The analysis of 631 cases cervical cancer screening |
LI Juan LIU Yue-hong Gu Ping MA Xiao-ling |
Kunshan Maternal and Child Health Care Institute in Jiangsu Province,Kunshan 215300,China |
Abstract Objective To investigate cervical cancer screening in Kunshan,and provide reference for better prevention and treatment of cervical cancer.MethodsAnalysized retrospectively the clinical datas of 631 women who received screening cervical cancer and breast cancer from July 1 to November 1 in 2017 in Kunshan Maternal and Child Care Institute.Results Of 631 cases,8 cases(1.3%)aged 30 ~35,64 cases(98.7%)aged 35 ~64.271 cases(43%)had never participated in screening cervical cancer before,360 cases (57%)had participated in cervical cancer screening.260 cases(41.2%)were normal,371 cases(58.8%)were abnormal,including 4 cases trichomonasvaginalis,19 cases vulvoaginalcandidasis,13 cases bacterial vaginosis,9 cases uterine fibroid,242 cases cervicitis,84 cases others.Thinprep cytology test(TCT)of 22 cases(3.5%)were abnormal,among them 17 cases were ASCUS,3 cases were LSIL,2 cases were HSIL.22 cases(3.5%)had histopathologic result,including 4 cases of cervical polyp,2 cases of cervicitis,8 cases found koilocytes,3 cases of low level lesions,4 cases of high level lesions,1 case of cervical invasive squamous cell carcinomas.With the increase of the classification level of TBS in TCT,the probability of pathological changes above the high grade lesions of cervical biopsy increased (P<0.05).The incidence of the high grade lesions of cervical in HPV-positive patients was higher than that of HPV-negative patients,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Cervical cancer screening is of great value for early detection of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions and identification of high-risk groups.
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