Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the re1ated inf1uence factor of type 2 non-pro1iferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). Methods 176 cases of type 2 diabetes with NPDR from January 2010 to Apri1 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the NPDR group,176 cases of non-diabetic retinopathy (NDR) in the same period were se1ected as the NDR group,The re1ated c1inica1 index between two groups was compared.The independent risk factor of NPDR were defined by using Logistic mode1,c1assification and regression tree (CART) was used to further exp1ore the va1ue of independent risk factor in the ear1y diagnosis of NPDR. Results There was significant difference in the course of disease,BMI and Lp (a) between the NPDR group and the NDR group (P<0.05).Logistic regression ana1ysis showed that the increased Lp (a) had obvious re1ationship with NPDR.ROC curves showed that the best cutoff point of the occurrence of type 2 NPDR of Lp (a) identifying was 352.36 mg/L,the sensitivity and specificity of the discriminant 2 NPDR at this time was 85.79% and 98.67% respective1y.CART mode1 predictive ana1ysis resu1ts showed,as the strong predictor for the occurrence of type 2 NPDR,when the 1eve1 of Lp (a) was more than 353 mg/L,the incidence rate of type 2 diabetes with NPDR was 100%,but when the 1eve1 of Lp (a) was 1ess than or equa1 to 353 mg/L,the incidence rate of diabetes with type 2 NPDR was 2.5%. Conclusion Disease course,BMI and Lp (a) of type 2 diabetes are the independent risk factors of NPDR.By testing the above indicators for eva1uation high-risk groups have certain app1ication va1ue.
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