Abstract:Liquid based thin-1ayer cyto1ogy test (TCT) can find cervica1 intraepithe1ia1 neop1asia (CIN) ear1y.This paper reported 3 cases: TCT of a mother-in-1aw first showed equivoca1 atypica1 squamous ce11s (ASCUS),height of cervica1 squamous intraepithe1ia1 neop1asia (HSIL) was showed after 15 months and then cervica1 cancer was diagnosed.Low of cervica1 squamous intraepithe1ia1 neop1asia (LSIL) was showed from the TCT of her o1d daughter-in-1aw and sma11? daughter-in-1aw,CINⅡ-Ⅲwere showed from the patho1ogy of co1poscopy histopatho1ogy and fu11-term pregnancy cesarean de1ivery were conducted by using LEEP.This shows that a11 of mother-in-1aw and sister-in-1aw have CIN whether invo1ves in ma1e genetic need to test and verify.If the TCT have prob1ems,not on1y the immediate fami1y members of women need to check but a1so spouses of men immediate fami1y members.Because they are at high risk.The dea1ing with ASCUS shou1d be paying more attention and standardize symptomatic treatment a1so shou1d be used to spouses of reproductive tract infections to b1ock happening and deve1opment of the CIN.