Comparison of the application effect of physiological anchorage control technique and straight wire arch technique in the treatment of children with orthodontic correction
CHEN XueSA Ri-na
Department of Stomatology,Hulunbuir People′s Hospital,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Hulunbuir 021008,China
Abstract:Objective To compare the application effect of physiological anchorage control technique and straight wire arch technique in children′s orthodontic correction.Methods From January 2016 to January 2020,66 children who underwent orthodontic correction from the Hulunbuir People′s Hospital were selected as the research subjects.They were divided into the control group(n=33,36 affected teeth)and the study group(n=33,37 affected teeth)using a random number table methods.The children in the control group were treated with traditional straight wire arch technique,and the children in the study group were treated with physiological anchorage technique.The X-ray measurement related parameters,bite force,masticatory efficiency and the incidence of complications of the two groups were compared.Results The angle between the mandibular central incisor and the mandibular plane(L1-MP),the vertical distance from the highest point of the mesial cheek tip of the mandibular first molar to the mandibular plane(L6-MP),anterior inferior height(ANS-Me),Y axis angle,the vertical distance from the highest point of the mesial cheek tip of the maxillary first molar to the palatal plane(U6-PP),the vertical distance of the incisal edge of the maxillary central incisor to the palatal plane(U1-PP)and the ratio of the antero-inferior height to the overall height(ANS-Me/N-Me)in the study group were significantly smaller than those in the control group,and the antero-superior height(N-ANS)in the study group was significantly larger than the control group,with statistical differences(P<0.05).The bite force and chewing efficiency of the study group were significantly better than those of the control group,with statistical differences(P<0.05).The total incidence of complications in the study group was significantly lower than that in the control group,with statistically significance(P<0.05).Conclusion The use effect of physiological anchorage control technique in orthodontic correction of children is better than straight wire arch technique in the vertical control of maxillary incisors.It can improve the masticatory function of children and is worthy of popularization and application.
陈雪;萨日娜. 生理性支抗控制技术与直丝弓技术治疗儿童正畸矫正的应用效果比较[J]. 中国当代医药, 2021, 28(15): 145-147转158.
CHEN Xue;SA Ri-na. Comparison of the application effect of physiological anchorage control technique and straight wire arch technique in the treatment of children with orthodontic correction. 中国当代医药, 2021, 28(15): 145-147转158.