Study of stigma on family members of schizophrenic patients with compulsory medical treatment and related factors |
HUANG Shi-wei1 LIU Zheng-rong1 ZHANG Hai-xiang1 WANG Yun-fang1 XU Qu1 ZHENG Wei2 |
1.Department of Compulsory Medical Treatment,Mental Hospital of Guangzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau in Guangdong Province,Guangzhou510430,China;
2.Guangzhou Brain Hospital(Guangzhou Huiai Hospital,Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University)in Guangdong Province,Guangzhou510370,China |
Abstract Objective To explore the incidence rate of stigma on family members of schizophrenic patients with compulsory medical treatment and its related factors.Methods From March to November 2016,a total of 208 family members of schizophrenic patients meeting the diagnostic standard of International Classification of Diseases(ICD-10)in our hospital were selected.The demographic general information including age,gender,education level(calculated by year), personal income(3000 yuan for the cut-off),place of residence,etc.,stigma,quality of life,suicidal attempt,and insomnia were evaluated by home-made questionnaire,belittlement-discrimination scale,and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale.Results The data were collected in 198 cases,and the response rate was 98.2%.62.1%family members of schizophrenic patients had a sense of disgrace.Compared with stigma group,participants in the non-stigma group more lived in urban areas(χ2=10.377,P=0.001),with a higher quality of life(t=18.883,P=0.023),which were displayed statistical differences. In comparison with the non-stigma group,family members in the stigma group with higher education levels(t=7.101,P= 0.0001)and higher income(χ2=13.067,P=0.0001),as well as more occurrence of insomnia(χ2=15.647,P=0.0001)and suicidal attempt(χ2=4.548,P=0.033),which were displayed statistical differences.There were positive correlations between educational level,monthly income,insomnia and suicide attempts in family members and stigma.Conclusion The stigma is existent in over half family members with schizophrenic patients.In addition,family members with high levels of education,high-income,insomnia and suicide attempts are more likely to feel disgraceful.
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