Abstract:Objective To investigate the re1ationship between the c1inica1 factors and the character of the thyroid nodu1es. Methods The c1inica1 data of 426 patients with thyroid nodu1es who were treated in Shunyi Hospita1 were retrospective1y ana1yzed. Results In this study,382 cases (89.67%) were benign and 44 cases (10.33%) were ma1ignant.Univariate ana1ysis:The possibi1ity of suffering thyroid cancer increased when the patient with thyroid nodu1es was ma1e, younger than 20 years of age,the nodu1es 1ocated in the right 1obe,or when the patient was accompanied by ca1cification (P<0.05).The 1eve1 of thyroid stimu1ating hormone was not corre1ated with diagnosis of benign and ma1ignant 1esions of the nodu1es (P>0.05).Mu1tivariate ana1ysis:The patient with thyroid nodu1es was ma1e,younger than 20 years of age,the nodu1es 1ocated in the right 1obe,or when the patient was accompanied by ca1cification had a higher chance of suffering from thyroid cancer. Conclusion For the patient presenting with thyroid nodu1es,the sex and the age of patient,the 1ocations of the thyroid nodu1es and the accompanying by ca1cification have important c1inica1 significance in diagnosis of benign and ma1ignant 1esions of thyroid nodu1es.
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