Multimodal analgesia,Prostate resection,Accelerated rehabilitation,Bladder spasm,Visual analog scale," /> Application of multimodal analgesia based on the concept of accelerated rehabilitation surgery in transurethral resection of prostate
" /> Multimodal analgesia,Prostate resection,Accelerated rehabilitation,Bladder spasm,Visual analog scale,"/> <div data-meta-name="译文篇名">Application of multimodal analgesia based on the concept of accelerated rehabilitation surgery in transurethral resection of prostate</div> <div data-meta-name="译文作者信息"> </div>
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中国当代医药  2021, Vol. 28 Issue (7): 108-111    DOI:
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Application of multimodal analgesia based on the concept of accelerated rehabilitation surgery in transurethral resection of prostate
LI Chao-yu1 WANG Dan1 ZHONG Ming2 ZHANG Min1 WANG Ti-fen1▲
1.Department of Anesthesiology,the Second People′s Hospital of Neijiang City,Sichuan Province,Neijiang 641000,China;
2.Neijiang Health and Vocational Technical College,Sichuan Province,Neijiang 641000,China
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