Clinical effect of methylPrednisolone combined with triamcinolone acetonide retrobulbar injection in the treatment of thyroid-associated oPhthalmoPathy
ZHU Hong-yun1 ZHANG Fu-xian2 MA Rong2 CUI Tao2 HE Hui-mei2 JU Hai-bing2▲
1.C1inica1 Co11ege,Chengdu Mi1itary Area Command Kunming Genera1 Hospita1 of Kunming Medica1 University,Kunming 650032,China;
2.Department of Endocrino1ogy,Chengdu Mi1itary Area Command Kunming Genera1 Hospita1,Kunming 650032,China
Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the c1inica1 effect of methy1predniso1one combined with triamcino1one acetonide retrobu1bar injection in the treatment of thyroid-associated ophtha1mopathy.Methods 38 cases of moderate-severe thyroid-associated ophtha1mopathy from January 2010 to December 2013 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the research group,a11 patients were given intravenous methy1predniso1one 500 mg,once every other day,and sustained 3 times combined with 1 time of triamcino1one acetonide retrobu1bar injection as 1 course.One month for one course.After sustained 3 courses,eye symptoms,signs,c1inica1 activity score(CAS),NOSPECS score and the incidence rate of adverse effect was eva1uated respective1y.Results After using methy1predniso1one combined with triamcino1one acetonide retrobu1bar injection for 3 courses,the symptoms 1iked photophobia eye,1acrimation,eye distension,ophtha1ma1gia and dip1opia obvious improved and e1iminated.The CAS score and the NOSPECS score after treatment for 10 days and 3 months was 1ower than that before treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).The degree of exophtha1mos,eye fissure width after treatment for 3 months was 1ess than that before treatment,with significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Methy1predniso1one combined with triamcino1one acetonide retrobu1bar injection in the treatment of thyroid-associated ophtha1-mopathy has exact effect,safe and with 1itt1e adverse effect.
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