Curative effect observation of Motherwort injection combined with oxytocin in Preventing PostPartum hemorrhage and PostPartum urinary retention after cesarean section
ZHAO Hui-yun YANG Yang DOU Xiu-qing
Department of the Second Obstetrics,Dandong Women and Chi1dren Hospita1 in Liaoning Province,Dandong 118000, China
Abstract:Objective To observe the effect of Motherwort injection combined with oxytocin in preventing postpartum hemorrhage and postpartum urinary retention after cesarean section.Methods 100 primipara conducted cesarean section from March to August 2015 were random1y divided into Motherwort injection combined with oxytocin group(group A,n=70),on1y oxytocin group(group B,n=40).B1eeding vo1ume during operation,the tota1 b1eeding vo1ume after 24 h operation,uterine contraction situation on the first and second day after operation,and the time from postoperative urethra1 catheter to first se1f micturition in two groups was observed respective1y.The adverse reaction during treatment was recored.Results The b1eeding vo1ume during operation in group A and group B was(261.57±41.83)m1 and(277.75± 45.66)m1 respective1y,and the difference had no statistica1 significance(P>0.05).The tota1 b1eeding vo1ume after 24 h operation in group A and group B was(301.00±46.28)m1 and(472.50±79.77)m1 respective1y,and the difference was statistica1 significance(P<0.01).Uterine contraction situation at the first and second day after operation in group A was better than that of group B respective1y(P<0.01).The the time from postoperative urethra1 catheter to first se1f micturition in group A and group B was(154.00±46.04)min and(145.50±41.82)min respective1y,and the difference had no statistica1 significance(P>0.05).Both of two groups had any obvious drug adverse reaction.Conclusion Motherwort injection combined with oxytocin can promote uterine contraction effective1y after caesarean section,and has some practica1 va1ue in preventing postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section,but is not sure in preventing postpartum urinary retention after cesarean section.
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