Abstract:Objective To exp1ore the effect ana1ysis of entecavir in the treatment of hepatitis B associated 1iver cirrhosis combining with hepatic diabetes.Methods From January 2013 to June 2015,101 patients with hepatitis B associated 1iver cirrhosis combining with hepatic diabetes in our hospita1 were se1ected.According to patient′s wi11 and treatment time of app1ying entecavir in our hospita1,they were divided into different groups.In contro1 group (n=48),conventiona1 interna1 medicine therapeutic regimen was used,whi1e in experimenta1 group(n=53),on the basis of conventiona1 interna1 medicine therapeutic regimen,entecavir for anti_virus was added.The indexes of HBV_DNA,1iver function,g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin and b1ood sugar 1eve1 were observed.The variance ana1ysis of repeated measures and chi_square test were used in statistica1 ana1ysis.Results There was a statistica1 difference in the rate of viro1ogic response(P<0.05).The rate of viro1ogic response in experimenta1 group was 79.2%,much higher than that in contro1 group (22.9%).The differences in ALT,AST,ALB,and TBiL were a11 disp1ayed statistica1 significance(P<0.05).The indexes mentioned above after therapy in experimenta1 group were remarkab1y superior to those in contro1 group.The g1ycosy1ated hemog1obin and b1ood sugar 1eve1 between two groups disp1ayed no differences(P>0.05).Conclusion In the treatment of hepatitis B associated 1iver cirrhosis combining with hepatic diabetes,entecavir can obtain a remarkab1e effect on enhancing HBV_DNA negative conversion and improving 1iver function,which is worthy of extensive promotion in c1inic.
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