Influnce of insulin PumP and insulin several times subcutaneous injections on the first Phase insulin secretion and serum chemerin of Patients with inciPient tyPe 2 diabetes TyPe and ketosis
HAO Fei YANG Mei-rong MA Da-wei NIU Zhao-xia
Department of Endocrino1ogy,Jiaozhou Centra1 Hospita1 of Qingdao City,Qingdao 266300,China
Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of continuous subcutaneous insu1in infusion with pump(CSII)and mu1ti subcutaneous insu1in injection(MSII)on is1et B ce11s secretory phase and chemerin 1eve1 of patients with incipient type 2 diabetic and ketosis.Methods 60 cases of incipient type 2 diabetes with ketosis treated in our hospita1 from January to December in 2015 were average1y divided into two groups:CSII group and MSII group,30 cases in CSII group were given continuous subcutaneous infusion with insu1in pump,30 cases in MSII group were given mu1tip1e subcutaneous insu1in injection;A11 were given continuous treatment for 4 weeks.The first phase insu1in(1PH)function were assessed with arginine stimu1ation test.ELISA was used to detect the chemerin 1eve changes before and after treatment.Results The va1ue of FBG,2 h BG,HbA1c,BMI and HOMA-IR after treatment significant1y decreased than those of before treatment in both groups(P<0.05).Compared with MSII group,the average amount of insu1in use,the time of good contro1 of b1ood g1ucose,hypog1ycemia rate significant1y decreased in CSII group (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of first phase insu1in secretion increased,whi1e the chemerin 1eve1 decreased after treatment in both groups (P<0.05).Difference had statistica1 significance in changes of the 1PH and chemerin 1eve1 in both groups.Conclusion CSII can obtain better restoration on the first phase insu1in secretion,decrease chemerin 1eve1,and increase insu1in sensitivity than MSII,which may be associated with chemerin dec1ine.
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HAO Fei;YANG Mei-rong;MA Da-wei;NIU Zhao-xia. Influnce of insulin PumP and insulin several times subcutaneous injections on the first Phase insulin secretion and serum chemerin of Patients with inciPient tyPe 2 diabetes TyPe and ketosis. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(14): 34-37.
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