Abstract Objective To observe the occurrence of s1eep-disorder in patients with A1zheimer disease and exp1ore the corre1ation between s1eep-disorder and cognitive function.Methods By a c1uster samp1ing,patients with A1zheimer disease admitted into our hospita1 from October 2011 to March 2015 were se1ected for research.According to patient′s chief comp1ain and Pittsburgh s1eep qua1ity index(PSQI)scoring,they were divided into s1eep-disorder group inc1uding 42 patients with chief comp1ain of s1eep-disorder and PSQI being no 1ess than 7 points and no s1eep-disorder group inc1uding 40 patients whose PSQI was 1ower than 7 points.The status of s1eep-disorder was eva1uated by PSQI and patient′s cognitive function was assessed by mini-menta1 state examination(MMSE).Results In the s1eep-disorder group, scores of s1eep qua1ity,difficu1ty in fa11ing as1eep,s1eep time,s1eep efficiency,s1eep disturbance,daytime dysfunction and tota1 score was higher than that in the no s1eep-disorder group respective1y(a11 P<0.05).Score of MMSE in the s1eepdisorder group was 1ower than that in the no s1eep-disorder group(t=3.34,P<0.05).Ana1ysis outcome indicated that there was an obvious negative corre1ation between s1eep-disorder and cognitive function in patients with s1eep disorders (r=-0.41,P<0.05).Conclusion The s1eep-disorder is c1ose1y re1ated with cognitive function in patients with A1zheimer disease and may 1ead to impairment of cognitive function.
LIU Ping,QIU Da-hong,WU Xi-qiang, et al. Correlation study of sleeP-disorder and cognitive function in Patients with Alzheimer disease[J]. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(5): 17-19.