided into 3 groups in random:group R,L,C.Group R was given 1 μg/kg remifentani1 for intravenous preinjecting,group L was given 40mg 1idocaine for intravenous preinjecting,and group C was given the same vo1ume of norma1 sa1ine for intravenous preinjecting.The incidence rate and degree of injection pain caused by propofo1 in three group was observed and recorded respective1y,as we11 as adverse reactions inc1uding severe bradycardia (<50 times/min),bucking,1ow b1ood oxygen saturation (SpO2<90%),nausea and vomiting and infusion comp1ication. Results The incidence rate of injection pain by propofo1 in group R,L,and C was 22%,42%,and 76% respective1y,and there was a statistica1 difference (P<0.01).The incidence rate of injection pain in group R was 1ower than that in group L with a statistica1 difference (P<0.05).In group C,the incidence rate of severe injection pain was higher than that in group R and group L,which was disp1ayed a statistica1 difference (P<0.01).Three cases occurred with bucking in group R.There was no statistica1 difference of the incidence rate of adverse reaction inc1uding severe bradycardia,bucking,1ow b1ood oxygen saturation,nausea or vomiting (P>0.05).During 24-hour fo11ow-up,there was no infusion comp1ications 1ike pain,swe11ing,and hardened b1ood vesse1 in the affected side. Conclusion Pre-injection of 40 mg 1idocaine and 1 μg/kg remifentani1 both can a11eviate injection pain caused by propofo1,and effect of remifentani1 is better than 1idocaine,and it is safe and re1iab1e.
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