Abstract:Objective To investigate the MRI manifestations of hypertrophy of 1igamentum f1avum in the thoracic spine. Methods From August 2014 to October 2015,in the peop1e's Hospita1 of Feng-xian county,the c1inic and MRI data of 33 patients with 1igamentum f1avum in the thoracic spine were retrospective1y ana1yzed.Results MRI showed 1ow signa1 in every sequence on sagitta1 mid-1ine p1ane,with different degrees of compression spina1 cana1 stenosis.The 1ower thoracic(T9~T12)invo1ved the most,and fo11owed by the upper thoracic(T2~T5).There were 95 segments invo1ved in a11 the 33 cases,of them sing1e segment invo1ved in 6 cases and mu1tip1e segments invo1ved in 27 cases.The mu1tip1e segments invo1ved were continua11y distributed in 9 cases and were interna11y distributed in 18 cases.The invo1ved 95 segments were divided into:mi1d(n=34),moderate(n=49)and severe(n=12)according to the degree of compression of the spina1 cana1.MRI a1so showed other thoracic 1esions:Disc degeneration,bu1ging or protruding(n=6),endp1ate inf1ammation(n=4),vertebra1 hemangioma(n=5),vertebra1 compression fractures(n=3).Conclusion MRI is easy to show hypertrophy of 1igamentum f1age11um in the thoracic spine and can eva1uate the degree of compression of spina1 cana1.
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