耿 宣 朱优龙▲ 张敏康 夏 红
江苏省徐州市中心医院胃肠外科,江苏徐州 221000
[摘要]目的 研究直肠癌术后发生吻合口瘘的危险因素。方法 回顾性分析于2015年1月~2019年12月徐州市中心医院胃肠外科诊断为直肠癌的756例患者的临床资料,155例行腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术(MILES 术),39例行Hartmann 手术,其余562例行直肠癌根治术(直肠癌前切除术)纳入研究。其中男292例,女270例;年龄35~91岁,中位年龄66岁。相关危险因素包括患者性别、年龄、肠梗阻、糖尿病、术前血红蛋白水平、术前白蛋白水平、术前新辅助化疗、手术时间、肿瘤距肛缘距离、腹腔镜手术、术中左结肠血管损伤、术中灌注化疗药。结果 562例手术患者其中39例出现吻合口瘘,发生率为6.9%。直肠癌术后吻合口瘘的发生与年龄、肠梗阻、术前白蛋白水平、肿瘤距肛缘距离、术中损伤左结肠血管有关(P<0.05);高龄、发生肠梗阻、术前白蛋白水平低、肿瘤距肛缘距离近是吻合口瘘发生的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论 直肠癌根治术吻合口瘘的发生与年龄、肠梗阻、术前白蛋白水平、肿瘤距肛缘距离等多个因素有关。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
回顾性分析于2015年1月~2019年12月徐州市中心医院胃肠外科诊断为直肠癌的756例患者的临床资料,155例行腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术(MILES术),39例行Hartmann 手术,其余562例行直肠癌根治术(直肠癌前切除术)纳入研究。其中男292例,女270例;年龄35~91岁,中位年龄66岁。术前均行肠镜及病理活检确诊,且行腹部CT(包括314例行盆腔MR)明确肿瘤浸润深度及淋巴结转移情况。入组患者均一期行器械吻合,并视术中情况选择性缝合浆肌层包埋。
1.2 诊断标准
①突发高热,有明显的腹膜炎体征,排除其他非吻合口瘘情况;②粪样液体或其他肠内容物从腹腔引流管引出;③行直肠指诊断可触及瘘口;④行消化道造影,造影剂由引流管流出;⑤CT 检查提示吻合圈连续性中断、吻合口旁出现明显积液或积气;⑥再次手术探查确诊吻合口瘘。满足上述之一,即可诊断吻合口瘘[5]。
1.3 研究方法
1.4 统计学方法
采用SPSS 23.0 统计学软件进行数据分析,符合正态分布的计量资料用均数±标准差(
![]() 2 结果
2.1 吻合口瘘的发生情况
562例手术患者其中39例出现吻合口瘘,发生率为6.9%,均在术后2~10 d 做出诊断。其中21例明确诊断后行乙状结肠造口,17例二期还纳(4例随访缺失)。18例予黎氏双套冲洗管持续冲洗治愈。治疗过程中未出现死亡病例。
2.2 吻合口瘘发生的单因素分析
2.3 吻合口瘘发生的多因素分析
表1 吻合口瘘发生的单因素分析[n(%)]
表2 吻合口瘘发生的多因素分析
3 讨论
多项研究认为,吻合口距肛缘的距离是吻合口瘘最重要的危险因素,当吻合口位置越低时,术后发生吻合口瘘的风险也越高[10-11]。肿瘤距肛缘<7 cm时,吻合口瘘发生的概率增加3.4倍[12]。当肿瘤距肛缘<5 cm时,吻合口瘘发生的概率增加10倍[13]。
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Analysis on risk factors of anastomotic fistula after rectal cancer surgery
GENG Xuan ZHU You-long▲ ZHANG Min-kang XIA Hong
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery,Xuzhou Central Hospital,Jiangsu Province,Xuzhou 221000,China [Abstract]Objective To study the risk factors of anastomotic fistula after rectal cancer surgery.Methods The clinical data of 756 patients diagnosed with rectal cancer from January 2015 to December 2019 in the Gastrointestinal Surgery Department of Xuzhou Central Hospital were analyzed retrospectively.Among them,155 cases underwent abdominal perineal excision of rectal cancer (MILES surgery),39 cases underwent Hartmann surgery,and the remaining 562 cases underwent radical resection of rectal cancer (anterior resection of rectal cancer) were included in the study.Among them,there were 292 males and 270 females aged 35-91 years old,with a median age of 66 years old.Related risk factors included gender,age,intestinal obstruction,diabetes,preoperative hemoglobin level,preoperative albumin level,preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy,surgery time,distance from the tumor to the anal margin,laparoscopic surgery,intraoperative left colon vascular injury and intraoperative infusion of chemotherapy drugs.Results Altogether 39 of 562 surgical patients suffered from anastomotic fistula,with the incidence of 6.9%.The occurrence of anastomotic fistula after rectal cancer surgery was related to age,intestinal obstruction,preoperative albumin level,distance from the tumor to the anal margin and intraoperative left colon vascular injury (P<0.05).The advanced age,intestinal obstruction,low preoperative albumin level and short distance from the tumor to the anal margin were independent risk factors for anastomotic fistula (P<0.05).Conclusion The occurrence of anastomotic fistula in radical resection of rectal cancer is related to many factors such as age,intestinal obstruction,preoperative albumin level and distance from the tumor to the anal margin.
[Key words]Rectal cancer;Radical resection of rectal cancer;Anastomotic fistula;Risk factors
[基金项目]江苏省徐州市中心医院硕士创新团队课题(XZS2 01674)