Relevance meta-analysis of adiponectin gene polymorphism T45G with type 2 diabetes mellitus
ZHANG Jian-li1 LI Xing2▲
1.Graduate Schoo1 of Shanxi Medica1 University,Taiyuan030001,China;
2.Department of Endocrino1ogy,the Second C1inica1 Medica1 Co11ege of Shanxi Medica1 University,Taiyuan030001,China
Abstract:Objective To eva1uate the re1ationship of adiponectin gene exon 2 T45G po1ymorphism with type 2 diabetes me11itus(T2DM).Methods Chinese-Eng1ish document database was searched from 2010 to 2015,and the references of artic1es were a1so retrieved on adiponectin gene T45G associated with T2DM.The three indexes of dominant genetic mode1,recessive genetic mode1 and additive genetic mode1 were used for comprehensive eva1uation summary.Results 6 Documents were inc1uded,Chinese 2 and Eng1ish 4,wherein the observation group(T2DM)sumed to 1119 cases,in the contro1 group(non-T2DM)sumed to 1043 cases.The dominant mode,the risk factor of T2DM between TT genotype and GG+TG genotype was equiva1ent[1.13(0.94,1.36)],with no statistica1 differenc(P>0.05).The recessive mode,the risk factor of T2DM in GG genotype was significant1y higher than that of genotype TT+TG[0.67(0.45,0.98)],the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05);The additive genetic mode1,the risk factor of T2DM in GG genotype was significant1y higher than that of TT genotype[0.18(0.12,0.25)],the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Adiponectin gene exon 2 T45G po1ymorphism with T2DM has a certain re1evance.In a recessive genetic mode and additive genetic mode1,G a11e1e exists the higher risk.
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