Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the effect and safety of new quadri-combination therapy inc1uding Amoxici11in,Furazo1idone,Esomeprazo1e Magnesium Enteric-Coated Tab1ets and Bismuth Potassium Citrate Capsu1es in remedia1 treatment Helicobacter pylori(Hp)in the ear1y cure fai1ure.Methods 200 Hp in the ear1y cure remedia1 treatment fai1ure patients from January 2012 to January 2015 were se1ected and patients were random divided into observation group and contro1 group.Patients in observation group were given Amoxici11in 1.0 g,Furazo1idone 0.1 g,Esomeprazo1e Magnesium Enteric-Coated Tab1ets 40 mg and Bismuth Potassium Citrate Capsu1es 220 mg,twice a day for 10 days.Patients in contro1 group were given Rabeprazo1e 20 mg,Co11oida1 Bismuth Pectin 300 mg,Amoxici11in and C1avu1anate Potassium 1142.5 mg and Ornidazo1e 500 mg by ora1,twice a day for 10 days.The incidence rate of drugs was observed.14C breath test was used to test Hp after stopping drug treatment for 4 weeks.Results The ITT eradication rate in observation group was 95.0%,which was higher than that was 84.0%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance (χ2=3.752,P<0.05).The PP eradication rate in observation group was 97.0%,which was higher than that was 87.0%in contro1 group,and the difference was statistica1 significance(χ2=3.811,P<0.05).The recurrence rate in observation group obvious 1ower than contro1 group in 3 and 6 months,and the difference was statistica1 significance (P<0.05).The incidence rate of drug adverse effects between two groups had statistica1 significance(χ2=7.031,P<0.05).To1erance c1assification of drug adverse effects between two groups had statistica1 significance(P<0.05).Conclusion A new quadri-combination therapy inc1uding Amoxici11in,Furazo1idone,Esomeprazo1e Magnesium Enteric-Coated Tab1ets and Bismuth Potassium Citrate Capsu1es is a safety and effective rescue therapy method for Hp treated first fai1ure.
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