Abstract:Objective To study the Xiaobi decoction,empirica1 formu1a of professor Jia Min in the treatment of psoriasis vu1garis at progressive stage (identified as b1ood heat and wind-dryness syndrome by traditiona1 Chinese medicine). Methods 60 patients with psoriasis vu1garis (traditiona1 Chinese medicine identification:b1ood heat and wind-dryness syndrome) in our department from September 2012 to March 2013 were se1ected and random1y divided into treatment group and contro1 group,with 30 cases in each group.Xiaobi decoction and compound capsu1e of natura1 indigo were given to the patients according to the course for 90 days.The skin injuries,inter1eukin-18 (IL-18) and inter1eukin-10 (IL-10) of the patients from both groups before and after the treatment were compared. Results The PASI score of before treatment in the treatment group was compared with after treatment,the difference was statistica11y significant (P<0.05).After treatment,the PASI score of two groups was compared,the difference was statistica11y significant(P<0.05).The treatment group had significant higher tota1 effective rate of 83.3% than the contro1 group of 64.3%(P<0.05).After treatment for 90 days,the 1eve1 of IL-18 of treatment group decreased significant1y compared with the contro1 group (P<0.05) and the 1eve1 of IL-10 of the treatment group increased significant1y compared with the contro1 group (P<0.05). Conclusion Xiaobi decoction has identified c1inica1 efficacy to improve the c1inica1 symptoms of the patients.The mechanism may be associated with the immuno modu1atory mechanism of decreasing IL-18 1eve1 and increasing IL-10 1eve1.
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