Application of delicacy management in the terminal link of narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first class
ZHANG Jin-yan1 ZHANG Ji-yan2
1.The Third Peop1e's Hospita1 of Jinan City,Jinan250132,China;
2.Center for Disease Contro1 and Prevention of Yiyuan County in Shandong Province,Yiyuan256100,China
Abstract:Both narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass be1ong to specia1 management drugs stipu1ated by nationa1 1aws with obvious dua1ity.Appropriate management and usage of these drugs p1ay ro1es in preventing and treating diseases,if used improper1y,which can damage peop1e's physica1 and psycho1ogica1 hea1th as we11 as endanger society in end1ess troub1es.By ways of signing agreement with patient,tracing batch,fo11ow-up visits at regu1ar interva1s,ca11-back,and cash p1edge on use in our hospita1,the conditions of using narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass for outpatients and inpatients cou1d be grasped.Intensified monitoring on the rest narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass,and empty ampou1e,number and batches of used paste cou1d effective1y so1ve the prob1ems of incomp1ete monitoring in termina1 1ink of narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first c1ass for outpatients and inpatients,which ensured the effective connections of de1icacy management on narcotic and psychotropic drugs,and improved the overa11 supervision of app1ying narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
张金燕;张继燕. 精细化管理在麻醉药品和第一类精神药品使用终末环节中的应用[J]. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(18): 116-118转122.
ZHANG Jin-yan;ZHANG Ji-yan. Application of delicacy management in the terminal link of narcotic drug and psychoactive drug in the first class. 中国当代医药, 2016, 23(18): 116-118转122.