Abstract:Objective To explore the epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis complicated with diabetesmellitus,and to provide a reliable reference for the prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis complicated with diabetes. M ethods 80 cases of virus hepatitis combined with diabetes in our hospital inpatients department from January 2011 to December 2015 were selected as the research object,and set as group A,80 diabetes patients and 80 virus hepatitis patients in our hospital inpatient department at the same period were selected as the reference object,and were respectively arranged into group B and group C.The clinical data of three groupswere retrospectively summarized analysis.The gender and age among the three groups was recorded,the liver lesion type distribution and hepatitis virus type was compared between group A and group B,diabetesmellitus type distribution was compared between group A and group C.Finally,the epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis complicated with diabetesmellituswere summarized.Results In gender,male patientsweremore than female patients in group A,and the proportion ofmale patients in group A was higher than that group B and group C (P<0.05).In Age,the average age of three groups from high to low was sequentially arranged for group C,group A and group B,there were significant difference between the three groups (P<0.05),group A focused on the age 41-60 years interval,group B focused on the age range of 20 to 40 years old,group C focused on the age range of 61 to 80 years old.In the proportion of the type of liver disease,the proportion of cirrhosis in group A which compared with group B was significantly higher(P<0.05),chronic hepatitis compared with group B was significantly lower(P<0.05),hepatitis proportion of acute hepatitis were compared between group A and group B,the proportion had no significant difference (P>0.05).In hepatitis B virus types,group A and group B weremainly hepatitis B virus,the proportion of hepatitis B virus in the two groups had no significant difference (P>0.05).In diabetes clinical type,group A and group C weremainly type 2 diabetes,the proportion of type 1 diabetes in group A was significantly lower than that in group C (P<0.05).Conclusion Viral hepatitis complicated with diabetesmellitus occursmore frequently inmale population,the age distribution of viral hepatitis complicated with diabetesmellitus ismore than 40-60 years old,mostly hepatitis B and type 2 diabetesmellitus,and a lotof the patients have accompanied with cirrhosis.
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