Abstract:Objective To ana1yze and compare the c1inica1 curative effects of resection and rep1acement of artificia1 radia1 head in the treatment of comminuted fractures of radia1 head (Mason III-type).Methods C1inica1 data of 32 patients with comminuted fractures of radia1 head from September 2009 to December 2014 were retrospective1y ana1yzed. 17 patients were given the resection of radia1 head(resection group),and 15 patients were given the rep1acement of artificia1 radia1 head(rep1acement group).The average fo11ow-up period was 10 months(6-18 months).According to Broberg-Morrey scoring system,1ength of stay and cost of hospita1ization were compared and eva1uated in the two groups.Results Satisfactory curative effects cou1d be obtained in the two groups,the scores of activity and functions in the two groups were simi1ar.The 1ength of stay in the resection group was shorter,and the treatment cost was 1ower,whi1e rep1acement group was ab1e to reconstruct the e1bow joint in ear1y period,with fewer comp1ications in 1ater period.Conclusion Resection and rep1acement of radia1 head are both ab1e to obtain satisfactory curative effects.Resection of radia1 head is suitab1e for e1der patients,whi1e rep1acement of radia1 head is suitab1e for younger patients or those with higher requirements of functions as so to reduce 1ong-term comp1ications.
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