辽宁省辽阳嘉宁骨科医院骨一科,辽宁辽阳 111000
[摘要]目的 探讨髋关节置换术和内固定术治疗老年股骨颈骨折的效果。方法 将我院2010年7月~2015年1月收治的65例老年移位性股骨颈骨折患者按治疗方法的不同分为髋关节置换组(31例)和内固定组(34例)。内固定组患者采用内固定术,髋关节置换组患者采用髋关节置换术。观察两组患者的术中出血量、手术时间、住院时间及术后远期并发症、再手术率,并对两组患者术后1、2年的髋关节功能进行比较。结果 与髋关节置换组比较,内固定组患者的术中出血量少、手术时间短、住院时间短,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。内固定组患者的术后远期并发症发生率(26.5%)、再手术率(23.5%)均明显高于髋关节置换组(9.7%、6.5%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。髋关节置换组术后1、2年的髋关节功能优良率明显优于内固定组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 髋关节置换术治疗老年移位性股骨颈骨折远期效果较好,值得临床推广。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
选择我院2010年7月~2015年1月收治的65例老年移位型股骨颈骨折患者,均经X线诊断确诊,其中男16例,女49例;年龄65~86岁。按照治疗方法的不同将入选患者分为内固定组(34例)和髋关节置换组(31例)。纳入标准:按股骨颈骨折分型标准[7]分为GardenⅢ、Ⅳ型;患者年龄≥65岁;病历资料完整。排除标准:除外髋关节初次置换后翻修手术或内固定失败患者、病理性骨折患者、合并免疫系统疾病或精神障碍性疾病及心力衰竭患者。内固定组中,男9例,女25 例;年龄(69.1±7.6)岁;Garden 骨折分型:Ⅲ型 19例,Ⅳ型 15 例;受伤至手术时间为(49.0±3.9)h;合并症:慢性阻塞性肺疾病5例,糖尿病9例,冠心病11例,高血压10例。髋关节置换组中,男8例,女23例;年龄(69.7±8.1)岁;Garden 骨折分型:Ⅲ型 17 例,Ⅳ型14 例;受伤至手术时间为(48.9±4.1)h;合并症:慢性阻塞性肺疾病4例,糖尿病8例,冠心病9例,高血压9例。两组患者的性别、年龄、骨折分型、外伤至手术时间及合并症等一般资料比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。本研究经医院医学伦理委员会通过,患者或家属均知情同意并签署知情同意书。
1.2 手术方法
髋关节置换术组患者取健侧卧位,采用全身麻醉,采用后侧切口切开关节囊,暴露股骨颈骨折端。清除髋臼内软组织,在髋臼打固定孔后固定髋臼帽,行髋关节置换术骨水泥固定,安放髋臼假体时应前倾15°、外倾45°,评估髋关节稳定性合适后,放置引流管,逐层缝合切口。患者术后保持髋关节外展位,密切观察引流液性质以及引流量,保持引流管通畅,术后48 h拔除负压引流。手术前l d开始应用抗生素,持续应用7 d。术后第2天可进行股四头肌功能锻炼1~2周。
1.3 观察指标
比较两组患者的术中出血量、手术时间、住院时间、术后远期并发症及再手术发生率,依据Rogmark等[8]的方法确定术后远期并发症,髋关节置换术后再手术包括脱位复位、全髋关节翻修等,内固定术后再手术包括二期髋关节置换等。以Hrrris评分标准评价髋关节功能[9],总分为 100分,≥90分为优,80~89分为良,70~79 分为可,<70 分为差。
1.4 统计学分析
采用SPSS 19.0统计学软件对数进行据分析,计量资料以均数±标准差(
![]() 2 结果
2.1 两组患者术中出血量、手术时间及住院时间的比较
内固定组的术中出血量少于髋关节置换组,手术时间及住院时间短于髋关节置换组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)(表 1)。
表1 两组患者术中出血量、手术时间及住院时间的比较(
![]() 2.2 两组患者术后远期并发症发生率和术后再手术率的比较
内固定组患者的术后远期并发症发生率为26.5%,高于髋关节置换组患者的9.7%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.01,P<0.05)。 内固定组的术后再手术率为23.5%,高于髋关节置换组的6.5%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3.98,P<0.05)(表 2)。
表2 两组患者术后远期并发症发生率和术后再手术率的比较[n(%)]
2.3 两组患者术后髋关节功能的比较
内固定组患者术后1年的髋关节功能优良率为64.7%,低于髋关节置换组患者的83.9%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3.89,P<0.05)。内固定组患者术后 2年的髋关节功能优良率为58.8%,低于髋关节置换组患者的80.6%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3.86,P<0.05)(表 3)。
表3 两组老年移位型股骨颈骨折患者术后髋关节功能的比较(n)
3 讨论
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Effect observation of hip arthroplasty in the treatment of displaced femoral neck fracture in elderly patients
GUO Wen-long
The First Department of Orthopedics,Jianing Orthopedics Hospital of Liaoyang City in Liaoning Province,Liaoyang 111000,China [Abstract]Objective To investigate the effect of hip arthroplasty(HA)and internal fixation(IF)in the treatment of displaced femoral neck fracture in elderly patients.Methods 65 cases of elderly patients with femoral neck fracture were selected as the subjects,who were hospitalized in our hospital from July 2010 to January 2015.They were divided into the HA group(31 cases)and the IF group(34 cases)according to different treatment methods.The patients in the IF group were treated with IF,and the patients in the HA group were treated with HA.The intraoperative blood loss,duration of operation,length of hospital stay,incidence of postoperative complication and reoperation rate in the two groups were recorded.The hip function of the two groups was compared in the first,second years after operation.Results Compared with the HA group,the IF group patients had less intraoperative bleeding,shorter operation time and shorter hospitalization time,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The long term postoperative complication rate was 26.5%in the IF group and was 9.7%in the HA group,the reoperation rate was 23.5%in the IF group and was 6.5%in the HA group,the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The excellent and good rate of hip joint function in the HA group was better than that in the IF group,the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The long-term clinical effect of HA in the treatment of displaced femoral neck fracture in elderly patients is better than that of internal fixation and it is worthy of clinical promotion.
[Key words]Hip arthroplasty;Internal fixation;Femoral neck fracture;Elderly patients;Hip joint function
(收稿日期:2017-10-10 本文编辑:祁海文) |