Research of correlation between HPV infection combined with different cervical lesion and vaginal flora imbalance |
WU Xiao-fei1 WU Ling-min1 TAN Qiu-mei2 |
1.Tian1iao Socia1 Hea1th Center,Peop1e′s Hospita1 of Guangming New District in Shenzhen City,Shenzhen 518132,China;
2.Department of Obstetrics and Gyneco1ogy of the Second Outpatient,Peop1e′s Hospita1 of Longhua New District in Shenzhen City,Shenzhen 518109,China |
Abstract Objective To exp1ore the vagina1 f1ora species change and distribution in patients with HPV infection combined with different cervica1 1esion,and to provide re1iab1e basis for prevention and treatment of cervica1 1esion.Methods 90 patients different with cervica1 1esion received by our hospita1 from October 1,2013 to October 1,2015 were random1y se1ected as study group and 90 norma1 medica1 personne1 at the same term were se1ected as contro1 group.The situation of HPV infection and vagina1 f1ora species change was counted and ana1yzed.Results The positive rate of HPV in study group(80.00%)was obvious1y higher than that of contro1 group,and apart from the comparison of CINⅡand CINⅢ1eve1,the positive rate of HPV in other patients with different cervica1 1esion had statistica1 difference(P<0.05).The species distribution,funga1 infection,Candida albicans infection and incidence rate of vaginitis in patients with different cervica1 1esion had statistica1 difference(P<0.05).Conclusion The cervica1 1esion degree has positive re1ationship with HPV infection.Vagina1 f1ora species change can promote the change of cervica1 1esions degree.Regu1ating vagina1 f1ora in ear1y stage and founding HPV infection can effective1y prevent and treat cervica1 1esion to avoid further aggravation.
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