Change of CD4+T lymphocyte subset in patients with lung cancer after radiofrequency ablation
LIN Dui-xian1 MEI Bao-fu1 DENG Zhi-feng1 CHEN Jun-hui2
1.Department of Intervention,Peop1e’s Hospita1 of Baoan District in Shenzhen City,Shenzhen 518101,China;
2.Department of Minima11y Invasive Intervention,Shenzhen Hospita1 of Peking University,Shenzhen 518035,China
Abstract: Objective To exp1ore the inf1uence of the radiofrequency ab1ation (RFA) on the anti-tumor immune function of CD4+T 1ymphocyte subsets in patients with 1ung cancer. Methods 30 patients with 1ung cancer from August 2012 to August 2014 in our hospita1 were se1ected as the research group,the therapy of RFA was given.Periphera1 b1ood was co11ected before and after operation ha1f a month,the 1eve1 of Th1,Th2,Th17,Treg ce11 was compared respective1y. Results The 1eve1 of Th1 and Th1/Th2 ratio after RFA operation at ha1f a month was higher than that before operation, the 1eve1 of Th2,Th17,Treg ce11 after RFA operation at ha1f a month was 1ower than that before operation,with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion RFA can improve the anti-tumor immune function of CD4+T 1ymphocyte subset in patients with 1ung cancer.
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LIN Dui-xian;MEI Bao-fu;DENG Zhi-feng;CHEN Jun-hui. Change of CD4+T lymphocyte subset in patients with lung cancer after radiofrequency ablation. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(8): 55-57.
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