Expression and clinical significance of HIF-1α and COX-2 in peripheral blood and mucosal tissues of patients with ulcerative colitis |
The First Department of Internal Medicine, People′s Hospital of Maonan District in Maoming City, Guangdong Province, Maoming 525000, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the expression and clinical significance of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α)and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in peripheral blood and mucosal tissues of patients with ulcerative colitis. Methods From January to June in 2019, 50 patients with ulcerative colitis who were admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine of People′s Hospital of Maonan District of Maoming City and Guangdong Provincial People′s Hospital were selected as the research subjects. According to histological classification, ulcerative colitis tissue were categorized into the experimental tissue group, and normal colon tissues from the same patients (surrounding ulcerative tissue) were used as the tissue control group. Based on the classification of serology, serum from 50 patients with colitis were classified into the experimental serum group, and serum from the 50 healthy subjects were classified into the serum control group. The expression of HIF-1α and COX-2 in the serum and colonic mucosa were detected, and relationships between two indicators and clinical pathological parameters were analyzed. Results The average number of HIF-1α and COX-2 positive cells in the experimental tissue group were higher than those in the control tissue group, with statistical significance (P<0.05). The levels of HIF-1α and COX-2 in the experimental serum group were higher than those in the control serum group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The levels of HIF-1α and COX-2 in mucosal tissues were positively correlated with clinical severity and endoscopic grade (r=0.812, 0.758, 0.829, 0.764,P<0.05). The level of HIF-1α and COX-2 in serum were positively correlated with clinical severity and endoscopic grade (r=0.801, 0.749, 0.812, 0.758, P<0.05). Conclusion The expression of HIF-1α and COX-2 in peripheral blood and mucosal tissues of patients with ulcerative colitis remarkably increase, which are positively correlated with the severity of the disease, providing a reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment assessment.
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